public void update(ProductosModel producto) { SqlConnection sqlcon = new SqlConnection(); try { BaseDato con = new BaseDato(); OdbcConnection conexion = con.ConnectPostgres(); OdbcCommand select = new OdbcCommand(); select.Connection = conexion; select.CommandText = "UPDATE producto SET " + "\"nombre\"='" + producto.nombre + "'," + "\"codigoInt\"='" + producto.codigoInt + "'," + "\"unmditem\"='" + producto.unmditem + "'," + "\"precioNeto\"=" + producto.precioNeto + "," + "\"precioVenta\"=" + producto.precioventa + "," + "\"exento\"='" + producto.exento + "'" + "WHERE \"id\" = " + + ";"; OdbcDataReader reader = select.ExecuteReader(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Error" + ex.Message); } finally { sqlcon.Close(); } }
public void updateCiudad(Int32 codPais, String nomCiudad, Int32 codCiudad) { SqlConnection sqlcon = new SqlConnection(); try { BaseDato con = new BaseDato(); OdbcConnection conexion = con.ConnectPostgres(); OdbcCommand select = new OdbcCommand(); select.Connection = conexion; select.CommandText = "UPDATE ciudades " + "SET \"codPais\"='" + codPais + "'," + "\"nomCiudad\"='" + nomCiudad + "'" + "WHERE \"codCiudad\" = " + codCiudad + ";"; OdbcDataReader reader = select.ExecuteReader(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Error" + ex.Message); } finally { sqlcon.Close(); } }
public DataTable getContribuyenteXNombre(String nombre) { DataTable datatable = new DataTable(); SqlConnection sqlcon = new SqlConnection(); try { BaseDato con = new BaseDato(); OdbcConnection conexion = con.ConnectPostgres(); OdbcCommand select = new OdbcCommand(); select.Connection = conexion; select.CommandText = "SELECT \"rutRecep\",\"rznSocRecep\",\"giroRecep\" FROM cliente where \"rznSocRecep\" LIKE '%" + nombre + "%'"; OdbcDataReader reader = select.ExecuteReader(); datatable.Load(reader); } catch (Exception ex) { datatable = null; throw new Exception("Error" + ex.Message); } finally { sqlcon.Close(); } return(datatable); }
public void update(UsuarioModel usuario) { SqlConnection sqlcon = new SqlConnection(); try { BaseDato con = new BaseDato(); OdbcConnection conexion = con.ConnectPostgres(); OdbcCommand select = new OdbcCommand(); select.Connection = conexion; select.CommandText = "UPDATE usuario SET " + " email ='" + + "'," + " nombre ='" + usuario.nombre + "'," + " usuario ='" + usuario.usuario + "'," + " password ='******'" + " WHERE \"id\" = " + + ";"; OdbcDataReader reader = select.ExecuteReader(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Error" + ex.Message); } finally { sqlcon.Close(); } }
public string validaUser(string usuario, string clave) { string respuesta = "true"; SqlConnection sqlcon = new SqlConnection(); try { BaseDato con = new BaseDato(); OdbcConnection conexion = con.ConnectPostgres(); OdbcCommand select = new OdbcCommand(); select.Connection = conexion; select.CommandText = "select * from usuario " + "where \"usuario\" = '" + usuario + "' and \"password\" = '" + clave + "'"; OdbcDataReader reader = select.ExecuteReader(); if (reader.HasRows == false) { respuesta = "false"; } } catch (Exception ex) { return("Error al conectar a la base de datos" + ex.Message); } finally { sqlcon.Close(); } return(respuesta); }
public void save(DocumentoModel documento) { foreach (Detalle det in documento.detalle) { MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(); DataContractJsonSerializer detalle = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(Detalle)); detalle.WriteObject(stream, det); string jsonString = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(stream.ToArray()); stream.Close(); String json = jsonString.Replace("null", "\"\""); json = jsonString.Replace("{", "{\"FolioDoc\":" + documento.Folio + ", \"TipoDoc\":" + documento.TipoDTE + ","); try { BaseDato con = new BaseDato(); OdbcConnection conexion = con.ConnectPostgres(); OdbcCommand select = new OdbcCommand(); select.Connection = conexion; select.CommandText = "INSERT INTO detalle SELECT * FROM json_populate_record(NULL::detalle,'" + json + "')"; OdbcDataReader reader = select.ExecuteReader(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Error" + ex.Message); } } }
