private void GuessChildRemapTargetsRecursive(ModelTreeNode node) { for (int nodeChildIndex = 0; nodeChildIndex < node.children.Count; nodeChildIndex++) { ModelTreeNode child = node.children[nodeChildIndex]; if (child.remapTargetIsGuess) { if (child.isAddition) { child.remapTarget = node.remapTarget; continue; //additions never have children to guess remap targets for } else { child.remapTarget = null; //Scan for obj under remap target with same name as child obj if (node.remapTarget != null) { for (int targetChildIndex = 0; targetChildIndex < node.remapTarget.transform.childCount; targetChildIndex++) { if ( == node.remapTarget.transform.GetChild(targetChildIndex).name) { child.remapTarget = node.remapTarget.transform.GetChild(targetChildIndex).gameObject; break; } } } } } GuessChildRemapTargetsRecursive(child); } }
//Copies the given node and attaches it to its remap target. //MethodsToInvoke is populated with MethodDefs for any methods in copied components with the OnModelReplaced attribute. //All performed remaps (modified and cloned components, duplicated gameobjects, and targeted non-additions) are added to the remaps dictionary void Remap(ModelTreeNode node, List <MethodDef> methodsToInvoke, Dictionary <UnityEngine.Object, UnityEngine.Object> remaps) { if (node.obj != null && node.remapTarget != null) { remaps[node.obj] = node.remapTarget; } if (!node.hasAdditions || !node.isAddition || node.remapTarget == null) { return; } if (node.comps != null) { //Copy components to target List <Component> copiedComponents = CopyComponents(node.comps, node.remapTarget, node.conflictResolutions, remaps); //Get on-replace functions foreach (Component copiedComp in copiedComponents) { methodsToInvoke.AddRange(GetOnReplaceMethodDefs(copiedComp, node.obj)); } } else { //Duplicate and parent dupe to target GameObject dupe = Instantiate(node.obj); =; dupe.transform.SetParent(node.remapTarget.transform, false); //Collect remaps and OnModelReplaced funcs in dupe Stack <Transform> dupes = new Stack <Transform>(); Stack <Transform> originals = new Stack <Transform>(); dupes.Push(dupe.transform); originals.Push(node.obj.transform); while (dupes.Count > 0) { var dupeTrans = dupes.Pop(); var origTrans = originals.Pop(); remaps[origTrans.gameObject] = dupeTrans.gameObject; Component[] dupeComps = dupeTrans.GetComponents <Component>(); Component[] origComps = origTrans.GetComponents <Component>(); for (int i = 0; i < dupeComps.Length; i++) { methodsToInvoke.AddRange(GetOnReplaceMethodDefs(dupeComps[i], origTrans.gameObject)); remaps[dupeComps[i]] = origComps[i]; //Sanity check / error out if Unity scrambles the component order (which it shouldnt) if (dupeComps[i].GetType() != origComps[i].GetType()) { throw new Exception("Component type mismatch"); } } foreach (Transform dupeChild in dupeTrans) { dupes.Push(dupeChild); } foreach (Transform origChild in origTrans) { originals.Push(origChild); } } } }
//Checks for conflicts in the tree rooted at the given node private void CheckConflictsRecursive(ModelTreeNode node) { if (node.UpdateConflicts()) { Repaint(); } for (int i = 0; i < node.children.Count; i++) { CheckConflictsRecursive(node.children[i]); } }
//Recursively draws the hierarchy rooted at the given node, starting at the given indent level. //Returns true if the tree properties are valid for doing the copy operation, false otherwise. bool DrawAdditionTree(ModelTreeNode node, int indentLevel) { const int spacePerIndent = 12; //EditorGUI.indentLevel messes with field width, do indenting ourselves if (!node.hasAdditions) { //Don't draw branches with no additions in them return(true); } GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(spacePerIndent * indentLevel); bool selfValid = true; //Components if (node.comps != null) { GUILayout.Space(spacePerIndent); //indent an extra level GUILayout.BeginVertical(); selfValid = DrawAddition(node); DrawConflictResolution(node); GUILayout.EndVertical(); } //Object else if (node.obj != null) { if (node.children.Count > 0) { node.expanded = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(node.expanded,; selfValid = DrawRemapTargetField(node); GUI.color = Color.white; } else { selfValid = DrawAddition(node); } } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); //Recurse on children bool childrenValid = true; if (node.expanded) { for (int i = 0; i < node.children.Count; i++) { childrenValid &= DrawAdditionTree(node.children[i], indentLevel + 1); } } return(selfValid && childrenValid); }
//Draws component conflict resolution UI for all conflicting types in given node private void DrawConflictResolution(ModelTreeNode node) { if (node.conflicts != null && node.conflicts.Count > 0) { GUILayout.Label("Some components exist on Source and Dest. Choose how to resolve conflicts.", EditorStyles.wordWrappedLabel); foreach (Type conflictType in node.conflicts) { if (!node.conflictResolutions.ContainsKey(conflictType)) { node.conflictResolutions[conflictType] = DefaultConflictResolution; } node.conflictResolutions[conflictType] = (CopyConflictMode)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup(conflictType.Name, node.conflictResolutions[conflictType], GUILayout.MaxWidth(320)); } } }
