// // Parses the string @input and returns a CSharpParser if succeeful. // // if @silent is set to true then no errors are // reported to the user. This is used to do various calls to the // parser and check if the expression is parsable. // // @partial_input: if @silent is true, then it returns whether the // parsed expression was partial, and more data is needed // CSharpParser ParseString (ParseMode mode, string input, out bool partial_input) { partial_input = false; Reset (); var enc = ctx.Settings.Encoding; var s = new MemoryStream (enc.GetBytes (input)); SeekableStreamReader seekable = new SeekableStreamReader (s, enc); InputKind kind = ToplevelOrStatement (seekable); if (kind == InputKind.Error){ if (mode == ParseMode.ReportErrors) ctx.Report.Error (-25, "Detection Parsing Error"); partial_input = false; return null; } if (kind == InputKind.EOF){ if (mode == ParseMode.ReportErrors) Console.Error.WriteLine ("Internal error: EOF condition should have been detected in a previous call with silent=true"); partial_input = true; return null; } seekable.Position = 0; source_file.DeclarationFound = false; CSharpParser parser = new CSharpParser (seekable, source_file, new ParserSession ()); if (kind == InputKind.StatementOrExpression){ parser.Lexer.putback_char = Tokenizer.EvalStatementParserCharacter; ctx.Settings.StatementMode = true; } else { parser.Lexer.putback_char = Tokenizer.EvalCompilationUnitParserCharacter; ctx.Settings.StatementMode = false; } if (mode == ParseMode.GetCompletions) parser.Lexer.CompleteOnEOF = true; ReportPrinter old_printer = null; if ((mode == ParseMode.Silent || mode == ParseMode.GetCompletions)) old_printer = ctx.Report.SetPrinter (new StreamReportPrinter (TextWriter.Null)); try { parser.parse (); } finally { if (ctx.Report.Errors != 0){ if (mode != ParseMode.ReportErrors && parser.UnexpectedEOF) partial_input = true; if (parser.undo != null) parser.undo.ExecuteUndo (); parser = null; } if (old_printer != null) ctx.Report.SetPrinter (old_printer); } return parser; }
public static object Parse (SeekableStreamReader reader, SourceFile sourceFile, ModuleContainer module, ParserSession session, Report report, int lineModifier = 0, int colModifier = 0) { var file = new CompilationSourceFile (module, sourceFile); module.AddTypeContainer(file); object parser = null; if (sourceFile.FileType == SourceFileType.CSharp) { CSharpParser csParser = new CSharpParser (reader, file, report, session); csParser.Lexer.Line += lineModifier; csParser.Lexer.Column += colModifier; csParser.Lexer.sbag = new SpecialsBag (); csParser.parse (); parser = csParser; } else { PlayScriptParser psParser = new PlayScriptParser (reader, file, report, session); psParser.parsing_playscript = sourceFile.PsExtended; psParser.Lexer.Line += lineModifier; psParser.Lexer.Column += colModifier; psParser.Lexer.sbag = new SpecialsBag (); psParser.parse (); parser = psParser; } return parser; }