public User(StateManager stateMgr, API.Geo.World world) { this.mStateMgr = stateMgr; this.mWorld = world; this.mTimeSinceGUIOpen = new Timer(); this.mCameraMan = null; this.IsAllowedToMoveCam = true; this.IsFreeCamMode = true; Camera cam = this.mStateMgr.Camera; cam.Position = new Vector3(-203, 633, -183); cam.Orientation = new Quaternion(0.3977548f, -0.1096644f, -0.8781486f, -0.2421133f); this.mCameraMan = new CameraMan(cam); this.mSelectedAllies = new HashSet<VanillaNonPlayer>(); this.mRandom = new Random(); this.mFigures = new MOIS.KeyCode[10]; for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) this.mFigures[i] = (MOIS.KeyCode)System.Enum.Parse(typeof(MOIS.KeyCode), "KC_" + (i + 1)); this.mFigures[9] = MOIS.KeyCode.KC_0; this.mWireCube = this.mStateMgr.SceneMgr.RootSceneNode.CreateChildSceneNode(); this.mWireCube.AttachObject(StaticRectangle.CreateRectangle(this.mStateMgr.SceneMgr, Vector3.UNIT_SCALE * Cst.CUBE_SIDE)); this.mWireCube.SetVisible(false); this.Inventory = new Inventory(10, 4, new int[] { 3, 0, 1, 2 }, true); }
public User(StateManager stateMgr, API.Geo.World world) { this.mStateMgr = stateMgr; this.mWorld = world; this.mTimeSinceGUIOpen = new Timer(); this.mCameraMan = null; this.IsAllowedToMoveCam = true; this.IsFreeCamMode = true; Camera cam = this.mStateMgr.Camera; cam.Position = new Vector3(-203, 633, -183); cam.Orientation = new Quaternion(0.3977548f, -0.1096644f, -0.8781486f, -0.2421133f); this.mCameraMan = new CameraMan(cam); this.mSelectedAllies = new HashSet <VanillaNonPlayer>(); this.mRandom = new Random(); this.mFigures = new MOIS.KeyCode[10]; for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { this.mFigures[i] = (MOIS.KeyCode)System.Enum.Parse(typeof(MOIS.KeyCode), "KC_" + (i + 1)); } this.mFigures[9] = MOIS.KeyCode.KC_0; this.mWireCube = this.mStateMgr.SceneMgr.RootSceneNode.CreateChildSceneNode(); this.mWireCube.AttachObject(StaticRectangle.CreateRectangle(this.mStateMgr.SceneMgr, Vector3.UNIT_SCALE * Cst.CUBE_SIDE)); this.mWireCube.SetVisible(false); this.Inventory = new Inventory(10, 4, new int[] { 3, 0, 1, 2 }, true); }
public void PrepareGameInstance() { // physics system InitializePhysics(); // various other things frameTimer = new Mogre.Timer(); serverShipMgr = new ServerShipManager(world, eventMgr, netServer); mode = new GameModeFactory(eventMgr, serverShipMgr).CreateMode(netServer.GameMode); }
public void UpdateLoop(object frameTotalTime) { int frameTime = (int)frameTotalTime; // 20 ms -> 50 fps Timer timer = new Timer(); timer.Reset(); uint start, end; start = timer.Milliseconds; float timeSinceLastFrame; while (updater.IsAlive) { Monitor.Enter(HydraxManager.Singleton); try { if (stopUpdater) { return; } } finally { Monitor.Exit(HydraxManager.Singleton); } int sleepTime = 50; if (hydrax != null && hydrax.IsCreated) { timeSinceLastFrame = (timer.Milliseconds - start) / 1000.0f; // w sekundach start = timer.Milliseconds; Monitor.Enter(HydraxManager.Singleton); hydrax.Update(timeSinceLastFrame); Monitor.Exit(HydraxManager.Singleton); end = timer.Milliseconds; int duration = (int)(end - start); sleepTime = frameTime - duration; if (sleepTime < 0) { sleepTime = 1; } } Thread.Sleep(sleepTime); } }
public void PrepareGameInstance() { // create the root object with paths to various configuraion files root = new Root(); // call the various rendering functions, essentially in // the order they are defined DefineResources(); if (!SetupRenderSystem(RenderType.Direct3D9, 1024, 768, false)) { //if (!SetupRenderSystem()) throw new Exception(); } CreateWindow("YMFAS"); InitializeResourceGroups(); // Ogre allows callbacks for lots of different events. // For instance, frame listeners can be called at the start // or end of the rendering loop. root.FrameEnded += new FrameListener.FrameEndedHandler(OnFrameEnd); // initialize the input system IntPtr hwnd; root.AutoCreatedWindow.GetCustomAttribute("Window", out hwnd); input = new InputSystem(hwnd); inputMgr = new UserInputManager(input, eventMgr, (byte)PlayerId); // physics system InitializePhysics(); // various other things frameTimer = new Mogre.Timer(); // initalize the scene InitializeScene(); //initialize chat manager chatMgr = new ChatManager(netClient.GameMode, netClient.PlayerId); TextRenderer.AddTextBox("frameCtr", "FPS: 0", 900, 700, 100, 50, ColourValue.Green, ColourValue.White); }
