コード例 #1
 		public Delegate (TypeContainer parent, FullNamedExpression type, Modifiers mod_flags, MemberName name, ParametersCompiled param_list,
				 Attributes attrs)
			: base (parent, name, attrs, MemberKind.Delegate)

			this.ReturnType = type;
			ModFlags        = ModifiersExtensions.Check (AllowedModifiers, mod_flags,
							   IsTopLevel ? Modifiers.INTERNAL :
							   Modifiers.PRIVATE, name.Location, Report);
			parameters      = param_list;
			spec = new TypeSpec (Kind, null, this, null, ModFlags | Modifiers.SEALED);
コード例 #2
void case_269()
#line 2229 "cs-parser.jay"
		Constructor c = (Constructor) yyVals[-1+yyTop];
		c.Block = (ToplevelBlock) yyVals[0+yyTop];
		if (doc_support)
			c.DocComment = ConsumeStoredComment ();

		current_local_parameters = null;
		if (doc_support)
			Lexer.doc_state = XmlCommentState.Allowed;
コード例 #3
		public static ParametersCompiled MergeGenerated (CompilerContext ctx, ParametersCompiled userParams, bool checkConflicts, Parameter compilerParams, TypeSpec compilerTypes)
			return MergeGenerated (ctx, userParams, checkConflicts,
				new Parameter [] { compilerParams },
				new TypeSpec [] { compilerTypes });
コード例 #4
		protected void DefineBuilders (MemberKind kind, ParametersCompiled parameters)
			PropertyBuilder = Parent.TypeBuilder.DefineProperty (
				GetFullName (MemberName), PropertyAttributes.None,
#if !BOOTSTRAP_BASIC	// Requires trunk version mscorlib
				IsStatic ? 0 : CallingConventions.HasThis,
				MemberType.GetMetaInfo (), null, null,
				parameters.GetMetaInfo (), null, null);

			PropertySpec spec;
			if (kind == MemberKind.Indexer)
				spec = new IndexerSpec (Parent.Definition, this, MemberType, parameters, PropertyBuilder, ModFlags);
				spec = new PropertySpec (kind, Parent.Definition, this, MemberType, PropertyBuilder, ModFlags);

			if (Get != null) {
				spec.Get = Get.Spec;

				var method = Get.Spec.GetMetaInfo () as MethodBuilder;
				if (method != null) {
					PropertyBuilder.SetGetMethod (method);
					Parent.MemberCache.AddMember (this, method.Name, Get.Spec);
			} else {
				CheckMissingAccessor (kind, parameters, true);

			if (Set != null) {
				spec.Set = Set.Spec;

				var method = Set.Spec.GetMetaInfo () as MethodBuilder;
				if (method != null) {
					PropertyBuilder.SetSetMethod (method);
					Parent.MemberCache.AddMember (this, method.Name, Set.Spec);
			} else {
				CheckMissingAccessor (kind, parameters, false);

			Parent.MemberCache.AddMember (this, PropertyBuilder.Name, spec);
コード例 #5
			public SetMethod (PropertyBase method, Modifiers modifiers, ParametersCompiled parameters, Attributes attrs, Location loc)
				: base (method, Prefix, modifiers, attrs, loc)
				this.parameters = parameters;
コード例 #6
			public SetIndexerMethod (PropertyBase property, Modifiers modifiers, ParametersCompiled parameters, Attributes attrs, Location loc)
				: base (property, modifiers, parameters, attrs, loc)
コード例 #7
		public static Method Create (TypeDefinition parent, FullNamedExpression returnType, Modifiers mod,
				   MemberName name, ParametersCompiled parameters, Attributes attrs)
			var m = new Method (parent, returnType, mod, name, parameters, attrs);

			if ((mod & Modifiers.PARTIAL) != 0) {
				const Modifiers invalid_partial_mod = Modifiers.AccessibilityMask | Modifiers.ABSTRACT | Modifiers.EXTERN |
					Modifiers.NEW | Modifiers.OVERRIDE | Modifiers.SEALED | Modifiers.VIRTUAL;