//Tries to automatically fix a property which holds an objectreference to the old hierarchy //Returns true if a fix was applied, false otherwise bool FixCrossReference(SerializedProperty objProperty, Dictionary <UnityEngine.Object, UnityEngine.Object> remaps, Dictionary <Component, ModelTreeNode> compToNode) { //References to gameobjects we copied //References to components we copied //References to gameobjects with remap targets, even if they weren't copied due to not being additions if (remaps.ContainsKey(objProperty.objectReferenceValue)) { objProperty.objectReferenceValue = remaps[objProperty.objectReferenceValue]; objProperty.serializedObject.ApplyModifiedPropertiesWithoutUndo(); return(true); } //References to components that weren't copied, if they are on gameobjects with remap targets //AND the user didn't specify this was a component conflict where DEST should be preserved else if (objProperty.objectReferenceValue is Component) { var comp = objProperty.objectReferenceValue as Component; if (remaps.ContainsKey(comp.gameObject)) { Component[] srcComps = comp.gameObject.GetComponents(comp.GetType()); Component[] destComps = (remaps[comp.gameObject] as GameObject).GetComponents(comp.GetType()); for (int i = 0; i < srcComps.Length && i < destComps.Length; i++) { if (srcComps[i] == comp) { ModelTreeNode node = null; compToNode.TryGetValue(comp, out node); if (node == null || node.conflictResolutions == null || !node.conflictResolutions.ContainsKey(comp.GetType()) || node.conflictResolutions[comp.GetType()] != CopyConflictMode.KeepDest) { objProperty.objectReferenceValue = destComps[i]; objProperty.serializedObject.ApplyModifiedPropertiesWithoutUndo(); return(true); } return(false); //conflict mode was "keep dest" } } } } return(false); }
//Performs copy of all nodes in tree rooted at given node to their remapTargets, and invokes the OnModelReplaced function in any copied components. //(not *actually* recursive) void RemapAndInvokeRecursive(ModelTreeNode start) { refFixupMap = new Dictionary <UnityEngine.Object, UnityEngine.Object>(); List <MethodDef> methodsToInvoke = new List <MethodDef>(); Stack <ModelTreeNode> nodes = new Stack <ModelTreeNode>(); nodes.Push(start); while (nodes.Count > 0) { ModelTreeNode node = nodes.Pop(); Remap(node, methodsToInvoke, refFixupMap); foreach (ModelTreeNode c in node.children) { if (node.hasAdditions) { nodes.Push(c); } } } InvokeAll(methodsToInvoke); }
private void OnGUI() { scrollPos = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(scrollPos); bool objsChanged = DrawTargetSelection(); if (objsChanged) { treeRoot = null; } if (treeRoot == null && TargetsValid) { treeRoot = FindAdditions(); } bool treeValid = false; if (TargetsValid) { CheckConflictsRecursive(treeRoot); GUILayout.Label("Assign targets in new hierarchy to attach additions to.", EditorStyles.wordWrappedLabel); treeValid = DrawAdditionTree(treeRoot, 0); if (!treeRoot.hasAdditions) { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Found no additions to Source. Nothing to do here!", MessageType.Info); treeValid = false; } } //Execute button GUI.enabled = TargetsValid && treeValid; if (GUILayout.Button("Copy to Targets")) { RemapAndInvokeRecursive(treeRoot); ProcessCrossReferencesInTree(); } GUI.enabled = true; GUILayout.EndScrollView(); }
//Draws a node which is an addition. //Returns true if the node properties are valid for doing the copy operation, false otherwise. private bool DrawAddition(ModelTreeNode node) { string label; Texture icon; //Determine label and icon if (node.comps == null) { label =; icon = AssetPreview.GetMiniTypeThumbnail(typeof(GameObject)); } else { StringBuilder compString = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < node.comps.Count; i++) { compString.Append(node.comps[i].GetType().Name); if (i < node.comps.Count - 1) { compString.Append(", "); } } label = compString.ToString(); //could cache this, maybe icon = AssetPreview.GetMiniTypeThumbnail(typeof(Component)); } //Draw GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(; EditorGUILayout.LabelField(new GUIContent(icon), GUILayout.Height(16), GUILayout.Width(16)); EditorGUILayout.LabelField(label, EditorStyles.wordWrappedLabel, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true)); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); bool valid = DrawRemapTargetField(node); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); return(valid); }
