コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads the coordinate values in a movement or print command.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="convertedGCodeLine"></param>
        /// <param name="gCodeIndex"></param>
        /// <param name="materialModel"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private MovementModel ReadCoord(string convertedGCodeLine, int gCodeIndex, MaterialModel materialModel)
            //G Commands from Converted GCode are in relative positions.
            string[] gCodePhrases = GCodeStringParsing.GCodeTo2DArr(convertedGCodeLine)[0];

            double xDistance = 0;
            double yDistance = 0;
            double zDistance = 0;
            double eDistance = 0;

            //Read the coordinates from the GCode.
            for (int phrase = 1; phrase < gCodePhrases.Length; phrase++)
                switch (gCodePhrases[phrase][0])
                case 'X':
                    int       xSteps     = (int)GCodeStringParsing.ParseDouble(gCodePhrases[phrase]);
                    AxisModel xAxisModel = _printerModel.AxisModelList[0];
                    xDistance = G00Calculator.StepsToDistance(xSteps, xAxisModel.MmPerStep, xAxisModel.IsDirectionInverted);

                case 'Y':
                    int       ySteps     = (int)GCodeStringParsing.ParseDouble(gCodePhrases[phrase]);
                    AxisModel yAxisModel = _printerModel.AxisModelList[1];
                    yDistance = G00Calculator.StepsToDistance(ySteps, yAxisModel.MmPerStep, yAxisModel.IsDirectionInverted);

                case 'Z':
                    int       zSteps     = (int)GCodeStringParsing.ParseDouble(gCodePhrases[phrase]);
                    AxisModel zAxisModel = _printerModel.FindAxis(materialModel.PrintheadModel.AttachedZAxisModel.Name);
                    zDistance = G00Calculator.StepsToDistance(zSteps, zAxisModel.MmPerStep, zAxisModel.IsDirectionInverted);

                case 'E':
                    int eSteps = (int)GCodeStringParsing.ParseDouble(gCodePhrases[phrase]);
                    MotorizedPrintheadTypeModel motorizedPrintheadTypeModel = (MotorizedPrintheadTypeModel)materialModel.PrintheadModel.PrintheadTypeModel;
                    eDistance = G00Calculator.StepsToDistance(eSteps, motorizedPrintheadTypeModel.MmPerStep, motorizedPrintheadTypeModel.IsDirectionInverted);

                    //Do nothing.

            MovementModel movementModel = new MovementModel(xDistance, yDistance, zDistance, eDistance, gCodeIndex, materialModel, _printerModel);

コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns true if printing or not printing across both movements.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="newCoord"></param>
        /// <param name="continuousMovement"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private bool IsPrintingConstant(MovementModel newMovementModel, List <MovementModel> continuousMovement)
            //If this returns true, then continuous movement is possible.

            MovementModel previousMovementModel = continuousMovement[continuousMovement.Count - 1];

            if (((previousMovementModel.E == 0) && (newMovementModel.E != 0)) ||
                (previousMovementModel.E != 0) && (newMovementModel.E == 0))
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Find all of the coordinates of a continuous movement in relative positions.
        /// A continuous movement is defined any series of individual movements where each movement can be executed consecutively without coming to a complete stop.
        /// Continuous movements enable the XYZ stage to transition between each movement without coming to a complete stop.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="convertedGCodeLineList"></param>
        /// <param name="materialStartIndex"></param>
        /// <param name="materialEndIndex"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private List <List <MovementModel> > FindContinuousMovements(List <ConvertedGCodeLine> convertedGCodeLineList, MaterialModel materialModel, int materialStartIndex, int materialEndIndex)
            //The outer list contains sets of individual movements. Each set represents a continuous movement.
            //The inner list contains a single movement.
            //The [0][0] would contain the coordinates for the first movement starting from the initial position of the Material.
            List <List <MovementModel> > continuousMovementsList = new List <List <MovementModel> >();

            //If true, then make a new inner list.
            bool startNewContinuousMovement = true;

            //Iterate through the entire Material's GCode.
            //Note the coordinates of every set of continuous movements.
            for (int i = materialStartIndex; i <= materialEndIndex; i++)
                //Find the next coordinate.
                //If it is a part of a continuous movement, then add it to the list.
                if ((convertedGCodeLineList[i].GCode.Length > 2) &&
                    ((convertedGCodeLineList[i].GCode.Substring(0, 3) == "G00") ||
                     (convertedGCodeLineList[i].GCode.Substring(0, 3) == "G01") ||
                     (convertedGCodeLineList[i].GCode.Substring(0, 3) == "G02"))) //Is a movement or print command.
                    //Read the coordinates.
                    MovementModel newMovementModel = ReadCoord(convertedGCodeLineList[i].GCode, i, materialModel);

                    //Make a new inner list if applicable.
                    if (startNewContinuousMovement == true)
                        continuousMovementsList.Add(new List <MovementModel>());
                        startNewContinuousMovement = false;

                    //Add continuous movement.
                    continuousMovementsList[continuousMovementsList.Count - 1].Add(newMovementModel);
                    //End of the movement.
                    startNewContinuousMovement = true;

コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Find the angle between the line created between two movements
        /// Return value is in units of degrees.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="newCoord"></param>
        /// <param name="coordList"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private double CalculateJunctionAngle(MovementModel movement1, MovementModel movement2)
            //The E Axis is not taken into account here because I don't want to implement a Vector4D.
            //Why an E angle does not need to be calculated is because the E Axis' distance moved should be always proportional to the distance moved by XYZ.

