コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts RepRapGCode into ModiPrintGCode.
        /// </summary>
        public string ConvertGCode(string repRapGCodeInput)
            //Reset parameters for the new conversion.

            //The input string is split into a 2D array, delimited first by linebreaks and then by whitespaces.
            string[][] repRapGCode = GCodeStringParsing.GCodeTo2DArr(repRapGCodeInput);

            //The return string which is the converted GCode.
            //Each line of the GCode is an index in the string.
            //Each line will be delimited by \r\n when converting to a string.
            List <ConvertedGCodeLine> convertedGCode = new List <ConvertedGCodeLine>();

            //Converted GCode commands for starting up the printer.
            convertedGCode.Add(new ConvertedGCodeLine("", "Setup"));

            //Set the current X and Y positions as the origin.
            convertedGCode.Add(new ConvertedGCodeLine(SerialMessageCharacters.SerialCommandSetCharacter + "OriginXY"));

            //Iterates through each line of RepRap's GCode and converts it to ModiPrint's flavor of GCode.
            convertedGCode.Add(new ConvertedGCodeLine("", "Print Start"));
            for (_parametersModel.RepRapLine = 0; (_parametersModel.RepRapLine < repRapGCode.Length) && (repRapGCode != null); _parametersModel.RepRapLine++)
                if (repRapGCode[_parametersModel.RepRapLine] != null &&
                    //Processes the single line of GCode and returns a converted string.
                    List <ConvertedGCodeLine> appendModiPrintGCode;
                    appendModiPrintGCode = SetProcessGCodeCommand(GCodeStringParsing.RemoveGCodeComments(repRapGCode[_parametersModel.RepRapLine]));

                    //Adds a converted GCode line to the return string with line breaks and comments.
                    if ((appendModiPrintGCode != null) && (appendModiPrintGCode.Count != 0))
                        //Comment the repRap line at the end of the converted GCode line.
                        appendModiPrintGCode[appendModiPrintGCode.Count - 1].Comment += (_parametersModel.RepRapLine + 1); //(repRapLine + 1) because repRapLine is index 0 where line count is index 1.
                int percentCompleted = ((_parametersModel.RepRapLine + 1) * 100) / repRapGCode.Length;
                _parametersModel.ReportProgress("Converting GCode " + percentCompleted + "%");

            //Calculates the deceleration steps parameter in G00 commands.
            _corneringModel.AddDecelerationStepsParameter(ref convertedGCode);

            //Retract this Z Axis.
            string retractZ = SerialMessageCharacters.SerialCommandSetCharacter + "RetractZ";

            convertedGCode.Add(new ConvertedGCodeLine(retractZ));


コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets processGCodeCommand to a ProcessGCodeCommand method.
        /// Executes processGCodeCommand and returns the resulting string.
        /// </summary>
        private List <ConvertedGCodeLine> SetProcessGCodeCommand(string[] repRapLine)
            //Return null if the input parameter is invalid.
            if ((repRapLine.Length == 0) || (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(repRapLine[0])))

            //The return GCode.
            List <ConvertedGCodeLine> convertedGCodeLinesList = null;

            if ((repRapLine[0] == "G00") || //Movement or printing
                (repRapLine[0] == "G0") ||
                (repRapLine[0] == "G01") ||
                (repRapLine[0] == "G1"))
                convertedGCodeLinesList = _processG00CommandModel.ProcessG00Command(repRapLine, _currentMaterial);
            else if (repRapLine[0] == "GX") //GX commands will always print.
                convertedGCodeLinesList = _processG00CommandModel.ProcessG00Command(repRapLine, _currentMaterial);
            else if (repRapLine[0][0] == 'T') //Switch printheads.
                convertedGCodeLinesList = _processTCommandModel.ProcessTCommand(repRapLine, ref _currentMaterial);
            else if (repRapLine[0] == "G90") //Absolute coordinates for Axes.
                _parametersModel.AbsCoordAxis = true;
            else if (repRapLine[0] == "G91") //Relative coordinates for for X, Y, and Z but not E.
                _parametersModel.AbsCoordAxis = false;
            else if (repRapLine[0] == "G92") //Set new absolute coordinates for X, Y, and Z but not E.
            else if (repRapLine[0] == "M82") //Absolute coordinates for E.
                _parametersModel.AbsCoordExtruder = true;
            else if (repRapLine[0] == "M83") //Relative coordinates for E.
                _parametersModel.AbsCoordExtruder = false;
            //ModiPrint will ignore these commands.
            else if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(repRapLine[0]) ||
                     (repRapLine[0][0] == SerialMessageCharacters.SerialTerminalCharacter) || //Comments proceed this character.
                     (repRapLine[0][0] == SerialMessageCharacters.SerialPrintPauseCharacter) || //Inidicates pausing of a print sequence.
                     (repRapLine[0] == "M104") || //The command to set printer temperature. This is unneeded.
                     (repRapLine[0] == "M106") || //The command to turn the fan on. ModiPrint printers do not have fans by default.
                     (repRapLine[0] == "M107") || //The command to turn the fan off. ModiPrint printers do not have fans by default.
                     (repRapLine[0] == "M109") || //The command to set extruder temperature. ModiPrint printers do not have fans by default.
                     (repRapLine[0] == "M140") || //The command to set bed temperature. Irrelevant.
                     (repRapLine[0] == "G04") || //The command to pause. ModiPrint has its own built in pausing features.
                     (repRapLine[0] == "G21") || //The command to set units to milimeters. ModiPrint only operates in milimeters so this is irrelevant.
                     (repRapLine[0] == "G28") //The command to home to the origin. ModiPrint keeps track of positioning, not the microcontroller.
            //The command to set units to inches. ModiPrint operates in milimeters. The user should set RepRap to output milimeters only.
            else if (repRapLine[0] == "G20")
                string repRapLineStr = GCodeStringParsing.GCodeLineArrToStr(repRapLine);
                _parametersModel.ErrorReporterViewModel.ReportError("G-Code Conversion Failed: Inches Not Supported, Set RepRap Parameters to Milimeters", "G-Code Line: " + repRapLineStr);
            //ModiPrint will throw errors for unrecognized commands.
                string repRapLineStr = GCodeStringParsing.GCodeLineArrToStr(repRapLine);
                _parametersModel.ErrorReporterViewModel.ReportError("G-Code Conversion Failed: Unrecognized Command, Ensure .gcode File Does Not Contain Unsupported G-Code.", "G-Code Line: " + repRapLineStr);
