コード例 #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;
            string   now       = startTime.ToString("yyyy.MM.dd HH.mm");

            Console.WriteLine("Started at " + now);

            MongoDB.Driver.IMongoClient     client      = new MongoClient(); // connect to localhost
            MongoDB.Driver.IMongoDatabase   test        = client.GetDatabase("prop2");
            IMongoCollection <BsonDocument> collection  = test.GetCollection <BsonDocument>("prop");
            IMongoCollection <BsonDocument> collection1 = test.GetCollection <BsonDocument>("prop1");

            Task tsk = insert(collection1, collection);


            Task t = createIndex(collection);

            // await collection.Indexes.CreateOneAsync(Builders<BsonDocument>.IndexKeys.Ascending(doc => doc["quad"]));

            // Task calculateNear = near(collection);
            // calculateNear.Wait();

            DateTime endTime     = DateTime.Now;
            TimeSpan elapsedTime = endTime - startTime;

            Console.WriteLine("elapsedTime = " + elapsedTime);

            Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to Continue...");
コード例 #2
 public DataModelsController()
     MongoDB.Driver.MongoClient client = new MongoDB.Driver.MongoClient();
     _db               = client.GetDatabase(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["dbname"]);
     _models           = _db.GetCollection <DataModel>("data_models");
     _entityController = new EntityModelsController();
コード例 #3
        public IndexModule()
            //The get and post methods for the main page.
            Get["/"] = parameters =>
                var collection1 = database.GetCollection <BsonDocument>("users");
                var filter      = Builders <BsonDocument> .Filter.Ne("emailaccounts", "");

                var result            = collection1.Find(filter).ToList();
                var result2           = collection1.Distinct <BsonArray>("emailaccounts", filter);
                List <BsonDocument> l = new List <BsonDocument>();
                var p = "<html>";
                foreach (var x in result)
                    p = p + "<p>" + x.ToString() + "</p>";
                p = p + "</html>";
                Console.WriteLine(p + "!!!!");

            Post["/"] = parameters =>
                var body = Request.Body.ToString();
            //Get["/hello/{name}"] = parameters => { return "Hello " + parameters.name; };
コード例 #4
        /// <summary> Creates a <see cref="BDoc"/> out of <paramref name="data"/>, and inserts a new record in the given <paramref name="database"/> and <paramref name="collection"/>. </summary>
        /// <param name="database"> Database to add data to </param>
        /// <param name="collection"> Collection to add data to </param>
        /// <param name="data"> Data to turn into a BDoc and insert </param>
        public void InsertData(string database, string collection, JsonObject data)
            BDoc doc = ToBson(data);

            MDB db = dbClient.GetDatabase(database);

            db.GetCollection <BDoc>(collection).InsertOne(doc);
コード例 #5
        public void Log <TState>(LogLevel logLevel, EventId eventId, TState state, Exception exception, Func <TState, Exception, string> formatter)
            var collection = _database.GetCollection <dynamic>(logLevel.ToString().ToLower());

            string message = formatter(state, exception);

                time = DateTime.Now,
                name = _name,
コード例 #6
        public DbAppTenantResolver(
            ILoggerFactory loggerFactory
            : base(loggerFactory)
            //this.tenants = options.Value.Tenants;
            var client = new MongoDB.Driver.MongoClient("mongodb://localhost"); // mongodb://admin:abc123!@localhost/database

            MongoDB.Driver.IMongoDatabase _database = client.GetDatabase("mydb");

            var collection = _database.GetCollection <AppTenant>("tenants");

            this.tenants = collection.Find(Builders <AppTenant> .Filter.Empty).ToList();
コード例 #7
        public CachingMongoDbAppTenantResolver(
            IMemoryCache cache,
            ILoggerFactory loggerFactory,
            IOptions <MultitenancyOptions> options)
            : base(cache, loggerFactory)
            //this.tenants = options.Value.Tenants;
            var client = new MongoDB.Driver.MongoClient("mongodb://localhost"); // mongodb://admin:abc123!@localhost

