コード例 #1
ファイル: Zoombox.cs プロジェクト: jkmchinese/ModernUI
        private void DetachFromVisualTree()
            // remove the drag adorner
            if (_dragAdorner != null)

            // remove the layout updated handler, if present
            if (_contentPresenter != null)
                _contentPresenter.LayoutUpdated -= ContentPresenterFirstArranged;

            // remove the view finder display panel's visual brush and adorner
            if (_viewFinderDisplay != null)
                _viewFinderDisplay = null;

            // set object references to null
            _contentPresenter = null;
コード例 #2
ファイル: Zoombox.cs プロジェクト: jkmchinese/ModernUI
        private void AttachToVisualTree()
            // detach from the old tree

            // create the drag adorner for selection operations
            _dragAdorner = new DragAdorner(this);

            // check the template for a SelectionBrush resource
            if (Template.Resources.Contains("SelectionBrush"))
                _dragAdorner.Brush = Template.Resources["SelectionBrush"] as Brush;

            // check the template for a SelectionPen resource
            if (Template.Resources.Contains("SelectionPen"))
                _dragAdorner.Pen = Template.Resources["SelectionPen"] as Pen;

            // check the template for key bindings
            if (Template.Resources.Contains("InputBindings"))
                InputBindingCollection inputBindings = Template.Resources["InputBindings"] as InputBindingCollection;
                if (inputBindings != null)

            // locate the content presenter
            _contentPresenter =
                VisualTreeHelperEx.FindDescendantByType(this, typeof(ContentPresenter)) as ContentPresenter;
            if (_contentPresenter == null)
                throw new InvalidTemplateException(ErrorMessages.GetMessage("ZoomboxTemplateNeedsContent"));

            // check the template for an AdornerDecorator
            AdornerLayer al = null;
            AdornerDecorator ad =
                VisualTreeHelperEx.FindDescendantByType(this, typeof(AdornerDecorator)) as AdornerDecorator;
            if (ad != null)
                al = ad.AdornerLayer;
                // look for an inherited adorner layer
                    al = AdornerLayer.GetAdornerLayer(this);
                catch (Exception)

            // add the drag adorner to the adorner layer
            if (al != null)

            // TODO: Why is it necessary to walk the visual tree the first time through?
            // If we don't do the following, the content is not laid out correctly (centered) initially.
            VisualTreeHelperEx.FindDescendantWithPropertyValue(this, ButtonBase.IsPressedProperty, true);

            // set a reference to the ViewFinder element, if present
            SetValue(Zoombox.ViewFinderPropertyKey, Template.FindName("ViewFinder", this) as FrameworkElement);

            // locate the view finder display panel
            _viewFinderDisplay =
                VisualTreeHelperEx.FindDescendantByType(this, typeof(ZoomboxViewFinderDisplay)) as

            // if a ViewFinder was specified but no display panel is present, throw an exception
            if (ViewFinder != null && _viewFinderDisplay == null)
                throw new InvalidTemplateException(ErrorMessages.GetMessage("ZoomboxHasViewFinderButNotDisplay"));

            // set up the VisualBrush and adorner for the display panel
            if (_viewFinderDisplay != null)
                // create VisualBrush for the view finder display panel

                // hook up event handlers for dragging and resizing the viewport
                _viewFinderDisplay.MouseMove += new MouseEventHandler(ViewFinderDisplayMouseMove);
                _viewFinderDisplay.MouseLeftButtonDown += new MouseButtonEventHandler(ViewFinderDisplayBeginCapture);
                _viewFinderDisplay.MouseLeftButtonUp += new MouseButtonEventHandler(ViewFinderDisplayEndCapture);

                // bind the ViewportRect property of the display to the Viewport of the Zoombox
                Binding binding = new Binding("Viewport");
                binding.Mode = BindingMode.OneWay;
                binding.Converter = new ViewFinderSelectionConverter(this);
                binding.Source = this;
                _viewFinderDisplay.SetBinding(ZoomboxViewFinderDisplay.ViewportRectProperty, binding);

            // set up event handler to run once the content presenter has been arranged
            _contentPresenter.LayoutUpdated += ContentPresenterFirstArranged;