public string GetNextLemNum() { string sql = $"select isnull(max(left(REPLACE(l.LemNum, Concat(p.Code,'-'), ''), 4)),0) from LemHeader l join project p on l.ProjectId=p.MatchId where l.projectid = {MatchId}"; int last = Convert.ToInt32(MobileCommon.ExecuteScalar(sql)); return($"{Code}-{last + 1,4}".Replace(" ", "0")); }
public static int SqlInsert(int entryId, int timecodeId, decimal?billRate, decimal?workHours, decimal?amount) { string sql = $"Insert LabourTimeDetail(CompanyId, EntryId, TimeCodeId, BillRate, WorkHours, Amount) " + $"values({Company.CurrentId}, {entryId}, {timecodeId}, {StrEx.ValueOrNull(billRate)}, {StrEx.ValueOrNull(workHours)}, {StrEx.ValueOrNull(amount)}); " + $"Select CAST(SCOPE_IDENTITY() AS INT);"; return(Convert.ToInt32(MobileCommon.ExecuteScalar(sql))); }
public static int SqlInsert(DateTime poDate, string poNum, string supplierCode, int projectId, bool billable) { string sql = $"insert FieldPO(MatchId, POdate, CompanyId, PONum, SupplierCode, projectId, Billable, POAmount, FieldPOStatus, CreatorId) " + $"values(-1, '{poDate}', {Company.CurrentId}, '{poNum.Replace("'", "''")}', '{supplierCode}', {projectId}, '{billable}', 0, '{(char)EnumSubmitStatus.Open}', {LoginUser.CurrUser.MatchId}); " + $"Select CAST(SCOPE_IDENTITY() AS INT);"; return(Convert.ToInt32(MobileCommon.ExecuteScalar(sql))); }
public static int SqlInsert(DateTime logDate, int projectId, string lemNum, string desc) { string sql = $"insert LemHeader(MatchId, CompanyId, LogDate, LogStatus, SubmitStatus, ProjectId, LemNum, LEM_Desc, CreatorId, Deleted) " + $"values(-1, {Company.CurrentId}, '{logDate}', '{(char)EnumLogStatus.Pending}', '{(char)EnumSubmitStatus.Open}', {projectId}, '{lemNum}', '{StrEx.SqlEsc(desc)}', {LoginUser.CurrUser.MatchId}, 0); " + $"Select CAST(SCOPE_IDENTITY() AS INT);"; return(Convert.ToInt32(MobileCommon.ExecuteScalar(sql))); }
public static int SqlInsert(int headerId, int empNum, int?changeOrderId, int?level1Id, int?level2Id, int?level3Id, int?level4Id, bool billable, bool manual, string workClassCode, decimal?includedHours, decimal?totalHours, decimal?billAmount) { string sql = $"insert LabourTimeEntry(MatchId, CompanyId, LogHeaderId, EmpNum, ChangeOrderId, Level1Id, Level2Id, Level3Id, Level4Id, Billable, Manual, WorkClassCode, IncludedHours, TotalHours, BillAmount, SyncStatus, Deleted) " + $"values(-1, {Company.CurrentId}, {headerId}, {empNum}, {StrEx.ValueOrNull(changeOrderId)}, {StrEx.ValueOrNull(level1Id)}, {StrEx.ValueOrNull(level2Id)}, " + $"{StrEx.ValueOrNull(level3Id)}, {StrEx.ValueOrNull(level4Id)}, '{billable}', '{manual}', '{workClassCode}', {StrEx.ValueOrNull(includedHours)}, {StrEx.ValueOrNull(totalHours)}, {StrEx.ValueOrNull(billAmount)}, '{EnumRecordSyncStatus.NoSubmit}', 0); " + $"Select CAST(SCOPE_IDENTITY() AS INT);"; return(Convert.ToInt32(MobileCommon.ExecuteScalar(sql))); }
public static int SqlInsert(int poId, int lineNum, string desc, int?level1Id, int?level2Id, int?level3Id, int?level4Id, EnumComponentType component, bool billable, decimal amount) { string sql = $"insert FieldPODetail(CompanyId, POId, LineNum, Description, Level1Code, Level2Code, Level3Code, Level4Code, Component, Billable, Amount) " + $"values({Company.CurrentId}, {poId}, {lineNum}, '{desc}', {StrEx.ValueOrNull(level1Id)}, {StrEx.ValueOrNull(level2Id)}," + $" {StrEx.ValueOrNull(level3Id)}, {StrEx.ValueOrNull(level4Id)}, '{(char)component}', '{billable}', {amount}); " + $"Select CAST(SCOPE_IDENTITY() AS INT);"; return(Convert.ToInt32(MobileCommon.ExecuteScalar(sql))); }
