public static void Start() { //Create an instance of the GSM class. var myPhone = new GSM("GalaxyS6", "Samsung"); //Add few calls. myPhone.AddCall(new Call(new DateTime(2015, 3, 5, 9, 30, 10), "0883448036", 140)); myPhone.AddCall(new Call(new DateTime(2015, 3, 4, 10, 12, 53), "0883428135", 230)); myPhone.AddCall(new Call(new DateTime(2015, 3, 12, 19, 3, 32), "0883451438", 423)); //Print call information myPhone.PrintCallHistory(); Console.WriteLine(); //Print the total price of the calls in the history for 0.37 per minute Console.WriteLine("Total calls price: ${0:0.##}", myPhone.GetCallsTotalPrise(0.37M)); //Remove the longest call from the history and calculate the total price again var longestCall = myPhone.CallHistory.OrderByDescending(x => x.Duration).First(); myPhone.DeleteCall(longestCall); Console.WriteLine("Longest call removed!"); Console.WriteLine("Total calls price: ${0:0.##}", myPhone.GetCallsTotalPrise(0.37M)); Console.WriteLine(); myPhone.PrintCallHistory(); //Finally clear the call history and print it. myPhone.ClearHistory(); Console.WriteLine("History cleared!"); myPhone.PrintCallHistory(); }
public void GSMCallHistoryTesting() { // Create an instance of the GSM class. GSM testGsm = new GSM("Nokia", "TelerikCorp"); // Add few calls. testGsm.AddCall("9873432142", 53); testGsm.AddCall("9811433144", 123); testGsm.AddCall("9872411149", 41); // Display the information about the calls. testGsm.ShowCallHistory(); // Assuming that the price per minute is 0.37 calculate and print the total price of the calls in the history. Console.WriteLine("Total call price: " + testGsm.TotalCallPrice()); // Remove the longest call from the history and calculate the total price again. testGsm.DeleteCall(2); Console.WriteLine("Removed Longest call!"); Console.WriteLine("Total call price: " + testGsm.TotalCallPrice()); //// Clear the call history and print it. //testGsm.ClearCallHistory(); //Console.WriteLine("Cleared call history!"); //testGsm.ShowCallHistory(); }
// The following method is executed in the Main() method which is located in the TestExecution class public static void CallHistoryTest() { GSM myGSM = new GSM("Galaxy Note III", "Samsung"); // Initialize a new phone myGSM.AddCall(DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(8432), "0888123456", 36); // Stuff it's call history with entries myGSM.AddCall(DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(12415), "+359888123456", 511); myGSM.AddCall(DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(22425), "0877123456", 14); myGSM.AddCall(DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(29434), "+359888123456", 643); myGSM.AddCall(DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(42213), "0899123456", 186); myGSM.AddCall(DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(52411), "+359888123456", 152); myGSM.DisplayCallHistory(); // Display the call history Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Price: {0:f2}", myGSM.TotalPrice(.37)); // Display the price for all the entries Console.WriteLine(); myGSM.DeleteCall(FindIndexOfLongestCall(myGSM)); // Remove the entry at the index where the longest call is kept myGSM.DisplayCallHistory(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Price: {0:f2}", myGSM.TotalPrice(.37)); // Display the price for the entries that remain Console.WriteLine(); myGSM.ClearHistory(); // Clear the history myGSM.DisplayCallHistory(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Price: {0:f2}", myGSM.TotalPrice(.37)); Console.WriteLine(); }
static void Main() { var gsm = new GSM("Samsung", "S7 Edge+", 1200.0m, "Stamat", new Battery { Model = "G1567", HoursIdle = 78, HoursTalk = 20, }, new Display { Size = 5.4, NumberOfColors = 64000000 }, BatteryType.NiCd); gsm.CallHistory.Add(new Call() { Duration = 1000, DialedPhone = "+359********9" }); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { gsm.AddCall(new Call() { DialedPhone = "+359********" + i, Duration = (uint)(i + 1) * 120 }); } var maxCall = new Call(); foreach (Call call in gsm.CallHistory) { Console.WriteLine(call); if (maxCall.Duration < call.Duration) { maxCall = call; } } Console.WriteLine("Total calls: {0}", gsm.CalculateTotalCost(0.37m)); gsm.DeleteCall(maxCall); Console.WriteLine("Total calls without Longest Call: {0}", gsm.CalculateTotalCost(0.37m)); Console.WriteLine(gsm.ToString()); Console.WriteLine(GSM.Iphone4S); }
private static void GSMCallHistoryTest() { GSM testGsm = new GSM("Nokia", "TelerikCorp"); testGsm.AddCall("+359873432142", 53); testGsm.AddCall("+359811432142", 123); testGsm.AddCall("+359872412142", 41); testGsm.AddCall("+359833332142", 72); testGsm.AddCall("+359614432142", 231); testGsm.ShowCallHistory(); Console.WriteLine("Total call price: " + testGsm.TotalCallPrice()); testGsm.DeleteCall(5); Console.WriteLine("Removed Longest call!"); Console.WriteLine("Total call price: " + testGsm.TotalCallPrice()); testGsm.ClearCallHistory(); Console.WriteLine("Cleared call history!"); testGsm.ShowCallHistory(); }
public static void TestCallHistory() { Call call0 = new Call("31.3.2015 9:08:33", "00359 888888", 60); Call call1 = new Call("01.4.2015 22:19:04", "+44 123123", 578); Call call2 = new Call("02.05.2016 02:16:00", "02 967 2323", 134); gsm.AddCall(call0); gsm.AddCall(call1); gsm.AddCall(call2); gsm.ShowCallHistory(); decimal pricePerMinute = 0.37m; Console.WriteLine("Total price: {0:C}", gsm.CalculateTotalPriceOfCalls(pricePerMinute)); gsm.DeleteCall(1); Console.WriteLine("Total price: {0:C}", gsm.CalculateTotalPriceOfCalls(pricePerMinute)); gsm.ClearCallHistory(); gsm.ShowCallHistory(); }