public virtual bool GetIsValid (ColorScheme style) { foreach (Keywords keyword in keywords) { if (!keyword.GetIsValid (style)) { System.Console.WriteLine (keyword + " failed."); return false; } } foreach (Span span in spans) { if (!span.GetIsValid (style)) { System.Console.WriteLine (span + " failed."); return false; } } foreach (Match match in matches) { if (!match.GetIsValid (style)) { System.Console.WriteLine (match + " failed."); return false; } } foreach (Marker marker in prevMarker) { if (!marker.GetIsValid (style)) { System.Console.WriteLine (marker + " failed."); return false; } } return true; }
public void InvalidMimeTypeInScriptTypeAttribute () { var doc = new TextDocument (); var syntaxMode = new WebFormsSyntaxMode (); syntaxMode.Document = doc; doc.Text = @"<%@ Page Language=""C#"" Inherits=""AspnetTest.Default"" %> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head runat=""server""> <title>Default</title> </head> <body> <form id=""form1"" runat=""server""> <asp:Button id=""button1"" runat=""server"" Text=""Click me!"" OnClick=""button1Clicked"" /> </form> <script type=""></script> </body> </html> "; var style = new ColorScheme (); foreach (DocumentLine line in doc.Lines) { Assert.DoesNotThrow (() => syntaxMode.GetChunks (style, line, line.Offset, line.Length).ToList ()); } }
public static string GetFileNameForStyle (ColorScheme style) { string result; if (!isLoadedFromFile.TryGetValue (style.Name, out result)) return null; return result; }
public virtual bool GetIsValid (ColorScheme style) { if (style.GetChunkStyle (Color) == null) { System.Console.WriteLine("color:" + Color + " not found."); return false; } return true; }
void CopyData(TextEditorData data, Selection selection) { if (!selection.IsEmpty && data != null && data.Document != null) { this.docStyle = data.ColorStyle; this.options = data.Options; copyData = null; switch (selection.SelectionMode) { case SelectionMode.Normal: isBlockMode = false; var segment = selection.GetSelectionRange(data); copiedColoredChunks = ColoredSegment.GetChunks(data, segment); var pasteHandler = data.TextPasteHandler; if (pasteHandler != null) { try { copyData = pasteHandler.GetCopyData(segment); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Exception while getting copy data:" + e); } } break; case SelectionMode.Block: isBlockMode = true; DocumentLocation visStart = data.LogicalToVisualLocation(selection.Anchor); DocumentLocation visEnd = data.LogicalToVisualLocation(selection.Lead); int startCol = System.Math.Min(visStart.Column, visEnd.Column); int endCol = System.Math.Max(visStart.Column, visEnd.Column); copiedColoredChunks = new List <List <ColoredSegment> > (); for (int lineNr = selection.MinLine; lineNr <= selection.MaxLine; lineNr++) { DocumentLine curLine = data.Document.GetLine(lineNr); int col1 = curLine.GetLogicalColumn(data, startCol) - 1; int col2 = System.Math.Min(curLine.GetLogicalColumn(data, endCol) - 1, curLine.Length); if (col1 < col2) { copiedColoredChunks.Add(ColoredSegment.GetChunks(data, new TextSegment(curLine.Offset + col1, col2 - col1)).First()); } else { copiedColoredChunks.Add(new List <ColoredSegment> ()); } } break; } } else { copiedColoredChunks = null; } }
public SignatureMarkupCreator (CSharpResolver resolver, CSharpFormattingOptions formattingOptions) { this.colorStyle = SyntaxModeService.GetColorStyle (MonoDevelop.Ide.IdeApp.Preferences.ColorScheme); this.resolver = resolver; this.astBuilder = new TypeSystemAstBuilder (resolver) { ConvertUnboundTypeArguments = true, UseAliases = false }; this.formattingOptions = formattingOptions; }
internal static string GenerateHtml(List <List <ColoredSegment> > chunks, Mono.TextEditor.Highlighting.ColorScheme style, ITextEditorOptions options) { var htmlText = new StringBuilder(); htmlText.AppendLine(@"<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC ""-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"">"); htmlText.AppendLine("<HTML>"); htmlText.AppendLine("<HEAD>"); htmlText.AppendLine("<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"CONTENT-TYPE\" CONTENT=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\">"); htmlText.AppendLine("<META NAME=\"GENERATOR\" CONTENT=\"Mono Text