				if ((mod & invalid_partial_mod) != 0) {
					m.Report.Error (750, m.Location,
						"A partial method cannot define access modifier or any of abstract, extern, new, override, sealed, or virtual modifiers");
					mod &= ~invalid_partial_mod;

				if ((parent.ModFlags & Modifiers.PARTIAL) == 0) {
					m.Report.Error (751, m.Location, 
						"A partial method must be declared within a partial class or partial struct");

			if ((mod & Modifiers.STATIC) == 0 && parameters.HasExtensionMethodType) {
				m.Report.Error (1105, m.Location, "`{0}': Extension methods must be declared static",
					m.GetSignatureForError ());

			return m;
コード例 #8
		public Method (TypeDefinition parent, FullNamedExpression return_type, Modifiers mod, MemberName name, ParametersCompiled parameters, Attributes attrs)
			: base (parent, return_type, mod,
				parent.PartialContainer.Kind == MemberKind.Interface ? AllowedModifiersInterface :
				parent.PartialContainer.Kind == MemberKind.Struct ? AllowedModifiersStruct | Modifiers.ASYNC :
				AllowedModifiersClass | Modifiers.ASYNC,
				name, attrs, parameters)
コード例 #9
		public LambdaMethod (ParametersCompiled parameters,
					ParametersBlock block, TypeSpec return_type, TypeSpec delegate_type,
					Location loc)
			: base (parameters, block, return_type, delegate_type, loc)
コード例 #10
		protected override AnonymousMethodBody CompatibleMethodFactory (TypeSpec returnType, TypeSpec delegateType, ParametersCompiled p, ParametersBlock b)
			return new LambdaMethod (p, b, returnType, delegateType, loc);
コード例 #11
		protected bool DefineParameters (ParametersCompiled parameters)
			if (!parameters.Resolve (this))
				return false;

			bool error = false;
			for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Count; ++i) {
				Parameter p = parameters [i];

				if (p.HasDefaultValue && (IsExplicitImpl || this is Operator || (this is Indexer && parameters.Count == 1)))
					p.Warning_UselessOptionalParameter (Report);

				if (p.CheckAccessibility (this))

				TypeSpec t = parameters.Types [i];
				Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (t);
				if (this is Indexer)
					Report.Error (55, Location,
						      "Inconsistent accessibility: parameter type `{0}' is less accessible than indexer `{1}'",
						      TypeManager.CSharpName (t), GetSignatureForError ());
				else if (this is Operator)
					Report.Error (57, Location,
						      "Inconsistent accessibility: parameter type `{0}' is less accessible than operator `{1}'",
						      TypeManager.CSharpName (t), GetSignatureForError ());
					Report.Error (51, Location,
						"Inconsistent accessibility: parameter type `{0}' is less accessible than method `{1}'",
						TypeManager.CSharpName (t), GetSignatureForError ());
				error = true;
			return !error;
コード例 #12
void case_1003()
#line 6872 "cs-parser.jay"
		Method method = (Method) oob_stack.Pop ();

		method.Block = (ToplevelBlock) end_block(lexer.Location);

		InteractiveResult = (Class) pop_current_class ();
		current_local_parameters = null;
コード例 #13
void case_1002()
#line 6844 "cs-parser.jay"
		current_container = current_type = new Class (current_container, new MemberName ("<InteractiveExpressionClass>"), Modifiers.PUBLIC, null);

		/* (ref object retval)*/
		Parameter [] mpar = new Parameter [1];
		mpar [0] = new Parameter (new TypeExpression (compiler.BuiltinTypes.Object, Location.Null), "$retval", Parameter.Modifier.REF, null, Location.Null);