public void save(DocumentoModel documento) { foreach (ReferenciaDoc det in documento.Referencia) { MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(); DataContractJsonSerializer referencia = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(ReferenciaDoc)); referencia.WriteObject(stream, det); string jsonString = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(stream.ToArray()); stream.Close(); String json = jsonString.Replace("null", "\"\""); String json0 = json.Replace("{", "{\"FolioDoc\":" + documento.Folio + ", \"TipoDoc\":" + documento.TipoDTE + ","); if (det.TpoDocRef == "SET") { json0 = json0.Replace("\"TpoDocRef\":\"SET\"", "\"TpoDocRef\\r\\n\":\"1000\""); } if (det.TpoDocRef == "1000") { json0 = json0.Replace("\"TpoDocRef\":\"1000\"", "\"TpoDocRef\\r\\n\":\"1000\""); } try { BaseDato con = new BaseDato(); OdbcConnection conexion = con.ConnectPostgres(); OdbcCommand select = new OdbcCommand(); select.Connection = conexion; select.CommandText = "INSERT INTO referencia SELECT * FROM json_populate_record(NULL::referencia,'" + json0 + "')"; OdbcDataReader reader = select.ExecuteReader(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Error" + ex.Message); } } }
public void updatepais(Int32 codPais, String nomPais) { DataTable datatable = new DataTable(); SqlConnection sqlcon = new SqlConnection(); try { BaseDato con = new BaseDato(); OdbcConnection conexion = con.ConnectPostgres(); OdbcCommand select = new OdbcCommand(); select.Connection = conexion; select.CommandText = "UPDATE paises " + "SET \"nomPais\"='" + nomPais + "'" + "WHERE \"codPais\" = " + codPais + ";"; OdbcDataReader reader = select.ExecuteReader(); datatable.Load(reader); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Error" + ex.Message); } finally { sqlcon.Close(); } }
public void save(ProductosModel producto) { try { BaseDato con = new BaseDato(); OdbcConnection conexion = con.ConnectPostgres(); OdbcCommand select = new OdbcCommand(); select.Connection = conexion; select.CommandText = "INSERT INTO producto(" // +"id, " + "nombre, " + "\"codigoInt\", " + "\"precioNeto\", " + "\"precioVenta\"," + "\"exento\"" //+"codimpuesto " + ") VALUES ('" //+ +",'"//"id, " + producto.nombre + "','" //"nombre, " + producto.codigoInt + "'," //"\"codigoInt\", " + producto.precioNeto + "," //"\"precioNeto\", " + producto.precioventa + ",'" //"\"precioVenta\", " + producto.exento + "'" //"\"precioVenta\", " // + "codimpuesto " + ");"; OdbcDataReader reader = select.ExecuteReader(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Error" + ex.Message); } }
public Int32 getUltimoFolioPedido() { Int32 ultimoFolio = 0; SqlConnection sqlcon = new SqlConnection(); try { BaseDato con = new BaseDato(); OdbcConnection conexion = con.ConnectPostgres(); OdbcCommand select = new OdbcCommand(); select.Connection = conexion; select.CommandText = "select MAX(\"Folio\") from documento where \"TipoDTE\" = '802'"; OdbcDataReader reader = select.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { ultimoFolio = Convert.ToInt32(reader.GetValue(0)); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Error" + ex.Message); } finally { sqlcon.Close(); } ultimoFolio = ultimoFolio + 1; return(ultimoFolio); //select min(folio) from folio where estado = 'DISPONIBLE' //cambiar a estado a ocupado // validar con try catch }