Editor\">"); htmlText.AppendLine("</HEAD>"); htmlText.AppendLine("<BODY>"); htmlText.AppendLine("<FONT face = '" + options.Font.Family + "'>"); bool first = true; foreach (var line in chunks) { if (!first) { htmlText.AppendLine("<BR>"); } else { first = false; } foreach (var chunk in line) { var chunkStyle = style.GetChunkStyle(chunk.Style); htmlText.Append("<SPAN style='"); if (chunkStyle.FontWeight != Xwt.Drawing.FontWeight.Normal) { htmlText.Append("font-weight:" + ((int)chunkStyle.FontWeight) + ";"); } if (chunkStyle.FontStyle != Xwt.Drawing.FontStyle.Normal) { htmlText.Append("font-style:" + chunkStyle.FontStyle.ToString().ToLower() + ";"); } htmlText.Append("color:" + ((HslColor)chunkStyle.Foreground).ToPangoString() + ";"); htmlText.Append("'>"); AppendHtmlText(htmlText, chunk.Text, options); htmlText.Append("</SPAN>"); } } htmlText.AppendLine("</FONT>"); htmlText.AppendLine("</BODY></HTML>"); if (Platform.IsWindows) { return(GenerateCFHtml(htmlText.ToString())); } return(htmlText.ToString()); }
public static TooltipInformation Create(DNode dn, ColorScheme st, bool templateParamCompletion = false, int currentMethodParam = -1) { var markupGen = new TooltipMarkupGen (st); var tti = new TooltipInformation { SignatureMarkup = markupGen.GenTooltipSignature(dn, templateParamCompletion, currentMethodParam) }; CreateTooltipBody (markupGen, dn, tti); return tti; }
void ApplyStyle (ColorScheme sheme) { sheme.Name = entryName.Text; sheme.Description = entryDescription.Text; Gtk.TreeIter iter; if (colorStore.GetIterFirst (out iter)) { do { var data = (ColorScheme.PropertyDecsription)colorStore.GetValue (iter, 1); var style = colorStore.GetValue (iter, 2); data.Info.SetValue (sheme, style, null); } while (colorStore.IterNext (ref iter)); } }
//TODO: Für semantisches Highlighting den TypeRefFinder benutzen und einfach pauschal alle Ids entsprechend highlighten public static TooltipInformation Create(AbstractType t, ColorScheme st, bool templateParamCompletion = false, int currentMethodParam = -1) { var markupGen = new TooltipMarkupGen (st); var tti = new TooltipInformation { SignatureMarkup = markupGen.GenTooltipSignature (t, templateParamCompletion, currentMethodParam) }; var ds = t as DSymbol; DNode n; if (ds != null && (n = ds.Definition) != null) CreateTooltipBody (markupGen, n, tti); return tti; }
List <Chunk> GetCachedChunks(ISyntaxMode mode, TextDocument doc, Mono.TextEditor.Highlighting.ColorScheme style, DocumentLine line, int offset, int length) { ChunkDescriptor descriptor; if (chunkDict.TryGetValue(line, out descriptor)) { bool isInvalid; if (descriptor.Equals(line, offset, length, out isInvalid)) { return(descriptor.Chunk); } chunkDict.Remove(line); } ; var chunks = mode.GetChunks(style, line, offset, length).ToList(); descriptor = new ChunkDescriptor(line, offset, length, chunks); chunkDict [line] = descriptor; return(chunks); }
public override IEnumerable<Chunk> GetChunks (ColorScheme style, DocumentLine line, int offset, int length) { // Multiline comment if (line.StartSpan.Count != 0 && line.StartSpan.Peek ().Begin.Pattern == "@*") return base.GetChunks (style, line, offset, length); var tokenizer = new CSharpTokenizer (new SeekableTextReader (doc.GetTextAt (offset, length))); chunks = new List<Chunk> (); CSharpSymbol symbol; CSharpSymbol prevSymbol = null; int off = line.Offset; currentState = State.None; while ((symbol = tokenizer.NextSymbol ()) != null) { // Apostrophes in text bool inApostrophes = false; if (symbol.Type == CSharpSymbolType.CharacterLiteral && prevSymbol != null && Char.IsLetterOrDigit (prevSymbol.Content.Last ())) { if (symbol.Content.Last () == '\'') inApostrophes = true; else { chunks.Add (new Chunk (off, 1, "Plain Text")); off++; tokenizer = new CSharpTokenizer (new SeekableTextReader (symbol.Content.Substring (1))); symbol = tokenizer.NextSymbol (); prevSymbol = null; } } string chunkStyle = inApostrophes ? "Plain Text" : GetStyleForChunk (symbol, prevSymbol, off); chunks.Add (new Chunk (off, symbol.Content.Length, chunkStyle)); prevSymbol = symbol; off += symbol.Content.Length; } return chunks; }
public static void AddStyle (ColorScheme style) { styles [style.Name] = style; }
protected override void OnRealized() { base.OnRealized(); highlightStyle = SyntaxModeService.GetColorStyle(IdeApp.Preferences.ColorScheme); }