		ParametersCompiled pars = new ParametersCompiled (mpar);
		var mods = Modifiers.PUBLIC | Modifiers.STATIC;
		if (settings.Unsafe)
			mods |= Modifiers.UNSAFE;

		current_local_parameters = pars;
		Method method = new Method (
			new TypeExpression (compiler.BuiltinTypes.Void, Location.Null),
			new MemberName ("Host"),
			null /* attributes */);
		current_type.AddMember (method);			

		oob_stack.Push (method);
		start_block (lexer.Location);
コード例 #14
void case_650()
#line 4555 "cs-parser.jay"
		var pars_list = (List<Parameter>) yyVals[0+yyTop];
		yyVal = new ParametersCompiled (pars_list.ToArray ());
		lbag.AddLocation (yyVal, parameterListCommas);
コード例 #15
void case_271()
#line 2255 "cs-parser.jay"
		valid_param_mod = 0;
		current_local_parameters = (ParametersCompiled) yyVals[-1+yyTop];
		var lt = (Tokenizer.LocatedToken) yyVals[-4+yyTop];
		var mods = (Modifiers) yyVals[-5+yyTop];
		var c = new Constructor (current_type, lt.Value, mods, (Attributes) yyVals[-6+yyTop], current_local_parameters, lt.Location);

		if (lt.Value != current_container.MemberName.Name) {
			report.Error (1520, c.Location, "Class, struct, or interface method must have a return type");
		} else if ((mods & Modifiers.STATIC) != 0) {
			if ((mods & Modifiers.AccessibilityMask) != 0){
				report.Error (515, c.Location,
					"`{0}': static constructor cannot have an access modifier",
					c.GetSignatureForError ());

		current_type.AddConstructor (c);
		lbag.AddMember (c, GetModifierLocations (), GetLocation (yyVals[-2+yyTop]), GetLocation (yyVals[0+yyTop]));
		yyVal = c;

		/* start block here, so possible anonymous methods inside*/
		/* constructor initializer can get correct parent block*/
	  	start_block (lexer.Location);

void case_272()
#line 2284 "cs-parser.jay"
		if (yyVals[0+yyTop] != null) {
			var c = (Constructor) yyVals[-1+yyTop];
			c.Initializer = (ConstructorInitializer) yyVals[0+yyTop];
			if (c.IsStatic) {
				report.Error (514, c.Location,
					"`{0}': static constructor cannot have an explicit `this' or `base' constructor call",
					c.GetSignatureForError ());

		yyVal = yyVals[-1+yyTop];

void case_278()
#line 2316 "cs-parser.jay"
		yyVal = new ConstructorBaseInitializer ((Arguments) yyVals[-1+yyTop], GetLocation (yyVals[-4+yyTop]));
		lbag.AddLocation (yyVal, GetLocation (yyVals[-5+yyTop]), GetLocation (yyVals[-3+yyTop]), GetLocation (yyVals[0+yyTop]));

void case_280()
#line 2326 "cs-parser.jay"
		yyVal = new ConstructorThisInitializer ((Arguments) yyVals[-1+yyTop], GetLocation (yyVals[-4+yyTop]));
		lbag.AddLocation (yyVal, GetLocation (yyVals[-5+yyTop]), GetLocation (yyVals[-3+yyTop]), GetLocation (yyVals[0+yyTop]));

void case_281()
#line 2332 "cs-parser.jay"
		Error_SyntaxError (yyToken);	  
		yyVal = new ConstructorThisInitializer (null, GetLocation (yyVals[0+yyTop]));
		lbag.AddLocation (yyVal, GetLocation (yyVals[-1+yyTop]));

void case_282()
#line 2338 "cs-parser.jay"
		Error_SyntaxError (yyToken);
		yyVal = null;

void case_283()
#line 2346 "cs-parser.jay"
		if (doc_support) {
			tmpComment = Lexer.consume_doc_comment ();
			Lexer.doc_state = XmlCommentState.NotAllowed;
		current_local_parameters = ParametersCompiled.EmptyReadOnlyParameters;