public void update(ContribuyenteModel contribuyenteModel) { SqlConnection sqlcon = new SqlConnection(); try { BaseDato con = new BaseDato(); OdbcConnection conexion = con.ConnectPostgres(); OdbcCommand select = new OdbcCommand(); select.Connection = conexion; select.CommandText = "UPDATE cliente SET " + " \"rznSocRecep\" ='" + contribuyenteModel.rznSoc + "'," + " \"giroRecep\" ='" + contribuyenteModel.giro + "'," + " \"dirRecep\" ='" + contribuyenteModel.direccion + "'," + " \"codCmnaRecep\" =" + contribuyenteModel.codComuna + "," + " \"codCiudadRecep\" =" + contribuyenteModel.codCiudad + "," + " \"telefono\" ='" + contribuyenteModel.telefono + "'" + " WHERE \"rutRecep\" = '" + contribuyenteModel.rut + "';"; OdbcDataReader reader = select.ExecuteReader(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Error" + ex.Message); } finally { sqlcon.Close(); } }
public Int32 getUltimoFolio(Int32 idCaf) { Int32 ultimoFolio = 0; SqlConnection sqlcon = new SqlConnection(); try { BaseDato con = new BaseDato(); OdbcConnection conexion = con.ConnectPostgres(); OdbcCommand select = new OdbcCommand(); select.Connection = conexion; select.CommandText = "select min(folio) from folio where estado = 'DISPONIBLE' and idcaf = " + idCaf + ";"; OdbcDataReader reader = select.ExecuteReader(); //no quedan folios no recorrer while (reader.Read()) { ultimoFolio = Convert.ToInt32(reader.GetValue(0)); } // modificaEstado("OCUPADO", ultimoFolio,idCaf); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Error" + ex.Message); } finally { sqlcon.Close(); } return(ultimoFolio); //select min(folio) from folio where estado = 'DISPONIBLE' //cambiar a estado a ocupado // validar con try catch }
public void save(FolioModel foliomodel) { try { BaseDato con = new BaseDato(); OdbcConnection conexion = con.ConnectPostgres(); OdbcCommand select = new OdbcCommand(); select.Connection = conexion; select.CommandText = "INSERT INTO folio(" + "folio, estado, idcaf, \"codSucSii\")" + " VALUES (" + foliomodel.folio + ",'" + "DISPONIBLE" + "'," + foliomodel.idcaf + ",'" + foliomodel.codSucSii + "'" + ");"; OdbcDataReader reader = select.ExecuteReader(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Error" + ex.Message); } }
public DataTable getFolioXId(Int32 id) { DataTable datatable = new DataTable(); SqlConnection sqlcon = new SqlConnection(); try { BaseDato con = new BaseDato(); OdbcConnection conexion = con.ConnectPostgres(); OdbcCommand select = new OdbcCommand(); select.Connection = conexion; select.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM folio where idcaf = " + id + " order by folio ASC"; OdbcDataReader reader = select.ExecuteReader(); datatable.Load(reader); } catch (Exception ex) { datatable = null; throw new Exception("Error" + ex.Message); } finally { sqlcon.Close(); } return(datatable); }
public DocumentoModel getDocumento(int tipo, int folio) { DocumentoModel documentoModel = new DocumentoModel(); String documento = String.Empty; try { BaseDato con = new BaseDato(); OdbcConnection conexion = con.ConnectPostgres(); OdbcCommand select = new OdbcCommand(); select.Connection = conexion; select.CommandText = "select row_to_json(documento) from documento where \"Folio\" = " + folio + " and \"TipoDTE\" = '" + tipo + "';"; OdbcDataReader reader = select.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { documento = reader.GetString(reader.GetOrdinal("row_to_json")); } DataContractJsonSerializer js = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(DocumentoModel)); MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(documento)); documentoModel = (DocumentoModel)js.ReadObject(ms); documentoModel.detalle = new Detalle().getDetalle(tipo, folio); documentoModel.Referencia = new ReferenciaDoc().getReferencia(tipo, folio); return(documentoModel); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Error" + ex.Message); } }
