public void Start(string assemblyFilename) { // TODO: Current assembly is not (and probably should not be?) used // later. Instead use methodHashes and methodBodies to see which // methods should be replaced. currentAssembly = Cecil.AssemblyDefinition.ReadAssembly(assemblyFilename); bool instrumented = IsInstruemnted(currentAssembly); InitialLoadSignatures(); if (!instrumented) { //Load assembly again, instrument, save and let unity use it var asmToInstrument = Cecil.AssemblyDefinition.ReadAssembly(assemblyFilename); Instrument.InstrumentAssembly(asmToInstrument); asmToInstrument.Write(assemblyFilename); Debug.Log("HotPatcher: Assembly instrumented."); } else { Debug.Log("HotPatcher: Assembly was already instrumented."); } }
/// <summary> /// Discovers the tests in the Assembly. /// </summary> /// <param name="dllPath">The path to the DLL.</param> /// <param name="assembly">The loaded Assembly.</param> /// <returns>Tests in the Assembly</returns> protected override List<TestClass> DiscoverTestsInAssembly(string dll, AssemblyDefinition assembly) { var classes2 = new List<TestClass>(); foreach (var type in assembly.MainModule.Types) { bool isMSTest = false; try { var customAttributes = type.CustomAttributes; if (customAttributes != null) { isMSTest = customAttributes.Any(attribute => attribute.AttributeType.FullName == typeof(TestClassAttribute).FullName); } } catch { } if (isMSTest) { var TestClass = new TestClass { DLLPath = dll, Name = type.Name, Namespace = type.Namespace, TestType = TestType.MSTest }; TestClass.TestMethods = DiscoverTestsInClass(type, TestClass); classes2.Add(TestClass); } } return classes2; }
public void Init() { CurrentAssembly = CecilExtensions.CurrentAssembly; ThisType = CurrentAssembly.FindRuntimeType(GetType()); Recompiler = new ILDynaRec.Recompiler(); }
public AssemblyTypeInfoGenerator(string assembly, string[] searchDirs) { this.assembly_ = AssemblyDefinition.ReadAssembly(assembly, new ReaderParameters { AssemblyResolver = AssemblyTypeInfoGenerator.AssemblyResolver.WithSearchDirs(searchDirs) }); }
public Tuple<TypeDefinition, AssemblyDefinition> this[TypeReference typ, AssemblyDefinition assembly] { get { return this[typ, assembly.Name]; } }
public bool Process(AssemblyDefinition def) { foreach (var type in def.MainModule.Types) ProcessType(def, type); return true; }
public JSAssembly(AssemblyDefinition assembly) { if (assembly == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("assembly"); Assembly = assembly; }
public static Instruction FindInstruction(AssemblyDefinition assembly, string typeName, string testMethodName, OpCode testInstruction) { MethodDefinition testMethod = FindMethod(assembly, typeName, testMethodName); Assert.IsNotNull(testMethod); return FindInstruction(testMethod, testInstruction); }
public BaseMergeReflectionVisitor (MergeContext context, AssemblyDefinition target, AssemblyDefinition source) { this.context = context; = target; this.source = source; module = target.MainModule; }
public void Init() { CurrentAssembly = Cecil.AssemblyDefinition.ReadAssembly(Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location); ThisType = CurrentAssembly.FindRuntimeType(GetType()); Recompiler = new ILDynaRec.Recompiler(); }
public void LoadAssemblies() { /** * We first load the PhiScript assembly containing the static * methods that must be called */ if (File.Exists(this.PhiAssemblyPath)) { try { this.PhiAssembly = AssemblyDefinition.ReadAssembly(this.PhiAssemblyPath); } catch (FileNotFoundException) { Console.WriteLine("Can't find file " + this.PhiAssemblyPath); Console.Read(); return; } catch { Console.WriteLine("Couldn't load " + this.PhiAssemblyPath); Console.Read(); return; } ModuleDefinition phiModule = this.PhiAssembly.MainModule; } /** * We then load the Assembly-CSharp assembly that contains the * vanilla code * If it is the first use, we read Assembly-CSharp.dll, but if it is * not we read Assembly-CSharp.original.dll */ try { if (this.AlreadyPatched) { this.CSharpAssembly = AssemblyDefinition.ReadAssembly(this.MovedAssemblyPath); } else { this.CSharpAssembly = AssemblyDefinition.ReadAssembly(this.AssemblyPath); } } catch (FileNotFoundException) { Console.WriteLine("Can't find file " + this.AssemblyPath); Console.Read(); return; } catch { Console.WriteLine("Couldn't load " + this.AssemblyPath); Console.Read(); return; } this.CSharpModule = this.CSharpAssembly.MainModule; }
public static Cecil.TypeDefinition FindRuntimeType( this Cecil.AssemblyDefinition assembly, Type runtimeType) { var typename = runtimeType.FullName.Replace('+', '/'); return(assembly.IterateTypes().FirstOrDefault(type => type.FullName == typename)); }
private AssemblyDefinition ResolveInternal(string refName, Version minVersion, ReaderParameters parameters) { if (KnownAssemblies.TryGetValue(refName, out var loadedAsms)) { var loadedAsm = loadedAsms.First(asm => asm.GetName().Version >= minVersion); var path = new Uri(loadedAsm.CodeBase).LocalPath; if (File.Exists(path)) { return(parameters == null ? AssemblyDefinition.ReadAssembly(path, new ReaderParameters { AssemblyResolver = this }) : AssemblyDefinition.ReadAssembly(path, parameters)); } } try { var newlyLoadedAsm = Assembly.Load(new AssemblyName(refName)); AddNewKnownAssembly(newlyLoadedAsm); var path = new Uri(newlyLoadedAsm.CodeBase).LocalPath; if (!File.Exists(path)) { throw new DllNotFoundException($"Could not locate {refName}"); } return(parameters == null ? AssemblyDefinition.ReadAssembly(path) : AssemblyDefinition.ReadAssembly(path, parameters)); } catch { throw new DllNotFoundException($"Could not resolve {refName}"); } }