public ChunkParser (SyntaxMode mode, SpanParser spanParser, ColorScheme style, DocumentLine line) { this.mode = mode; this.doc = mode.Document; this.line = line; this.lineOffset = line.Offset; this.spanParser = spanParser; spanParser.FoundSpanBegin = FoundSpanBegin; spanParser.FoundSpanEnd = FoundSpanEnd; spanParser.FoundSpanExit = FoundSpanExit; spanParser.ParseChar += ParseChar; spanParser.IsAtWordStart = () => wordbuilder.Length == 0; if (line == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("line"); }
public virtual IEnumerable<Chunk> GetChunks (ColorScheme style, DocumentLine line, int offset, int length) { SpanParser spanParser = CreateSpanParser (line, null); ChunkParser chunkParser = CreateChunkParser (spanParser, style, line); Chunk result = chunkParser.GetChunks (chunkParser.lineOffset, line.Length); if (SemanticRules != null) { foreach (SemanticRule sematicRule in SemanticRules) { sematicRule.Analyze (doc, line, result, offset, offset + length); } } if (result != null) { // crop to begin if (result.Offset < offset) { while (result != null && result.EndOffset < offset) { result = result.Next; } if (result != null) { int endOffset = result.EndOffset; result.Offset = offset; result.Length = endOffset - offset; } } } while (result != null) { // crop to end if (result.EndOffset >= offset + length) { result.Length = offset + length - result.Offset; result.Next = null; if (result.Length < 0) { result.Length = 0; yield break; } } yield return result; result = result.Next; } }
public ReferencedChunkStyle(ColorScheme style, string referencedStyle) { = style; this.referencedStyle = referencedStyle; }
public override bool GetIsValid(ColorScheme style) { return(true); }
public static ColorScheme LoadFrom (Stream stream) { var result = new ColorScheme (); var reader = System.Runtime.Serialization.Json.JsonReaderWriterFactory.CreateJsonReader (stream, new System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas ()); var root = XElement.Load(reader); // The fields we'd like to extract result.Name = root.XPathSelectElement("name").Value; if (result.Name != TextEditorOptions.DefaultColorStyle) result.CopyValues (SyntaxModeService.DefaultColorStyle); var version = Version.Parse (root.XPathSelectElement("version").Value); if (version.Major != 1) return null; var el = root.XPathSelectElement ("description"); if (el != null) result.Description = el.Value; el = root.XPathSelectElement ("originator"); if (el != null) result.Originator = el.Value; el = root.XPathSelectElement ("baseScheme"); if (el != null) result.BaseScheme = el.Value; if (result.BaseScheme != null) { var baseScheme = SyntaxModeService.GetColorStyle (result.BaseScheme); if (baseScheme != null) result.CopyValues (baseScheme); } var palette = new Dictionary<string, Cairo.Color> (); foreach (var color in root.XPathSelectElements("palette/*")) { var name = color.XPathSelectElement ("name").Value; if (palette.ContainsKey (name)) throw new InvalidDataException ("Duplicate palette color definition for: " + name); palette.Add ( name, ParseColor (color.XPathSelectElement ("value").Value) ); } foreach (var colorElement in root.XPathSelectElements("//colors/*")) { var color = AmbientColor.Create (colorElement, palette); PropertyDecsription info; if (!ambientColors.TryGetValue (color.Name, out info)) { Console.WriteLine ("Ambient color:" + color.Name + " not found."); continue; } info.Info.SetValue (result, color, null); } foreach (var textColorElement in root.XPathSelectElements("//text/*")) { var color = ChunkStyle.Create (textColorElement, palette); PropertyDecsription info; if (!textColors.TryGetValue (color.Name, out info)) { Console.WriteLine ("Text color:" + color.Name + " not found."); continue; } info.Info.SetValue (result, color, null); } // Check scheme bool valid = true; foreach (var color in textColors.Values) { if (color.Info.GetValue (result, null) == null) { Console.WriteLine (color.Attribute.Name + " == null"); valid = false; } } foreach (var color in ambientColors.Values) { if (color.Info.GetValue (result, null) == null) { Console.WriteLine (color.Attribute.Name + " == null"); valid = false; } } if (!valid) throw new InvalidDataException ("Scheme " + result.Name + " is not valid."); return result; }