public static int SqlInsert(int headerId, string eqpNum, int?empNum, int?changeOrderId, int?level1Id, int?level2Id, int?level3Id, int?level4Id, bool billable, decimal quantity, EnumBillCycle billCycle, decimal?billAmount) { string sql = $"insert EquipTimeEntry(MatchId, CompanyId, LogHeaderId, EqpNum, EmpNum, changeOrderId, Level1Id, Level2Id, Level3Id, Level4Id, Billable, Quantity, BillCycle, BillAmount, SyncStatus, Deleted) " + $"values(-1, {Company.CurrentId}, {headerId}, {eqpNum}, {StrEx.ValueOrNull(empNum)}, {StrEx.ValueOrNull(changeOrderId)}, {StrEx.ValueOrNull(level1Id)}, {StrEx.ValueOrNull(level2Id)}, {StrEx.ValueOrNull(level3Id)}, {StrEx.ValueOrNull(level4Id)}," + $" '{billable}', {quantity}, '{(char)billCycle}', {StrEx.ValueOrNull(billAmount)}, '{EnumRecordSyncStatus.NoSubmit}', 0); " + $"Select CAST(SCOPE_IDENTITY() AS INT);"; return(Convert.ToInt32(MobileCommon.ExecuteScalar(sql))); }
public static decimal GetWeekHours(int projectId, int empNum, DateTime currDate, int?currId) { int days = (currDate.DayOfWeek - Company.GetCurrCompany().WeekStart) % 7; DateTime firstDay = currDate.AddDays(-days); string sql = $"select isnull(sum(e.IncludedHours), 0.0) from LemHeader h join LabourTimeEntry e on h.Id = e.LogHeaderId " + $"where h.projectId={projectId} and h.LogDate >= '{firstDay}' and h.LogDate <= '{currDate}' and h.deleted=0 " + $"and e.EmpNum={empNum} and e.deleted = 0 and<>{currId ?? -1}"; return((decimal)MobileCommon.ExecuteScalar(sql)); }
public override async Task <SyncResult> Receive(Guid token) { try { using (HttpClient client = new HttpClient()) { client.Init(token); var query = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(string.Empty); query["companyId"] = CompanyId.ToString(); query["clientMac"] = MobileCommon.MachineMac; HttpResponseMessage response = await client.GetAsync($"api/LemAP?{query.ToString()}"); if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { UpdateStatus(EnumTableSyncStatus.Receiving); List <LemAP> list = await response.Content.ReadAsAsync <List <LemAP> >(); list.ForEach(x => { BeforeReceiveRecord(x.MatchId); string sql = $"insert LemAp(MatchId, CompanyId, ProjectId, InvoiceDate, LogHeaderId, InvoiceNum, SupplierCode, PONum, InvoiceAmount, MarkupAmount, BillAmount, SyncStatus) " + $"values({x.MatchId}, {x.CompanyId}, {x.ProjectId}, '{x.InvoiceDate}', null, '{x.InvoiceNum}', '{x.SupplierCode}', '{x.PONum}', {x.InvoiceAmount}, {x.MarkupAmount}, {x.BillAmount}, '{EnumRecordSyncStatus.Receiving}'); " + $"Select CAST(SCOPE_IDENTITY() AS INT);"; int mid = Convert.ToInt32(MobileCommon.ExecuteScalar(sql)); foreach (var d in x.DetailList) { sql = $"insert LemAPDetail(MatchId, CompanyId, LemAPId, LineNum, Description, Reference, Amount, MarkupPercent, MarkupAmount, BillAmount, Level1Id, Level2Id, Level3Id, Level4Id) " + $"values({d.MatchId}, {d.CompanyId}, {mid}, {d.LineNum}, '{d.Description}', '{d.Reference}', {d.Amount}, {d.MarkupPercent}, {d.MarkupAmount}, {d.BillAmount}, " + $"{StrEx.ValueOrNull(d.Level1Id)}, {StrEx.ValueOrNull(d.Level2Id)}, {StrEx.ValueOrNull(d.Level3Id)}, {StrEx.ValueOrNull(d.Level4Id)});"; MobileCommon.ExecuteNonQuery(sql); } }); UpdateStatus(EnumTableSyncStatus.CompleteReceive); return(new SyncResult { Successful = true }); } throw new Exception($"Response StatusCode={response.StatusCode}"); } } catch (Exception e) { UpdateStatus(EnumTableSyncStatus.ErrorInReceive); return(new SyncResult { Successful = false, Task = TableName, Message = e.Message }); } }
