public void Add_TransactionTest() { User test = new MoneyTransfer657.User("Erik Lomas"); test.Add_Transaction("bob", "bill", "BTC", "1", "pizza"); Assert.IsNotNull(test); }
private void SendButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { decimal amount_to_send; bool isNumeric = decimal.TryParse(AmountBox.Text, out amount_to_send); if (isNumeric == false) { MessageBox.Show("Only enter numbers for amount of currency to send"); return; } if (CoinBox.SelectedIndex == 0) { user.Usd = user.Usd - amount_to_send; user.Add_Transaction(user.Username, RecipientText.Text, "USD", amount_to_send.ToString(), descrip_box.Text); } else if (CoinBox.SelectedIndex == 1) { user.Btc = user.Btc - amount_to_send; user.Add_Transaction(user.Username, RecipientText.Text, "BTC", amount_to_send.ToString(), descrip_box.Text); } else if (CoinBox.SelectedIndex == 2) { user.Eth = user.Eth - amount_to_send; user.Add_Transaction(user.Username, RecipientText.Text, "ETH", amount_to_send.ToString(), descrip_box.Text); } else if (CoinBox.SelectedIndex == 3) { user.Xrp = user.Xrp - amount_to_send; user.Add_Transaction(user.Username, RecipientText.Text, "XRP", amount_to_send.ToString(), descrip_box.Text); } else { MessageBox.Show("Please select a currency before sending."); return; } UpdatePage(); user.Update_Database(); }
private void BuyCoinButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { decimal amount_to_buy; bool isNumeric = decimal.TryParse(coinBuySellAmountTextBox.Text, out amount_to_buy); if (isNumeric == false) { MessageBox.Show("Only enter numbers for amount of coins to buy/sell"); return; } if (selectCoinComboBox.SelectedIndex == 0) { //BTC if ((amount_to_buy * btc_price) > user.Usd) { MessageBox.Show("You dont have enough USD to make this purchase"); return; } Thread buy = new Thread(() => { user.Buy_BTC(amount_to_buy); user.Add_Transaction("global", user.Username, "BTC", amount_to_buy.ToString(), "buy crypto"); }); buy.Start(); buy.Join(); } else if (selectCoinComboBox.SelectedIndex == 1) { //ETH if ((amount_to_buy * eth_price) > user.Usd) { MessageBox.Show("You dont have enough USD to make this purchase"); return; } Thread buy = new Thread(() => { user.Buy_ETH(amount_to_buy); user.Add_Transaction("global", user.Username, "ETH", amount_to_buy.ToString(), "buy crypto"); }); buy.Start(); buy.Join(); } else if (selectCoinComboBox.SelectedIndex == 2) { //XRP if ((amount_to_buy * xrp_price) > user.Usd) { MessageBox.Show("You dont have enough USD to make this purchase"); return; } Thread buy = new Thread(() => { user.Buy_XRP(amount_to_buy); user.Add_Transaction("global", user.Username, "XRP", amount_to_buy.ToString(), "buy crypto"); }); buy.Start(); buy.Join(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Please select a coin before buying or selling."); } Update_Owned(); MessageBox.Show("Purchase Complete"); }