void case_284()
#line 2355 "cs-parser.jay"
		var lt = (Tokenizer.LocatedToken) yyVals[-3+yyTop];
		if (lt.Value != current_container.MemberName.Name){
			report.Error (574, lt.Location, "Name of destructor must match name of class");
		} else if (current_container.Kind != MemberKind.Class){
			report.Error (575, lt.Location, "Only class types can contain destructor");
		Destructor d = new Destructor (current_type, (Modifiers) yyVals[-6+yyTop],
			ParametersCompiled.EmptyReadOnlyParameters, (Attributes) yyVals[-7+yyTop], lt.Location);
		d.Identifier = lt.Value;
		if (doc_support)
			d.DocComment = ConsumeStoredComment ();
		d.Block = (ToplevelBlock) yyVals[0+yyTop];
		current_type.AddMember (d);
		lbag.AddMember (d, GetModifierLocations (), GetLocation (yyVals[-5+yyTop]), GetLocation (yyVals[-2+yyTop]), GetLocation (yyVals[-1+yyTop]));

		current_local_parameters = null;

void case_285()
#line 2381 "cs-parser.jay"
		current_event_field = new EventField (current_type, (FullNamedExpression) yyVals[-1+yyTop], (Modifiers) yyVals[-3+yyTop], (MemberName) yyVals[0+yyTop], (Attributes) yyVals[-4+yyTop]);
		current_type.AddMember (current_event_field);
		if (current_event_field.MemberName.ExplicitInterface != null) {
			report.Error (71, current_event_field.Location, "`{0}': An explicit interface implementation of an event must use property syntax",
			current_event_field.GetSignatureForError ());
		yyVal = current_event_field;

void case_286()
#line 2395 "cs-parser.jay"
		if (doc_support) {
			current_event_field.DocComment = Lexer.consume_doc_comment ();
			Lexer.doc_state = XmlCommentState.Allowed;
		if (current_event_field.Initializer != null) {
			lbag.AddMember (current_event_field, GetModifierLocations (), GetLocation (yyVals[-6+yyTop]), savedEventAssignLocation, GetLocation (yyVals[0+yyTop]));
		} else {
			lbag.AddMember (current_event_field, GetModifierLocations (), GetLocation (yyVals[-6+yyTop]), GetLocation (yyVals[0+yyTop]));
		current_event_field = null;

void case_287()
#line 2411 "cs-parser.jay"
		current_event = new EventProperty (current_type, (FullNamedExpression) yyVals[-2+yyTop], (Modifiers) yyVals[-4+yyTop], (MemberName) yyVals[-1+yyTop], (Attributes) yyVals[-5+yyTop]);
		current_type.AddMember (current_event);
		lbag.AddMember (current_event, GetModifierLocations (), GetLocation (yyVals[-3+yyTop]), GetLocation (yyVals[0+yyTop]));
		lexer.EventParsing = true;

void case_288()
#line 2419 "cs-parser.jay"
		if (current_container.Kind == MemberKind.Interface)
			report.Error (69, GetLocation (yyVals[-2+yyTop]), "Event in interface cannot have add or remove accessors");
		lexer.EventParsing = false;

void case_289()
#line 2426 "cs-parser.jay"
		if (doc_support) {
			current_event.DocComment = Lexer.consume_doc_comment ();
			Lexer.doc_state = XmlCommentState.Allowed;
		lbag.AppendToMember (current_event, GetLocation (yyVals[-1+yyTop]));
	  	current_event = null;	
		current_local_parameters = null;

void case_290()
#line 2439 "cs-parser.jay"
		Error_SyntaxError (yyToken);

		current_type.AddMember (new EventField (current_type, (FullNamedExpression) yyVals[-1+yyTop], (Modifiers) yyVals[-3+yyTop], MemberName.Null, (Attributes) yyVals[-4+yyTop]));

void case_293()
#line 2453 "cs-parser.jay"
	  	savedEventAssignLocation = GetLocation (yyVals[-2+yyTop]);
		current_event_field.Initializer = (Expression) yyVals[0+yyTop];

void case_298()
#line 2478 "cs-parser.jay"
		var lt = (Tokenizer.LocatedToken) yyVals[0+yyTop];
	  	yyVal = new FieldDeclarator (new SimpleMemberName (lt.Value, lt.Location), null);
	  	lbag.AddLocation (yyVal, GetLocation (yyVals[-1+yyTop]));