void SetStyle () { colorStyle = SyntaxModeService.GetColorStyle (hexEditor.Style, PropertyService.Get ("ColorScheme", "Default")); }
protected override void OnRealized () { base.OnRealized (); highlightStyle = SyntaxModeService.GetColorStyle (Style, PropertyService.Get ("ColorScheme", "Default")); }
public static ColorScheme LoadFrom(Stream stream) { var result = new ColorScheme(); var reader = System.Runtime.Serialization.Json.JsonReaderWriterFactory.CreateJsonReader(stream, new System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas()); var root = XElement.Load(reader); // The fields we'd like to extract result.Name = root.XPathSelectElement("name").Value; if (result.Name != "Default") { result.CopyValues(SyntaxModeService.DefaultColorStyle); } var version = Version.Parse(root.XPathSelectElement("version").Value); if (version.Major != 1) { return(null); } var el = root.XPathSelectElement("description"); if (el != null) { result.Description = el.Value; } el = root.XPathSelectElement("originator"); if (el != null) { result.Originator = el.Value; } el = root.XPathSelectElement("baseScheme"); if (el != null) { result.BaseScheme = el.Value; } if (result.BaseScheme != null) { var baseScheme = SyntaxModeService.GetColorStyle(result.BaseScheme); if (baseScheme != null) { result.CopyValues(baseScheme); } } var palette = new Dictionary <string, Cairo.Color> (); foreach (var color in root.XPathSelectElements("palette/*")) { var name = color.XPathSelectElement("name").Value; if (palette.ContainsKey(name)) { throw new InvalidDataException("Duplicate palette color definition for: " + name); } palette.Add( name, ParseColor(color.XPathSelectElement("value").Value) ); } foreach (var colorElement in root.XPathSelectElements("//colors/*")) { var color = AmbientColor.Create(colorElement, palette); PropertyDecsription info; if (!ambientColors.TryGetValue(color.Name, out info)) { Console.WriteLine("Ambient color:" + color.Name + " not found."); continue; } info.Info.SetValue(result, color, null); } foreach (var textColorElement in root.XPathSelectElements("//text/*")) { var color = ChunkStyle.Create(textColorElement, palette); PropertyDecsription info; if (!textColors.TryGetValue(color.Name, out info)) { Console.WriteLine("Text color:" + color.Name + " not found."); continue; } info.Info.SetValue(result, color, null); } // Check scheme bool valid = true; foreach (var color in textColors.Values) { if (color.Info.GetValue(result, null) == null) { Console.WriteLine(color.Attribute.Name + " == null"); valid = false; } } foreach (var color in ambientColors.Values) { if (color.Info.GetValue(result, null) == null) { Console.WriteLine(color.Attribute.Name + " == null"); valid = false; } } if (!valid) { throw new InvalidDataException("Scheme " + result.Name + " is not valid."); } return(result); }
protected override void OnRealized() { base.OnRealized(); highlightStyle = SyntaxModeService.GetColorStyle(Style, PropertyService.Get("ColorScheme", "Default")); }
public virtual bool GetIsValid(ColorScheme style) { return((string.IsNullOrEmpty(Color) || style.GetChunkStyle(Color) != null) && (string.IsNullOrEmpty(TagColor) || style.GetChunkStyle(TagColor) != null) && (string.IsNullOrEmpty(NextColor) || style.GetChunkStyle(NextColor) != null)); }
public virtual bool GetIsValid(ColorScheme style) { return(style.GetChunkStyle(Color) != null); }
public virtual AmbientColor GetBackgroundMarkerColor (ColorScheme style) { return style.SearchResult; }
public ColorScheme Clone () { var result = new ColorScheme () { Name = this.Name, BaseScheme = this.BaseScheme, Originator = this.Originator, Description = this.Description }; result.CopyValues (this); return result; }
public virtual bool GetIsValid (ColorScheme style) { return (string.IsNullOrEmpty (Color) || style.GetChunkStyle (Color) != null) && (string.IsNullOrEmpty (TagColor) || style.GetChunkStyle (TagColor) != null) && (string.IsNullOrEmpty (NextColor) || style.GetChunkStyle (NextColor) != null); }
public virtual ChunkParser CreateChunkParser(SpanParser spanParser, ColorScheme style, DocumentLine line) { return(new ChunkParser(this, spanParser, style, line)); }
