コード例 #1
        public static void Sort()
            // ReSharper disable once InvalidXmlDocComment

             * Topological sort.
             * Depth first, because it's the easiest to understand.
             * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Topological_sorting
             *  L ← Empty list that will contain the sorted nodes       // we'll use done.
             *  while exists nodes without a permanent mark do
             *      select an unmarked node n
             *      visit(n)
             *  function visit(node n)
             *      if n has a permanent mark then                      // is in done list
             *          return
             *      if n has a temporary mark then                      // is in progress list
             *          stop   (not a DAG)
             *      mark n with a temporary mark                        // add to progress list
             *      for each node m with an edge from n to m do         // visit each dependency
             *          visit(m)
             *      remove temporary mark from n                        // remove from progress list
             *      mark n with a permanent mark                        // add to done list
             *      add n to head of L

            var graph    = new Dictionary <ModButton, HashSet <ModButton> >();
            var done     = new HashSet <ModButton>();
            var progress = new HashSet <ModButton>();

            // create a directed acyclic graph.
            foreach (var activeButton in ActiveButtons)
                if (!graph.ContainsKey(activeButton))
                    graph[activeButton] = new HashSet <ModButton>();

                if (!(activeButton is ModButton_Installed installedActiveButton))
                foreach (var target in installedActiveButton.Manifest.LoadBefore
                         .Select(d => d.Target)
                         .Where(t => t != null))
                    var targetButton = ModButton_Installed.For(target);
                    if (!graph.ContainsKey(targetButton))
                        graph[targetButton] = new HashSet <ModButton>();

                foreach (var target in installedActiveButton.Manifest.LoadAfter
                         .Select(d => d.Target)
                         .Where(t => t != null))
                    var targetButton = ModButton_Installed.For(target);
                    if (!graph.ContainsKey(targetButton))
                        graph[targetButton] = new HashSet <ModButton>();

            // do that sort
            foreach (var activeButton in ActiveButtons)
                var success = Sort_Visit(activeButton, graph, ref done, ref progress);
                if (!success)
                    // we have a cyclic dependency.
                    Messages.Message(I18n.SortFailed_Cyclic(activeButton.Name, success.Reason), MessageTypeDefOf.CautionInput, false);

            // reset mod list, then add mods back in order.
            foreach (var mod in done)
                // try to avoid re-caching too many times.
                if (mod is ModButton_Installed installed)
                    installed.Selected.Active = true;
                    mod.Active = true;

                TryAdd(mod, false);