public override void Process(Instrumentor instrumentor, Mono.Cecil.AssemblyDefinition assdef) { //Lets find some stuff var module = assdef.MainModule; //Stage 1: Acquiring vanilla enum index foreach (var typedef in module.Types) { if (typedef.Name == "StaticPrefabType") { foreach (var fieldef in typedef.Fields) { if (fieldef.Name == "value__") { continue; } string val = fieldef.Name.Replace("_", "").ToUpperInvariant(); int key = (int)fieldef.Constant;//No idea if this will work, derp ^_^ _enumIndex.Add(key, val); } } } //Stage 2: Collecting index foreach (var typedef in module.Types) { if (typedef.Name == "StaticPrefab") { var instantiator = FindEntryToInstantiator(typedef); List <String> typelist = CollectAllCTORCalls(instantiator); instrumentor.Workspace.SaveAllLines(typelist.ToArray(), "vanillaprojects"); return;//No need to look for others } } throw new InstrumentationFailureException("SP Registry type is unreachable!"); }
public override void DecompileAssembly(AssemblyDefinition assembly, string fileName, ITextOutput output, DecompilationOptions options) { output.WriteLine("// " + fileName); output.WriteLine(); new ReflectionDisassembler(output, detectControlStructure, options.CancellationToken).WriteAssemblyHeader(assembly); }
void SweepAssembly (AssemblyDefinition assembly) { if (Annotations.GetAction (assembly) != AssemblyAction.Link) return; if (!IsMarkedAssembly (assembly)) { RemoveAssembly (assembly); return; } var types = new List<TypeDefinition> (); foreach (TypeDefinition type in assembly.MainModule.Types) { if (Annotations.IsMarked (type)) { SweepType (type); types.Add (type); continue; } if (type.Name == "<Module>") types.Add (type); } assembly.MainModule.Types.Clear (); foreach (TypeDefinition type in types) assembly.MainModule.Types.Add (type); }
/// <summary> /// Load assemblyname /// </summary> private void LoadAsmOrigin() { try { LoadAssembly = AssemblyDefinition.ReadAssembly(selectedFilename); richTextBox_AssemblyInfo.Clear(); richTextBox_AssemblyInfo.AppendText(Environment.NewLine); richTextBox_AssemblyInfo.AppendText(Environment.NewLine); richTextBox_AssemblyInfo.AppendText("[Name]::" + LoadAssembly.MainModule.Name.ToString() + Environment.NewLine); richTextBox_AssemblyInfo.AppendText("[CLR Runtime]::" + LoadAssembly.MainModule.Runtime.ToString() + Environment.NewLine); richTextBox_AssemblyInfo.AppendText("[Full Name]::" + LoadAssembly.MainModule.FullyQualifiedName.ToString() + Environment.NewLine); richTextBox_AssemblyInfo.AppendText("[Metadata Token]::" + LoadAssembly.MainModule.MetadataToken.ToString() + Environment.NewLine); richTextBox_AssemblyInfo.AppendText("[Architecture]::" + LoadAssembly.MainModule.Architecture.ToString() + Environment.NewLine); richTextBox_AssemblyInfo.AppendText("[EntryPoint]::" + LoadAssembly.MainModule.EntryPoint.ToString() + Environment.NewLine); richTextBox_AssemblyInfo.AppendText("[Mvid]::" + LoadAssembly.MainModule.Mvid.ToString() + Environment.NewLine); } catch { //ResetData(); MessageBox.Show("Couldn't Read Assembly, it is either Unmanaged or obfuscated"); status = true; return; } }
private void Rewrite(AssemblyDefinition assemblyDefinition) { foreach (ModuleDefinition moduleDefinition in assemblyDefinition.Modules) { Rewrite(moduleDefinition); } }
public static MethodDefinition FindDecryptor(AssemblyDefinition asmDef) { foreach (var modDef in asmDef.Modules) foreach (var typeDef in modDef.Types) foreach (var mDef in typeDef.Methods) { var signature = new ILSignature { Start = 1, StartOpCode = OpCodes.Nop, Instructions = new List<OpCode> { OpCodes.Callvirt, OpCodes.Stloc_0, OpCodes.Ldloc_0, OpCodes.Newarr, OpCodes.Stloc_1, OpCodes.Ldc_I4_0, OpCodes.Stloc_2 } }; if (mDef.HasBody) { if (SignatureFinder.IsMatch(mDef, signature)) return mDef; } } return null; }
public static void SetHook( HookType hookType, AssemblyDefinition targetAssembly, string targetTypeName, string targetMethodName, AssemblyDefinition calleeAssembly, string calleeTypeName, string calleeMethodName) { #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine("SetHook - {0}/{1}|{2} -> {3}/{4}|{5}", targetAssembly.Name.Name, targetTypeName, targetMethodName, calleeAssembly.Name.Name, calleeTypeName, calleeMethodName); #endif TypeDefinition calleeTypeDefinition = calleeAssembly.MainModule.GetType(calleeTypeName); if (calleeTypeDefinition == null) { throw new Exception(string.Format("Error ({0}) : {1} is not found", calleeAssembly.Name, calleeTypeName)); } MethodDefinition calleeMethod = GetMethod(calleeTypeDefinition, calleeMethodName); if (calleeMethod == null) { throw new Exception(string.Format("Error ({0}) : {1}.{2} is not found", calleeAssembly.Name, calleeTypeName, calleeMethodName)); } TypeDefinition targetTypeDefinition = targetAssembly.MainModule.GetType(targetTypeName); if (targetTypeDefinition == null) { throw new Exception(string.Format("Error ({0}) : {1} is not found", targetAssembly.Name, targetTypeName)); } MethodDefinition targetMethod = GetMethod(targetTypeDefinition, targetMethodName); if (targetMethod == null) { throw new Exception(string.Format("Error ({0}) : {1}.{2} is not found", targetAssembly.Name, targetTypeName, targetMethodName)); } HookMethod(hookType, targetAssembly.MainModule, targetMethod, calleeMethod); }