public static ColorScheme Import(string fileName, Stream stream) { var result = new ColorScheme(); result.Name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileName); result.Description = "Imported color scheme"; result.Originator = "Imported from " + fileName; var colors = new Dictionary <string, VSSettingColor> (); using (var reader = XmlReader.Create(stream)) { while (reader.Read()) { if (reader.LocalName == "Item") { var color = VSSettingColor.Create(reader); if (colors.ContainsKey(color.Name)) { Console.WriteLine("Warning: {0} is defined twice in vssettings.", color.Name); continue; } colors[color.Name] = color; } } } HashSet <string> importedAmbientColors = new HashSet <string> (); // convert ambient colors foreach (var ambient in ambientColors.Values) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ambient.Attribute.VSSetting)) { var import = AmbientColor.Import(colors, ambient.Attribute.VSSetting); if (import != null) { importedAmbientColors.Add(import.Name); ambient.Info.SetValue(result, import, null); continue; } } } // convert text colors foreach (var vsc in colors.Values) { bool found = false; foreach (var color in textColors) { if (color.Value.Attribute.VSSetting == null) { continue; } var split = color.Value.Attribute.VSSetting.Split('?'); foreach (var s in split) { if (s == vsc.Name) { /* if (vsc.Foreground == "0x02000000" && vsc.Background == "0x02000000") { * color.Value.Info.SetValue (result, result.PlainText, null); * found = true; * continue; * }*/ var textColor = ChunkStyle.Import(color.Value.Attribute.Name, vsc); if (textColor != null) { color.Value.Info.SetValue(result, textColor, null); found = true; } } } } if (!found && !importedAmbientColors.Contains(vsc.Name)) { Console.WriteLine(vsc.Name + " not imported!"); } } result.IndentationGuide = new AmbientColor(); result.IndentationGuide.Colors.Add(Tuple.Create("color", AlphaBlend(result.PlainText.Foreground, result.PlainText.Background, 0.3))); result.TooltipText = result.PlainText.Clone(); var h = (HslColor)result.TooltipText.Background; h.L += 0.01; result.TooltipText.Background = h; result.TooltipPagerTop = new AmbientColor(); result.TooltipPagerTop.Colors.Add(Tuple.Create("color", result.TooltipText.Background)); result.TooltipPagerBottom = new AmbientColor(); result.TooltipPagerBottom.Colors.Add(Tuple.Create("color", result.TooltipText.Background)); result.TooltipPagerTriangle = new AmbientColor(); result.TooltipPagerTriangle.Colors.Add(Tuple.Create("color", AlphaBlend(result.PlainText.Foreground, result.PlainText.Background, 0.8))); result.TooltipBorder = new AmbientColor(); result.TooltipBorder.Colors.Add(Tuple.Create("color", AlphaBlend(result.PlainText.Foreground, result.PlainText.Background, 0.5))); var defaultStyle = SyntaxModeService.GetColorStyle(HslColor.Brightness(result.PlainText.Background) < 0.5 ? "Monokai" : "Default"); foreach (var color in textColors.Values) { if (color.Info.GetValue(result, null) == null) { color.Info.SetValue(result, color.Info.GetValue(defaultStyle, null), null); } } foreach (var color in ambientColors.Values) { if (color.Info.GetValue(result, null) == null) { color.Info.SetValue(result, color.Info.GetValue(defaultStyle, null), null); } } if (result.PlainText.TransparentForeground) { result.PlainText.Foreground = new Cairo.Color(0, 0, 0); } return(result); }
void CopyData (TextEditorData data, Selection selection) { if (!selection.IsEmpty && data != null && data.Document != null) { this.docStyle = data.ColorStyle; this.options = data.Options; copyData = null; switch (selection.SelectionMode) { case SelectionMode.Normal: isBlockMode = false; var segment = selection.GetSelectionRange (data); copiedColoredChunks = ColoredSegment.GetChunks (data, segment); var pasteHandler = data.TextPasteHandler; if (pasteHandler != null) copyData = pasteHandler.GetCopyData (segment); break; case SelectionMode.Block: isBlockMode = true; DocumentLocation visStart = data.LogicalToVisualLocation (selection.Anchor); DocumentLocation visEnd = data.LogicalToVisualLocation (selection.Lead); int startCol = System.Math.Min (visStart.Column, visEnd.Column); int endCol = System.Math.Max (visStart.Column, visEnd.Column); copiedColoredChunks = new List<List<ColoredSegment>> (); for (int lineNr = selection.MinLine; lineNr <= selection.MaxLine; lineNr++) { DocumentLine curLine = data.Document.GetLine (lineNr); int col1 = curLine.GetLogicalColumn (data, startCol) - 1; int col2 = System.Math.Min (curLine.GetLogicalColumn (data, endCol) - 1, curLine.Length); if (col1 < col2) { copiedColoredChunks.Add (ColoredSegment.GetChunks (data, new TextSegment (curLine.Offset + col1, col2 - col1)).First ()); } else { copiedColoredChunks.Add (new List<ColoredSegment> ()); } } break; } } else { copiedColoredChunks = null; } }