            MongoDB.Driver.IMongoDatabase _database = client.GetDatabase("kiralikbul");

            var collection = _database.GetCollection <AppTenant>("tenants");

            this.tenants = collection.Find(Builders <AppTenant> .Filter.Empty).ToList();
コード例 #8
ファイル: Startup.cs プロジェクト: BenoitGoethals/src
        static async Task MainAsync()
            var client = new MongoClient("mongodb://");

            IMongoDatabase db = client.GetDatabase("schoool3");

            var collection  = db.GetCollection <Student>("students2");
            var newStudents = CreateNewStudents();

            await collection.InsertManyAsync(newStudents);

            var filter = "{ FirstName: 'Gregor'}";

            await collection.Find(filter)
            .ForEachAsync(document => Console.WriteLine(document));

            await collection.Find(student => student.Age < 25 && student.FirstName != "Peter")
            .ForEachAsync(student => Console.WriteLine(student.FirstName + " " + student.LastName));
コード例 #9
        /// <summary> Creates a <see cref="BDoc"/> out of every <see cref="JsonObject"/> in <paramref name="data"/>, and inserts each as a new record in the given <paramref name="database"/> and <paramref name="collection"/>. </summary>
        /// <param name="database"> Database to add data to </param>
        /// <param name="collection"> Collection to add data to </param>
        /// <param name="data"> Data to insert insert </param>
        public void InsertData(string database, string collection, JsonArray vals)
            List <BDoc> docs = new List <BDoc>(vals.Count);

            foreach (var data in vals)
                if (data is JsonObject)
                    docs.Add(ToBson(data as JsonObject));
                    // InsertData(database, collection, data as JsonObject);

            if (docs.Count > 0)
                MDB db = dbClient.GetDatabase(database);
                db.GetCollection <BDoc>(collection).InsertMany(docs);
コード例 #10
ファイル: TellHandler.cs プロジェクト: ziccardi/fehbot
        public void handle(RegistrationInfoFactory infoFactory, IrcDotNet.IrcClient client, FehBot bot, MongoDB.Driver.IMongoDatabase db, IrcDotNet.IrcUser from, IrcDotNet.IrcChannel to, string message)
            var nickName          = infoFactory.NickName;
            var messageCollection = db.GetCollection <BsonDocument> ("Message");

            if (isTellMessage(message, nickName))
                Tuple <string, string> request = parseRequest(HandlerUtils.removeMention(message, nickName));
                if (!request.Item1.Equals(nickName))
                    messageCollection.InsertOne(new BsonDocument {
                        { "network", infoFactory.Server },
                        { "channel", to.Name.ToLower() },
                        { "recipient", request.Item1 },
                        { "sender", from.NickName },
                        { "message", request.Item2 }
                    client.LocalUser.SendMessage(to, from.NickName + ": kk");
                    var messageObject = new JObject();

                    messageObject.Add("channel", to.Name.ToLower());
                    messageObject.Add("recipient", request.Item1);
                    messageObject.Add("sender", from.NickName);
                    messageObject.Add("message", request.Item2);
                    callWebHook(db, messageObject);
                var builder = Builders <BsonDocument> .Filter;
                var filter  = builder.Eq("recipient", from.NickName) & builder.Eq("channel", to.Name.ToLower()) & builder.Eq("network", infoFactory.Server);
                messageCollection.Find(filter).ForEachAsync((document) => {
                    var objectId    = document.GetValue("_id").AsObjectId;
                    var createdDate = objectId.CreationTime;
                    DateDiff diff   = new DateDiff(createdDate, DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime());
                    client.LocalUser.SendMessage(to, String.Format("({0} ago) {1} => {2}, {3}", diff.GetDescription(6), document.GetValue("sender").AsString, document.GetValue("recipient").AsString, document.GetValue("message").AsString));
コード例 #11
        public async Task <IActionResult> GetServiceList()
            ContractModel model    = new ContractModel();
            string        strmodel = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(model);
            var           cols     = monogodb.GetCollection <ServiceModel>("ContractInfo");

            ServiceModel[] defaultModels = new ServiceModel[]
                new ServiceModel()
                    ServiceCode = 100, ServiceName = "스케쥴링", Describe = "스케쥴링 알고리즘"
                new ServiceModel()
                    ServiceCode = 101, ServiceName = "Peak-cut", Describe = "피크컷 알고리즘"
                new ServiceModel()
                    ServiceCode = 102, ServiceName = "주파수 조정(Frequency Regulation)", Describe = "주파수 조정 알고리즘"
                new ServiceModel()
                    ServiceCode = 100, ServiceName = "DR", Describe = "수요반응"

            await cols.InsertManyAsync(defaultModels);

            IAsyncCursor <ServiceModel> cursor = await cols.FindAsync <ServiceModel>(null);

            JArray jArray = new JArray();

            //List<ServiceModel> result_models = new List<ServiceModel>();
            await cursor.ForEachAsync(db => jArray.Add(db));

コード例 #12
        public void run()
            int dbToggle = 1;

            if (dbToggle == 0)
                MongoDB.Driver.IMongoClient     client          = new MongoClient();    // connect to localhost
                MongoDB.Driver.IMongoDatabase   prop2           = client.GetDatabase("prop2");
                IMongoCollection <BsonDocument> prop2Collection = prop2.GetCollection <BsonDocument>("prop2");
                MongoDB.Driver.IMongoDatabase   p           = client.GetDatabase("p");
                IMongoCollection <BsonDocument> pCollection = p.GetCollection <BsonDocument>("p");

                Task tsk = insertDFW_geoJSON(prop2Collection, pCollection);

                //Task t = createIndex(pCollection);

            //test db
            if (dbToggle == 1)
                MongoDB.Driver.IMongoClient     client          = new MongoClient();    // connect to localhost
                MongoDB.Driver.IMongoDatabase   prop2           = client.GetDatabase("test");
                IMongoCollection <BsonDocument> prop2Collection = prop2.GetCollection <BsonDocument>("prop1");
                MongoDB.Driver.IMongoDatabase   p           = client.GetDatabase("p");
                IMongoCollection <BsonDocument> pCollection = p.GetCollection <BsonDocument>("p");

                Task tsk = insertDFW_geoJSON(prop2Collection, pCollection);

                Task t = createIndex(pCollection);
コード例 #13
        public void getAllData(string collectionName, string title1, string title2, string title3)
            var         Collections = database.GetCollection <Elas>(collectionName);
            List <Elas> list        = null;
            int         num         = 0;

            if (title1 == "All categories")
                list = Collections.Find(x => x.Subcategory == "").ToList();
                foreach (var f in list)
                    points p = new points();
                    p.Category   = f.Category;
                    p.Elasticity = f.Elasticity;
                    p.Quintile   = f.Quintile;
            else if (title2 == "")
                list = Collections.Find(x => x.Category == title1).ToList();
                foreach (var f in list)
                    if ((f.Subcategory != "") && (f.Subsubcategory == ""))
                        points p = new points();
                        p.Category   = f.Subcategory;
                        p.Elasticity = f.Elasticity;
                        p.Quintile   = f.Quintile;
                if (num == 0)
                {                             //if there is no subcategory.
                    foreach (var f in list)
                        points p = new points();
                        p.Category   = f.Category;
                        p.Elasticity = f.Elasticity;
                        p.Quintile   = f.Quintile;
            else if (title3 == "")
                list = Collections.Find(x => x.Category == title1 && x.Subcategory == title2).ToList();
                foreach (var f in list)
                    if ((f.Subsubcategory != "") && (f.Subsubsubcategory == ""))
                        points p = new points();
                        p.Category   = f.Subsubcategory;
                        p.Elasticity = f.Elasticity;
                        p.Quintile   = f.Quintile;
                if (num == 0)                           //if there is no subsubcategory.
                    foreach (var f in list)
                        points p = new points();
                        p.Category   = f.Subcategory;
                        p.Elasticity = f.Elasticity;
                        p.Quintile   = f.Quintile;
                list = Collections.Find(x => x.Category == title1 && x.Subcategory == title2 && x.Subsubcategory == title3).ToList();
                foreach (var f in list)
                    points p = new points();
                    p.Category   = f.Subsubcategory;
                    p.Elasticity = f.Elasticity;
                    p.Quintile   = f.Quintile;
コード例 #14
        /// <summary> Reseeds a database using the given descriptor. </summary>
        /// <param name="reseedInfo"> JsonObject containing description of how to reseed the database. </param>
        public void Reseed(JsonObject reseedInfo, string topDir = null)
            if (reseedInfo.Has <JsonArray>("drop"))
                Drop(reseedInfo.Get <JsonArray>("drop"));
            if (reseedInfo.Has <JsonObject>("index"))
                Index(reseedInfo.Get <JsonObject>("index"));
            if (reseedInfo.Has <JsonObject>("insert"))
                Insert(reseedInfo.Get <JsonObject>("insert"), topDir);