void case_300()
#line 2488 "cs-parser.jay"
		var lt = (Tokenizer.LocatedToken) yyVals[-3+yyTop];	  
	  	yyVal = new FieldDeclarator (new SimpleMemberName (lt.Value, lt.Location), (Expression) yyVals[0+yyTop]);
	  	lbag.AddLocation (yyVal, GetLocation (yyVals[-4+yyTop]), GetLocation (yyVals[-2+yyTop]));

void case_301()
#line 2497 "cs-parser.jay"
		if (current_container.Kind == MemberKind.Interface) {
			report.Error (68, lexer.Location, "`{0}': event in interface cannot have an initializer",
				current_event_field.GetSignatureForError ());
	  	if ((current_event_field.ModFlags & Modifiers.ABSTRACT) != 0) {
			report.Error (74, lexer.Location, "`{0}': abstract event cannot have an initializer",
				current_event_field.GetSignatureForError ());

void case_305()
#line 2518 "cs-parser.jay"
		report.Error (65, lexer.Location, "`{0}': event property must have both add and remove accessors",
			current_event.GetSignatureForError ());

void case_306()
#line 2523 "cs-parser.jay"
		report.Error (65, lexer.Location, "`{0}': event property must have both add and remove accessors",
			current_event.GetSignatureForError ());

void case_307()
#line 2528 "cs-parser.jay"
		report.Error (1055, GetLocation (yyVals[0+yyTop]), "An add or remove accessor expected");
		yyVal = null;

void case_308()
#line 2536 "cs-parser.jay"
	  	if (yyVals[-1+yyTop] != ModifierNone) {
			report.Error (1609, GetLocation (yyVals[-1+yyTop]), "Modifiers cannot be placed on event accessor declarations");
	  	current_event.Add = new EventProperty.AddDelegateMethod (current_event, (Attributes) yyVals[-2+yyTop], GetLocation (yyVals[0+yyTop]));
		current_local_parameters = current_event.Add.ParameterInfo;
		lbag.AddMember (current_event.Add, GetModifierLocations ());
		lexer.EventParsing = false;		

void case_309()
#line 2548 "cs-parser.jay"
		lexer.EventParsing = true;
	  	current_event.Add.Block = (ToplevelBlock) yyVals[0+yyTop];
		if (current_container.Kind == MemberKind.Interface) {
			report.Error (531, current_event.Add.Block.StartLocation,
				"`{0}': interface members cannot have a definition", current_event.Add.GetSignatureForError ());
		current_local_parameters = null;

void case_310()
#line 2564 "cs-parser.jay"
	  	if (yyVals[-1+yyTop] != ModifierNone) {
			report.Error (1609, GetLocation (yyVals[-1+yyTop]), "Modifiers cannot be placed on event accessor declarations");
	  	current_event.Remove = new EventProperty.RemoveDelegateMethod (current_event, (Attributes) yyVals[-2+yyTop], GetLocation (yyVals[0+yyTop]));
		current_local_parameters = current_event.Remove.ParameterInfo;

		lbag.AddMember (current_event.Remove, GetModifierLocations ());
		lexer.EventParsing = false;		

void case_311()
#line 2576 "cs-parser.jay"
		lexer.EventParsing = true;
	  	current_event.Remove.Block = (ToplevelBlock) yyVals[0+yyTop];
		if (current_container.Kind == MemberKind.Interface) {
			report.Error (531, current_event.Remove.Block.StartLocation,
				"`{0}': interface members cannot have a definition", current_event.Remove.GetSignatureForError ());
		current_local_parameters = null;

void case_312()
#line 2592 "cs-parser.jay"
		report.Error (73, lexer.Location, "An add or remove accessor must have a body");
		yyVal = null;

void case_314()
#line 2601 "cs-parser.jay"
		current_type.UnattachedAttributes = (Attributes) yyVals[-1+yyTop];
		report.Error (1519, GetLocation (yyVals[-1+yyTop]), "An attribute is missing member declaration");
		lexer.putback ('}');

void case_315()
#line 2614 "cs-parser.jay"
		if (doc_support)
			enumTypeComment = Lexer.consume_doc_comment ();

void case_316()
#line 2619 "cs-parser.jay"
		if (doc_support)
			Lexer.doc_state = XmlCommentState.Allowed;

