コード例 #1
        public Notifier(string gameId, MessageTopic topic, MoniverseNotification notification, NotificationLevel level = NotificationLevel.Info)
            GameId = gameId;
            message = notification;
            NotificationId = notification.Id;
            Topic = topic;
            Level = level;

            switch (topic)
                case MessageTopic.Error:
                    message.ARN = NotificationTopics.ServiceError;
                    if (level == NotificationLevel.Error)
                        message.ARN = NotificationTopics.ServiceError;
                case MessageTopic.Users:
                    message.ARN = NotificationTopics.ServiceError;
                case MessageTopic.Game:
                case MessageTopic.Hosting:

コード例 #2
        public static MoniverseNotification ActiveUserDeltaThreshold(GameMonitoringConfig game)
            MoniverseNotification notification = new MoniverseNotification()
                Id = "UserDelta",
                ShouldSend = false

            string subject = "{0} Users Online Dropped {1}";
            string message = "[{0} Alert {1}] | Game: {2} - Number of Users Online Dropped by {3} over past {4} minutes which is over the threshold of {5}";
            Logger.Instance.Info(String.Format("Check User Delta for {0}", game.Id));

            // Get last three user count snapshots
            string query = String.Format(
                @"SELECT RecordTimestamp,
                        SUM(GameSessionUsers) AS GameSessionUsers
                FROM (
                SELECT	DATE_SUB(RecordTimestamp, INTERVAL (IFNULL(HOUR(RecordTimestamp) % FLOOR(3 / 60), 0) * 60 * 60) + ((MINUTE(RecordTimestamp) % 3) * 60) + SECOND(RecordTimestamp) SECOND) AS RecordTimestamp,
                        ROUND(AVG(GameSessionUsers)) AS GameSessionUsers,
                FROM GameUserActivity
                WHERE GameId = '{0}'
                AND DATE_SUB(RecordTimestamp, INTERVAL (IFNULL(HOUR(RecordTimestamp) % FLOOR(3 / 60), 0) * 60 * 60) + ((MINUTE(RecordTimestamp) % 3) * 60) + SECOND(RecordTimestamp) SECOND) > UTC_TIMESTAMP() - INTERVAL 10 MINUTE
                GROUP BY DATE_SUB(RecordTimestamp, INTERVAL (IFNULL(HOUR(RecordTimestamp) % FLOOR(3 / 60), 0) * 60 * 60) + ((MINUTE(RecordTimestamp) % 3) * 60) + SECOND(RecordTimestamp) SECOND),
                ) USERS
                GROUP BY RecordTimestamp
                ORDER BY RecordTimestamp DESC
                LIMIT 0, 3;",

            DataTable queryResults = DBManager.Instance.Query(Datastore.Monitoring, query);
            if (!queryResults.HasRows() || queryResults.Rows.Count != 3)
                if (game.IsNotificationSettingEnabled(NotificationLevel.PVSupport))

                    new Notifier(Games.EMPTYGAMEID, MessageTopic.Error, new MoniverseNotification()
                        Id = "DBERROR",
                        Message = "Not Enough User Rows returned in Online User Check",
                        Subject = "Online User Check Failed"

                    Logger.Instance.Info(String.Format("Not Enough User Rows Returned", game.Id));

            int currentUsers = (int)queryResults.Rows[0].Field<decimal>("GameSessionUsers");
            int users_3MinsAgo = (int)queryResults.Rows[1].Field<decimal>("GameSessionUsers");
            int users_6MinsAgo = (int)queryResults.Rows[2].Field<decimal>("GameSessionUsers");
            string recordTimestamp = queryResults.Rows[0].Field<DateTime>("RecordTimestamp").ToString();

            // Check notification thresholds and send notification of delta warning or error is necessary
            float sixMinDropPercent = 1.0f - ((float)currentUsers / (float)users_6MinsAgo);
            float threeMinDropPercent = 1.0f - ((float)currentUsers / (float)users_3MinsAgo);

            string sixMinuteDropF = Math.Abs((decimal)(sixMinDropPercent * 100)).ToString("#.##\\%");

            if (sixMinDropPercent > game.ActiveUserDeltaThresholdPct_6Min)
                notification.ShouldSend = true;
                notification.Message = String.Format(message, NotificationLevel.Error.ToString(), recordTimestamp, game.Title, sixMinuteDropF, 6, game.ActiveUserDeltaThresholdPct_6Min);
                notification.Subject = String.Format(subject, game.ShortTitle, sixMinuteDropF);
            else if (threeMinDropPercent > game.ActiveUserDeltaThresholdPct_6Min)
                notification.ShouldSend = true;
                notification.Message = String.Format(message, NotificationLevel.Error.ToString(), recordTimestamp, game.Title, sixMinuteDropF, 6, game.ActiveUserDeltaThresholdPct_6Min);
                notification.Subject = String.Format(subject, game.ShortTitle, sixMinuteDropF);
            else if (threeMinDropPercent > game.ActiveUserDeltaThresholdPct_3Min)
                notification.ShouldSend = true;
                notification.Message = String.Format(message, NotificationLevel.Error.ToString(), recordTimestamp, game.Title, sixMinuteDropF, 6, game.ActiveUserDeltaThresholdPct_6Min);
                notification.Subject = String.Format(subject, game.ShortTitle, sixMinuteDropF);

            return notification;
コード例 #3
 public void setNotification(MoniverseNotification notification)
     notification.ARN = this.message.ARN;
     this.message = notification;
コード例 #4
        public static MoniverseNotification TestNotification(GameMonitoringConfig game)
            MoniverseNotification notification = new MoniverseNotification()
                Id = "TestNotification",
                Message = "TESTMESSAGE",
                Subject = "TEST TEST TEST"

            return notification;