public static void UnclaimMojios(MojioClient client, Mojio.Mojio mojio) { Logger logger = Logger.Instance; // Unclaiming Mojio using our C# SDK // NOTE: This is a restricted call and your developer account must be authorized var response = client.UnclaimAsync(mojio.Id); var result = response.Result; var statusCode = result.StatusCode; var errorMessage = result.ErrorMessage; switch (statusCode) { case HttpStatusCode.NotFound: logger.LogErrorUnclaim(mojio.Imei, errorMessage); break; case HttpStatusCode.Conflict: logger.LogErrorUnclaim(mojio.Imei, errorMessage); break; case HttpStatusCode.OK: logger.LogSuccessfulUnclaim(mojio.Imei); break; default: logger.LogErrorUnclaim(mojio.Imei, errorMessage); break; } }
public static User CreateNewUser(MojioClient client, string userName, string password, string email) { // Create a new Mojio user var task = client.RegisterUserAsync(userName, email, password); var result = task.Result; var mojioUser = result.Data; return mojioUser; }
private void SetupMojioClient() { Client = new MojioClient (this, new Guid (ConfigSettings.MojioAppId), new Guid (ConfigSettings.MojioAppKey), ConfigSettings.MojioApiEndpoint); if (Client.Token == null) { Client.Begin (new Guid (ConfigSettings.MojioAppId), new Guid (ConfigSettings.MojioAppKey)); } }
public static void UnclaimMojios(MojioClient client, string fileName) { Logger logger = Logger.Instance; logger.Log("Un-clamining Mojio Process Starting. . ."); logger.Log("Filename: " + fileName); try { using (var reader = new StreamReader(fileName)) { var claimedMojioList = GetAllClaimdMojio(client); while (!reader.EndOfStream) { var row = reader.ReadLine(); // todo: fake some values here // EXPECTED ROW: "TV156403609,\"123456789012345\"" // NOTE: if this row looks different than the string above please change the row.Split accordingly if (row != null) { var arry = row.Split(',', (char)34, (char)92); // Delimiter: ',', '/', '"' arry = arry.Where(x => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x)).ToArray(); var imei = arry[1]; //Imei var regex = new Regex(@"^[0-9]+$"); if (regex.IsMatch(imei)) { // Get Mojio var mojio = GetMojio(imei, claimedMojioList); if (mojio != null) { UnclaimMojios(client, mojio); } else { logger.Log("Could not find Mojio with IMEI: " + imei); } } else { logger.Log(String.Format("{0} is not an IMEI number", imei)); } } } } } catch (Exception) { //eat it } }
public static void UnclaimMojiosByImei(MojioClient client, string imei) { Logger logger = Logger.Instance; var mojio = GetMojio(imei, GetAllClaimdMojio(client)); if (mojio != null) { UnclaimMojios(client, mojio); } else { logger.Log("Could not find Mojio with IMEI: " + imei); } }
private static void Main(string[] args) { // APP INFO Guid appId = new Guid("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"); // Application Id Guid secretKey = new Guid("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"); // Sandbox //Guid secretKey = new Guid("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"); // Live // LOG-IN CREDENTIAL // USER ACCOUNT YOU WANT TO CLAIM/UN-CLAIM UNDER var adminUserOrEmail = "*****@*****.**"; var adminPassword = "******"; // SET UP var logger = Logger.Instance; // AUTHENTICATING TO MOJIO var client = new MojioClient(appId, secretKey, adminUserOrEmail, adminPassword); logger.Log("Aquiring Token From Mojio...."); if (client.Token == null) { logger.Log("Failed to aquire token."); logger.Log("Press any key to quit..."); Console.ReadKey(); } else { logger.Log("Log In: Successful"); } // GET FILE PATH var fileName = GetFilePathFromUser(); // PROCESS FILE AND CLAIM MOJIO ClaimMojio.ClaimMojio.ClaimMojios(client, fileName); // PROCESS FILE AND UNCLAIM MOJIO UnClaimingMojio.UnclaimMojio.UnclaimMojios(client, fileName); // PROCESS FILE AND ASSIGN MOJIO TO NEW USER CreateAndAssignUserToUnclaimedMojio(client, fileName); // END OF PROGRAM logger.Log("Press any key to stop..."); Console.ReadKey(); }
public static void ClaimMojioByImei(MojioClient client, string imei) { Logger logger = Logger.Instance; var regex = new Regex(@"^[0-9]+$"); if (!regex.IsMatch(imei)) { logger.Log(String.Format("{0} is not an IMEI number", imei)); } try { // Claiming Mojio using C# SDK // NOTE: This is a restricted call and your developer account must be authorized var task = client.ClaimAsync(imei); var mojioResult = task.Result; var statusCode = mojioResult.StatusCode; var errorMessage = mojioResult.ErrorMessage; switch (statusCode) { case HttpStatusCode.NotFound: logger.LogErrorClaim(imei, errorMessage); break; case HttpStatusCode.Conflict: logger.LogErrorClaim(imei, errorMessage); break; case HttpStatusCode.OK: logger.LogSuccessfulClaim(imei); break; default: logger.LogErrorClaim(imei, errorMessage); break; } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Instance.Log(string.Format("An exception occured while claiming Mojio\nException Message: {0}", ex.Message)); } }