public DataTable getProdXCod(String codProd) { DataTable datatable = new DataTable(); SqlConnection sqlcon = new SqlConnection(); try { BaseDato con = new BaseDato(); OdbcConnection conexion = con.ConnectPostgres(); OdbcCommand select = new OdbcCommand(); select.Connection = conexion; select.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM producto where \"codigoInt\" = '" + codProd + "'"; OdbcDataReader reader = select.ExecuteReader(); datatable.Load(reader); } catch (Exception ex) { datatable = null; throw new Exception("Error" + ex.Message); } finally { sqlcon.Close(); } return(datatable); }
public DataTable getAllDocDT() { DataTable datatable = new DataTable(); SqlConnection sqlcon = new SqlConnection(); try { BaseDato con = new BaseDato(); OdbcConnection conexion = con.ConnectPostgres(); OdbcCommand select = new OdbcCommand(); select.Connection = conexion; select.CommandText = "SELECT \"nombre\",\"TipoDTE\",\"Folio\",\"FchEmis\",\"RznSocRecep\",\"MntTotal\"" + " FROM documento,tipodte " + " where documento.\"TipoDTE\" = tipodte.tipo order by fchcreate DESC LIMIT 50"; OdbcDataReader reader = select.ExecuteReader(); datatable.Load(reader); } catch (Exception ex) { datatable = null; throw new Exception("Error" + ex.Message); } finally { sqlcon.Close(); } return(datatable); }
public DataTable getComunasXCiudad(int codCiudad) { DataTable datatable = new DataTable(); SqlConnection sqlcon = new SqlConnection(); try { BaseDato con = new BaseDato(); OdbcConnection conexion = con.ConnectPostgres(); OdbcCommand select = new OdbcCommand(); select.Connection = conexion; select.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM comunas WHERE \"codCiudad\" = " + codCiudad; OdbcDataReader reader = select.ExecuteReader(); datatable.Load(reader); } catch (Exception ex) { datatable = null; throw new Exception("Error" + ex.Message); } finally { sqlcon.Close(); } return(datatable); }
public List <Detalle> getDetalle(int tipoDoc, int folioDoc) { List <Detalle> detalles = new List <Detalle>(); Detalle detalle = new Detalle(); String detalleJson = String.Empty; try { BaseDato con = new BaseDato(); OdbcConnection conexion = con.ConnectPostgres(); OdbcCommand select = new OdbcCommand(); select.Connection = conexion; select.CommandText = "select row_to_json(detalle) from detalle where \"FolioDoc\" = " + folioDoc + " and \"TipoDoc\" = " + tipoDoc + ";"; OdbcDataReader reader = select.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { detalleJson = reader.GetString(reader.GetOrdinal("row_to_json")); DataContractJsonSerializer js = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(Detalle)); MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(detalleJson)); detalle = (Detalle)js.ReadObject(ms); detalles.Add(detalle); } return(detalles); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Error" + ex.Message); } }
public void save(ClienteProductoModel cliProdModel) { try { BaseDato con = new BaseDato(); OdbcConnection conexion = con.ConnectPostgres(); OdbcCommand select = new OdbcCommand(); select.Connection = conexion; select.CommandText = "INSERT INTO clienteproducto(" + "\"idProducto\", \"rutCliente\", \"precioNeto\", \"precioVenta\")" + " VALUES (" + cliProdModel.idProducto + ",'" + cliProdModel.rutCliente + "'," + cliProdModel.precioNeto + "," + cliProdModel.precioVenta + ");"; OdbcDataReader reader = select.ExecuteReader(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Error" + ex.Message); } }