            void Drop(JsonArray databases)
                foreach (var dbname in databases)
                    if (dbname.isString)

            void Index(JsonObject descriptor)
                string database   = descriptor.Pull("database", dbName);
                string collection = descriptor.Pull("collection", "Garbage");

                if (database == "$default")
                    database = dbName;

                JsonObject fields = descriptor.Pull <JsonObject>("fields");
                MDB        db     = dbClient.GetDatabase(database);

                List <CreateIndexModel <BDoc> > indexes = new List <CreateIndexModel <BDoc> >();
                IndexKeysDefinition <BDoc>      index   = null;

                foreach (var pair in fields)
                    string fieldName = pair.Key;
                    int    order     = pair.Value;

                    if (order > 0)
                        index = index?.Ascending(fieldName) ?? Builders <BDoc> .IndexKeys.Ascending(fieldName);
                        index = index?.Descending(fieldName) ?? Builders <BDoc> .IndexKeys.Descending(fieldName);

                var model = new CreateIndexModel <BDoc>(index);

                db.GetCollection <BDoc>(collection).Indexes.CreateOne(model);

            void Insert(JsonObject descriptor, string dir)
                string database   = descriptor.Pull("database", dbName);
                string collection = descriptor.Pull("collection", "Garbage");

                string[] files = descriptor.Pull <string[]>("files");
                if (files == null)
                    files = new string[] { collection };

                dir = ForwardSlashPath(dir);
                if (!dir.EndsWith("/"))
                    dir += "/";

                foreach (var file in files)
                    string json  = null;
                    string fpath = dir + file;

                    if (file.EndsWith("/**"))
                        string directory = fpath.Replace("/**", "");

                        Glob(database, collection, directory);
                        try { json = json ?? File.ReadAllText(fpath); } catch (Exception) { }
                        try { json = json ?? File.ReadAllText(fpath + ".json"); } catch (Exception) { }
                        try { json = json ?? File.ReadAllText(fpath + ".wtf"); } catch (Exception) { }

                        if (json == null)
                            Log.Warning($"Seeder could not find file {{{ForwardSlashPath(file)}}} under {{{dir}}}");

                        JsonValue data = Json.Parse(json);
                        if (data == null || !(data is JsonObject) && !(data is JsonArray))
                            Log.Warning($"Seeder cannot use {{{ForwardSlashPath(file)}}} under {{{dir}}}, it is not an object or array.");

                        if (data is JsonObject)
                            data["filename"] = UpToLast(FromLast(ForwardSlashPath(fpath), "/"), ".");
                            InsertData(database, collection, data as JsonObject);
                        else if (data is JsonArray)
                            InsertData(database, collection, data as JsonArray);

            void Glob(string database, string collection, string directory)
                List <string> files = AllFilesInDirectory(directory);

                foreach (string file in files)
                    string json = null;
                    try {
                        json = json ?? File.ReadAllText(file);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        Log.Warning($"Seeder could not find {{{file}}}.", e);

                    try {
                        JsonValue data = Json.Parse(json);

                        if (data == null || !(data is JsonObject) && !(data is JsonArray))
                            Log.Warning($"Seeder cannot use {{{ForwardSlashPath(file)}}}, it is not an object or array.");

