コード例 #1
        public virtual IHttpActionResult ResetPassword([FromBody] ResetPasswordParams rpp)
            return(ExecuteValidatedAction(() =>
                ValidatorHelpers.ValidateAndThrow(rpp, new ResetPasswordParamsValidator());

                // validate client
                AuthClient client = ValidateClient(rpp);
                if (client == null)
                    return ImATeapot();

                // validate user
                AuthUser user = AuthService.ValidateReset(rpp.AuthUserId, rpp.ResetKey);
                if (user == null)
                    return BadRequest();

                // change password
                AuthService.UpdatePassword(user, rpp.Password);
                CheckSetRoleManager(user);                                // make sure state is set in RoleManager
                ILoginResultDto result = CreateTokenResult(user, client); // return token
                return result != null ? (IHttpActionResult)Ok(result) : ImATeapot();
コード例 #2
        public virtual IHttpActionResult RequestRefresh([FromBody] RefreshParams rp)
            return(ExecuteValidatedAction(() =>
                // manually validating, as api is no longer wired up...
                ValidatorHelpers.ValidateAndThrow(rp, new RefreshParamsValidator());

                // validate AuthClient and RefreshToken
                JwtConfig config = new JwtConfig(true, RequestLeftPart);
                AuthClient client = ValidateClient(rp);
                AuthToken rt = AuthService.RetrieveToken(rp.AuthUserId, rp.AuthClientId, rp.TokenIdentifier);


                if (client == null || rt == null || rt.AuthClientId != client.Id ||
                    !JsonWebToken.GrantNewAccess(config, rt.Token))
                    return ImATeapot();

                // get user
                AuthUser user = AuthService.GetByIdForLogin(rt.AuthUserId);
                if (user == null)
                    return ImATeapot();

                CheckSetRoleManager(user);                                             // make sure state is set in RoleManager
                ILoginResultDto loginResult = CreateTokenResult(user, client, config); // create new tokens, return result
                return loginResult != null ? (IHttpActionResult)Ok(loginResult) : ImATeapot();
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        ///      This method can be overridden to return specific info about whatever entity is being
        ///      used for authentication, so long as the return type implements the ILoginResultDto interface.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="authUser"></param>
        /// <param name="client"></param>
        /// <param name="config"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected virtual ILoginResultDto CreateTokenResult(AuthUser authUser, AuthClient client, JwtConfig config)
            LoginResult lr = GetBaseLoginResult(authUser, client, config);

            return(new DefaultLoginResult {
                LoginResult = lr
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        ///     Creates a basic login result.
        ///     Adds user role claims to Jwt payload
        ///     NOTE: If you duplicate a key in the additionalPayload, this will error.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="authUser"></param>
        /// <param name="client"></param>
        /// <param name="config"></param>
        /// <param name="additionalPayload"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected LoginResult GetBaseLoginResult(AuthUser authUser, AuthClient client, JwtConfig config, IDictionary <string, string> additionalPayload = null)
            config.RefreshMinutes = client.RefreshTokenMinutes; // MUST set refresh minutes by client
            var now = DateTime.UtcNow;
            IDictionary <string, string[]> payload = CreateJwtPayload(authUser, client);

            if (additionalPayload != null)
                foreach (var kv in additionalPayload)
                    payload.Add(kv.Key, new[] { kv.Value });
            // add ossied time for easier parsing
            payload.Add(OwinKeys.Ticks, new[] { now.Ticks.ToString() });

            // add claims
            bool hasClaims  = (authUser.UserRole?.UserRoleClaims != null);
            var  claimFlags = new Dictionary <int, int>();

            if (hasClaims)
                foreach (var cgroup in authUser.UserRole.UserRoleClaims.GroupBy(cv => cv.ClaimTypeId))
                    int claimValues = cgroup.Aggregate(0, (v, urc) => v | urc.ClaimValueId); // | them together
                    claimFlags.Add(cgroup.Key, claimValues);
                    payload[ClaimsHelper.SetTypePrefix(cgroup.Key)] = new [] { claimValues.ToString() };

            string accessToken  = JsonWebToken.CreateAccessToken(config, now, payload);
            string refreshToken = JsonWebToken.CreateRefreshToken(config, now, payload);
            string csrfToken    = CsrfToken.Create(accessToken);
            Guid   refreshGuid  = AuthService.CreateToken(authUser.Id, client.Id, now, config.RefreshMinutes, refreshToken);

            return(new LoginResult
                AuthUserId = authUser.Id,
                ClaimFlags = claimFlags,
                IssuedUtc = now,
                ExpiresUtc = now.AddMinutes(config.AccessMinutes),
                RefreshTokenIdentifier = refreshGuid.ToString(),
                Jwt = accessToken,
                CsrfToken = csrfToken
コード例 #5
        public virtual IHttpActionResult GrantAdminDomainEmailAccess([FromBody] DomainEmailPasswordParams depp)
            return(ExecuteValidatedAction(() =>
                ValidatorHelpers.ValidateAndThrow(depp, new DomainEmailPasswordParamsValidator());

                AuthClient client = ValidateClient(depp);
                if (client == null)
                    return ImATeapot();

                AuthUser au = AuthService.ValidateDomainEmailLogin(depp.ResetKey);
                if (au == null)
                    return ImATeapot();

                ILoginResultDto result = CreateTokenResult(au, client); // return token
                return result != null ? (IHttpActionResult)Ok(result) : ImATeapot();
コード例 #6
        private static IDictionary <string, string[]> CreateJwtPayload(AuthUser user, AuthClient client)
            var payload = new Dictionary <string, string[]>
                [OwinKeys.AuthUserId]   = new[] { user.Id.ToString() },
                [OwinKeys.AuthUsername] = new[] { user.Username },
                [OwinKeys.AuthClientId] = new[] { client.Id.ToString() },
                [OwinKeys.UserRoleId]   = new[] { user.RoleId.ToString() }

コード例 #7
        protected ILoginResultDto CreateTokenResult(AuthUser user, AuthClient client)
            JwtConfig config = new JwtConfig(true, RequestLeftPart);

            return(CreateTokenResult(user, client, config));