public static void CallsHistoryTest() { foreach (Call call in calls) { test.AddCall(call); } Console.WriteLine("\n\nPresenting information about three calls:"); Console.WriteLine(new string('=', 41)); foreach (Call call in test.CallHistory) { Console.WriteLine(call); } Console.WriteLine("\nTotal price of the calls: {0}", test.CallsTotalPrice(0.37m)); Call longestCall = test.CallHistory[0]; for (int i = 1; i < test.CallHistory.Count; i++) { if (test.CallHistory[i].Duration > longestCall.Duration) { longestCall = test.CallHistory[i]; } } test.CallHistory.Remove(longestCall); Console.WriteLine("\nRemoving the longest call:"); Console.WriteLine(longestCall); Console.WriteLine("\nTotal price of the calls (after the removing): {0}", test.CallsTotalPrice(0.37m)); test.ClearCallHistory(); Console.WriteLine("\nClearing the call history..."); Console.WriteLine("\nTotal price of the calls: {0}", test.CallsTotalPrice(0.37m)); Console.WriteLine(new string('=', 34)); }