コード例 #1
        public static void processCollision(CollisionObject col0, CollisionObject col1, DispatcherInfo dispatchInfo,
                                            PersistentManifold resultOut)
            SphereShape sphere0 = (SphereShape)col0.getCollisionShape();
            SphereShape sphere1 = (SphereShape)col1.getCollisionShape();

            VInt3 diff = col0.getWorldTransform().position - col1.getWorldTransform().position;

            VFixedPoint len     = diff.magnitude;
            VFixedPoint radius0 = sphere0.getRadius();
            VFixedPoint radius1 = sphere1.getRadius();

            // if distance positive, don't generate a new contact
            if (len > (radius0 + radius1))
            // distance (negative means penetration)
            VFixedPoint dist = len - (radius0 + radius1);

            VInt3 normalOnSurfaceB = VInt3.zero;

            if (dist < Globals.EPS)
                normalOnSurfaceB = diff / len;

            // report a contact. internally this will be kept persistent, and contact reduction is done
            ManifoldPoint contactPoint = new ManifoldPoint(col0.getWorldTransform().position - normalOnSurfaceB * radius0, col1.getWorldTransform().position + normalOnSurfaceB * radius1, normalOnSurfaceB, dist);

コード例 #2
 public static void processCollision(CollisionObject body0, CollisionObject body1, DispatcherInfo dispatchInfo, PersistentManifold resultOut)
コード例 #3
 public void init(DispatcherInfo dispatchInfo, CollisionDispatcher dispatcher)
     this.dispatchInfo = dispatchInfo;
     this.dispatcher   = dispatcher;
コード例 #4
        public static void processCollision(CollisionObject body0, CollisionObject body1, DispatcherInfo dispatchInfo, PersistentManifold resultOut)
            bool needSwap = body0.getCollisionShape() is CapsuleShape;

            CollisionObject sphereObject  = needSwap ? body1 : body0;
            CollisionObject capsuleObject = needSwap ? body0 : body1;

            SphereShape  sphere  = (SphereShape)sphereObject.getCollisionShape();
            CapsuleShape capsule = (CapsuleShape)capsuleObject.getCollisionShape();

            VInt3         spherePos        = sphereObject.getWorldTransform().position;
            VIntTransform capsuleTransform = capsuleObject.getWorldTransform();
            VInt3         p0 = capsuleTransform.TransformPoint(capsule.getUpAxis() * capsule.getHalfHeight());
            VInt3         p1 = capsuleTransform.TransformPoint(capsule.getUpAxis() * -capsule.getHalfHeight());

            VFixedPoint param       = VFixedPoint.Zero;
            VFixedPoint dist2       = Distance.distancePointSegmentSquared(p0, p1, spherePos, ref param);
            VFixedPoint dist        = FMath.Sqrt(dist2);
            VFixedPoint penetration = dist - (sphere.getRadius() + capsule.getRadius());

            if (penetration > Globals.getContactBreakingThreshold())

            VInt3 lineWorldPos = p0 * (VFixedPoint.One - param) + p1 * param;
            VInt3 diff         = (spherePos - lineWorldPos) / dist;

            VInt3 sphereWorldPos  = spherePos - diff * sphere.getRadius();
            VInt3 capsuleWorldPos = lineWorldPos + diff * capsule.getRadius();

            ManifoldPoint contractPoint = new ManifoldPoint(needSwap ? capsuleWorldPos : sphereWorldPos, needSwap ? sphereWorldPos: capsuleWorldPos, diff * (needSwap ? -1 : 1), penetration);

コード例 #5
        public static void processCollision(CollisionObject body0, CollisionObject body1, DispatcherInfo dispatchInfo, PersistentManifold resultOut)
            bool            isSwapped = body1.getCollisionShape() is SphereShape;
            CollisionObject sphereObj = isSwapped ? body1 : body0;
            CollisionObject boxObj    = isSwapped ? body0 : body1;

            VInt3       normalOnSurfaceB;
            VFixedPoint penetrationDepth;
            VInt3       sphereCenter = sphereObj.getWorldTransform().position;
            SphereShape sphere0      = (SphereShape)sphereObj.getCollisionShape();
            VFixedPoint radius       = sphere0.getRadius();

            if (getSphereDistance((BoxShape)boxObj.getCollisionShape(), boxObj.getWorldTransform(), sphereCenter, radius, out normalOnSurfaceB, out penetrationDepth))
                VInt3         worldPosOnSphere = sphereCenter - normalOnSurfaceB * radius;
                VInt3         worldPosOnBox    = worldPosOnSphere - normalOnSurfaceB * penetrationDepth;
                ManifoldPoint contactPoint     = new ManifoldPoint(isSwapped ? worldPosOnBox : worldPosOnSphere, isSwapped ? worldPosOnSphere : worldPosOnBox, normalOnSurfaceB * (isSwapped ? -1 : 1), penetrationDepth);
コード例 #6
        public static void processCollision(CollisionObject body0, CollisionObject body1, DispatcherInfo dispatchInfo, PersistentManifold resultOut)
            bool            needSwap      = body0.getCollisionShape() is CapsuleShape;
            CollisionObject boxObject     = needSwap ? body1 : body0;
            CollisionObject capsuleObject = needSwap ? body0 : body1;

            BoxShape     boxShape     = (BoxShape)boxObject.getCollisionShape();
            CapsuleShape capsuleShape = (CapsuleShape)capsuleObject.getCollisionShape();