public List <ReferenciaDoc> getReferencia(int tipoDoc, int folioDoc) { List <ReferenciaDoc> referencias = new List <ReferenciaDoc>(); ReferenciaDoc referencia = new ReferenciaDoc(); String referenciaJson = String.Empty; try { BaseDato con = new BaseDato(); OdbcConnection conexion = con.ConnectPostgres(); OdbcCommand select = new OdbcCommand(); select.Connection = conexion; select.CommandText = "select row_to_json(referencia) from referencia where \"FolioDoc\" = " + folioDoc + " and \"TipoDoc\" = " + tipoDoc + " order by \"NroLinRef\" ASC;"; OdbcDataReader reader = select.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { referenciaJson = reader.GetString(reader.GetOrdinal("row_to_json")); String referenciaJson1 = referenciaJson.Replace("null", "\"\""); String referenciaJson2 = referenciaJson1.Replace("\"TpoDocRef\\r\\n", "\"TpoDocRef"); DataContractJsonSerializer js = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(ReferenciaDoc)); MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(referenciaJson2)); referencia = (ReferenciaDoc)js.ReadObject(ms); referencias.Add(referencia); } return(referencias); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Error" + ex.Message); } }
public string searchProdxCliente(Int32 codProd, string rutCliente) { string respuesta = "true"; SqlConnection sqlcon = new SqlConnection(); try { BaseDato con = new BaseDato(); OdbcConnection conexion = con.ConnectPostgres(); OdbcCommand select = new OdbcCommand(); select.Connection = conexion; select.CommandText = "select * from clienteproducto " + "where \"idProducto\" = " + codProd + " and \"rutCliente\" = '" + rutCliente + "'"; OdbcDataReader reader = select.ExecuteReader(); if (reader.HasRows == false) { respuesta = "false"; } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Error" + ex.Message); } finally { sqlcon.Close(); } return(respuesta); }
public string exists(int idUser) { string respuesta = "True"; SqlConnection sqlcon = new SqlConnection(); try { BaseDato con = new BaseDato(); OdbcConnection conexion = con.ConnectPostgres(); OdbcCommand select = new OdbcCommand(); select.Connection = conexion; select.CommandText = "select * from usuario " + "where id = " + idUser + ""; OdbcDataReader reader = select.ExecuteReader(); if (reader.HasRows == false) { respuesta = "False"; } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Error" + ex.Message); } finally { sqlcon.Close(); } return(respuesta); }
public void update(ClienteProductoModel cliProdModel) { SqlConnection sqlcon = new SqlConnection(); try { BaseDato con = new BaseDato(); OdbcConnection conexion = con.ConnectPostgres(); OdbcCommand select = new OdbcCommand(); select.Connection = conexion; select.CommandText = "UPDATE clienteproducto SET " + "\"precioNeto\"=" + cliProdModel.precioNeto + "," + "\"precioVenta\"=" + cliProdModel.precioVenta + " " + "WHERE \"rutCliente\" = '" + cliProdModel.rutCliente + "'" + "and \"idProducto\" = " + cliProdModel.idProducto + ";"; OdbcDataReader reader = select.ExecuteReader(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Error" + ex.Message); } finally { sqlcon.Close(); } }
public DataTable getUsuarios() { DataTable datatable = new DataTable(); SqlConnection sqlcon = new SqlConnection(); try { BaseDato con = new BaseDato(); OdbcConnection conexion = con.ConnectPostgres(); OdbcCommand select = new OdbcCommand(); select.Connection = conexion; select.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM usuario order by id DESC"; OdbcDataReader reader = select.ExecuteReader(); datatable.Load(reader); } catch (Exception ex) { datatable = null; throw new Exception("Error" + ex.Message); } finally { sqlcon.Close(); } return(datatable); }
