static void Main() { var testGSM = new GSM(); Console.WriteLine(GSM.iPhone4S.ToString()); // Displaying Iphone info var gsms = GSMTest.GenerateGSMs(); //Task 7 - GSM Test Class info GSMTest.PrintGSMsInfo(gsms); //problem 12 var callsRegister = GSMCallHistoryTest.CreateCalltestHistory(); // Print Call History GSM.PrintCallHistory(callsRegister); GSMCallHistoryTest.CalculateAndPrintTestcallsPrice(); // Printing the total price of the Call History Console.WriteLine(new string('-', 50)); GSMCallHistoryTest.RemoveLongestCall(); // Printing the total price witout the longest call Console.WriteLine(new string('-', 50)); Console.WriteLine("Clearing Data........"); // Clearing call history and printing the empty List<Call>; callsRegister.Clear(); GSM.PrintCallHistory(callsRegister); Console.WriteLine("Call History data cleared !"); }
public static void RemoveLongestCall() { List <Call> longestCall = generateCalls.OrderBy(x => x.Duration).ToList(); //getting the longest call from the list of calls longestCall.RemoveAt(longestCall.Count - 1); decimal price = GSM.CalculateTotalCallPrice(longestCall, 0.37M); //using method of the GSM class Console.WriteLine("Total price without longest call: {0:F2}", price); }
public static GSM[] GenerateGSMs() { GSM[] gsms = new GSM[5]; var b = new Battery("Bateriq Raketa", 300, 25, BatteryType.LiPoly); var disp = new Display(400, 20000); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { gsms[i] = new GSM(model[i], manufacturers[i], priceRange[i], owner[i], b, disp); } return(gsms); }
public static void CalculateAndPrintTestcallsPrice() { decimal price = GSM.CalculateTotalCallPrice(generateCalls, 0.37M); //using method of the GSM class Console.WriteLine("Total price of test calls: {0:F2}", price); }