コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrive all eve id's from the database.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        async Task <Dictionary <ulong, int> > GetAuthedUsers()
            Dictionary <ulong, int> dbUser = new Dictionary <ulong, int>();
            List <DatabaseRow>      rows   = await DatabaseModule.RunQueryAsync(Config.RecruitmentDatabase, "select * from users;");

            foreach (DatabaseRow row in rows)
                dbUser.Add((ulong)row.GetData <long>(1), row.GetData <int>(0));

コード例 #2
		/// <summary>
		/// Loop through all guild users and check if they have all assigned roles
		/// </summary>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public async Task VerifyRoles()
			foreach (IGuildUser user in await Guild.GetUsersAsync())
				// Get assigned roles for a user.
				List<DatabaseRow> rows = await DatabaseModule.RunQueryAsync(Config.RoleDatabase, $"SELECT role_id FROM userRoles WHERE user_id = {user.Id};");
				List<ulong> roles = rows.Select(x => (ulong)x.Data[0]).ToList();

				// Check all roles user currently has.
				foreach (ulong role in user.RoleIds)
					// Skip roles not configured to be managed.
					if (!Config.RolesToManage.Any(x => x.RoleID == role))

					bool hasRole = user.RoleIds.Any(x => x == role);

					// Remove role from user if he does not have permission to have it.
					if (hasRole && !roles.Contains(role))
						await RemoveActualRole(user, role);

					// Add any roles to user if he does not have it.
					if (!hasRole && roles.Contains(role))
						await AddActualRole(user, role);

				// Check all assigned roles.
				foreach (ulong role in roles)
					// Skip roles not configured to be managed.
					if (!Config.RolesToManage.Any(x => x.RoleID == role))

					bool hasRole = user.RoleIds.Any(x => x == role);

					// Remove role from user if he does not have permission to have it.
					if (hasRole && !roles.Contains(role))
						await RemoveActualRole(user, role);

					// Add any roles to user if he does not have it.
					if (!hasRole && roles.Contains(role))
						await AddActualRole(user, role);
コード例 #3
		protected override async Task ReactionRemoved(IUserMessage message, ISocketMessageChannel channel, SocketReaction reaction)
			List<DatabaseRow> rows = await DatabaseModule.RunQueryAsync(Config.RoleDatabase, $"SELECT * FROM reactionMessages where message_id = {message.Id} LIMIT 1;");

			// Ignore if a bot is reacting or reaction is not on a reaction message
			if (reaction.User.Value.IsBot || rows.Count == 0)

			string emote = reaction.Emote.Name.GetHashCode().ToString();
			ulong roleID = await GetRoleID(message.Id, emote);

			// Get and set the context for this call because it comes from an event.
			IGuildUser user = await(message.Channel as IGuildChannel).GetUserAsync(reaction.User.Value.Id);
			SetContext(new MethodContext(user.Guild, channel, message));

			await ModifyRoleAsync(user, RoleAction.Remove, new string[] { roleID.ToString() });
			await VerifyRoles();
コード例 #4
		/// <summary>
		/// Syncronize the discord roles and the databse roles.
		/// </summary>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public async Task SyncRoles()
			foreach (IGuildUser user in await Guild.GetUsersAsync())
				// Get assigned roles for a user.
				List<DatabaseRow> rows = await DatabaseModule.RunQueryAsync(Config.RoleDatabase, $"SELECT role_id FROM userRoles WHERE user_id = {user.Id};");
				List<ulong> roles = rows.Select(x => (ulong)x.Data[0]).ToList();

				foreach (ulong role in user.RoleIds)
					// Skip roles not configured to be managed.
					if (!Config.RolesToManage.Any(x => x.RoleID == role))

					IRole guildRole = Guild.GetRole(role);
					bool hasRole = user.RoleIds.Any(x => x == role);
					await ModifyRoleAsync(user, hasRole ? RoleAction.Add : RoleAction.Remove, guildRole.Name);
コード例 #5
        public async Task Auth(
            [Summary("Discord user ID, Enable developer mode and rick click user.")] ulong discordId,
            [Summary("Eve user ID, Go to thei ZKill page and copy the ID from the URL.")] int eveId)
            IGuildUser user = await Guild.GetUserAsync(discordId);

            Dictionary <ulong, int> authedUsers = await GetAuthedUsers();

            if (authedUsers.TryGetValue(discordId, out int authedChar))
                await RespondAsync($"User already authed to {authedChar}, if bot does not update roles run !namecheck or !auth loop restart. If that does not work pray Prople is online.", false, false);


            string name = string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.Nickname) ? user.Username : user.Nickname;

            await RespondAsync($"Authenticating {name}...", false, false);

            await DatabaseModule.RunQueryAsync(Config.RecruitmentDatabase, $"INSERT INTO users VALUES ({eveId},{discordId})");

            await RespondAsync("Done, run !namecheck to update roles.", false, false);
コード例 #6
		/// <summary>
		/// Resolve reaction message emote to get role id.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="msgId"></param>
		/// <param name="emote"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		async Task<ulong> GetRoleID(ulong msgId, string emote)
			List<DatabaseRow> rows = await DatabaseModule.RunQueryAsync(Config.RoleDatabase, $"SELECT role_id FROM reactionMessages where message_id = {msgId} AND emote = '{emote}' LIMIT 1;");
			return (ulong)rows[0].Data[0];