コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Invoke service method thread method
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="nativeClient"></param>
        /// <param name="serviceCodeInt"></param>
        /// <param name="opCodeInt"></param>
        /// <param name="argObject"></param>

        void InvokeNativeMethodThread(
            INativeSession nativeClient,
            int serviceCodeInt,
            int opCodeInt,
            NativeMethodTransportObject argObject)
            object resultObj = null;

                InvokeNativeMethodEntered = true;

                resultObj = nativeClient.InvokeNativeMethod(serviceCodeInt, opCodeInt, argObject);
                InvokeNativeMethodResult = resultObj as NativeMethodTransportObject;

                //if (xxxNativeMethodInvoker.ServiceCallCount == 10) throw new Exception("There was no endpoint listening"); // debug

                if (InvokeNativeMethodResult != null)
                    throw new Exception("Null result returned");

            catch (Exception ex)             // unexpected exception
                InvokeNativeMethodResult    = null;
                InvokeNativeMethodException = ex;
コード例 #2
        internal void InvokeNativeMethod(
            INativeSession nativeClient,
            int serviceCodeInt,
            int opCodeInt,
            NativeMethodTransportObject argObject)
            //NativeMethodInvoker.ServiceCallSyncLock.WaitOne(); // get the mutex (beware of deadlocks)

            if (SynchronizationContext.Current is WindowsFormsSynchronizationContext && NativeMethodInvoker.RunUIServiceCallsOnSeparateThread)
            {             // do in separate thread if this is the UI thread
                ThreadStart ts           = delegate() { InvokeNativeMethodThread(nativeClient, serviceCodeInt, opCodeInt, argObject); };
                Thread      workerThread = new Thread(ts);
                workerThread.Name         = "InvokeNativeMethod " + serviceCodeInt + ", " + opCodeInt;
                workerThread.IsBackground = true;

                InvokeNativeMethodResult    = null;
                InvokeNativeMethodException = null;
                InvokeNativeMethodEntered   = false;
                while (!InvokeNativeMethodEntered)
                    Thread.Sleep(1);                                                // loop until worker thread activates and the method is entered
                while (workerThread.IsAlive)
                    if (InvokeNativeMethodResult != null || InvokeNativeMethodException != null)

                //NativeMethodInvoker.ServiceCallSyncLock.ReleaseMutex(); // release after call (keeps other non-UI threads from making calls until we are complete)

            else             // non-UI thread, just call directly
                //NativeMethodInvoker.ServiceCallSyncLock.ReleaseMutex(); // release before call
                InvokeNativeMethodThread(nativeClient, serviceCodeInt, opCodeInt, argObject);

コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Call native method & process any exception
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="nativeClient"></param>
        /// <param name="serviceCode"></param>
        /// <param name="opCode"></param>
        /// <param name="argObject"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>

        public NativeMethodTransportObject InvokeNativeMethod(
            INativeSession nativeClient,
            int serviceCodeInt,
            int opCodeInt,
            NativeMethodTransportObject transportObject)
            NativeMethodTransportObject resultObj = null;
            string servicesExceptionHeader        = "*** InvokeNativeMethod Exception ***\r\n";      // this exception header is added by the services upon an exception
            bool   isException = false;

            int    t0 = 0;
            string classAndMethod = "", msg = "", exceptionType = "";

            if (LogServiceCalls)
                t0             = ComOps.TimeOfDay.Milliseconds();
                classAndMethod = DebugLog.GetCallingClassAndMethodPrefix();
                if (IDebugLog != null)
                    IDebugLog.Message("[ServiceCallBegin]" + classAndMethod + "Begin");

            DateTime callStart = DateTime.Now;

            if (ServiceCallCount == 0)
                FirstServiceCallTime = DateTime.Now;
            LastServiceCallTime = DateTime.Now;

            NativeMethodCaller nmc = new NativeMethodCaller();

            InServiceCall = true;
            nmc.InvokeNativeMethod(nativeClient, serviceCodeInt, opCodeInt, transportObject);
            resultObj     = nmc.InvokeNativeMethodResult;         // any result returned
            InServiceCall = false;

            ServiceCallCount++;             // count it as complete

            // Regular exception thown on the client?

            if (nmc.InvokeNativeMethodException != null)
                isException = true;

                msg = DebugLog.FormatExceptionMessage(nmc.InvokeNativeMethodException);

                // Check if link to services no longer exists (e.g. Server process killed or Mobius server restarted)

                if (Lex.Contains(msg, "There was no endpoint listening") ||
                    Lex.Contains(msg, "Count not connect") ||
                    Lex.Contains(msg, "A connection attempt failed"))                           // && ServiceCallCount > 1)
                    msg =
                        @"The connection to Mobius services has been lost. 
Session start time: {0:G}, Service Calls: {1}, Last service call: {2:G})

Do you want to restart the Mobius client?";

                    msg = String.Format(msg, FirstServiceCallTime, ServiceCallCount, LastServiceCallTime);

                    DialogResult dr = MessageBox.Show(msg, "No connection to Mobius services", MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                    if (dr == DialogResult.Yes)
                        Process p = Process.Start(Application.ExecutablePath);

            // Check if exception from services by looking at header in string passed back from services

            else if
            (resultObj != null && resultObj.Value is string && (resultObj.Value as string).StartsWith(servicesExceptionHeader))
                isException = true;

                msg = (resultObj.Value as string).Substring(servicesExceptionHeader.Length);
                int i1 = msg.IndexOf("\n");
                exceptionType = msg.Substring(0, i1 - 1);
                msg           = msg.Substring(i1 + 1);

            if (!isException)
                if (LogServiceCalls)
                    t0 = ComOps.TimeOfDay.Milliseconds() - t0;

                    if (IDebugLog != null)
                        IDebugLog.Message("[ServiceCallEnd]" + classAndMethod +
                                          " Time: " + t0 + " ms");
                return(resultObj);                // normal return value

            else             // the call threw an exception
                bool userQueryException = Lex.Eq(exceptionType, "UserQueryException");
                bool queryException     = Lex.Eq(exceptionType, "QueryException");

                if (IDebugLog != null && !userQueryException)
                    IDebugLog.Message(msg);                                                           // log any exceptions except user query exception
                if (userQueryException)
                    throw new UserQueryException(msg);

                else if (queryException)
                    throw new QueryException(msg);

                    throw new Exception(msg);