public override async System.Threading.Tasks.Task <SyncResult> Receive() { try { LoginUser.Refresh(); using (HttpClient client = new HttpClient()) { client.Init(); HttpResponseMessage response = await client.GetAsync("api/LoginUsers"); if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { UpdateStatus(EnumTableSyncStatus.Receiving); List <LoginUser> list = await response.Content.ReadAsAsync <List <LoginUser> >(); list.ForEach(x => { string sql = $"insert LoginUser(MatchId, LoginName, CodeVersion, InSync) values({x.MatchId}, '{x.LoginName}', '', 1); " + $"Select CAST(SCOPE_IDENTITY() AS INT);"; int id = Convert.ToInt32(MobileCommon.ExecuteScalar(sql)); x.AccessList.ForEach(r => { sql = $"insert UserAccess( UserId, CompanyId, UserName, Department, InSync) values({id}, {r.CompanyId}, '{r.UserName}', '{r.Department}', 1)"; MobileCommon.ExecuteNonQuery(sql); }); x.ProjectList.ForEach(c => { sql = $"insert ProjectAccess( UserId, CompanyId, ProjectId, InSync) values({id}, {c.CompanyId}, {c.ProjectId}, 1)"; MobileCommon.ExecuteNonQuery(sql); }); }); UpdateStatus(EnumTableSyncStatus.CompleteReceive); return(new SyncResult { Successful = true }); } throw new Exception($"Response StatusCode={response.StatusCode}"); } } catch (Exception e) { UpdateStatus(EnumTableSyncStatus.ErrorInReceive); return(new SyncResult { Successful = false, Task = "LoginUser", Message = e.Message }); } }
public override async Task <SyncResult> Receive(Guid token) { try { using (HttpClient client = new HttpClient()) { client.Init(token); var query = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(string.Empty); query["companyId"] = CompanyId.ToString(); query["clientMac"] = MobileCommon.MachineMac; query["contactId"] = LoginUser.CurrUser.MatchId.ToString(); HttpResponseMessage response = await client.GetAsync($"api/LabourTimeEntry?{query.ToString()}"); if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { UpdateStatus(EnumTableSyncStatus.Receiving); var list = await response.Content.ReadAsAsync <List <LabourTimeEntry> >(); list.ForEach(x => { BeforeReceiveRecord(x.MatchId); string sql = $"insert LabourTimeEntry(MatchId, CompanyId, LogHeaderId, EmpNum, ChangeOrderId, Level1Id, Level2Id, Level3Id, Level4Id, Billable, Manual, WorkClassCode, IncludedHours, TotalHours, BillAmount, SyncStatus, Deleted) " + $"values({x.MatchId}, {x.CompanyId}, {x.HeaderId}, {x.EmpNum}, {StrEx.ValueOrNull(x.ChangeOrderId)}, {StrEx.ValueOrNull(x.Level1Id)}, {StrEx.ValueOrNull(x.Level2Id)}, " + $"{StrEx.ValueOrNull(x.Level3Id)}, {StrEx.ValueOrNull(x.Level4Id)}, '{x.Billable}', '{x.Manual}', '{x.WorkClassCode}', {StrEx.ValueOrNull(x.IncludedHours)}, {StrEx.ValueOrNull(x.TotalHours)}, {StrEx.ValueOrNull(x.BillAmount)}, '{EnumRecordSyncStatus.Receiving}', 0); " + $"Select CAST(SCOPE_IDENTITY() AS INT);"; int entryId = Convert.ToInt32(MobileCommon.ExecuteScalar(sql)); foreach (var d in x.DetailList) { LabourTimeDetail.SqlInsert(entryId, d.TimeCodeId, d.BillRate, d.WorkHours, d.Amount); } }); UpdateStatus(EnumTableSyncStatus.CompleteReceive); return(new SyncResult { Successful = true }); } throw new Exception($"Response StatusCode={response.StatusCode}"); } } catch (Exception e) { UpdateStatus(EnumTableSyncStatus.ErrorInReceive); return(new SyncResult { Successful = false, Task = TableName, Message = e.Message }); } }