            //Find the angle between the line created by the new movement and the previous movement.
            Vector3D line1 = new Vector3D(movement1.X * -1, movement1.Y * -1, movement1.Z * -1);
            Vector3D line2 = new Vector3D(movement2.X, movement2.Y, movement2.Z);

            double dotProduct   = Vector3D.DotProduct(line1, line2);
            double angleRadians = Math.Acos(dotProduct / (line1.Length * line2.Length));

            if (angleRadians != double.NaN) //Should not fail this check.
コード例 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculate the junction speeds of movements.
        /// Junction speeds are maximized but do not exceed specified parameters.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name=""></param>
        /// <param name=""></param>
        /// <param name=""></param>
        /// <param name="materialModel"></param>
        private void CalculateJunctionSpeeds(List <List <MovementModel> > continuousMovementsList, MaterialModel materialModel)
            //The junction speed is limited by how quickly all of the steppers can decelerate to zero by the very end of the continuous movement assuming they travelled at max speed until the last possible moment.
            //The junction speed is also limited by the centripedial acceleration of the XYZ stage during cornering.
            //The junction speed is also limited by the adjacent movement's entry and exit speeds.
            //In other words, the more continous movement length remaining, the higher the junction speed.
            //The faster the stepper's acceleration/deceleration, the higher the junction speed.
            //The higher the junction deviation, the higher the junction speed.
            //Junction speed is in units of steps / s.

            //For each continuous movement...
            for (int i = 0; i < continuousMovementsList.Count; i++)
                //Calculate the junction speed such that:
                //1. Centripedal acceleration is not exceeded.
                //2. Enough time is given for the XYZ stage to decelerate to the exit junction speed.
                //Exit speeds for the last movement of each continuous movement is zero as all Axes come to a halt.
                //3. Maximum speed of the movement is not exceeded.
                //Start from the movement that will be executed last and proceed towards the first movement.
                continuousMovementsList[i][continuousMovementsList[i].Count - 1].ExitSpeed = 0; //Last movement's exit speed is always zero.
                for (int j = continuousMovementsList[i].Count - 1; j >= 0; j--)
                    MovementModel currentMovement = continuousMovementsList[i][j];

                    if (j > 0)
                        MovementModel previousMovement = continuousMovementsList[i][j - 1];

                        //1. Calculate junction speed based on centipedal acceleration.
                        double junctionAcceleration         = Math.Min(currentMovement.Acceleration, previousMovement.Acceleration);
                        double junctionAngle                = CalculateJunctionAngle(currentMovement, previousMovement); //In radians.
                        double centripedalAccelerationSpeed = CalculateJunctionSpeed(junctionAcceleration, materialModel.JunctionDeviation, junctionAngle);
                        previousMovement.ExitSpeed = (Double.IsNaN(centripedalAccelerationSpeed)) ? double.MaxValue : centripedalAccelerationSpeed;

                        //2. Calculate junction speed based on distance to exit.
                        //Minimal entry speed required to finish deceleration by movement's end.
                        double entrySpeedToDecelerate = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(currentMovement.ExitSpeed, 2) + 2 * currentMovement.TotalDistance * currentMovement.Acceleration);
                        previousMovement.ExitSpeed = Math.Min(entrySpeedToDecelerate, previousMovement.ExitSpeed);

                        //3. Calculate junction speed based on max speed of adjacent movements.
                        //Ensure neither movement's max speed is exceeded.
                        double junctionMaxSpeed = Math.Min(previousMovement.MaxSpeed, currentMovement.MaxSpeed);
                        previousMovement.ExitSpeed = Math.Min(junctionMaxSpeed, previousMovement.ExitSpeed);
                        //First movement in this continuous movement.
                        //No previous movement. Nothing to calculate.

                //Calculate the junction speed such that:
                //1. Enough time is given for the XYZ stage to accelerate to the junction speed.
                //Entry speed for the first movement for each continuous movement is zero.
                //Start from the first movement that will be execute and proceed towards the last.
                //The first movement's entry speed is always zero.
                for (int j = 0; j < continuousMovementsList[i].Count - 1; j++)
                    MovementModel currentMovement = continuousMovementsList[i][j];

                    //1. Calculate junction speed based on distance from entry.
                    if (j > 0)
                        MovementModel previousMovement = continuousMovementsList[i][j - 1];

                        double exitSpeedFromAcceleration = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(previousMovement.ExitSpeed, 2) + 2 * currentMovement.TotalDistance * currentMovement.Acceleration);
                        currentMovement.ExitSpeed = Math.Min(exitSpeedFromAcceleration, currentMovement.ExitSpeed);
                        //First movement in this continuous movement.
                        double exitSpeedFromAcceleration = Math.Sqrt(2 * currentMovement.TotalDistance * currentMovement.Acceleration);
                        currentMovement.ExitSpeed = Math.Min(exitSpeedFromAcceleration, currentMovement.ExitSpeed);