public static byte[] Patch(byte[] code) { var contractAsmDef = AssemblyDefinition.ReadAssembly(new MemoryStream(code)); // Get the specific version of the SDK referenced by the contract var nameRefSdk = contractAsmDef.MainModule.AssemblyReferences.Single(r => r.Name == Sdk); // May cache all versions not to keep reloading for every contract deployment var refSdk = AssemblyDefinition.ReadAssembly(Assembly.Load(nameRefSdk.FullName).Location); // Get the type definitions mapped for target methods from SDK var sdkTypes = TargetMethods.Select(kv => kv.Value).Distinct(); var sdkTypeDefs = sdkTypes .Select(t => contractAsmDef.MainModule.ImportReference(refSdk.MainModule.GetType(t)).Resolve()) .ToDictionary(def => def.FullName); // Patch the types foreach (var typ in contractAsmDef.MainModule.Types) { PatchType(contractAsmDef, typ, sdkTypeDefs); } var newCode = new MemoryStream(); contractAsmDef.Write(newCode); return(newCode.ToArray()); }
private IEnumerable<Change> Compare(AssemblyDefinition source, AssemblyDefinition target) { var sourceTypes = GetPublicTypes(source); var targetTypes = GetPublicTypes(target); // First detect all new types in the newer assembly. var addedTypes = targetTypes.Except(sourceTypes, CecilComparer.TypeByFullName).ToList(); foreach (var addedType in addedTypes) yield return new TypeChange(ChangeType.TypeAdded, ChangeCategory.NonBreaking, CompatibilityLevel.Binary, addedType); targetTypes.RemoveAll(addedTypes); // Now detect all removed types in the newer assembly. var removedTypes = sourceTypes.Except(targetTypes, CecilComparer.TypeByFullName).ToList(); foreach (var removedType in removedTypes) yield return new TypeChange(ChangeType.TypeRemoved, ChangeCategory.Breaking, CompatibilityLevel.None, removedType); sourceTypes.RemoveAll(removedTypes); // We have now reduced the input to the types that occur in both assemblies, now we will need // to compare those one by one... foreach (var targetType in targetTypes) { var sourceType = sourceTypes.Single(t => CecilComparer.TypeByFullName.Equals(t, targetType)); TypeComparer comparer = new TypeComparer(); foreach (var change in comparer.Compare(sourceType, targetType)) yield return change; } }
protected override void ProcessAssembly (AssemblyDefinition assembly) { if (Annotations.GetAction (assembly) != AssemblyAction.Link) return; ProcessTypes (assembly.MainModule.Types); }
private static IList <Tuple <IUnresolvedAssembly, IList <string>, Assembly> > LoadReferences(IEnumerable <string> references, IErrorReporter er) { var loader = new CecilLoader { IncludeInternalMembers = true }; var assemblies = references.Select(r => AssemblyDefinition.ReadAssembly(r)).ToList(); // Shouldn't result in errors because mcs would have caught it. var indirectReferences = (from a in assemblies from m in a.Modules from r in m.AssemblyReferences select r.Name) .Distinct(); var directReferences = from a in assemblies select a.Name.Name; var missingReferences = indirectReferences.Except(directReferences).ToList(); if (missingReferences.Count > 0) { er.Region = DomRegion.Empty; foreach (var r in missingReferences) { er.Message(Messages._7996, r); } return(null); } return(assemblies.Select(asm => Tuple.Create(loader.LoadAssembly(asm), GetReferencedAssemblyNames(asm), LoadPlugin(asm))).ToList()); }
private SourceFile(IApkFile apk, JarFile jar, ISpySettings settings, MapFileLookup mapFile, string singleFilePath = null) { this.apk = apk; this.jar = jar; this.settings = settings; this.mapFile = mapFile; this.singleFilePath = singleFilePath; #if DEBUG || ENABLE_SHOW_AST classLoader = new AssemblyClassLoader(module.OnClassLoaded); var modParams = new ModuleParameters { AssemblyResolver = new AssemblyResolver(new[] { Frameworks.Instance.FirstOrDefault().Folder }, classLoader, module.OnAssemblyLoaded), Kind = ModuleKind.Dll }; assembly = AssemblyDefinition.CreateAssembly(new AssemblyNameDefinition("spy", Version.Parse("")), "main", modParams); classLoader.LoadAssembly(assembly); var dot42Assembly = modParams.AssemblyResolver.Resolve("dot42"); // Force loading of classes if (jar != null) { foreach (var fileName in jar.ClassFileNames) { OpenClass(fileName); } } #endif }
void OutputAssembly (AssemblyDefinition assembly) { string directory = Context.OutputDirectory; CopyConfigFileIfNeeded (assembly, directory); switch (Annotations.GetAction (assembly)) { case AssemblyAction.Link: assembly.Write (GetAssemblyFileName (assembly, directory), SaveSymbols (assembly)); break; case AssemblyAction.Copy: CloseSymbols (assembly); CopyAssembly (GetOriginalAssemblyFileInfo (assembly), directory, Context.LinkSymbols); break; case AssemblyAction.Delete: CloseSymbols (assembly); var target = GetAssemblyFileName (assembly, directory); if (File.Exists (target)) File.Delete (target); break; default: CloseSymbols (assembly); break; } }