public decimal GetLemTotal() { string sql = $"select isnull(SUM(BillAmount),0.0) from LabourTimeEntry where LogHeaderId = {Id} and deleted=0"; decimal laboutTotal = Convert.ToDecimal(MobileCommon.ExecuteScalar(sql)); sql = $"select isnull(SUM(BillAmount),0.0) from EquipTimeEntry where LogHeaderId = {Id} and deleted=0"; decimal equipTotal = Convert.ToDecimal(MobileCommon.ExecuteScalar(sql)); sql = $"select isnull(SUM(BillAmount),0.0) from LemAp where LogHeaderId = {Id}"; decimal apTotal = Convert.ToDecimal(MobileCommon.ExecuteScalar(sql)); return(laboutTotal + equipTotal + apTotal); }
public static decimal GetDayHours(int projectId, int empNum, DateTime currDate, int?currId) { var regCodeIds = TimeCode.ListForCompany().Where(x => x.BillingType == TimeCode.EnumBillingRateType.Regular).Select(x => x.MatchId).ToList(); string txtRegCodeIds = StrEx.GetIdListText(regCodeIds); string sql = $"select isnull(sum(d.WorkHours), 0.0) from LemHeader h " + $"join LabourTimeEntry e on h.Id = e.LogHeaderId " + $"join LabourTimeDetail d on e.Id = d.EntryId " + $"where h.projectId={projectId} and h.LogDate='{currDate}' and h.deleted=0 and e.EmpNum = {empNum} and e.deleted=0 " + $"and d.TimeCodeId in ({txtRegCodeIds}) and<>{currId ?? -1}"; return((decimal)MobileCommon.ExecuteScalar(sql)); }
public static bool CheckLevelCodeValid(int id) { int max = Company.GetCurrCompany().MaxLevelCode; if ((int)MobileCommon.ExecuteScalar($"select count(*) from LabourTimeEntry where Level{max}Id is null and LogHeaderId = {id} and deleted=0") > 0) { return(false); } if ((int)MobileCommon.ExecuteScalar($"select count(*) from EquipTimeEntry where Level{max}Id is null and LogHeaderId = {id} and deleted=0") > 0) { return(false); } return(true); }
public static void SqlUpdateLemAP(int id, int?logHeaderId) { if (logHeaderId == null) { int matchId = (int)MobileCommon.ExecuteScalar($"select isnull(matchid, 0) from LemAP where id={id} and SyncStatus='{EnumRecordSyncStatus.Submitted}'"); if (matchId != 0) { DeleteHistory.SqlInsert(DeleteHistory.LemAPUnselect, matchId); } } string sql = $"update LemAP set LogHeaderId={StrEx.ValueOrNull(logHeaderId)}, SyncStatus='{EnumRecordSyncStatus.NoSubmit}' where Id={id}"; MobileCommon.ExecuteNonQuery(sql); }
public static void DeleteAttach(string tableName, int repoId) { string sql = $"select matchId from CFS_FileLink where FileRepository_ID={repoId}"; int? matchId = ConvertEx.ToNullable <int>(MobileCommon.ExecuteScalar(sql)); if (matchId != null) { MobileCommon.ExecuteNonQuery($"update CFS_FileLink set TableDotField=TableDotField+'_DEL' where FileRepository_ID={repoId}"); DeleteHistory.SqlInsert(tableName, matchId.Value); } else { SqlForceDelete(repoId); } }
public static bool CheckHasEntry(int id) { if ((int)MobileCommon.ExecuteScalar($"select count(*) from LabourTimeEntry where LogHeaderId = {id} and deleted=0") > 0) { return(true); } if ((int)MobileCommon.ExecuteScalar($"select count(*) from EquipTimeEntry where LogHeaderId = {id} and deleted=0") > 0) { return(true); } if ((int)MobileCommon.ExecuteScalar($"select count(*) from LemAP where LogHeaderId = {id}") > 0) { return(true); } return(false); }