private ModelTreeNode FindAdditionsRecursive(GameObject original, GameObject modified) { bool hasAdditions = false; var node = new ModelTreeNode(modified, false); //Check components var modifiedComponents = modified.GetComponents <Component>(); HashSet <Type> addedTypes = new HashSet <Type>(); List <Component> addedComponents = new List <Component>(); for (int i = 0; i < modifiedComponents.Length; i++) { Type compType = modifiedComponents[i].GetType(); //Skip if already checked this type if (addedTypes.Contains(compType)) { continue; } //Add all extra components in modified to additions addedTypes.Add(compType); var modifiedOfType = modified.GetComponents(compType); var originalOfType = original.GetComponents(compType); for (int j = originalOfType.Length; j < modifiedOfType.Length; j++) { addedComponents.Add(modifiedOfType[j]); hasAdditions = true; } } if (addedComponents.Count > 0) { hasAdditions = true; node.children.Add(new ModelTreeNode(modified, addedComponents)); } //Check child gameobjects int origChildIndex = 0; int modChildIndex = 0; while (modChildIndex < modified.transform.childCount) { if (origChildIndex >= original.transform.childCount) { //Ran out of objs in original to match against: All remaining objs in modified are additions for (int i = modChildIndex; i < modified.transform.childCount; i++) { hasAdditions = true; node.children.Add(new ModelTreeNode(modified.transform.GetChild(i).gameObject, true)); } break; } else if (original.transform.GetChild(origChildIndex).name == modified.transform.GetChild(modChildIndex).name) { //Matched object: Check the subtree for changes var childNode = FindAdditionsRecursive(original.transform.GetChild(origChildIndex).gameObject, modified.transform.GetChild(modChildIndex).gameObject); hasAdditions |= childNode.hasAdditions; node.children.Add(childNode); origChildIndex++; modChildIndex++; } else { //Mismatched object: obj is either an addition to modified or was deleted from original //If it's an addition, we'll find the to the original later on in modified's child list. int nextMatchIndex = -1; //Scan ahead in modified for match for (int i = modChildIndex + 1; i < modified.transform.childCount; i++) { if (original.transform.GetChild(origChildIndex).name == modified.transform.GetChild(i).name) { nextMatchIndex = i; break; } } //Match found: Everything we skipped over in modified while scanning is an addition if (nextMatchIndex >= 0) { for (int i = modChildIndex; i < nextMatchIndex; i++) { node.children.Add(new ModelTreeNode(modified.transform.GetChild(i).gameObject, true)); hasAdditions = true; } modChildIndex = nextMatchIndex; //will process as a match next loop } //No match found: An object was deleted from original else { origChildIndex++; } } } node.hasAdditions = hasAdditions; return(node); }
//Returns true if the remap target for the given node is valid for doing the copy operation, false otherwise. bool DrawRemapTargetField(ModelTreeNode node) { //Status lamp and target validation bool valid = true; string statusTooltip; if (node.isAddition) { if (node.remapTarget == null) { GUI.color = Color.yellow; statusTooltip = "No target specified: Addition will not be copied"; } else if (treeRoot.remapTarget == null) { GUI.color = Color.yellow; statusTooltip = "The root node must have a remap target specified to validate this target"; valid = false; } else if (!node.remapTarget.transform.IsChildOf(treeRoot.remapTarget.transform)) { GUI.color =; statusTooltip = "Target must be a descendent of the root node's target"; valid = false; } else { GUI.color =; statusTooltip = "Addition will be copied and attached to specified target"; } } else { if (node == treeRoot && node.remapTarget == null) { GUI.color =; statusTooltip = "The root node must have a remap target specified."; valid = false; } else { GUI.color = Color.grey; statusTooltip = "This is not an addition and will not be copied. Set this target to give hints for auto-filling other targets."; } } GUILayout.Label(new GUIContent("", statusTooltip), EditorGUIUtility.GetBuiltinSkin(EditorSkin.Inspector).GetStyle("radio"), GUILayout.Width(16)); //EditorSkin.Inspector = "Light"/Personal skin GUI.color = Color.white; //Object field EditorStyles.objectField.fontStyle = node.remapTargetIsGuess ? FontStyle.Normal : FontStyle.Bold; EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); Rect controlRect = EditorGUILayout.GetControlRect(GUILayout.Width(200)); node.remapTarget = EditorGUI.ObjectField(controlRect, node.remapTarget, typeof(GameObject), true) as GameObject; EditorStyles.objectField.fontStyle = FontStyle.Normal; //Context click for "clear" menu if (Event.current.type == EventType.ContextClick && controlRect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)) { GenericMenu menu = new GenericMenu(); menu.AddItem(new GUIContent("Clear"), false, ResetRemapTarget, node); menu.ShowAsContext(); Event.current.Use(); } //Re-guess tree from this point if remap target changed if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { node.remapTargetIsGuess = false; GuessChildRemapTargetsRecursive(node); } return(valid); }