protected override void ProcessAssembly (AssemblyDefinition assembly) { if (Annotations.GetAction (assembly) != AssemblyAction.Link) return; assembly.MainModule.Attributes = ModuleAttributes.ILOnly; }
void SweepAssembly (AssemblyDefinition assembly) { if (Annotations.GetAction (assembly) != AssemblyAction.Link) return; if (!IsMarkedAssembly (assembly)) { RemoveAssembly (assembly); return; } var types = assembly.MainModule.Types; var cloned_types = Clone (types); types.Clear (); foreach (TypeDefinition type in cloned_types) { if (Annotations.IsMarked (type)) { SweepType (type); types.Add (type); continue; } SweepReferences (assembly, type); } }
public IAssemblyEmitter MakeAssemblyEmitter(AssemblyTranslator translator, AssemblyDefinition assembly, JavascriptFormatter formatter) { if (translator.IsStubbed(assembly) || translator.IsIgnored(assembly)) return new NullAssemblyEmitter(); else return new WasmSExprAssemblyEmitter(translator, assembly, formatter); }
public override void VisitAssemblyDefinition (AssemblyDefinition asm) { if (asm.Kind != AssemblyKind.Dll && asm.EntryPoint == null) throw new ReflectionException ("Assembly does not have an entry point defined"); if ((asm.MainModule.Image.CLIHeader.Flags & RuntimeImage.ILOnly) == 0) throw new NotSupportedException ("Can not write a mixed mode assembly"); foreach (ModuleDefinition module in asm.Modules) if (module.Image.CLIHeader.Metadata.VirtualAddress != RVA.Zero) ResetImage (module); asm.MetadataToken = new MetadataToken (TokenType.Assembly, 1); ReflectionWriter rw = asm.MainModule.Controller.Writer; rw.StructureWriter = this; m_mdWriter = rw.MetadataWriter; m_tableWriter = rw.MetadataTableWriter; m_rowWriter = rw.MetadataRowWriter; if (!rw.SaveSymbols) return; FileStream fs = m_binaryWriter.BaseStream as FileStream; if (fs != null) rw.OutputFile = fs.Name; }
private void VerifyIL(AssemblyDefinition assembly) { string path = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location), "ar_test.exe"); assembly.Write(path); string peverify = Path.Combine( Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ProgramFilesX86), @"Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v10.0A\bin\NETFX 4.6 Tools\PEVerify.exe" ); var process = Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo { FileName = peverify, Arguments = $"\"{path}\"", CreateNoWindow = true, UseShellExecute = false, RedirectStandardOutput = true }); string output = process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd(); process.WaitForExit(); if(process.ExitCode != 0) { throw new VerifyFailedException(process.ExitCode, output); } }
private void CreateAssemblyDefinition(String sAssemblyName, AssemblyKind akAssemblyKind) { assemblyName = sAssemblyName; assemblyKind = akAssemblyKind; assemblyDefinition = AssemblyFactory.DefineAssembly(sAssemblyName, TargetRuntime.NET_2_0, akAssemblyKind); mainModule = assemblyDefinition.MainModule; }
public Emitter(Compiler compiler) { Compiler = compiler; // create assembly object var name = new AssemblyNameDefinition("MirelleCompiled", new Version(1, 0, 0, 0)); Assembly = AssemblyDefinition.CreateAssembly(name, "MirelleCompiled", ModuleKind.Console); var attr = typeof(STAThreadAttribute).GetConstructor(new Type[] { } ); // register global method GlobalBody = new MethodDefinition("main", MethodAttributes.Static | MethodAttributes.Private | MethodAttributes.HideBySig, Assembly.MainModule.TypeSystem.Void); GlobalBody.CustomAttributes.Add(new CustomAttribute(AssemblyImport(attr))); RootNode.GlobalMethod = new MethodNode("main", new SignatureNode("void"), true, false, GlobalBody); RootNode.GlobalMethod.Scope = new Utils.Scope(GlobalBody); // register global type GlobalType = new TypeDefinition("MirelleCompiled", ".program", TypeAttributes.AutoClass | TypeAttributes.Public | TypeAttributes.SpecialName | TypeAttributes.BeforeFieldInit, Assembly.MainModule.TypeSystem.Object); Assembly.MainModule.Types.Add(GlobalType); GlobalType.Methods.Add(GlobalBody); Assembly.EntryPoint = GlobalBody; // register marker interfaces MirelleTypeInterface = AssemblyImport(typeof(MirelleStdlib.IMirelleType)); MirelleEnumInterface = AssemblyImport(typeof(MirelleStdlib.IMirelleEnum)); }
public DerivedTypesEntryNode(TypeDefinition def, AssemblyDefinition[] assemblies) { this.def = def; this.assemblies = assemblies; this.LazyLoading = true; threading = new ThreadingSupport(); }
public void EmitAssemblyEntryPoint (AssemblyDefinition assembly, MethodDefinition entryMethod, MethodSignature signature) { Formatter.WriteRaw("JSIL.SetEntryPoint"); Formatter.LPar(); Formatter.AssemblyReference(assembly); Formatter.Comma(); var context = new TypeReferenceContext(); Formatter.TypeReference(entryMethod.DeclaringType, context); Formatter.Comma(); Formatter.Value(entryMethod.Name); Formatter.Comma(); Formatter.MethodSignature( entryMethod, signature, context ); Formatter.RPar(); Formatter.Semicolon(true); Formatter.NewLine(); }
