コード例 #1
        internal static LineNumberTable Read(MonoSymbolFile file, MyBinaryReader br, bool readColumnsInfo, bool readEndInfo)
            LineNumberTable lnt = new LineNumberTable(file);

            lnt.DoRead(file, br, readColumnsInfo, readEndInfo);
コード例 #2
        //internal void Write(MyBinaryWriter bw)
        //    if (this.index <= 0 || this.DataOffset == 0)
        //    {
        //        throw new InvalidOperationException();
        //    }
        //    bw.Write(this.Token);
        //    bw.Write(this.DataOffset);
        //    bw.Write(this.LineNumberTableOffset);
        //internal void WriteData(MonoSymbolFile file, MyBinaryWriter bw)
        //    if (this.index <= 0)
        //    {
        //        throw new InvalidOperationException();
        //    }
        //    this.LocalVariableTableOffset = (int)bw.BaseStream.Position;
        //    int num_locals = (this.locals != null) ? this.locals.Length : 0;
        //    bw.WriteLeb128(num_locals);
        //    for (int i = 0; i < num_locals; i++)
        //    {
        //        this.locals[i].Write(file, bw);
        //    }
        //    file.LocalCount += num_locals;
        //    this.CodeBlockTableOffset = (int)bw.BaseStream.Position;
        //    int num_code_blocks = (this.code_blocks != null) ? this.code_blocks.Length : 0;
        //    bw.WriteLeb128(num_code_blocks);
        //    for (int i = 0; i < num_code_blocks; i++)
        //    {
        //        this.code_blocks[i].Write(bw);
        //    }
        //    this.ScopeVariableTableOffset = (int)bw.BaseStream.Position;
        //    int num_scope_vars = (this.scope_vars != null) ? this.scope_vars.Length : 0;
        //    bw.WriteLeb128(num_scope_vars);
        //    for (int i = 0; i < num_scope_vars; i++)
        //    {
        //        this.scope_vars[i].Write(bw);
        //    }
        //    if (this.real_name != null)
        //    {
        //        this.RealNameOffset = (int)bw.BaseStream.Position;
        //        bw.Write(this.real_name);
        //    }
        //    this.LineNumberTableOffset = (int)bw.BaseStream.Position;
        //    this.lnt.Write(file, bw);
        //    this.DataOffset = (int)bw.BaseStream.Position;
        //    bw.WriteLeb128(this.CompileUnitIndex);
        //    bw.WriteLeb128(this.LocalVariableTableOffset);
        //    bw.WriteLeb128(this.NamespaceID);
        //    bw.WriteLeb128(this.CodeBlockTableOffset);
        //    bw.WriteLeb128(this.ScopeVariableTableOffset);
        //    bw.WriteLeb128(this.RealNameOffset);
        //    bw.WriteLeb128((int)this.flags);
        public LineNumberTable GetLineNumberTable()
            LineNumberTable result;

            lock (this.SymbolFile)
                if (this.lnt != null)
                    result = this.lnt;
                    if (this.LineNumberTableOffset == 0)
                        result = null;
                        MyBinaryReader reader  = this.SymbolFile.BinaryReader;
                        long           old_pos = reader.BaseStream.Position;
                        reader.BaseStream.Position = (long)this.LineNumberTableOffset;
                        this.lnt = LineNumberTable.Read(this.SymbolFile, reader);
                        reader.BaseStream.Position = old_pos;
                        result = this.lnt;
コード例 #3
        internal static LineNumberTable Read(MonoSymbolFile file, MyBinaryReader br)
            LineNumberTable lnt = new LineNumberTable(file);

            lnt.DoRead(file, br);
コード例 #4
        internal MethodEntry(MonoSymbolFile file, CompileUnitEntry comp_unit, int token, ScopeVariable[] scope_vars, LocalVariableEntry[] locals, LineNumberEntry[] lines, CodeBlockEntry[] code_blocks, string real_name, MethodEntry.Flags flags, int namespace_id)
            this.SymbolFile       = file;
            this.real_name        = real_name;
            this.locals           = locals;
            this.code_blocks      = code_blocks;
            this.scope_vars       = scope_vars;
            this.flags            = flags;
            this.index            = -1;
            this.Token            = token;
            this.CompileUnitIndex = comp_unit.Index;
            this.CompileUnit      = comp_unit;
            this.NamespaceID      = namespace_id;
            this.lnt             = new LineNumberTable(file, lines);
            file.NumLineNumbers += lines.Length;
            int num_locals = (locals != null) ? locals.Length : 0;

