コード例 #1
/// <summary>
/// Get the root table associated with a compound id prefix
/// </summary>
/// <param name="prefix"></param>
/// <param name="rti"></param>
/// <param name="mtRoot"></param>

        public static void GetRootMetaTableFromPrefix(
            string prefix,
            out RootTable rti,
            out MetaTable mtRoot)
            rti    = null;
            mtRoot = null;

            if (prefix == "")
                prefix = "none";                           // no prefix
            if (PrefixToRootTableDict.ContainsKey(prefix)) // already have root info?
                rti    = PrefixToRootTableDict[prefix];
                mtRoot = PrefixToRootMetaTableDict[prefix];

            rti = RootTable.GetFromPrefix(prefix);
            if (rti == null)

            string mtName = rti.MetaTableName;

            mtRoot = MetaTableCollection.Get(mtName);

            PrefixToRootTableDict[prefix]     = rti;
            PrefixToRootMetaTableDict[prefix] = mtRoot;

コード例 #2
/// <summary>
/// Analyze compound id string
/// </summary>
/// <param name="cid"></param>
/// <param name="mt"></param>
/// <param name="prefix"></param>
/// <param name="dashBeforeNumber"></param>
/// <param name="number"></param>
/// <param name="suffix"></param>
/// <param name="remainder"></param>
/// <param name="rti"></param>
/// <param name="rootMt"></param>
/// <param name="canFormat"></param>

        public static void AnalyzeCid(
            string cid,
            MetaTable mt,
            out string prefix,
            out bool dashBeforeNumber,
            out int number,
            out string suffix,
            out string remainder,
            out RootTable rti,
            out MetaTable rootMt,
            out bool canFormat)
// Tests for proper cid conversions
// 1. Quick search
// 2. Key match, equality
// 3. Key match, list editor
// 4. Retrieve without structure & check that struct pops up on mouseover of cid
// 5. Add structure search for struct model retrieved using key
// 6. Run BQ12 to be sure multidatabase search is working (once only)

            canFormat = true;

            ParseCid(cid, out prefix, out dashBeforeNumber, out number, out suffix, out remainder);
            if (prefix == "CorpId")
                prefix = "";                                   // fix for old lists containing CorpId prefix
            if (mt != null && mt.IsUserDatabaseStructureTable) // user database structure table
                rti    = RootTable.GetFromPrefix("USERDATABASE");
                rootMt = mt;

                GetRootMetaTableFromPrefix(prefix, out rti, out rootMt);              // normal case
            if (RootTable.IsMultiplePrefixTable(mt))
                canFormat = false;                 // can't format if multiple prefix table
            if (rti == null)
                canFormat = false;

コード例 #3
/// <summary>
/// Convert a compound number from internal to external format
/// </summary>
/// <param name="cid"></param>
/// <param name="mt"></param>
/// <returns></returns>

        public static string Format(
            string normalizedCid,
            MetaTable mt)
            string    prefix = "", suffix = "", remainder = "", nTxt, fmt, fCid;
            bool      dashBeforeNumber, canFormat;
            RootTable rti = null, rtiBase;
            MetaTable rootMt;
            int       number = -1;

            //if (mt == null) mt = mt; // debug

            string cid = normalizedCid;

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(cid))

            if (mt != null && !RootTable.IsStructureDatabaseRootTable(mt.Root))             // non structure root table
                if (mt.Root.KeyMetaColumn.IsNumeric && Lex.IsInteger(cid))
                {                 // if numeric then return as simple integer with leading zeros removed
                    number = int.Parse(cid);
                    fCid   = number.ToString();

                    return(cid);                 // just return as is

            cid = Lex.RemoveAllQuotes(cid.Trim()).Trim();             // clean up
            if (cid.Length == 0)
                return("");                           // something really there
            if (mt != null && UserObject.IsUserDatabaseStructureTableName(mt.Root.Name))
            {                           // user database
                if (Lex.IsInteger(cid)) // if number format with no leading zeros
                    return(cid);                 // otherwise return as is

            if (RootTable.IsMultiplePrefixTable(mt))
                return(cid);                // no formatting just return as is
            AnalyzeCid(cid, mt, out prefix, out dashBeforeNumber, out number, out suffix, out remainder, out rti, out rootMt, out canFormat);
            if (!canFormat)

            if (prefix == "")
                prefix = "none";

            rti = RootTable.GetFromPrefix(prefix);

            if (rti == null || Lex.IsNullOrEmpty(rti.ExternalNumberFormat))
                fmt = "{0}";                 // unknown prefix
                fmt = "{0," + rti.ExternalNumberFormat + "}";

            if (prefix == "none")
                prefix = "";

            if (number < 0)
                nTxt = "";
                try { nTxt = String.Format(fmt, number); }
                catch (Exception ex) { nTxt = number.ToString(); }