public IEnumerable<Change<MethodReference>> GetChangesBetween(AssemblyDefinition oldAssembly, AssemblyDefinition newAssembly) { var changeDetector = new MethodILChangeDetector(); var oldCache = AssemblyTypeMethodMapBuilder.BuildFor(oldAssembly); var newCache = AssemblyTypeMethodMapBuilder.BuildFor(newAssembly); var differences = MapKeyDifferenceFinder.GetChangesBetween(oldCache, newCache); foreach (var method in newAssembly.AllNonIgnoredMethods()) { var current = oldAssembly.MainModule.GetType(method.DeclaringType.FullName); if (current == null) continue; if (method.ContainsIgnoreAttribute()) continue; foreach (var oldMethod in current.Methods) { if (oldMethod.GetChangeCacheName() == method.GetChangeCacheName()) { if (changeDetector.AreDifferentIL(oldMethod, method)) { differences.Add( new Change<MethodReference>( ChangeType.Modify, method.ThreadSafeResolve())); break; } } } } differences = IEnumerableResolver.ResolveCompilerGeneratedCode(differences); return differences; }
public void VisitAssembly(AssemblyDefinition assembly) { Log.DebugLine(this, "-----------------------------------"); Log.DebugLine(this, "checking {0}", assembly.Name); if (Aspell.Instance != null) { string details = string.Empty; foreach (CustomAttribute attr in assembly.CustomAttributes) { foreach (object o in attr.ConstructorParameters) { string text = o.ToString(); Unused.Value = CheckSpelling.Text(text, ref details); } } if (details.Length > 0) { details = "Words: " + details; Log.DebugLine(this, details); Reporter.AssemblyFailed(assembly, CheckID, details); } } }
public AssemblyResult ProcessAssembly(AssemblyDefinition assembly, ModuleResult[] moduleResults) { AssemblyResult result = new AssemblyResult(assembly.Name.Name); result.ModuleResults = moduleResults; result.Result = moduleResults.Sum(r => r.Result); return result; }
public override bool ApplyPatch(AssemblyDefinition assembly, MethodDefinition original, ILWeaver weaver, AssemblyDefinition oxideassembly, Patching.Patcher patcher = null) { // Get the call hook method (only grab object parameters: ignore the object[] hook) List <MethodDefinition> callhookmethods = oxideassembly.MainModule.Types .Single(t => t.FullName == "Oxide.Core.Interface") .Methods.Where(m => m.IsStatic && m.Name == "CallHook" && m.HasParameters && m.Parameters.Any(p => p.ParameterType.IsArray) == false) .OrderBy(x => x.Parameters.Count) .ToList(); // Start injecting where requested weaver.Pointer = InjectionIndex; // Get the existing instruction we're going to inject behind Instruction existing; try { existing = weaver.Instructions[weaver.Pointer]; } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) { ShowMsg($"The injection index specified for {Name} is invalid!", "Invalid Index", patcher); return(false); } // Load the hook name Instruction hookname = weaver.Add(Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Ldstr, HookName)); // Push the arguments array to the stack and make the call //VariableDefinition argsvar; //This is the object array // Create an object array and load all arguments into it Instruction firstinjected = PushArgsArray(original, weaver, out int argCount, patcher) ?? hookname; /*if (argsvar != null) * weaver.Ldloc(argsvar); * else * weaver.Add(Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Ldnull));*/ weaver.Add(Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Call, original.Module.Import(callhookmethods[argCount]))); // Deal with the return value DealWithReturnValue(original, null, weaver); //DealWithReturnValue(original, argsvar, weaver); // Find all instructions which pointed to the existing and redirect them for (int i = 0; i < weaver.Instructions.Count; i++) { Instruction ins = weaver.Instructions[i]; if (ins.Operand != null && ins.Operand.Equals(existing)) { // Check if the instruction lies within our injection range // If it does, it's an instruction we just injected so we don't want to edit it if (i < InjectionIndex || i > weaver.Pointer) { ins.Operand = firstinjected; } } } return(true); }
public RuleResult CheckAssembly (AssemblyDefinition assembly) { // assembly must have an entry point to be examined MethodDefinition entry_point = assembly.EntryPoint; if (entry_point == null) return RuleResult.DoesNotApply; // RULE APPLIES // we have to check declaringType's visibility so // if we can't get access to it (is this possible?) we abandon // also, if it is not public, we don't have to continue our work // - we can't reach Main () anyways TypeDefinition type = entry_point.DeclaringType.Resolve (); if (type == null || !type.IsPublic) return RuleResult.Success; // at last, if Main () is not public, then it's okay if (!entry_point.IsPublic) return RuleResult.Success; if (assembly.References (VisualBasic)) { Runner.Report (type, Severity.Medium, Confidence.High, "Reduce class or module visibility (from public)."); } else { Runner.Report (entry_point, Severity.Medium, Confidence.Total, "Change method visibility to private or internal."); } return RuleResult.Failure; }
public static void InstrumentAssembly(Cecil.AssemblyDefinition assembly) { var typeCount = assembly.Modules.Sum(mod => mod.Types.Count); foreach (var module in assembly.Modules) { foreach (var type in module.Types) { InstrumentType(type); } } }