public AdStatus GatherAsyncResult(int id, int downloadMsTimeout, out Ad outAd) { outAd = null; if (EngineConfig.IsEnhancedVersion || EngineConfig.AdManagerDisabled) { return(AdStatus.ADS_DISABLED); } if (downloadingAds.ContainsKey(id)) { // jeszcze nie skonczono Timer timer = new Timer(); timer.Reset(); uint start, end; start = timer.Milliseconds; for (; downloadingAds[id];) { // System.Console.Write("."); Work(null); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100); end = timer.Milliseconds; if (end - start > downloadMsTimeout) { return(AdStatus.TIMEOUT); } } } else { return(AdStatus.DOWNLOAD_FAILED); } // przypisz dopiero co sciagnieta reklame outAd = ads.Find(delegate(Ad ad) { return(; }); return(AdStatus.OK); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="zone"></param> /// <param name="downloadMsTimeout"></param> /// <param name="allowedSizes">Jesli null to nie ma ograniczenia wielkosci</param> /// <param name="adDownloadedCallback"></param> /// <returns></returns> public AdStatus GetAd(string zone, int downloadMsTimeout, float ratio, AdManaged.AdDownloaded adDownloadedCallback, out Ad outAd) { outAd = null; if (EngineConfig.IsEnhancedVersion || EngineConfig.AdManagerDisabled) { return(AdStatus.ADS_DISABLED); } int id1 = 0; try { id1 = adAction.Get_Ad_For_Zone(zone, ratio); // Console.WriteLine(id1); } catch (Exception ex) { return(AdStatus.DOWNLOAD_FAILED); } Timer timer = new Timer(); timer.Reset(); uint start, end; start = timer.Milliseconds; if (id1 != 0) { // jesli są reklamy downloadingAds[id1] = true; try { if (!adAction.Download_Ad(id1, adDownloadedCallback)) { return(AdStatus.DOWNLOAD_FAILED); } } catch (Exception ex) { return(AdStatus.DOWNLOAD_FAILED); } // System.Console.Write("Downloading " + id1); for (; downloadingAds[id1];) { // System.Console.Write("."); Work(null); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100); end = timer.Milliseconds; if (end - start > downloadMsTimeout) { return(AdStatus.TIMEOUT); } } // przypisz dopiero co sciagnieta reklame outAd = ads.Find(delegate(Ad ad) { return(; }); return(AdStatus.OK); } return(AdStatus.NO_ADS); }
public static void Initialize(SceneViewModel view) { _sceneNodeStore = new SceneNodeStore(); _host = new System.Windows.Forms.Integration.WindowsFormsHost(); _panel = new Panel(); _panel.Name = "MogrePanel"; _panel.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(0, 0); _panel.Size = new System.Drawing.Size((int)view.View.RenderWindow.Width, (int)view.View.RenderWindow.Height); //_panel.Resize += _panel_Resize; _keyboardHandler = new KeyboardHandler(_host, _panel); _mouseHandler = new MouseHandler(_host, _panel); _host.Child = _panel; view.View.RenderWindow.Children.Add(_host); FlexUtility.SpawnThread(() => { RunOnUIThread(() => { _renderer = new MogreRenderer(_panel.Handle.ToString(), (uint)_panel.Width, (uint)_panel.Height); _renderer.CreateScene(); while (_preInitializationActions.Count != 0) { _preInitializationActions.Dequeue().Invoke(); } _mouseHandler.Initialize(); _keyboardHandler.Initialize(); _initialized = true; FlexUtility.SpawnThread(() => { _renderThread = Thread.CurrentThread; Mogre.Timer timer = new Mogre.Timer(); int attemptedFrameRate = 60; bool physicsRender = true; while (true) { while (_renderDispatcherActionQueue.Count != 0) { System.Action action; lock (_renderDispatcherActionQueue) { action = _renderDispatcherActionQueue.Dequeue(); } if (action != null) { action.Invoke(); } } lock (_renderNextDispatcherActionQueue) { lock (_renderDispatcherActionQueue) { while (_renderNextDispatcherActionQueue.Count != 0) { _renderDispatcherActionQueue.Enqueue(_renderNextDispatcherActionQueue.Dequeue()); } } } uint elapsed = timer.Milliseconds; timer.Reset(); int wait = (int)((1000 / attemptedFrameRate) - elapsed); if (wait > 0) { Thread.Sleep(wait); } _keyboardHandler.KeyboardTick(); if (physicsRender) { PhysicsEngine.Step(); } physicsRender = !physicsRender; Renderer.Loop(); } }); }); }); }
public void PrepareGameInstance() { // create the root object with paths to various configuraion files root = new Root(); // call the various rendering functions, essentially in // the order they are defined DefineResources(); if (!SetupRenderSystem(RenderType.Direct3D9, 1024, 768, false)) //if (!SetupRenderSystem()) throw new Exception(); CreateWindow("YMFAS"); InitializeResourceGroups(); // Ogre allows callbacks for lots of different events. // For instance, frame listeners can be called at the start // or end of the rendering loop. root.FrameEnded += new FrameListener.FrameEndedHandler(OnFrameEnd); // initialize the input system IntPtr hwnd; root.AutoCreatedWindow.GetCustomAttribute("Window", out hwnd); input = new InputSystem(hwnd); inputMgr = new UserInputManager(input, eventMgr, (byte)PlayerId); // physics system InitializePhysics(); // various other things frameTimer = new Mogre.Timer(); // initalize the scene InitializeScene(); //initialize chat manager chatMgr = new ChatManager(netClient.GameMode, netClient.PlayerId); TextRenderer.AddTextBox("frameCtr","FPS: 0",900,700,100,50, ColourValue.Green, ColourValue.White); }