		MemberName name = (MemberName) yyVals[-3+yyTop];
		if (name.IsGeneric) {
			report.Error (1675, name.Location, "Enums cannot have type parameters");
		push_current_container (new Enum (current_container, (FullNamedExpression) yyVals[-2+yyTop], (Modifiers) yyVals[-5+yyTop], name, (Attributes) yyVals[-6+yyTop]), null);
		if (yyVals[-2+yyTop] != null) {
			lbag.AddMember (current_container, GetModifierLocations (), GetLocation (yyVals[-4+yyTop]), savedLocation, GetLocation (yyVals[0+yyTop]));
		} else {
			lbag.AddMember (current_container, GetModifierLocations (), GetLocation (yyVals[-4+yyTop]), GetLocation (yyVals[0+yyTop]));

void case_317()
#line 2636 "cs-parser.jay"
	  	/* here will be evaluated after CLOSE_BLACE is consumed.*/
		if (doc_support)
			Lexer.doc_state = XmlCommentState.Allowed;
コード例 #16
		public MethodCore (TypeDefinition parent, FullNamedExpression type, Modifiers mod, Modifiers allowed_mod,
			MemberName name, Attributes attrs, ParametersCompiled parameters)
			: base (parent, type, mod, allowed_mod, name, attrs)
			this.parameters = parameters;
コード例 #17
		protected MethodOrOperator (TypeDefinition parent, FullNamedExpression type, Modifiers mod, Modifiers allowed_mod, MemberName name,
				Attributes attrs, ParametersCompiled parameters)
			: base (parent, type, mod, allowed_mod, name, attrs, parameters)
コード例 #18
		void DefineAsyncMethods (CallingConventions cc, TypeExpression returnType)
			var iasync_result = Module.PredefinedTypes.IAsyncResult;
			var async_callback = Module.PredefinedTypes.AsyncCallback;

			// It's ok when async types don't exist, the delegate will have Invoke method only
			if (!iasync_result.Define () || !async_callback.Define ())

			// BeginInvoke
			ParametersCompiled async_parameters;
			if (Parameters.Count == 0) {
				async_parameters = ParametersCompiled.EmptyReadOnlyParameters;
			} else {
				var compiled = new Parameter[Parameters.Count];
				for (int i = 0; i < compiled.Length; ++i) {
					var p = parameters[i];
					compiled[i] = new Parameter (new TypeExpression (parameters.Types[i], Location),
						p.ModFlags & Parameter.Modifier.RefOutMask,
						p.OptAttributes == null ? null : p.OptAttributes.Clone (), Location);

				async_parameters = new ParametersCompiled (compiled);

			async_parameters = ParametersCompiled.MergeGenerated (Compiler, async_parameters, false,
				new Parameter[] {
					new Parameter (new TypeExpression (async_callback.TypeSpec, Location), "callback", Parameter.Modifier.NONE, null, Location),
					new Parameter (new TypeExpression (Compiler.BuiltinTypes.Object, Location), "object", Parameter.Modifier.NONE, null, Location)
				new [] {

			BeginInvokeBuilder = new Method (this,
				new TypeExpression (iasync_result.TypeSpec, Location), MethodModifiers,
				new MemberName ("BeginInvoke"), async_parameters, null);
			BeginInvokeBuilder.Define ();

			// EndInvoke is a bit more interesting, all the parameters labeled as
			// out or ref have to be duplicated here.