            VIntTransform boxTransform     = boxObject.getWorldTransform();
            VIntTransform capsuleTransform = capsuleObject.getWorldTransform();

            VInt3       p0 = capsuleTransform.TransformPoint(capsuleShape.getUpAxis() * capsuleShape.getHalfHeight()), p1 = capsuleTransform.TransformPoint(capsuleShape.getUpAxis() * -capsuleShape.getHalfHeight());
            VFixedPoint lParam = VFixedPoint.Zero; VInt3 closestPointBoxLS = VInt3.zero;
            VFixedPoint distSq             = SegmentBoxDistance.distanceSegmentBoxSquared(p0, p1, boxShape.getHalfExtent(), boxTransform, ref lParam, ref closestPointBoxLS);
            VInt3       closestPointBoxWS  = boxTransform.TransformPoint(closestPointBoxLS);
            VInt3       closestPointLineWS = p0 * (VFixedPoint.One - lParam) + p1 * lParam;

            VFixedPoint dist = FMath.Sqrt(distSq) - capsuleShape.getRadius();

            if (dist > VFixedPoint.Zero)

            if ((closestPointBoxWS - closestPointLineWS).sqrMagnitude > Globals.EPS2)
                VInt3 normalOnBoxWS = (closestPointLineWS - closestPointBoxWS).Normalize();

                ManifoldPoint contactPoint = new ManifoldPoint(needSwap ? closestPointLineWS - normalOnBoxWS * capsuleShape.getRadius() : closestPointBoxWS,
                                                               !needSwap ? closestPointLineWS - normalOnBoxWS * capsuleShape.getRadius() : closestPointBoxWS,
                                                               normalOnBoxWS * (needSwap ? 1 : -1), dist);
            else //box and line are intersected
                LineShape   coreShape = new LineShape(capsuleShape);
                VInt3       pa = VInt3.zero, pb = VInt3.zero, normal = VInt3.zero;
                VFixedPoint depth  = VFixedPoint.Zero;
                PxGJKStatus result = EpaSolver.calcPenDepth(coreShape, boxShape, capsuleTransform, boxTransform, ref pa, ref pb, ref normal, ref depth);
                if (result == PxGJKStatus.EPA_CONTACT)
                    ManifoldPoint contactPoint = new ManifoldPoint(needSwap ? pa - normal * capsuleShape.getRadius() : pb, !needSwap ? pa - normal * capsuleShape.getRadius() : pb, needSwap ? normal : -normal, depth - capsuleShape.getRadius());
コード例 #7
        public static void processCollision(CollisionObject body0, CollisionObject body1, DispatcherInfo dispatchInfo, PersistentManifold resultOut)
            BoxShape box0 = (BoxShape)body0.getCollisionShape();
            BoxShape box1 = (BoxShape)body1.getCollisionShape();

            VIntTransform transform0 = body0.getWorldTransform();
            VIntTransform transform1 = body1.getWorldTransform();

            VInt3 box0Extent = box0.getHalfExtent();
            VInt3 box1Extent = box1.getHalfExtent();

            doBoxBoxGenerateContacts(box0Extent, box1Extent, transform0, transform1, resultOut);
            if (resultOut.getContactPointsNum() == 0)
                VInt3       pa = VInt3.zero, pb = VInt3.zero, normal = VInt3.zero;
                VFixedPoint depth  = VFixedPoint.Zero;
                PxGJKStatus result = EpaSolver.calcPenDepth(box0, box1, transform0, transform1, ref pa, ref pb, ref normal, ref depth);
                if (result == PxGJKStatus.EPA_CONTACT)
                    ManifoldPoint contactPoint = new ManifoldPoint(pa, pb, normal, depth);
コード例 #8
        public static void processCollision(CollisionObject body0, CollisionObject body1, DispatcherInfo dispatchInfo, PersistentManifold resultOut)
            CapsuleShape capsule0 = (CapsuleShape)body0.getCollisionShape();
            CapsuleShape capsule1 = (CapsuleShape)body1.getCollisionShape();

            VIntTransform transform0 = body0.getWorldTransform();
            VIntTransform transform1 = body1.getWorldTransform();

            VInt3 p00 = transform0.TransformPoint(capsule0.getUpAxis() * capsule0.getHalfHeight());
            VInt3 p01 = transform0.TransformPoint(capsule0.getUpAxis() * -capsule0.getHalfHeight());

            VInt3 p10 = transform1.TransformPoint(capsule1.getUpAxis() * capsule1.getHalfHeight());
            VInt3 p11 = transform1.TransformPoint(capsule1.getUpAxis() * -capsule1.getHalfHeight());

            VInt3       x, y;
            VFixedPoint dist2       = Distance.SegmentSegmentDist2(p00, p01 - p00, p10, p11 - p10, out x, out y);
            VFixedPoint dist        = FMath.Sqrt(dist2);
            VFixedPoint penetration = dist - (capsule0.getRadius() + capsule1.getRadius());

            if (penetration > Globals.getContactBreakingThreshold())

            VInt3 diff = (x - y) / dist;

            VInt3 posWorldOnA = x - diff * capsule0.getRadius();
            VInt3 posWorldOnB = y + diff * capsule1.getRadius();

            ManifoldPoint contractPoint = new ManifoldPoint(posWorldOnA, posWorldOnB, diff, penetration);