                        if (data is JsonObject)
                            data["filename"] = UpToLast(FromLast(ForwardSlashPath(file), "/"), ".");
                            InsertData(database, collection, data as JsonObject);
                        else if (data is JsonArray)
                            InsertData(database, collection, data as JsonArray);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        Log.Warning($"Seeder could not parse {{{ForwardSlashPath(file)}}}.", e);
コード例 #15
        public void handle(RegistrationInfoFactory infoFactory, IrcDotNet.IrcClient client, FehBot bot, MongoDB.Driver.IMongoDatabase db, IrcDotNet.IrcUser from, IrcDotNet.IrcChannel to, string message)
            if (isFactoidMentionRequest(message))
                Tuple <string, string> request = ParseFactionMention(message);
                var term   = request.Item1.Trim();
                var target = request.Item2.Trim();

                var factoid = db.GetCollection <BsonDocument>("factoid");
                var builder = Builders <BsonDocument> .Filter;
                var filter  = builder.Eq("term", term) & builder.Eq("channel", to.Name.ToLower()) & builder.Eq("network", infoFactory.Server);

                var document = factoid.Find(filter).FirstOrDefault();

                if (document == null)
                    string template = "{0}, Huh?";
                    client.LocalUser.SendMessage(to, String.Format(template, from.NickName));
                    string template = "{0}, {1}.";
                    client.LocalUser.SendMessage(to, String.Format(template, target, document.GetValue("meaning").AsString));
            else if (isFactoidGetRequest(message))
                var term    = parseFactoidGet(message);
                var factoid = db.GetCollection <BsonDocument>("factoid");
                var builder = Builders <BsonDocument> .Filter;
                var filter  = builder.Eq("term", term) & builder.Eq("channel", to.Name.ToLower()) & builder.Eq("network", infoFactory.Server);

                var document = factoid.Find(filter).FirstOrDefault();

                if (document == null)
                    string template = "{0}, Huh?";
                    client.LocalUser.SendMessage(to, String.Format(template, from.NickName));
                    string template = "{0}, {1}";
                    client.LocalUser.SendMessage(to, String.Format(template, from.NickName, document.GetValue("meaning").AsString));
            else if (isFactoidStoreRequest(message, infoFactory.NickName))
                message = HandlerUtils.removeMention(message, infoFactory.NickName);
                var request    = parseFactoidStoreRequest(message);
                var term       = request.Item1;
                var definition = request.Item2;

                var factoid = db.GetCollection <BsonDocument>("factoid");
                var builder = Builders <BsonDocument> .Filter;
                var filter  = builder.Eq("term", term) & builder.Eq("channel", to.Name.ToLower()) & builder.Eq("network", infoFactory.Server);

                var document = factoid.Find(filter).FirstOrDefault();
                if (document == null)
                    factoid.InsertOne(new BsonDocument {
                        { "term", term },
                        { "channel", to.Name.ToLower() },
                        { "network", infoFactory.Server },
                        { "meaning", definition }
                    var update = Builders <BsonDocument> .Update.Set("meaning", definition);

                    factoid.UpdateOne(filter, update);
                string template = "{0}, Got it!";
                client.LocalUser.SendMessage(to, String.Format(template, from.NickName));
            else if (isFactoidRemoveRequest(message, infoFactory.NickName))
                message = HandlerUtils.removeMention(message, infoFactory.NickName);
                string term = parseFactoidRemoveRequest(message);

                var factoid = db.GetCollection <BsonDocument>("factoid");
                var builder = Builders <BsonDocument> .Filter;
                var filter  = builder.Eq("term", term) & builder.Eq("channel", to.Name.ToLower()) & builder.Eq("network", infoFactory.Server);

                var document = factoid.Find(filter).FirstOrDefault();
                if (document == null)
                    string template = "{0}, Huh?";
                    client.LocalUser.SendMessage(to, String.Format(template, from.NickName));
                    string template = "{0}, It never happened.";
                    client.LocalUser.SendMessage(to, String.Format(template, from.NickName));
コード例 #16
 public EntityModelsController()
     MongoDB.Driver.MongoClient client = new MongoDB.Driver.MongoClient();
     _db     = client.GetDatabase(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["dbname"]);
     _models = _db.GetCollection <EntityDefinition>("entity_definitions");
コード例 #17
        public IMongoCollection <T> Document <T>() where T : DbModel
            var doc = db.GetCollection <T>(typeof(T).Name);