			// Define parameters, and count out/ref parameters
			ParametersCompiled end_parameters;
			int out_params = 0;

			foreach (Parameter p in Parameters.FixedParameters) {
				if ((p.ModFlags & Parameter.Modifier.RefOutMask) != 0)

			if (out_params > 0) {
				Parameter[] end_params = new Parameter[out_params];

				int param = 0;
				for (int i = 0; i < Parameters.FixedParameters.Length; ++i) {
					Parameter p = parameters [i];
					if ((p.ModFlags & Parameter.Modifier.RefOutMask) == 0)

					end_params [param++] = new Parameter (new TypeExpression (p.Type, Location),
						p.ModFlags & Parameter.Modifier.RefOutMask,
						p.OptAttributes == null ? null : p.OptAttributes.Clone (), Location);

				end_parameters = new ParametersCompiled (end_params);
			} else {
				end_parameters = ParametersCompiled.EmptyReadOnlyParameters;

			end_parameters = ParametersCompiled.MergeGenerated (Compiler, end_parameters, false,
				new Parameter (
					new TypeExpression (iasync_result.TypeSpec, Location),
					"result", Parameter.Modifier.NONE, null, Location),

			// Create method, define parameters, register parameters with type system
			EndInvokeBuilder = new Method (this, returnType, MethodModifiers, new MemberName ("EndInvoke"), end_parameters, null);
			EndInvokeBuilder.Define ();
コード例 #19
		protected Method (TypeDefinition parent, FullNamedExpression return_type, Modifiers mod, Modifiers amod,
					MemberName name, ParametersCompiled parameters, Attributes attrs)
			: base (parent, return_type, mod, amod, name, attrs, parameters)
コード例 #20
		public static FullNamedExpression CreateDelegateTypeExpression (BuiltinTypes builtinTypes, ParametersCompiled parameters, FullNamedExpression retType, Location loc){
			bool hasParams = parameters != null && parameters.Count > 0;
			int paramCount = hasParams ? parameters.Count : 0;
			bool hasRetType = !(retType is TypeExpression && ((TypeExpression)retType).Type == builtinTypes.Void);
			int typeParamCount = paramCount;
			if (hasRetType)
			TypeArguments typeArgs = null;
			if (typeParamCount > 0) {
				var typeArgArray = new FullNamedExpression[typeParamCount];
				for (var i = 0; i < paramCount; i++) {
					if (i < paramCount) {
						var param = parameters.FixedParameters[i] as Parameter;
						typeArgArray[i] = param.TypeExpression;
					} else {
						typeArgArray[i] = retType;
				typeArgs = new TypeArguments (typeArgArray);
			if (!hasRetType) {
				return new MemberAccess(new SimpleName("System", loc), "Action", typeArgs, loc);
			} else {
				return new MemberAccess(new SimpleName("System", loc), "Func", typeArgs, loc);
コード例 #21
			protected AEventAccessor (Event method, string prefix, Attributes attrs, Location loc)
				: base (method, prefix, attrs, loc)
				this.method = method;
				this.ModFlags = method.ModFlags;
				this.parameters = ParametersCompiled.CreateImplicitParameter (method.TypeExpression, loc);
コード例 #22
		public Constructor (TypeDefinition parent, string name, Modifiers mod, Attributes attrs, ParametersCompiled args, Location loc)
			: base (parent, null, mod, AllowedModifiers, new MemberName (name, loc), attrs, args)
コード例 #23
		public Indexer (TypeDefinition parent, FullNamedExpression type, MemberName name, Modifiers mod, ParametersCompiled parameters, Attributes attrs)
			: base (parent, type, mod,
				parent.PartialContainer.Kind == MemberKind.Interface ? AllowedInterfaceModifiers : AllowedModifiers,
				name, attrs)
			this.parameters = parameters;
コード例 #24
		/// <summary>
		/// Create the MethodBuilder for the method 
		/// </summary>
		void DefineMethodBuilder (TypeDefinition container, string method_name, ParametersCompiled param)
			var return_type = method.ReturnType.GetMetaInfo ();
			var p_types = param.GetMetaInfo ();

			if (builder == null) {
				builder = container.TypeBuilder.DefineMethod (
					method_name, flags, method.CallingConventions,
					return_type, p_types);

