コード例 #1
        //    *
        //	 * Builds a shape from control points
        //Shape KochanekBartelsSpline2::realizeShape()
        public Shape realizeShape()
            Shape shape = new Shape();

            int numPoints = mClosed ? mPoints.size() : (mPoints.size() - 1);

            for (uint i = 0; i < numPoints; ++i)
                ControlPoint2        P1 = safeGetPoint(i - 1);
                ControlPoint2        P2 = safeGetPoint(i);
                ControlPoint2        P3 = safeGetPoint(i + 1);
                ControlPoint2        P4 = safeGetPoint(i + 2);
                std_vector <Vector2> shape_getPointsReference = shape.getPointsReference();
                GlobalMembers.computeKochanekBartelsPoints(P1, P2, P3, P4, mNumSeg, ref shape_getPointsReference);

                if (i == mPoints.size() - 2 && !mClosed)
            if (mClosed)
コード例 #2
        //    *
        //	 * Build a shape from bezier control points
        public Shape realizeShape()
            Shape shape = new Shape();

            int numPoints = mClosed ? mPoints.Count : (mPoints.Count - 1);

            for (uint i = 0; i < numPoints; ++i)
                Vector2 P1 = safeGetPoint(i - 1);
                Vector2 P2 = safeGetPoint(i);
                Vector2 P3 = safeGetPoint(i + 1);
                Vector2 P4 = safeGetPoint(i + 2);
                std_vector <Vector2> shape_getPointsReference = shape.getPointsReference();
                GlobalMembers.computeCatmullRomPoints(P1, P2, P3, P4, mNumSeg, ref shape_getPointsReference);

                if (i == mPoints.Count - 2 && !mClosed)
            if (mClosed)

コード例 #3
        //    *
        //	 * Builds a shape from control points

        //Shape CubicHermiteSpline2::realizeShape()
        public Shape realizeShape()
            Shape shape = new Shape();

            int numPoints = mClosed ? mPoints.size() : (mPoints.size() - 1);

            //Precompute tangents
            for (int i = 0; i < mPoints.size(); ++i)
                CubicHermiteSplineControlPoint <Vector2> mp = mPoints[i];
                GlobalMembers.computeTangents(ref mp, safeGetPoint((i - 1)).position, safeGetPoint(i + 1).position);
            for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; ++i)
                ControlPoint         pointBefore = mPoints[i];
                ControlPoint         pointAfter  = safeGetPoint(i + 1);
                std_vector <Vector2> shape_getPointsReference = shape.getPointsReference();
                GlobalMembers.computeCubicHermitePoints(pointBefore, pointAfter, (uint)mNumSeg, ref shape_getPointsReference);

                if (i == mPoints.size() - 2 && !mClosed)
            if (mClosed)

コード例 #4
        //    *
        //	 * Builds a path from control points
        public Path realizePath()
            Path path = new Path();

            //Precompute tangents
            for (uint i = 0; i < mPoints.size(); ++i)
                ControlPoint mp = mPoints[(int)i];
                GlobalMembers.computeTangents(ref mp, safeGetPoint(i - 1).position, safeGetPoint(i + 1).position);
            int numPoints = mClosed ? mPoints.size() : (mPoints.size() - 1);

            for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; ++i)
                ControlPoint         pointBefore             = mPoints[i];
                ControlPoint         pointAfter              = safeGetPoint((uint)i + 1);
                std_vector <Vector3> path_getPointsReference = path.getPointsReference();
                GlobalMembers.computeCubicHermitePoints(pointBefore, pointAfter, mNumSeg, ref path_getPointsReference);

                if (i == mPoints.size() - 2 && !mClosed)
            if (mClosed)

コード例 #5
        //    *
        //	 * Build a path from Catmull-Rom control points
        public Path realizePath()
            Path path = new Path();

            int numPoints = mClosed ? mPoints.Count : mPoints.Count - 1;

            for (uint i = 0; i < numPoints; ++i)
                Vector3 P1 = safeGetPoint(i - 1);
                Vector3 P2 = safeGetPoint(i);
                Vector3 P3 = safeGetPoint(i + 1);
                Vector3 P4 = safeGetPoint(i + 2);
                std_vector <Vector3> lref = path.getPointsReference();
                GlobalMembers.computeCatmullRomPoints(P1, P2, P3, P4, mNumSeg, ref lref);

                if (i == mPoints.size() - 2 && !mClosed)
            if (mClosed)