            if (num_locals <= 32)
                for (int i = 0; i < num_locals; i++)
                    string nm = locals[i].Name;
                    for (int j = i + 1; j < num_locals; j++)
                        if (locals[j].Name == nm)
                            flags |= MethodEntry.Flags.LocalNamesAmbiguous;
                            goto IL_108;
                IL_108 :;
                Dictionary <string, LocalVariableEntry> local_names = new Dictionary <string, LocalVariableEntry>();
                for (int k = 0; k < locals.Length; k++)
                    LocalVariableEntry local = locals[k];
                    if (local_names.ContainsKey(local.Name))
                        flags |= MethodEntry.Flags.LocalNamesAmbiguous;
                    local_names.Add(local.Name, local);
コード例 #5
ファイル: MethodEntry.cs プロジェクト: qq1792/LSharp
		internal MethodEntry(MonoSymbolFile file, CompileUnitEntry comp_unit, int token, ScopeVariable[] scope_vars, LocalVariableEntry[] locals, LineNumberEntry[] lines, CodeBlockEntry[] code_blocks, string real_name, MethodEntry.Flags flags, int namespace_id)
			this.SymbolFile = file;
			this.real_name = real_name;
			this.locals = locals;
			this.code_blocks = code_blocks;
			this.scope_vars = scope_vars;
			this.flags = flags;
			this.index = -1;
			this.Token = token;
			this.CompileUnitIndex = comp_unit.Index;
			this.CompileUnit = comp_unit;
			this.NamespaceID = namespace_id;
			this.lnt = new LineNumberTable(file, lines);
			file.NumLineNumbers += lines.Length;
			int num_locals = (locals != null) ? locals.Length : 0;
			if (num_locals <= 32)
				for (int i = 0; i < num_locals; i++)
					string nm = locals[i].Name;
					for (int j = i + 1; j < num_locals; j++)
						if (locals[j].Name == nm)
							flags |= MethodEntry.Flags.LocalNamesAmbiguous;
							goto IL_108;
				Dictionary<string, LocalVariableEntry> local_names = new Dictionary<string, LocalVariableEntry>();
				for (int k = 0; k < locals.Length; k++)
					LocalVariableEntry local = locals[k];
					if (local_names.ContainsKey(local.Name))
						flags |= MethodEntry.Flags.LocalNamesAmbiguous;
					local_names.Add(local.Name, local);
コード例 #6
        public LineNumberTable GetLineNumberTable()
            lock (SymbolFile) {
                if (lnt != null)

                if (LineNumberTableOffset == 0)

                MyBinaryReader reader  = SymbolFile.BinaryReader;
                long           old_pos = reader.BaseStream.Position;
                reader.BaseStream.Position = LineNumberTableOffset;

                lnt = LineNumberTable.Read(SymbolFile, reader, (flags & Flags.ColumnsInfoIncluded) != 0, (flags & Flags.EndInfoIncluded) != 0);

                reader.BaseStream.Position = old_pos;
コード例 #7
        public LineNumberTable GetLineNumberTable()
            lock (SymbolFile) {
                if (lnt != null)

                if (LineNumberTableOffset == 0)

                MyBinaryReader reader  = SymbolFile.BinaryReader;
                long           old_pos = reader.BaseStream.Position;
                reader.BaseStream.Position = LineNumberTableOffset;

                lnt = LineNumberTable.Read(SymbolFile, reader);

                reader.BaseStream.Position = old_pos;
コード例 #8
        internal MethodEntry(MonoSymbolFile file, CompileUnitEntry comp_unit,
                             int token, ScopeVariable[] scope_vars,
                             LocalVariableEntry[] locals, LineNumberEntry[] lines,
                             CodeBlockEntry[] code_blocks, string real_name,
                             Flags flags, int namespace_id)
            this.SymbolFile  = file;
            this.real_name   = real_name;
            this.locals      = locals;
            this.code_blocks = code_blocks;
            this.scope_vars  = scope_vars;
            this.flags       = flags;

            index = -1;

            Token            = token;
            CompileUnitIndex = comp_unit.Index;
            CompileUnit      = comp_unit;
            NamespaceID      = namespace_id;

            lnt = new LineNumberTable(file, lines);
            file.NumLineNumbers += lines.Length;

            int num_locals = locals != null ? locals.Length : 0;

            if (num_locals <= 32)
                // Most of the time, the O(n^2) factor is actually
                // less than the cost of allocating the hash table,
                // 32 is a rough number obtained through some testing.

                for (int i = 0; i < num_locals; i++)
                    string nm = locals [i].Name;

                    for (int j = i + 1; j < num_locals; j++)
                        if (locals [j].Name == nm)
                            flags |= Flags.LocalNamesAmbiguous;
                            goto locals_check_done;
                var local_names = new Dictionary <string, LocalVariableEntry> ();
                foreach (LocalVariableEntry local in locals)
                    if (local_names.ContainsKey(local.Name))
                        flags |= Flags.LocalNamesAmbiguous;
                    local_names.Add(local.Name, local);
コード例 #9
		internal static LineNumberTable Read (MonoSymbolFile file, MyBinaryReader br)
			LineNumberTable lnt = new LineNumberTable (file);
			lnt.DoRead (file, br);
			return lnt;
コード例 #10
		public LineNumberTable GetLineNumberTable ()
			lock (SymbolFile) {
				if (lnt != null)
					return lnt;

				if (LineNumberTableOffset == 0)
					return null;

