public List<PVTableRow> ProcessedSessionLengthData(DataTable data, TimeInterval interval, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, string timestampColumnName) { // This method expects the dates to be rounded to their respected intervals //init return list List<PVTableRow> response = new List<PVTableRow>() { }; // Capture the series data that matches the record timestamp if (data.HasRows()) { List<object> SeriesNames = data.AsEnumerable().Select(r => r["SeriesName"]).Distinct().ToList(); foreach (DataRow row in data.Rows) { PVTableRow tablerow = new PVTableRow() { data = new List<PlaytricsPair>(), index = row["RecordTimestamp"].ToString() }; foreach (string sessionName in SeriesNames) { PlaytricsPair sessionLength = new PlaytricsPair() { name = sessionName, value = 0 };; } // Iterate through the series keypairs response.Add(tablerow); } } return response; }
public List<PVTableRow> ProcessedDataTable(DataTable data, TimeInterval interval, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, string timestampColumnName) { // This method expects the dates to be rounded to their respected intervals //init return list List<PVTableRow> response = new List<PVTableRow>(); // Capture the series data that matches the record timestamp if (data.HasRows()) { foreach (DataRow row in data.Rows) { List<PlaytricsPair> rowdata = new List<PlaytricsPair>(); // Iterate through the series keypairs for (int x = 1; x < data.Columns.Count; x += 2) { if (row[x].ToString() == "") { continue; } string seriesName = row[x].ToString(); string seriesValue = row[x + 1].ToString(); PlaytricsPair datapoint = new PlaytricsPair() { name = seriesName, value = (String.Format("{0} seconds", Int32.Parse(seriesValue) / 1000)) }; rowdata.Add(datapoint); } PVTableRow tablerow = new PVTableRow() { data = rowdata, index = row["RecordTimestamp"].ToString() }; response.Add(tablerow); } } return response; }