/// <summary> /// PrePatches this hook into the target weaver /// </summary> /// <param name="weaver"></param> /// <param name="oxidemodule"></param> /// <param name="original"></param> /// <param name="patcher"></param> public override bool PreparePatch(AssemblyDefinition assembly, MethodDefinition original, ILWeaver weaver, AssemblyDefinition oxidemodule, Patching.Patcher patcher = null) { if (DependsOnField != null) { if (!DependsOnField.Apply(assembly)) { return(false); } } return(base.PreparePatch(assembly, original, weaver, oxidemodule, patcher)); }
private Assembly LoadProcessorsAssembly(string path, Mono.Cecil.AssemblyDefinition assemblyDefinition) { path = filePathResolver.ResolveFilePath(path); var loadedAssembly = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies().FirstOrDefault(a => a.FullName == assemblyDefinition.FullName); if (loadedAssembly != null) { return(loadedAssembly); } return(Assembly.Load(File.ReadAllBytes(path))); }
private static void PatchType(AssemblyDefinition contractAsmDef, TypeDefinition typ, Dictionary <string, TypeDefinition> sdkTypeDefs) { // Patch the methods in the type foreach (var method in typ.Methods) { PatchMethod(contractAsmDef, method, sdkTypeDefs); } // Patch if there is any nested type within the type foreach (var nestedType in typ.NestedTypes) { PatchType(contractAsmDef, nestedType, sdkTypeDefs); } }
public void PrepareAssembly(AssemblyDefinition assembly) { this.assembly = assembly; RegisterExternalTypes(); // Resolve corlib assembly corlib = assembly.MainModule.Import(typeof(void)).Resolve().Module.Assembly; // Prepare LLVM context, module and data layouts context = LLVM.GetGlobalContext(); module = LLVM.ModuleCreateWithName(assembly.Name.Name); // Prepare system types, for easier access InitializeCommonTypes(); // TODO: Choose appropriate triple depending on target var target = LLVM.GetTarget(runtimeModule); LLVM.SetTarget(module, target); // Initialize ABI abi = new DefaultABI(context, targetData); // Prepare LLVM builders builder = LLVM.CreateBuilderInContext(context); builder2 = LLVM.CreateBuilderInContext(context); builderAlloca = LLVM.CreateBuilderInContext(context); InitializeDebug(); if (!TestMode) { // Register SharpLangModule objects for each module metadataPerModule = new Dictionary <Mono.Cecil.ModuleDefinition, ValueRef>(); var mangledModuleName = Regex.Replace(assembly.Name.Name + ".sharplangmodule", @"(\W)", "_"); var sharpLangModuleGlobal = LLVM.AddGlobal(module, sharpLangModuleType.ObjectTypeLLVM, mangledModuleName); metadataPerModule[assembly.MainModule] = sharpLangModuleGlobal; // Generate extern globals for SharpLangModule instances of other modules foreach (var referencedAssembly in referencedAssemblies) { mangledModuleName = Regex.Replace(referencedAssembly.Name.Name + ".sharplangmodule", @"(\W)", "_"); var externalSharpLangModuleGlobal = LLVM.AddGlobal(module, sharpLangModuleType.ObjectTypeLLVM, mangledModuleName); LLVM.SetLinkage(externalSharpLangModuleGlobal, Linkage.ExternalLinkage); metadataPerModule[referencedAssembly.MainModule] = externalSharpLangModuleGlobal; } } }
public static Method ReverseEngineer(System.Reflection.MethodInfo _method) { Method method = new Method(); //decompile method body if (!_method.IsAbstract && !_method.IsCompilerGenerated()) { Mono.Cecil.AssemblyDefinition ass = Decompiler.LoadAssembly(_method.DeclaringType.Module.Assembly.Location); MethodDefinition md = ass.MainModule.GetType(_method.DeclaringType.FullName).Methods.Where(md2 => md2.Name == _method.Name).Select(md2 => md2).First(); method.MethodCode = Decompiler.GetSourceCode(md); } method.Name = _method.Name; method.Type = ReverseEngineer(_method.DeclaringType); method.ReturnType = ReverseEngineer(_method.ReturnType); method.IsStatic = _method.IsStatic; method.IsAbstract = _method.IsAbstract; method.IsVirtual = _method.IsVirtual; method.Access = _method.GetAccessModifier(); DataBase.Current.Set <Method>().Add(method); foreach (System.Reflection.ParameterInfo _param in _method.GetParameters()) { MethodArgument ma = new MethodArgument(); ma.Method = method; ma.Name = _param.Name; ma.Type = ReverseEngineer(_param.ParameterType); DataBase.Current.Set <MethodArgument>().Add(ma); } if (_method.IsGenericMethod || _method.IsGenericMethodDefinition || _method.ContainsGenericParameters) { foreach (System.Type _genericArg in _method.GetGenericArguments()) { MethodGenericArgument genericArg = new MethodGenericArgument(); genericArg.ArgumentType = ReverseEngineer(_genericArg); genericArg.Position = _genericArg.GenericParameterPosition; genericArg.AppliedTo = method; DataBase.Current.Set <MethodGenericArgument>().Add(genericArg); } } return(method); }
private List <PropertyTypeNode> Parse(Mono.Cecil.AssemblyDefinition assembly) { _typesBeingSerialized.Clear(); _parsedContainerTypeNodesCache.Clear(); // 1. Collect all the types to be looked at (all being Ipropertycontainers) foreach (var type in CollectPropertyContainers(assembly.Modules.SelectMany(m => m.GetTypes()).ToList())) { _typesBeingSerialized[type.FullName] = type; } // 2. Create the type tree (taking nested classes into account) return(TypeDefinitionsToPropertyTypes(_typesBeingSerialized)); }
public static IEnumerable <Cecil.TypeDefinition> IterateTypes( this Cecil.AssemblyDefinition assembly) { foreach (var module in assembly.Modules) { foreach (var type in module.Types) { yield return(type); foreach (var nestedType in IterateNestedTypes(type)) { yield return(nestedType); } } } }