            AddDashIfAppropriate(ref prefix, dashBeforeNumber, rti);

            fCid = prefix + nTxt + suffix;

            if (fCid == "")
コード例 #4
/// <summary>
/// Normalize compound number for database searching/storage
/// </summary>
/// <param name="cid"></param>
/// <param name="mt"></param>
/// <returns></returns>

        public static string NormalizeForDatabase(
            string unnormalizedCid,
            MetaTable mt)
            RootTable rti = null;
            MetaTable rootMt;
            string    cid, prefix = "", suffix = "", remainder = "", nTxt = "", fmt, nCid;
            bool      dashBeforeNumber = false, canFormat;
            int       number = -1;

//			if (cid.Contains("91341")) cid = cid; // debug
//			if (mt == null) mt = mt; // debug

            cid = NormalizeCase(unnormalizedCid, mt);
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(cid))

            if (cid.Contains(" "))
                cid = cid.Replace(" ", "_");                                // replace any spaces with underscores
            if (cid.Contains("\n"))
                cid = cid.Replace("\n", "");                                 // remove newlines
            if (cid.Contains("\r"))
                cid = cid.Replace("\r", "");                                 // remove returns
            if (mt != null && !RootTable.IsStructureDatabaseRootTable(mt.Root))

            if (RootTable.IsMultiplePrefixTable(mt))
                return(cid);                // no formatting just return as is
            if (mt != null && UserObject.IsUserDatabaseStructureTableName(mt.Root.Name))
            {                            // user database
                prefix = "userdatabase"; // used to lookup format
                if (Lex.IsInteger(cid))
                    number = Int32.Parse(cid);
                    suffix = cid;

            else             // other database
                if (mt != null && RootTable.GetFromTableName(mt.Root.Name) == null)
                    return(cid);                    // if not a recognized database return cid as is
                AnalyzeCid(cid, mt, out prefix, out dashBeforeNumber, out number, out suffix, out remainder, out rti, out rootMt, out canFormat);
                if (!canFormat)

                string mtPrefix = "";
                if (mt != null)                 // get any prefix for metatable
                    mtPrefix = GetPrefixFromRootTable(mt);

                if (mtPrefix.EndsWith("-") && prefix != "" && !prefix.EndsWith("-"))
                {                 // adjust to allow prefix match
                    prefix          += "-";
                    dashBeforeNumber = false;

                if (prefix == "")                 // if no prefix in number then add any metatable prefix
                    if (mtPrefix != "")
                        prefix = mtPrefix;
                        prefix = "none";

                else if (mt != null && !Lex.Eq(prefix, mtPrefix))
                    return(null);                    // if prefix invalid for database return null

            rti = RootTable.GetFromPrefix(prefix);
            if (rti == null && prefix == "userdatabase")
                fmt    = "{0,8:00000000}";              // default format for user databases
                prefix = "";

            else if (rti == null || Lex.IsNullOrEmpty(rti.InternalNumberFormat))
            {                // unknown format
                fmt = "{0}"; // default format
                if (rti != null && !rti.PrefixIsStored)
                    prefix = "";                                                     // database doesn't contain prefix

            else             // use supplied format
                fmt = "{0," + rti.InternalNumberFormat + "}";
                if (!rti.PrefixIsStored)
                    prefix = "";                                      // database doesn't contain prefix

            if (number < 0)
                nTxt = "";
                try { nTxt = String.Format(fmt, number); }
                catch (Exception ex) { nTxt = number.ToString(); }

            //if (Lex.StartsWith(cid, "GGO-")) nTxt = "-" + nTxt; // hack for GeneGo database, fix later

            if (prefix == "none")
                prefix = "";