				MyBinaryReader reader = SymbolFile.BinaryReader;
				long old_pos = reader.BaseStream.Position;
				reader.BaseStream.Position = LineNumberTableOffset;

				lnt = LineNumberTable.Read (SymbolFile, reader);

				reader.BaseStream.Position = old_pos;
				return lnt;
コード例 #11
		internal MethodEntry (MonoSymbolFile file, CompileUnitEntry comp_unit,
				      int token, ScopeVariable[] scope_vars,
				      LocalVariableEntry[] locals, LineNumberEntry[] lines,
				      CodeBlockEntry[] code_blocks, string real_name,
				      Flags flags, int namespace_id)
			this.SymbolFile = file;
			this.real_name = real_name;
			this.locals = locals;
			this.code_blocks = code_blocks;
			this.scope_vars = scope_vars;
			this.flags = flags;

			index = -1;

			Token = token;
			CompileUnitIndex = comp_unit.Index;
			CompileUnit = comp_unit;
			NamespaceID = namespace_id;

			CheckLineNumberTable (lines);
			lnt = new LineNumberTable (file, lines);
			file.NumLineNumbers += lines.Length;

			int num_locals = locals != null ? locals.Length : 0;

			if (num_locals <= 32) {
				// Most of the time, the O(n^2) factor is actually
				// less than the cost of allocating the hash table,
				// 32 is a rough number obtained through some testing.
				for (int i = 0; i < num_locals; i ++) {
					string nm = locals [i].Name;
					for (int j = i + 1; j < num_locals; j ++) {
						if (locals [j].Name == nm) {
							flags |= Flags.LocalNamesAmbiguous;
							goto locals_check_done;
			locals_check_done :
			} else {
				Hashtable local_names = new Hashtable ();
				foreach (LocalVariableEntry local in locals) {
					if (local_names.Contains (local.Name)) {
						flags |= Flags.LocalNamesAmbiguous;
					local_names.Add (local.Name, local);
コード例 #12
ファイル: MethodEntry.cs プロジェクト: qq1792/LSharp
        //internal void Write(MyBinaryWriter bw)
        //    if (this.index <= 0 || this.DataOffset == 0)
        //    {
        //        throw new InvalidOperationException();
        //    }
        //    bw.Write(this.Token);
        //    bw.Write(this.DataOffset);
        //    bw.Write(this.LineNumberTableOffset);
        //internal void WriteData(MonoSymbolFile file, MyBinaryWriter bw)
        //    if (this.index <= 0)
        //    {
        //        throw new InvalidOperationException();
        //    }
        //    this.LocalVariableTableOffset = (int)bw.BaseStream.Position;
        //    int num_locals = (this.locals != null) ? this.locals.Length : 0;
        //    bw.WriteLeb128(num_locals);
        //    for (int i = 0; i < num_locals; i++)
        //    {
        //        this.locals[i].Write(file, bw);
        //    }
        //    file.LocalCount += num_locals;
        //    this.CodeBlockTableOffset = (int)bw.BaseStream.Position;
        //    int num_code_blocks = (this.code_blocks != null) ? this.code_blocks.Length : 0;
        //    bw.WriteLeb128(num_code_blocks);
        //    for (int i = 0; i < num_code_blocks; i++)
        //    {
        //        this.code_blocks[i].Write(bw);
        //    }
        //    this.ScopeVariableTableOffset = (int)bw.BaseStream.Position;
        //    int num_scope_vars = (this.scope_vars != null) ? this.scope_vars.Length : 0;
        //    bw.WriteLeb128(num_scope_vars);
        //    for (int i = 0; i < num_scope_vars; i++)
        //    {
        //        this.scope_vars[i].Write(bw);
        //    }
        //    if (this.real_name != null)
        //    {
        //        this.RealNameOffset = (int)bw.BaseStream.Position;
        //        bw.Write(this.real_name);
        //    }
        //    this.LineNumberTableOffset = (int)bw.BaseStream.Position;
        //    this.lnt.Write(file, bw);
        //    this.DataOffset = (int)bw.BaseStream.Position;
        //    bw.WriteLeb128(this.CompileUnitIndex);
        //    bw.WriteLeb128(this.LocalVariableTableOffset);
        //    bw.WriteLeb128(this.NamespaceID);
        //    bw.WriteLeb128(this.CodeBlockTableOffset);
        //    bw.WriteLeb128(this.ScopeVariableTableOffset);
        //    bw.WriteLeb128(this.RealNameOffset);
        //    bw.WriteLeb128((int)this.flags);
		public LineNumberTable GetLineNumberTable()
			LineNumberTable result;
			lock (this.SymbolFile)
				if (this.lnt != null)
					result = this.lnt;
					if (this.LineNumberTableOffset == 0)
						result = null;
						MyBinaryReader reader = this.SymbolFile.BinaryReader;
						long old_pos = reader.BaseStream.Position;
						reader.BaseStream.Position = (long)this.LineNumberTableOffset;
						this.lnt = LineNumberTable.Read(this.SymbolFile, reader);
						reader.BaseStream.Position = old_pos;
						result = this.lnt;
			return result;