public void ProcessAssembly(AssemblyDefinition assembly) { // Transfom all types in this assembly into SharpLang types. foreach (var assemblyModule in assembly.Modules) { var typeReferences = assemblyModule.GetTypeReferences(); foreach (var type in typeReferences) { GetType(type, TypeState.TypeComplete); } var memberReferences = assemblyModule.GetMemberReferences(); foreach (var member in memberReferences) { var method = member as MethodReference; if (member.DeclaringType.ContainsGenericParameter) { continue; } GetType(member.DeclaringType, TypeState.TypeComplete); if (method != null) { if (!method.HasGenericParameters) { CreateFunction(method); } } } foreach (var type in assemblyModule.Types) { if (!type.HasGenericParameters && type.FullName != typeof(void).FullName) { GetClass(type); } foreach (var nestedType in type.NestedTypes) { if (!nestedType.HasGenericParameters) { GetClass(nestedType); } } } } }
/// <summary> /// Check if assembly is instrumented /// </summary> static bool IsInstruemnted(Cecil.AssemblyDefinition assembly) { foreach (var module in assembly.Modules) { foreach (var type in module.Types) { foreach (var field in type.Fields) { if (field.IsHotpatchField()) { return(true); } } } } return(false); }
IEnumerable <Cecil.MethodDefinition> IterateMethods(Cecil.AssemblyDefinition asm) { foreach (var module in asm.Modules) { foreach (var type in module.Types) { foreach (var method in type.Methods) { if (!method.HasBody) { continue; } yield return(method); } } } }
protected virtual void ExtractResourceAndWriteToFile(string outputPath, AssemblyDefinition assembly, string resourceName, string fileName, Func <string, string> preHandler = null) { var res = assembly.MainModule.Resources.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Name == resourceName); var file = CreateFileDirectory(outputPath, fileName); string resourcesStr = null; using (var resourcesStream = ((EmbeddedResource)res).GetResourceStream()) { using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(resourcesStream)) { resourcesStr = reader.ReadToEnd(); } } var content = preHandler != null?preHandler(resourcesStr) : resourcesStr; this.SaveToFile(file.FullName, content); }
private IList <AssemblyDefinition> GetParentAssemblies(AssemblyDefinition asm, List <AssemblyDefinition> list = null) { bool endPoint = list == null; if (endPoint) { activeAssemblies = new Stack <AssemblyDefinition>(); list = new List <AssemblyDefinition>(); } if (activeAssemblies.Any(r => r.FullName == asm.FullName)) { return(list); } activeAssemblies.Push(asm); foreach (var assemblyReferenceName in asm.MainModule.AssemblyReferences) { if (assemblyReferenceName.Name.Contains(SystemAssemblyName)) { continue; } var assemblyReference = asm.MainModule.AssemblyResolver.Resolve(assemblyReferenceName); if (assemblyReference.MainModule.Kind != ModuleKind.Dll) { continue; } if (list.All(r => r.FullName != assemblyReference.FullName)) { list.Add(assemblyReference); } GetParentAssemblies(assemblyReference, list); } activeAssemblies.Pop(); return(list); }
private static Assembly LoadPlugin(AssemblyDefinition def) { foreach (var r in def.Modules.SelectMany(m => m.Resources).OfType <EmbeddedResource>()) { if (r.Name.EndsWith(".dll", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { var data = r.GetResourceData(); var asm = AssemblyDefinition.ReadAssembly(new MemoryStream(data)); var result = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies().FirstOrDefault(a => a.GetName().Name == asm.Name.Name); if (result == null) { result = Assembly.Load(data); } return(result); } } return(null); }
private static void PatchMethod(AssemblyDefinition contractAsmDef, MethodDefinition method, Dictionary <string, TypeDefinition> sdkTypeDefs) { if (!method.HasBody) { return; } var ilProcessor = method.Body.GetILProcessor(); var instructionsToReplace = method.Body.Instructions.Where(i => i.OpCode.Code == Code.Call && TargetMethods.Any(m => ((MethodReference)i.Operand).FullName.Contains(m.Key))) .ToList(); foreach (var instruction in instructionsToReplace) { var sysMethodRef = (MethodReference)instruction.Operand; var newMethodRef = contractAsmDef.MainModule.ImportReference(GetSdkMethodReference(sdkTypeDefs, sysMethodRef)); ilProcessor.InsertBefore(instruction, ilProcessor.Create(OpCodes.Call, newMethodRef)); ilProcessor.Remove(instruction); } }
private void CopyAndPrepareCoreAssembly(IFile originalAssemblyFile, IDirectory tempDirectory) { var newLocation = tempDirectory.GetFile(originalAssemblyFile.Name); originalAssemblyFile.CopyTo(newLocation.FullName); AssemblyDefinition newAssembly; using (var stream = newLocation.OpenRead()) { newAssembly = AssemblyDefinition.ReadAssembly(stream); } foreach (var reference in newAssembly.MainModule.AssemblyReferences) { var fileInTemp = GetAssemblyFile(tempDirectory, reference); if (!fileInTemp.Exists) { continue; } var assemblyName = AssemblyName.GetAssemblyName(fileInTemp.FullName); if (assemblyName.GetPublicKey() != null) { // ReSharper disable once RedundantCheckBeforeAssignment (in case of change tracking) if (reference.Version != assemblyName.Version) { reference.Version = assemblyName.Version; } continue; } reference.PublicKey = null; reference.PublicKeyToken = null; reference.HasPublicKey = false; } using (var stream = newLocation.Open(FileMode.Create)) { newAssembly.Write(stream); } }