public DataTable getProdClientXCod(string rut, string codProd) { DataTable datatable = new DataTable(); SqlConnection sqlcon = new SqlConnection(); try { BaseDato con = new BaseDato(); OdbcConnection conexion = con.ConnectPostgres(); OdbcCommand select = new OdbcCommand(); select.Connection = conexion; select.CommandText = "select producto.\"id\",producto.nombre,producto.\"codigoInt\", " + "clienteproducto.\"precioNeto\",clienteproducto.\"precioVenta\", " + "producto.codimpuesto,producto.unmditem,producto.exento " + "from clienteproducto,producto,cliente " + "where clienteproducto.\"idProducto\" = producto.\"id\" " + "and clienteproducto.\"rutCliente\" = cliente.\"rutRecep\" " + "and clienteproducto.\"rutCliente\" = '" + rut + "'" + "and producto.\"codigoInt\" = '" + codProd + "'"; OdbcDataReader reader = select.ExecuteReader(); datatable.Load(reader); } catch (Exception ex) { datatable = null; throw new Exception("Error" + ex.Message); } finally { sqlcon.Close(); } return(datatable); }
public DataTable getCiudadXNombre(String nomCiudad) { DataTable datatable = new DataTable(); SqlConnection sqlcon = new SqlConnection(); try { BaseDato con = new BaseDato(); OdbcConnection conexion = con.ConnectPostgres(); OdbcCommand select = new OdbcCommand(); select.Connection = conexion; select.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM ciudades where \"nomCiudad\" Like '%" + nomCiudad + "%'"; OdbcDataReader reader = select.ExecuteReader(); datatable.Load(reader); } catch (Exception ex) { datatable = null; throw new Exception("Error" + ex.Message); } finally { sqlcon.Close(); } return(datatable); }
public void save(DocumentoModel documento) { MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(); DataContractJsonSerializer ds = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(DocumentoModel)); ds.WriteObject(stream, documento); string jsonString = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(stream.ToArray()); stream.Close(); String json = jsonString.Replace("null", "\"\""); json = jsonString.Replace("{", "{\"fchcreate\":\"" + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "\","); try { BaseDato con = new BaseDato(); OdbcConnection conexion = con.ConnectPostgres(); OdbcCommand select = new OdbcCommand(); select.Connection = conexion; select.CommandText = "INSERT INTO documento SELECT * FROM json_populate_record(NULL::documento,'" + json + "')"; OdbcDataReader reader = select.ExecuteReader(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Error" + ex.Message); } }
public DataTable getContribuyente(String rut) { DataTable datatable = new DataTable(); SqlConnection sqlcon = new SqlConnection(); try { BaseDato con = new BaseDato(); OdbcConnection conexion = con.ConnectPostgres(); OdbcCommand select = new OdbcCommand(); select.Connection = conexion; select.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM cliente " + "INNER JOIN ciudades ON \"codCiudadRecep\" =\"codCiudad\" " + "INNER JOIN comunas ON \"codCmnaRecep\" = \"codComuna\" " + "where \"rutRecep\" = '" + rut + "'"; OdbcDataReader reader = select.ExecuteReader(); datatable.Load(reader); } catch (Exception ex) { datatable = null; throw new Exception("Error" + ex.Message); } finally { sqlcon.Close(); } return(datatable); }
public int getUltimoFolioCaf(int idCaf, int tipoDte) { int ultimo = 0; try { BaseDato con = new BaseDato(); OdbcConnection conexion = con.ConnectPostgres(); OdbcCommand select = new OdbcCommand(); select.Connection = conexion; select.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM caf where id = " + idCaf + " and \"tipoDte\" = '" + tipoDte + "';"; OdbcDataReader reader = select.ExecuteReader(); if (reader.RecordsAffected != 0) { while (reader.Read()) { ultimo = reader.GetInt32(reader.GetOrdinal("folioFinal")); } } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Error" + ex.Message); } return(ultimo + 1); }