コード例 #6
        //    *
        //	 * Builds the mesh into the given TriangleBuffer
        //	 * @param buffer The TriangleBuffer on where to append the mesh.
        //	 * @exception Ogre::InvalidStateException Either shape or multishape must be defined!
        //	 * @exception Ogre::InvalidStateException Required parameter is zero!
        //ORIGINAL LINE: void addToTriangleBuffer(TriangleBuffer& buffer) const
        public override void addToTriangleBuffer(ref TriangleBuffer buffer)
            if (mMultiShapeToExtrude.getShapeCount() == 0)
                OGRE_EXCEPT("Ogre::Exception::ERR_INVALID_STATE", "At least one shape must be defined!", "Procedural::Extruder::addToTriangleBuffer(Procedural::TriangleBuffer)");

            // Triangulate the begin and end caps
            if (mCapped && mMultiShapeToExtrude.isClosed())
                GlobalMembers._extrudeCapImpl(ref buffer, mMultiShapeToExtrude, mMultiExtrusionPath, mScaleTracks, mRotationTracks);

            // Extrude the paths contained in multiExtrusionPath
            for (uint j = 0; j < mMultiExtrusionPath.getPathCount(); ++j)
                Path  extrusionPath = mMultiExtrusionPath.getPath((int)j);
                Track rotationTrack = null;
                if (mRotationTracks.find(j) != -1)                                        // mRotationTracks.end()) {
                    rotationTrack = mRotationTracks[j];                                   //mRotationTracks.find(j).second;
                    extrusionPath = extrusionPath.mergeKeysWithTrack(mRotationTracks[j]); // (*mRotationTracks.find(j).second);
                Track scaleTrack = null;
                if (mScaleTracks.find(j) != -1)                                        // mScaleTracks.end()) {
                    rotationTrack = mScaleTracks[j];                                   //mScaleTracks.find(j).second;
                    extrusionPath = extrusionPath.mergeKeysWithTrack(mScaleTracks[j]); // (*mScaleTracks.find(j).second);
                Track pathTextureTrack = null;
                if (mPathTextureTracks.find(j) != -1)                                           // mPathTextureTracks.end()) {
                    pathTextureTrack = mPathTextureTracks[j];                                   //mPathTextureTracks.find(j).second;
                    extrusionPath    = extrusionPath.mergeKeysWithTrack(mPathTextureTracks[j]); //(*mPathTextureTracks.find(j).second);

                std_vector <std_pair <uint, uint> > segs = mMultiExtrusionPath.getNoIntersectionParts(j);

                //for (List<std.pair<uint, uint>>.Enumerator it = segs.GetEnumerator(); it.MoveNext(); ++it) {
                foreach (var it in segs)
                    for (uint i = 0; i < mMultiShapeToExtrude.getShapeCount(); i++)
                        Shape shapeToExtrude    = mMultiShapeToExtrude.getShape(i);
                        Track shapeTextureTrack = null;
                        if (mShapeTextureTracks.find(i) != -1)          // mShapeTextureTracks.end()) {
                            shapeTextureTrack = mShapeTextureTracks[i]; //mShapeTextureTracks.find(i).second;
                        GlobalMembers._extrudeBodyImpl(ref buffer, shapeToExtrude, extrusionPath, (int)it.first, (int)it.second, shapeTextureTrack, rotationTrack, scaleTrack, pathTextureTrack);

                // Make the intersections
                //typedef std::vector<PathCoordinate> PathIntersection;
                std_vector <std_vector <MultiPath.PathCoordinate> > intersections = mMultiExtrusionPath.getIntersections();
                //for (List<MultiPath.PathIntersection>.Enumerator it = intersections.GetEnumerator(); it.MoveNext(); ++it) {
                foreach (var it in intersections)
                    for (uint i = 0; i < mMultiShapeToExtrude.getShapeCount(); i++)
                        Track shapeTextureTrack = null;
                        if (mShapeTextureTracks.find(i) != -1)          // mShapeTextureTracks.end())
                            shapeTextureTrack = mShapeTextureTracks[i]; //mShapeTextureTracks.find(i).second;
                        GlobalMembers._extrudeIntersectionImpl(ref buffer, it, mMultiExtrusionPath, mMultiShapeToExtrude.getShape(i), shapeTextureTrack);
コード例 #7
        //ORIGINAL LINE: bool findIntersect(const Triangle3D& STLAllocator<U, AllocPolicy>, Segment3D& intersection) const
        public bool findIntersect(Triangle3D triangle3d, ref Segment3D intersection)
            // Compute plane equation of first triangle
            Vector3 e1 = mPoints[1] - mPoints[0];
            Vector3 e2 = mPoints[2] - mPoints[0];
            Vector3 n1 = e1.CrossProduct(e2);
            float   d1 = -n1.DotProduct(mPoints[0]);