public void Visit(Mono.Cecil.AssemblyDefinition assembly) { foreach (var module in assembly.Modules) { Analyser = new StackAnalyser(module); foreach (var type in module.GetTypes()) { foreach (var method in type.Methods) { if (method.HasBody || !definitionsOnly) { Visit(method); } } foreach (var property in type.Properties) { Visit(property); } } } }
protected virtual void ExtractResourceAndWriteToFile(string outputPath, AssemblyDefinition assembly, string resourceName, string fileName, Func <string, string> preHandler = null) { var res = assembly.MainModule.Resources.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Name == resourceName); if (res == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Could not read resource " + resourceName + " in " + assembly.FullName); } var file = CreateFileDirectory(outputPath, fileName); string content = null; byte[] binary = null; using (var resourcesStream = ((EmbeddedResource)res).GetResourceStream()) { if (FileHelper.IsJS(file.FullName) || preHandler != null) { using (var reader = new StreamReader(resourcesStream)) { content = reader.ReadToEnd(); } } else { binary = ReadStream(resourcesStream); } } if (preHandler != null) { content = preHandler(content); } this.SaveToFile(file.FullName, content, binary); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> private void LoadAsmContents() { this.treeview_Definitions.Nodes.Clear(); LoadAssembly = AssemblyDefinition.ReadAssembly(selectedFilename); TreeNode tn = null; IEnumerator enumerator = LoadAssembly.MainModule.Types.GetEnumerator(); while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { TypeDefinition td = (TypeDefinition)enumerator.Current; tn = this.treeview_Definitions.Nodes.Add(td.Name.ToString()); IEnumerator enumerator2 = td.Methods.GetEnumerator(); while (enumerator2.MoveNext()) { MethodDefinition method_definition = (MethodDefinition)enumerator2.Current; if (method_definition.IsConstructor) { tn.Nodes.Add(method_definition.Name.ToString()); } tn.Nodes.Add(method_definition.Name.ToString()); } } }
static string GetExeLocation(string toolsVersion) { FilePath sourceExe = typeof(ProjectBuilder).Assembly.Location; if (toolsVersion == REFERENCED_MSBUILD_TOOLS) { return(sourceExe); } var newVersions = new Dictionary <string, string[]> (); string version; Mono.Cecil.TargetRuntime runtime; switch (toolsVersion) { case "2.0": version = ""; newVersions.Add("Microsoft.Build.Engine", new string[] { "Microsoft.Build.Engine", version }); newVersions.Add("Microsoft.Build.Framework", new string[] { "Microsoft.Build.Framework", version }); newVersions.Add(REFERENCED_MSBUILD_UTILS, new string[] { "Microsoft.Build.Utilities", version }); runtime = Mono.Cecil.TargetRuntime.Net_2_0; break; case "3.5": version = ""; newVersions.Add("Microsoft.Build.Engine", new string[] { "Microsoft.Build.Engine", version }); newVersions.Add("Microsoft.Build.Framework", new string[] { "Microsoft.Build.Framework", version }); newVersions.Add(REFERENCED_MSBUILD_UTILS, new string[] { "Microsoft.Build.Utilities.v3.5", version }); runtime = Mono.Cecil.TargetRuntime.Net_2_0; break; case "4.0": version = ""; newVersions.Add("Microsoft.Build.Engine", new string[] { "Microsoft.Build.Engine", version }); newVersions.Add("Microsoft.Build.Framework", new string[] { "Microsoft.Build.Framework", version }); newVersions.Add(REFERENCED_MSBUILD_UTILS, new string[] { "Microsoft.Build.Utilities.v4.0", version }); runtime = Mono.Cecil.TargetRuntime.Net_4_0; break; default: throw new InvalidOperationException("Unknown MSBuild ToolsVersion '" + toolsVersion + "'"); } FilePath p = FilePath.Build(PropertyService.Locations.Cache, "xbuild", toolsVersion, "MonoDevelop.Projects.Formats.MSBuild.exe"); if (!File.Exists(p) || File.GetLastWriteTime(p) < File.GetLastWriteTime(sourceExe)) { if (!Directory.Exists(p.ParentDirectory)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(p.ParentDirectory); } // Update the references to msbuild Cecil.AssemblyDefinition asm = Cecil.AssemblyDefinition.ReadAssembly(sourceExe); foreach (Cecil.AssemblyNameReference ar in asm.MainModule.AssemblyReferences) { string[] replacement; if (newVersions.TryGetValue(ar.Name, out replacement)) { ar.Name = replacement[0]; ar.Version = new Version(replacement[1]); } } asm.MainModule.Runtime = runtime; //run in 32-bit mode because usually msbuild targets are installed for 32-bit only asm.MainModule.Attributes |= Mono.Cecil.ModuleAttributes.Required32Bit; // Workaround to a bug in mcs. The ILOnly flag is not emitted when using /platform:x86 asm.MainModule.Attributes |= Mono.Cecil.ModuleAttributes.ILOnly; asm.Write(p); } FilePath configFile = p + ".config"; FilePath configSrc = typeof(ProjectBuilder).Assembly.Location + ".config"; if (!File.Exists(configFile) || File.GetLastWriteTime(configFile) < File.GetLastWriteTime(configSrc)) { var config = File.ReadAllText(configSrc); config = config.Replace(REFERENCED_MSBUILD_TOOLS + ".0.0", version); File.WriteAllText(p + ".config", config); } return(p); }