public static void Remove (ColorScheme style) { if (styles.ContainsKey (style.Name)) styles.Remove (style.Name); if (styleLookup.ContainsKey (style.Name)) styleLookup.Remove (style.Name); }
public bool Validate (ColorScheme style) { if (!GetIsValid (style)) { return false; } foreach (Rule rule in Rules) { if (!rule.GetIsValid (style)) { return false; } } return true; }
public static void AddStyle (string fileName, ColorScheme style) { isLoadedFromFile [style.Name] = fileName; styles [style.Name] = style; }
public virtual ChunkParser CreateChunkParser (SpanParser spanParser, ColorScheme style, DocumentLine line) { return new ChunkParser (this, spanParser, style, line); }
internal static string GenerateRtf(List <List <ColoredSegment> > chunks, Mono.TextEditor.Highlighting.ColorScheme style, ITextEditorOptions options) { var rtfText = new StringBuilder(); var colorList = new List <Color>(); bool isItalic = false; bool isBold = false; int curColor = -1; foreach (var line in chunks) { bool appendSpace = false; foreach (var chunk in line) { var chunkStyle = style.GetChunkStyle(chunk.Style); if (isBold != (chunkStyle.FontWeight == Xwt.Drawing.FontWeight.Bold)) { isBold = chunkStyle.FontWeight == Xwt.Drawing.FontWeight.Bold; rtfText.Append(isBold ? @"\b" : @"\b0"); appendSpace = true; } if (isItalic != (chunkStyle.FontStyle == Xwt.Drawing.FontStyle.Italic)) { isItalic = chunkStyle.FontStyle == Xwt.Drawing.FontStyle.Italic; rtfText.Append(isItalic ? @"\i" : @"\i0"); appendSpace = true; } var foreground = style.GetForeground(chunkStyle); if (!colorList.Contains(foreground)) { colorList.Add(foreground); } int color = colorList.IndexOf(foreground); if (curColor != color) { curColor = color; rtfText.Append(@"\cf" + (curColor + 1)); appendSpace = true; } AppendRtfText(rtfText, chunk.Text, ref appendSpace); } rtfText.AppendLine(@"\line"); } var rtf = new StringBuilder(); rtf.AppendLine(@"{\rtf1\ansi\deff0\adeflang1025"); rtf.AppendLine(@"{\fonttbl"); rtf.AppendLine(@"{\f0\fnil\fprq1\fcharset128 " + options.Font.Family + ";}"); rtf.AppendLine("}"); rtf.Append(CreateColorTable(colorList)); rtf.AppendLine(@"\viewkind4\uc1\pard"); rtf.AppendLine(@"\f0"); try { string fontName = options.Font.ToString(); double fontSize = Double.Parse(fontName.Substring(fontName.LastIndexOf(' ') + 1), System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) * 2; rtf.Append(@"\fs"); rtf.Append(fontSize); } catch (Exception e) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(e); } rtf.AppendLine(@"\cf1"); rtf.Append(rtfText.ToString()); rtf.Append("}"); return(rtf.ToString()); }
void CopyData(TextEditorData data, Selection selection) { copiedDocument = null; monoDocument = null; if (selection != null && data != null && data.Document != null) { copiedDocument = new TextDocument(); monoDocument = new TextDocument(); this.docStyle = data.ColorStyle; this.options = data.Options; this.mode = SyntaxModeService.GetSyntaxMode(monoDocument, data.MimeType); switch (selection.SelectionMode) { case SelectionMode.Normal: isBlockMode = false; var segment = selection.GetSelectionRange(data); var text = data.GetTextAt(segment); copiedDocument.Text = text; monoDocument.Text = text; var line = data.Document.GetLineByOffset(segment.Offset); var spanStack = line.StartSpan.Clone(); SyntaxModeService.ScanSpans(data.Document, this.mode as SyntaxMode, this.mode as SyntaxMode, spanStack, line.Offset, segment.Offset); this.copiedDocument.GetLine(DocumentLocation.MinLine).StartSpan = spanStack; break; case SelectionMode.Block: isBlockMode = true; DocumentLocation visStart = data.LogicalToVisualLocation(selection.Anchor); DocumentLocation visEnd = data.LogicalToVisualLocation(selection.Lead); int startCol = System.Math.Min(visStart.Column, visEnd.Column); int endCol = System.Math.Max(visStart.Column, visEnd.Column); for (int lineNr = selection.MinLine; lineNr <= selection.MaxLine; lineNr++) { DocumentLine curLine = data.Document.GetLine(lineNr); int col1 = curLine.GetLogicalColumn(data, startCol) - 1; int col2 = System.Math.Min(curLine.GetLogicalColumn(data, endCol) - 1, curLine.Length); if (col1 < col2) { copiedDocument.Insert(copiedDocument.TextLength, data.Document.GetTextAt(curLine.Offset + col1, col2 - col1)); monoDocument.Insert(monoDocument.TextLength, data.Document.GetTextAt(curLine.Offset + col1, col2 - col1)); } if (lineNr < selection.MaxLine) { // Clipboard line end needs to be system dependend and not the document one. copiedDocument.Insert(copiedDocument.TextLength, Environment.NewLine); // \r in mono document stands for block selection line end. monoDocument.Insert(monoDocument.TextLength, "\r"); } } line = data.Document.GetLine(selection.MinLine); spanStack = line.StartSpan.Clone(); SyntaxModeService.ScanSpans(data.Document, this.mode as SyntaxMode, this.mode as SyntaxMode, spanStack, line.Offset, line.Offset + startCol); this.copiedDocument.GetLine(DocumentLocation.MinLine).StartSpan = spanStack; break; } } else { copiedDocument = null; } }
protected override void OnRealized () { base.OnRealized (); highlightStyle = SyntaxModeService.GetColorStyle (IdeApp.Preferences.ColorScheme); }
public static void Remove (ColorScheme style) { if (styleLookup.ContainsKey (style.Name)) styleLookup.Remove (style.Name); foreach (var kv in styles) { if (kv.Value == style) { styles.Remove (kv.Key); return; } } }
public static void AddStyle(ColorScheme style) { styles[style.Name] = style; }
public static IStreamProvider GetProvider (ColorScheme style) { if (styleLookup.ContainsKey (style.Name)) return styleLookup[style.Name]; return null; }
void SetStyle () { colorStyle = SyntaxModeService.GetColorStyle (IdeApp.Preferences.ColorScheme); }
void CopyData (TextEditorData data, Selection selection) { copiedDocument = null; monoDocument = null; if (selection != null && data != null && data.Document != null) { copiedDocument = new TextDocument (); monoDocument = new TextDocument (); this.docStyle = data.ColorStyle; this.options = data.Options; this.mode = SyntaxModeService.GetSyntaxMode (monoDocument, data.MimeType); switch (selection.SelectionMode) { case SelectionMode.Normal: isBlockMode = false; var segment = selection.GetSelectionRange (data); var text = data.GetTextAt (segment); copiedDocument.Text = text; monoDocument.Text = text; var line = data.Document.GetLineByOffset (segment.Offset); var spanStack = line.StartSpan.Clone (); SyntaxModeService.ScanSpans (data.Document, this.mode as SyntaxMode, this.mode as SyntaxMode, spanStack, line.Offset, segment.Offset); this.copiedDocument.GetLine (DocumentLocation.MinLine).StartSpan = spanStack; break; case SelectionMode.Block: isBlockMode = true; DocumentLocation visStart = data.LogicalToVisualLocation (selection.Anchor); DocumentLocation visEnd = data.LogicalToVisualLocation (selection.Lead); int startCol = System.Math.Min (visStart.Column, visEnd.Column); int endCol = System.Math.Max (visStart.Column, visEnd.Column); for (int lineNr = selection.MinLine; lineNr <= selection.MaxLine; lineNr++) { DocumentLine curLine = data.Document.GetLine (lineNr); int col1 = curLine.GetLogicalColumn (data, startCol) - 1; int col2 = System.Math.Min (curLine.GetLogicalColumn (data, endCol) - 1, curLine.Length); if (col1 < col2) { copiedDocument.Insert (copiedDocument.TextLength, data.Document.GetTextAt (curLine.Offset + col1, col2 - col1)); monoDocument.Insert (monoDocument.TextLength, data.Document.GetTextAt (curLine.Offset + col1, col2 - col1)); } if (lineNr < selection.MaxLine) { // Clipboard line end needs to be system dependend and not the document one. copiedDocument.Insert (copiedDocument.TextLength, Environment.NewLine); // \r in mono document stands for block selection line end. monoDocument.Insert (monoDocument.TextLength, "\r"); } } line = data.Document.GetLine (selection.MinLine); spanStack = line.StartSpan.Clone (); SyntaxModeService.ScanSpans (data.Document, this.mode as SyntaxMode, this.mode as SyntaxMode, spanStack, line.Offset, line.Offset + startCol); this.copiedDocument.GetLine (DocumentLocation.MinLine).StartSpan = spanStack; break; } } else { copiedDocument = null; } }