public static void ClaimMojios(MojioClient client, string fileName) { Logger logger = Logger.Instance; logger.Log("Claiming Mojio Process Starting. . ."); logger.Log("Filename: " + fileName); try { using (var reader = new StreamReader(fileName)) { while (!reader.EndOfStream) { var row = reader.ReadLine(); // EXPECTED ROW: "TV156403609,\"123456789012345\"" // NOTE: if this row looks different than the string above please change the row.Split accordingly if (row != null) { var arry = row.Split(',', (char)34, (char)92); // Delimiter: ',', '/', '"' arry = arry.Where(x => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x)).ToArray(); var imei = arry[1]; //Imei var regex = new Regex(@"^[0-9]+$"); if (regex.IsMatch(imei)) { ClaimMojioByImei(client, imei); } else { logger.Log(String.Format("{0} is not an IMEI number", imei)); } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Instance.Log(string.Format("An exception occured while claiming Mojio\nException Message: {0}", ex.Message)); } }
private static List<Mojio.Mojio> GetAllClaimdMojio(MojioClient client) { // Get all the Mojios under the currented logged on user var mojiosResponse = client.GetAsync<Mojio.Mojio>(); var result = mojiosResponse.Result; var data = result.Data; var mojios = data.Data; // Store all the Mojios return new List<Mojio.Mojio>(mojios); }
private static void CreateAndAssignUserToUnclaimedMojio(MojioClient client, string fileName) { // ASSUMPTION: THE IMEI IN THE FILE ARE ALL UNCLAIMED // NEW USER ACCOUNT CREATION PATTERN var newUserNameFormat = "UserName"; //expected: wizardUser0, wizardUser1 ... etc. var newUserPasswordFormat = "Us3rpaSsw0rd"; // expected: wIzpaSsw0rd0, wIzpaSsw0rd1 ... etc. var newUserEmailFormat = ""; // expected: [email protected], [email protected] ... etc. var currentUserNumber = 0; var totalImei = GetTotalImei(fileName); // Number of user account needs to be created Logger logger = Logger.Instance; List<User> newUserList = CreateUserAccounts(client, newUserNameFormat, newUserPasswordFormat, newUserEmailFormat, totalImei); logger.Log("Assigning User To Mojio Starting. . ."); try { using (var reader = new StreamReader(fileName)) { while (!reader.EndOfStream) { var row = reader.ReadLine(); // EXPECTED ROW: "TV156403609,\"123456789012345\"" // NOTE: if this row looks different than the string above please change the row.Split accordingly if (row != null) { var arry = row.Split(',', (char) 34, (char) 92); // Delimiter: ',', '/', '"' arry = arry.Where(x => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x)).ToArray(); var imei = arry[1]; //Imei var regex = new Regex(@"^[0-9]+$"); if (regex.IsMatch(imei)) { var user = newUserList[currentUserNumber]; var task = client.SetUserAsync(user.Email, newUserPasswordFormat + currentUserNumber); var result = task.Result; if (result.Data != null) { ClaimMojio.ClaimMojio.ClaimMojioByImei(client, imei); currentUserNumber++; } } else { logger.Log(String.Format("{0} is not an IMEI number", imei)); } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Instance.Log(string.Format("An exception occured while claiming Mojio\nException Message: {0}", ex.Message)); } }
private static List<User> CreateUserAccounts(MojioClient client, string newUserNameFormat, string newUserPasswordFormat, string newUserEmailFormat, int numberOfAccount) { Logger logger = Logger.Instance; logger.Log("Creating User Accounts Starting . . ."); var newUserList = new List<User>(); for (int currentUserNumber = 0; currentUserNumber < numberOfAccount; currentUserNumber++) { // Create a new user var userName = newUserNameFormat + currentUserNumber; var userPassword = newUserPasswordFormat + currentUserNumber; var userEmail = userName + newUserEmailFormat; var user = Accounts.MojioAccount.CreateNewUser(client, userName, userPassword, userEmail); if (user != null) { newUserList.Add(user); logger.logSuccessfulNewUser(user); } else { logger.LogErrorNewUser(userName); } } logger.Log(string.Format("Created {0} user accounts", newUserList.Count)); return newUserList; }