            // Put second triangle in first plane equation to compute distances to the plane
            float[] du = new float[3];
            for (short i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                du[i] = n1.DotProduct(triangle3d.mPoints[i]) + d1;
                if (Math.Abs(du[i]) < 1e-6)
                    du[i] = 0.0f;

            float du0du1 = du[0] * du[1];
            float du0du2 = du[0] * du[2];

            if (du0du1 > 0.0f && du0du2 > 0.0f) // same sign on all of them + not equal 0 ?
                return(false);                  // no intersection occurs
            // Compute plane equation of first triangle
            e1 = triangle3d.mPoints[1] - triangle3d.mPoints[0];
            e2 = triangle3d.mPoints[2] - triangle3d.mPoints[0];
            Vector3 n2 = e1.CrossProduct(e2);
            float   d2 = -n2.DotProduct(triangle3d.mPoints[0]);

            // Put first triangle in second plane equation to compute distances to the plane
            float[] dv = new float[3];
            for (short i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                dv[i] = n2.DotProduct(mPoints[i]) + d2;
                if (Math.Abs(dv[i]) < 1e-6)
                    dv[i] = 0.0f;

            float dv0dv1 = dv[0] * dv[1];
            float dv0dv2 = dv[0] * dv[2];

            if (dv0dv1 > 0.0f && dv0dv2 > 0.0f) // same sign on all of them + not equal 0 ?
                return(false);                  // no intersection occurs
            //Compute the direction of intersection line
            Vector3 d = n1.CrossProduct(n2);

            // We don't do coplanar triangles
            if (d.SquaredLength < 1e-6)

            // Project triangle points onto the intersection line

            // compute and index to the largest component of D
            float max   = Math.Abs(d[0]);
            int   index = 0;
            float b     = Math.Abs(d[1]);
            float c     = Math.Abs(d[2]);

            if (b > max)
                max   = b;
                index = 1;
            if (c > max)
                max   = c;
                index = 2;
            // this is the simplified projection onto L
            float vp0 = mPoints[0][index];
            float vp1 = mPoints[1][index];
            float vp2 = mPoints[2][index];

            float up0 = triangle3d.mPoints[0][index];
            float up1 = triangle3d.mPoints[1][index];
            float up2 = triangle3d.mPoints[2][index];

            float[] isect1 = new float[2];
            float[] isect2 = new float[2];
            // compute interval for triangle 1
            GlobalMembers.computeIntervals(vp0, vp1, vp2, dv[0], dv[1], dv[2], dv0dv1, dv0dv2, ref isect1[0], ref isect1[1]);

            // compute interval for triangle 2
            GlobalMembers.computeIntervals(up0, up1, up2, du[0], du[1], du[2], du0du1, du0du2, ref isect2[0], ref isect2[1]);

            if (isect1[0] > isect1[1])
                std_array_swap <float>(isect1, 0, 1);
            if (isect2[0] > isect2[1])
                std_array_swap <float>(isect2, 0, 1);

            if (isect1[1] < isect2[0] || isect2[1] < isect1[0])

            // Deproject segment onto line
            float r1 = System.Math.Max(isect1[0], isect2[0]);
            float r2 = System.Math.Min(isect1[1], isect2[1]);

            Plane pl1       = new Plane(n1.x, n1.y, n1.z, d1);
            Plane pl2       = new Plane(n2.x, n2.y, n2.z, d2);
            Line  interLine = new Line();

            pl1.intersect(pl2, ref interLine);
            Vector3 p = interLine.mPoint;

            d = d.NormalisedCopy;
            Vector3 v1 = p + (r1 - p[index]) / d[index] * d;
            Vector3 v2 = p + (r2 - p[index]) / d[index] * d;

            intersection.mA = v1;
            intersection.mB = v2;