public override ChunkParser CreateChunkParser(SpanParser spanParser, Mono.TextEditor.Highlighting.ColorScheme style, DocumentLine line) { return(new CSharpChunkParser(this, spanParser, style, line)); }
void CopyValues (ColorScheme baseScheme) { foreach (var color in textColors.Values) color.Info.SetValue (this, color.Info.GetValue (baseScheme, null), null); foreach (var color in ambientColors.Values) color.Info.SetValue (this, color.Info.GetValue (baseScheme, null), null); }
public CSharpChunkParser(SemanticHighlightingSyntaxMode semanticMode, SpanParser spanParser, Mono.TextEditor.Highlighting.ColorScheme style, DocumentLine line) : base(semanticMode, spanParser, style, line) { this.semanticMode = semanticMode; }
public static ColorScheme Import (string fileName, Stream stream) { var result = new ColorScheme (); result.Name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (fileName); result.Description = "Imported color scheme"; result.Originator = "Imported from " + fileName; var colors = new Dictionary<string, VSSettingColor> (); using (var reader = XmlReader.Create (stream)) { while (reader.Read ()) { if (reader.LocalName == "Item") { var color = VSSettingColor.Create (reader); if (colors.ContainsKey (color.Name)) { Console.WriteLine ("Warning: {0} is defined twice in vssettings.", color.Name); continue; } colors[color.Name] = color; } } } HashSet<string> importedAmbientColors = new HashSet<string> (); // convert ambient colors foreach (var ambient in ambientColors.Values) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (ambient.Attribute.VSSetting)) { var import = AmbientColor.Import (colors, ambient.Attribute.VSSetting); if (import != null) { importedAmbientColors.Add (import.Name); ambient.Info.SetValue (result, import, null); continue; } } } // convert text colors foreach (var vsc in colors.Values) { bool found = false; foreach (var color in textColors) { if (color.Value.Attribute.VSSetting == null) continue; var split = color.Value.Attribute.VSSetting.Split ('?'); foreach (var s in split) { if (s == vsc.Name) { /* if (vsc.Foreground == "0x02000000" && vsc.Background == "0x02000000") { color.Value.Info.SetValue (result, result.PlainText, null); found = true; continue; }*/ var textColor = ChunkStyle.Import (color.Value.Attribute.Name, vsc); if (textColor != null) { color.Value.Info.SetValue (result, textColor, null); found = true; } } } } if (!found && !importedAmbientColors.Contains (vsc.Name)) Console.WriteLine (vsc.Name + " not imported!"); } result.IndentationGuide = new AmbientColor (); result.IndentationGuide.Colors.Add (Tuple.Create ("color", AlphaBlend (result.PlainText.Foreground, result.PlainText.Background, 0.3))); result.TooltipText = result.PlainText.Clone (); var h = (HslColor)result.TooltipText.Background; h.L += 0.01; result.TooltipText.Background = h; result.TooltipPagerTop = new AmbientColor (); result.TooltipPagerTop.Colors.Add (Tuple.Create ("color", result.TooltipText.Background)); result.TooltipPagerBottom = new AmbientColor (); result.TooltipPagerBottom.Colors.Add (Tuple.Create ("color", result.TooltipText.Background)); result.TooltipPagerTriangle = new AmbientColor (); result.TooltipPagerTriangle.Colors.Add (Tuple.Create ("color", AlphaBlend (result.PlainText.Foreground, result.PlainText.Background, 0.8))); result.TooltipBorder = new AmbientColor (); result.TooltipBorder.Colors.Add (Tuple.Create ("color", AlphaBlend (result.PlainText.Foreground, result.PlainText.Background, 0.5))); var defaultStyle = SyntaxModeService.GetColorStyle (HslColor.Brightness (result.PlainText.Background) < 0.5 ? "Monokai" : TextEditorOptions.DefaultColorStyle); foreach (var color in textColors.Values) { if (color.Info.GetValue (result, null) == null) color.Info.SetValue (result, color.Info.GetValue (defaultStyle, null), null); } foreach (var color in ambientColors.Values) { if (color.Info.GetValue (result, null) == null) color.Info.SetValue (result, color.Info.GetValue (defaultStyle, null), null); } if (result.PlainText.TransparentForeground) result.PlainText.Foreground = new Cairo.Color (0, 0, 0); return result; }
public static void AddStyle(string fileName, ColorScheme style) { isLoadedFromFile [style.Name] = fileName; styles [style.Name] = style; }