			// Generic method has been already defined to resolve method parameters
			// correctly when they use type parameters
			builder.SetParameters (p_types);
			builder.SetReturnType (return_type);
			if (builder.Attributes != flags) {
				builder.__SetAttributes (flags);
				try {
					if (methodbuilder_attrs_field == null)
						methodbuilder_attrs_field = typeof (MethodBuilder).GetField ("attrs", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
					methodbuilder_attrs_field.SetValue (builder, flags);
				} catch {
					container.Compiler.Report.RuntimeMissingSupport (method.Location, "Generic method MethodAttributes");
コード例 #25
		void CheckMissingAccessor (MemberKind kind, ParametersCompiled parameters, bool get)
			if (IsExplicitImpl) {
				MemberFilter filter;
				if (kind == MemberKind.Indexer)
					filter = new MemberFilter (MemberCache.IndexerNameAlias, 0, kind, parameters, null);
					filter = new MemberFilter (MemberName.Name, 0, kind, null, null);

				var implementing = MemberCache.FindMember (InterfaceType, filter, BindingRestriction.DeclaredOnly) as PropertySpec;

				if (implementing == null)

				var accessor = get ? implementing.Get : implementing.Set;
				if (accessor != null) {
					Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (accessor);
					Report.Error (551, Location, "Explicit interface implementation `{0}' is missing accessor `{1}'",
						GetSignatureForError (), accessor.GetSignatureForError ());
コード例 #26
		public Destructor (TypeDefinition parent, Modifiers mod, ParametersCompiled parameters, Attributes attrs, Location l)
			: base (parent, null, mod, AllowedModifiers, new MemberName (MetadataName, l), attrs, parameters)
			ModFlags &= ~Modifiers.PRIVATE;
			ModFlags |= Modifiers.PROTECTED | Modifiers.OVERRIDE;
コード例 #27
		public VariableInfo (ParametersCompiled ip, int i, int offset)
			: this (ip.FixedParameters [i].Name, ip.Types [i], offset)
			this.IsParameter = true;
コード例 #28
		public Operator (TypeDefinition parent, OpType type, FullNamedExpression ret_type, Modifiers mod_flags, ParametersCompiled parameters,
				 ToplevelBlock block, Attributes attrs, Location loc)
			: base (parent, ret_type, mod_flags, AllowedModifiers, new MemberName (GetMetadataName (type), loc), attrs, parameters)
			OperatorType = type;
			Block = block;
コード例 #29
		// Use this method when you merge compiler generated parameters with user parameters
		public static ParametersCompiled MergeGenerated (CompilerContext ctx, ParametersCompiled userParams, bool checkConflicts, Parameter[] compilerParams, TypeSpec[] compilerTypes)
			Parameter[] all_params = new Parameter [userParams.Count + compilerParams.Length];
			userParams.FixedParameters.CopyTo(all_params, 0);

			TypeSpec [] all_types;
			if (userParams.types != null) {
				all_types = new TypeSpec [all_params.Length];
				userParams.Types.CopyTo (all_types, 0);
			} else {
				all_types = null;

			int last_filled = userParams.Count;
			int index = 0;
			foreach (Parameter p in compilerParams) {
				for (int i = 0; i < last_filled; ++i) {
					while (p.Name == all_params [i].Name) {
						if (checkConflicts && i < userParams.Count) {
							ctx.Report.Error (316, userParams[i].Location,
								"The parameter name `{0}' conflicts with a compiler generated name", p.Name);
						p.Name = '_' + p.Name;
				all_params [last_filled] = p;
				if (all_types != null)
					all_types [last_filled] = compilerTypes [index++];
			ParametersCompiled parameters = new ParametersCompiled (all_params, all_types);
			parameters.has_params = userParams.has_params;
			return parameters;
コード例 #30
void case_268()
#line 2219 "cs-parser.jay"
	  	Error_SyntaxError (yyToken);
		current_local_parameters = ParametersCompiled.EmptyReadOnlyParameters;
	  	yyVal = new OperatorDeclaration (Operator.OpType.Explicit, null, GetLocation (yyVals[-1+yyTop]));