private void Modifbtn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { int id = int.Parse(txtid.Text); if (pathImagePortada != pathup) { } teacher = new Model.Teacher(id, txtnameMod.Text, txtlastnameMod.Text, txtsecondlastnameMod.Text, txtAddressMod.Text, txtPhoneMod.Text, txtemailMod.Text, ubicationPoint.Latitude, ubicationPoint.Longitude, idTown, pathup, pathImagePortada); teacherimpl = new TeacherImpl(); int res = teacherimpl.Update(teacher); if (res > 0) { MessageBox.Show("Teacher Modifed successfully!!!"); LoadDataGrid(); ocultar(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Something happened \nCommunicate with the Suport department \[email protected]"); } } catch (Exception ex) { } }
public object getByTeacherId(string teacherId) { Teacher teacher = null; string selectSql = "SELECT * FROM t_teacher WHERE teacherId=@teacherId"; SqlParameter[] sqlParas = new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@teacherId", teacherId) }; DataSet ds = SQLServerDBUtil.query(selectSql, sqlParas); if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count != 0) { teacher = new Teacher(); teacher.Id = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString(); teacher.TeacherId = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][1].ToString(); teacher.Name = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][2].ToString(); teacher.Gender = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][3].ToString(); teacher.Birth = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][4].ToString(); teacher.Title = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][5].ToString(); teacher.Phone = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][6].ToString(); teacher.Email = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][7].ToString(); teacher.UserID = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][8].ToString(); } return teacher; }
public Teacher TeaLogin(string userName, string userPwd) { string sql = @"SELECT tea_id,tea_password FROM tea_inform WHERE tea_id=@UserName AND tea_password=@Password"; SqlParameter[] pms = { new SqlParameter(@"UserName", userName), new SqlParameter(@"Password", userPwd) }; SqlDataReader reader = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(sql, CommandType.Text, pms); Model.Teacher user = null; //读取具体的数据 while (reader.Read()) { if (user == null) { user = new Model.Teacher(); } //读取查询到的数据 user.Tea_Id = reader.GetString(0); user.Tea_Password = reader.GetString(1); } return(user); }
private void InsertNow_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { UsuarioAniadir(); //names, lastName, secondLastName, address, phone, birthDate,gender,startDate,email if (txtname.Text != "" && txtlastname.Text != "" && txtAddress.Text != "" && txtPhone.Text != "" && txtBirth.Text != "" && txtGender.Text != "" && txtstartDate.Text != "" && txtemail.Text != "") { string contraniafin = contrasenia(); string second; if (txtsecondlastname.Text == null) { second = ""; } else { second = txtsecondlastname.Text; } UsuarioAniadir(); teacher = new Model.Teacher(txtname.Text, txtlastname.Text, second, txtAddress.Text, txtPhone.Text, txtBirth.SelectedDate.Value, txtGender.Text, txtstartDate.SelectedDate.Value, txtemail.Text, ubicationPoint.Latitude, ubicationPoint.Longitude, idTown, pathImagePortada); usuarioclass = new User(usuario, contraniafin, "P", 0); teacherimpl.InsertTransaction(usuarioclass, teacher); image = new BitmapImage(); image.BeginInit(); image.CacheOption = BitmapCacheOption.OnLoad; image.UriSource = new Uri(DBImplementation.pathImages + 0 + ".png"); image.EndInit(); imagesector.Source = image; pathImagePortada = null; SendEmail(txtemail.Text, usuario.ToUpper(), contraniafin); LoadDataGrid(); ocultar(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Don't leave data empty"); } } catch (Exception ex) { } }
private void DgvDatos_SelectedCellsChanged(object sender, SelectedCellsChangedEventArgs e) { if (dgvDatos.Items.Count > 0 && dgvDatos.SelectedItem != null) { try { modif(); DataRowView dataRow = (DataRowView)dgvDatos.SelectedItem; int id = int.Parse(dataRow.Row.ItemArray[0].ToString()); teacherimpl = new TeacherImpl(); teacher = teacherimpl.Get(id); txtid.Text = teacher.PersonId.ToString(); txtnameMod.Text = teacher.Names; txtnameDel.Text = teacher.Names; txtlastnameMod.Text = teacher.LastName; txtlastnameDel.Text = teacher.LastName; txtsecondlastnameMod.Text = teacher.SecondLastName; txtemailMod.Text = teacher.Email; txtPhoneMod.Text = teacher.Phone; txtAddressMod.Text = teacher.Address; image = new BitmapImage(); image.BeginInit(); image.CacheOption = BitmapCacheOption.OnLoad; image.UriSource = new Uri(DBImplementation.pathImages + teacher.Photo + ".png"); image.EndInit(); imagesector.Source = image; pathImagePortada = DBImplementation.pathImages + teacher.Photo + ".png"; pathup = pathImagePortada; Location ubi = new Location(teacher.Latitude, teacher.Longitude); MyMap.Center = ubi; ubicationPoint = ubi; Pushpin point = new Pushpin(); point.Location = ubi; MyMap.Children.Clear(); MyMap.Children.Add(point); idmodi = teacher.TownId; llamarmuni(teacher.TownId); Modif.IsEnabled = true; Delete.IsEnabled = true; } catch (Exception ex) { } } }
private void Delbtn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { int id = int.Parse(txtid.Text); teacher = new Model.Teacher(id, txtnameDel.Text, txtlastnameDel.Text); teacherimpl = new TeacherImpl(); teacherimpl.Delete(teacher); LoadDataGrid(); ocultar(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Something happened \nCommunicate with the Suport department \[email protected]"); } }
private void Disabledbtn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { if (enable == true) { int id = int.Parse(txtid.Text); teacher = new Model.Teacher(id, "", ""); teacherimpl = new TeacherImpl(); int res = teacherimpl.Disabled(teacher); if (res > 0) { MessageBox.Show("Teacher Disable successfully!!!"); LoadDataGrid(); ocultar(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Something happened \nCommunicate with the Suport department \[email protected]"); } } else { int id = int.Parse(txtid.Text); teacher = new Model.Teacher(id, "", ""); teacherimpl = new TeacherImpl(); int res = teacherimpl.Enabled(teacher); if (res > 0) { MessageBox.Show("Teacher Enable successfully!!!"); LoadDataGridDis(); ocultar(); } else { MessageBox.Show("Something happened \nCommunicate with the Suport department \[email protected]"); } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } }
private void DgvDatos_SelectedCellsChanged(object sender, SelectedCellsChangedEventArgs e) { if (dgvDatos.Items.Count > 0 && dgvDatos.SelectedItem != null) { try { Disabledbtn.IsEnabled = true; subjects.IsEnabled = true; DataRowView dataRow = (DataRowView)dgvDatos.SelectedItem; int id = int.Parse(dataRow.Row.ItemArray[0].ToString()); teacherimpl = new TeacherImpl(); teacher = teacherimpl.Get(id); txtid.Text = teacher.PersonId.ToString(); namenabled.Content = teacher.Names; lastenabled.Content = teacher.LastName; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } } }