public void loadSuppliers() { clsDBSupplier dbSupplier = new clsDBSupplier(); List<clsSupplier> suppliers = dbSupplier.SupplierList(); Int32 Index = 0; lstSupplier.Items.Clear(); while (Index < suppliers.Count) { clsSupplier supplier = suppliers[Index]; ListViewItem NewItem = new ListViewItem(); NewItem.Text = supplier.Name; NewItem.SubItems.Add(supplier.Address); NewItem.SubItems.Add(supplier.Town); NewItem.SubItems.Add(supplier.Postcode); NewItem.SubItems.Add(supplier.ContactName); NewItem.SubItems.Add(supplier.ContactNumber); NewItem.Tag = supplier; lstSupplier.AutoResizeColumns(ColumnHeaderAutoResizeStyle.ColumnContent); lstSupplier.AutoResizeColumns(ColumnHeaderAutoResizeStyle.HeaderSize); lstSupplier.Items.Add(NewItem); //Add the item to ListView Index++; //move the index to the next record } }
private void btnDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (lstSupplier.SelectedItems.Count > 0) { ListViewItem selectedItem = lstSupplier.SelectedItems[0]; clsSupplier supplier = (clsSupplier)selectedItem.Tag; // Display a message box asking users if they // want to delete the selected Supplier. if (MessageBox.Show("Are you sure to Delete this Supplier " + supplier.Name + "?", "Delete Supplier", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.Yes) { // code for deleting the record goes here clsDBSupplier dbSupplier = new clsDBSupplier(); dbSupplier.DeleteSupplier(supplier.ID); loadSuppliers(); } } }
private void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (isValid()) { clsSupplier supplier = new clsSupplier(); supplier.Name = txtSupplierName.Text; supplier.Address = txtAddress.Text; supplier.Town = txtTown.Text; supplier.Postcode = txtPostCode.Text; supplier.ContactName = txtContactName.Text; supplier.ContactNumber = txtContactNo.Text; clsDBSupplier fbs = new clsDBSupplier(); Int32 added = 0; if (txtID.Text.Length > 0) { supplier.ID = Convert.ToInt32(txtID.Text); added = fbs.UpdateSupplier(supplier); } else { added = fbs.InsertSupplier(supplier); } if (added > 0) { frmListSupplier.loadSuppliers(); Close(); } else { txtErrorMessage.Text = "Could not added Supplier."; txtErrorMessage.Visible = true; } } else { txtErrorMessage.Text = "Specify valid values"; txtErrorMessage.Visible = true; } }
public void loadSuppliers(clsProductRecord productRecord) { clsDBSupplier dbSupplier = new clsDBSupplier(); List <clsSupplier> suppliers = dbSupplier.SupplierList(); Int32 Index = 0; cmbSupplierName.DisplayMember = "Name"; cmbSupplierName.ValueMember = "ID"; cmbSupplierName.Items.Clear(); while (Index < suppliers.Count) { clsSupplier supplier = suppliers[Index]; cmbSupplierName.Items.Add(supplier); //add the supplier to the list if (productRecord != null && (productRecord.SupplierId == supplier.ID)) { cmbSupplierName.SelectedItem = supplier; } Index++; //move the index to the next record } }