public static bool CopyDataFromPrevDay(int projectId, DateTime currDate, int currHeaderId) { string sql = $"select top 1 id from LemHeader " + $"where LogDate<'{currDate.Date}' and ProjectID = {projectId} and CompanyId = {Company.CurrentId} and deleted = 0 " + $"order by LogDate desc"; object srcHeaderId = MobileCommon.ExecuteScalar(sql); if (srcHeaderId != null) { var srcList = GetEquipEntryList((int)srcHeaderId); srcList.ForEach(src => SqlInsert(currHeaderId, src.EqpNum, src.EmpNum, src.ChangeOrderId, src.Level1Id, src.Level2Id, src.Level3Id, src.Level4Id, src.Billable, src.Quantity, src.BillCycle, src.BillAmount)); return(srcList.Any()); } return(false); }
public override void CommitReceive() { if (new EnumTableSyncStatus[] { EnumTableSyncStatus.Receiving, EnumTableSyncStatus.CompleteReceive }.Contains(SyncInfo.Status)) { string sql = $"delete EquipTimeEntry where SyncStatus='{EnumRecordSyncStatus.Updating}' and CompanyId={CompanyId}"; MobileCommon.ExecuteNonQuery(sql); DataTable table = MobileCommon.ExecuteDataAdapter($"select * from EquipTimeEntry where CompanyId={CompanyId} and SyncStatus='{EnumRecordSyncStatus.Receiving}'"); List <EquipTimeEntry> list = table.Select().Select(r => new EquipTimeEntry(r)).ToList(); foreach (var item in list) { int localHeaderId = (int)MobileCommon.ExecuteScalar($"select id from LemHeader where MatchId={item.HeaderId} and CompanyId={CompanyId} and Deleted=0"); sql = $"update EquipTimeEntry set SyncStatus='{EnumRecordSyncStatus.NoSubmit}', LogHeaderId={localHeaderId} where Id={item.Id}"; MobileCommon.ExecuteNonQuery(sql); } UpdateStatus(EnumTableSyncStatus.ReadyToSync); } }
public void SqlExecute() { if (TableName == LemHeader) { MobileCommon.ExecuteNonQuery($"delete LemHeader where MatchId={MatchId} and CompanyId={CompanyId} and deleted=1"); } else if (TableName == LabourTimeEntry) { int id = (int)MobileCommon.ExecuteScalar($"select id from LabourTimeEntry where MatchId={MatchId} and CompanyId={CompanyId} and deleted=1"); MobileData.LabourTimeEntry.SqlForceDelete(id); } else if (TableName == EquipTimeEntry) { MobileCommon.ExecuteNonQuery($"delete EquipTimeEntry where MatchId={MatchId} and CompanyId={CompanyId} and Deleted=1"); } else if (TableName == LemHeaderAttach || TableName == FieldPOAttach) { int repoId = (int)MobileCommon.ExecuteScalar($"select FileRepository_ID from CFS_FileLink where CompanyId={CompanyId} and MatchId={MatchId}"); Attachment.SqlForceDelete(repoId); } }
public static bool CopyDataFromPrevDay(int projectId, DateTime currDate, int currHeaderId) { string sql = $"select top 1 id from LemHeader " + $"where LogDate<'{currDate.Date}' and ProjectID = {projectId} and CompanyId = {Company.CurrentId} and deleted = 0 " + $"order by LogDate desc"; object srcHeaderId = MobileCommon.ExecuteScalar(sql); if (srcHeaderId != null) { var srcList = GetLabourEntryList((int)srcHeaderId); foreach (var src in srcList) { int entryId = SqlInsert(currHeaderId, src.EmpNum, src.ChangeOrderId, src.Level1Id, src.Level2Id, src.Level3Id, src.Level4Id, src.Billable, src.Manual, src.WorkClassCode, src.IncludedHours, src.TotalHours, src.BillAmount); src.DetailList.ForEach(d => LabourTimeDetail.SqlInsert(entryId, d.TimeCodeId, d.BillRate, d.WorkHours, d.Amount)); } return(srcList.Any()); } return(false); }
public static int?ValidUser(string user) { string sql = $"select id from LoginUser where LoginName='{user}'"; return((int?)MobileCommon.ExecuteScalar(sql)); }
public static string MaxCodeVersion() { string maxCodeVersion = Convert.ToString(MobileCommon.ExecuteScalar("select max(CodeVersion) from LoginUser")); return(maxCodeVersion); }