            AddDashIfAppropriate(ref prefix, dashBeforeNumber, rti);

            nCid = (prefix + nTxt + suffix).ToUpper();
            if (nCid.Contains(" "))
                nCid = nCid.Replace(" ", "_");                                 // replace any internal spaces with underscores
コード例 #5
/// <summary>
/// Convert a compound number from external to internal format
/// normalizing and adding a prefix as needed.
/// A false prefix is added for compound collections that don't normally include
/// a prefix or contain a overlapping prefix to keep compoundIds associated
/// with the proper compound collection.
/// This routine handles several cases:
/// 1 - If mt defined & root is not a compound table then just return key as is
/// 2 - If mt defined & root is a UCDB then normalize to fixed length if numeric otherwise return as is
/// 3 - If mt defined & compound table root & no prefix then get any default prefix
/// 4 - If string cid value then add any prefix & return as is
/// 5 - if numeric cid (stored as integer or string) then add any prefix & format numeric part
/// </summary>
/// <param name="cid"></param>
/// <param name="mt"></param>
/// <returns></returns>

        public static string Normalize(
            string unnormalizedCid,
            MetaTable mt)
            RootTable rti = null;
            MetaTable rootMt;
            string    prefix = "", suffix = "", remainder = "", nTxt = "", fmt, nCid;
            bool      dashBeforeNumber, canFormat;
            int       number = -1;

            if (mt == null)
                mt = mt;                         // debug
            string cid = NormalizeCase(unnormalizedCid, mt);

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(cid))

            if (cid.IndexOf(",") >= 0)             // if comma in list then just use chars up to comma
                cid = cid.Substring(0, cid.IndexOf(","));

            AnalyzeCid(cid, mt, out prefix, out dashBeforeNumber, out number, out suffix, out remainder, out rti, out rootMt, out canFormat);
            if (!canFormat)

            //if (!CanFormat(cid, prefix

            //if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(remainder)) // multiple tokens, just return as is
            //  return cid; // (for a cid like "2." the wrong value is returned, i.e. 2.

//			if (Lex.Eq(prefix, "MDDR") && number == 91341) prefix = prefix; // debug

            if (mt != null)                                           // know the metatable this should belong to
            {                                                         // note: for multi-root table search the root table may not correspond to the compoundId prefix & value
                if (!RootTable.IsStructureDatabaseRootTable(mt.Root)) // non structure root table?
                    if (mt.Root.KeyMetaColumn.IsNumeric && Lex.IsInteger(cid))
                    {                     // if numeric then default internal format is length 10 with leading zeros
                        number = int.Parse(cid);
                        nCid   = string.Format("{0:0000000000}", number);

                        return(cid);                     // just return as is

                else if (UserObject.IsUserDatabaseStructureTableName(mt.Root.Name))
                    return(NormalizeForDatabase(cid, mt)); // same as for database if user database
                else                                       // Normal case, non-userDatabase structure root table
                    rti = RootTable.GetFromTableName(mt.Root.Name);
                    if (prefix == "")
                        prefix = GetPrefixFromRootTable(mt);

                    if (rti != null && rti.IsStringType && String.IsNullOrEmpty(rti.InternalNumberFormat))
                    {                     // general unformatted string, just add any required prefix & return
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(rti.Prefix) && !Lex.StartsWith(cid, rti.Prefix))
                            nCid = rti.Prefix + cid;                             // add prefix if needed
                            nCid = cid;                          // just return as is

            else             // metatable not defined, try to determine from prefix
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(prefix))
                    rti = RootTable.GetFromPrefix(prefix);

                else if (Lex.IsInteger(cid))                 // if integer cid then use default integer cid database
                    rti = RootTable.GetFromPrefix("");

            if (rti == null || Lex.IsNullOrEmpty(rti.InternalNumberFormat))
                fmt = "{0}";                 // unknown prefix
                fmt = "{0," + rti.InternalNumberFormat + "}";

            if (prefix == "")
                suffix = "";                 // if no prefix, disallow suffix to avoid invalid numbers for numeric keys (possibly enhance later)
            if (number < 0)
                nTxt = "";                       // no number
                try { nTxt = String.Format(fmt, number); }
                catch (Exception ex) { nTxt = number.ToString(); }

            AddDashIfAppropriate(ref prefix, dashBeforeNumber, rti);

            nCid = prefix + nTxt + suffix;
            if (nCid == "")
                nCid = cid.Trim();                         // if nothing then return original input