コード例 #1
        /// <summary>This method executes the command and returns the first column of the
        /// first row of the results set.  All other columns and rows are ignored.</summary>
        /// <param name="sprocName">Name of the stored procedure.</param>
        /// <param name="sprocParams">The input stored procedure parameter values.</param>
        /// <returns>The results of the operation.</returns>
        public object ExecuteScalar(string sprocName, NameObjectCollection sprocParams)
            DbCommand command = null;
            object    scalar  = null;

                // build the command and execute scalar for simple results
                command = SetupSprocCommand(sprocName, sprocParams);
                scalar  = _database.ExecuteScalar(command);

                // put output/return values into sproc params
                foreach (DbParameter loopParameter in command.Parameters)
                    sprocParams[SqlHelper.GetParameterNameFromSqlParameterName(loopParameter.ParameterName)] = loopParameter.Value;
            catch (Exception ex)
                bool reThrow = ExceptionHandler.HandleException(ex);
                if (reThrow)
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>This method executes a stored procedure command using a data reader
        /// (to be used for get operations.  The connection should be closed by the user
        /// and ouput parameters read after the connection is closed.</summary>
        /// <param name="sprocName">Name of the stored procedure.</param>
        /// <param name="sprocParams">The input stored procedure parameter values.</param>
        /// <param name="command">The output command (to get output parameters).</param>
        /// <returns>A IDataReader with query results.</returns>
        public DbDataReader ExecuteReader(string sprocName, NameObjectCollection sprocParams, out DbCommand command)
            command = null;
            DbDataReader reader = null;

                // build the command and execute the reader for get operations
                command = SetupSprocCommand(sprocName, sprocParams);
                reader  = (DbDataReader)_database.ExecuteReader(command);

                // put output/return values into sproc params
                foreach (DbParameter loopParameter in command.Parameters)
                    sprocParams[SqlHelper.GetParameterNameFromSqlParameterName(loopParameter.ParameterName)] = loopParameter.Value;
            catch (Exception ex)
                bool reThrow = ExceptionHandler.HandleException(ex);
                if (reThrow)
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>This method executes a non query (for database update operations).
        /// The user is expect to commit or roll back the transaction after one or more of
        /// these operations.</summary>
        /// <param name="sprocName">Name of the stored procedure.</param>
        /// <param name="sprocParams">The input stored procedure parameter values.</param>
        /// <returns>The result code of the operation.</returns>
        public int ExecuteNonQuery(string sprocName, NameObjectCollection sprocParams)
            DbCommand command = null;
            int       results = DefaultValue.Int;

                // build the command and execute the non query for update operations
                command = SetupSprocCommand(sprocName, sprocParams);
                if (command.Connection.State == ConnectionState.Closed)
                results = _database.ExecuteNonQuery(command, Transaction);

                // put output/return values into sproc params
                foreach (DbParameter loopParameter in command.Parameters)
                    sprocParams[SqlHelper.GetParameterNameFromSqlParameterName(loopParameter.ParameterName)] = loopParameter.Value;
            catch (Exception ex)
                bool reThrow = ExceptionHandler.HandleException(ex);
                if (reThrow)
コード例 #4
 /// <summary>This method checks for a sql error in the output and throws an exception
 /// if one is found.</summary>
 /// <param name="sprocParams">The output stored procedure parameter values.</param>
 /// <param name="sqlErrorName">The parameter name to get a sql error number.</param>
 /// <param name="sqlErrorMessageName">The parameter name to get a sql error message.</param>
 public static void ThrowSqlErrorIfFound(NameObjectCollection sprocParams, string sqlErrorName, string sqlErrorMessageName)
     // check for a sql error and throw an exception if one is found
     if (sprocParams[sqlErrorName] != null && sprocParams[sqlErrorName].GetInt() != 0)
         throw new ApplicationException("SQL Error " + sprocParams[sqlErrorName] + " has been encountered: " + sprocParams[sqlErrorMessageName]);
コード例 #5
        /// <summary>This method sets up a stored procedure command, loaded with values from
        /// the input data access object where appropriate.</summary>
        /// <param name="sprocName">Name of the stored procedure.</param>
        /// <param name="sprocParams">The input stored procedure parameter values.</param>
        /// <returns>A DbCommand for the stored procedure.</returns>
        public DbCommand SetupSprocCommand(string sprocName, NameObjectCollection sprocParams)
            GenericMethod sprocMethod = null;
            DbCommand     command     = null;

                // get sproc method from cache or db
                sprocMethod = DbProcs.MethodList.Find("MethodName", sprocName);
                if (sprocMethod == null)
                    // get sproc from db an add to cache
                    sprocMethod = GetSprocFromDB(sprocName, true);

                // set up the base command information
                command                = _database.GetStoredProcCommand(sprocName);
                command.Connection     = Connection;
                command.CommandTimeout = DBOptions.CommandTimeout;

                // load the sproc parameters with input data if found
                foreach (GenericParameter loopParameter in sprocMethod.MethodParameterList)
                    bool foundValue = false;
                    if (sprocParams[loopParameter.ParameterName] != null && sprocParams[loopParameter.ParameterName].GetString() != String.Empty)
                        foundValue = true;
                    if (foundValue == false && loopParameter.IsNullable == false && loopParameter.ParameterTypeCode == 1)
                        // required parameter not found, throw exception
                        throw new System.Exception("MoPlus.Data.BuildSprocParamsWithInputValues - required input value parameter " + loopParameter.ParameterName + " for stored procedure " + sprocName + " not found.");
                    _database.AddParameter(command, loopParameter.ParameterName, SqlHelper.GetDbTypeFromSqlDataType(loopParameter.DataTypeCode), loopParameter.Size, SqlHelper.GetParameterDirectionFromColumnType(loopParameter.ParameterTypeCode), loopParameter.IsNullable, (byte)loopParameter.Precision, (byte)4, loopParameter.ParameterName, DataRowVersion.Default, sprocParams[loopParameter.ParameterName]);
            catch (Exception ex)
                bool reThrow = ExceptionHandler.HandleException(ex);
                if (reThrow)
コード例 #6
        /// <summary>This method closes the connection and populates the output parameters
        /// in the collection provided.</summary>
        /// <remarks>This version of the Microsoft Enterprise library requires the connection
        /// to be closed in order to get output parameters after using ExecuteReader.</remarks>
        /// <param name="command">The output command (to get output parameters).</param>
        /// <param name="sprocParams">The associated stored procedure parameter values.</param>
        /// <returns>The result code of the operation.</returns>
        public void CloseConnectionAndPopulateOutputParameters(DbCommand command, NameObjectCollection sprocParams)
                if (command.Connection.State == ConnectionState.Open)

                // put output/return values into sproc params
                foreach (DbParameter loopParameter in command.Parameters)
                    sprocParams[SqlHelper.GetParameterNameFromSqlParameterName(loopParameter.ParameterName)] = loopParameter.Value;
            catch (Exception ex)
                bool reThrow = ExceptionHandler.HandleException(ex);
                if (reThrow)
コード例 #7
 /// <summary>Transform data from the input object into the output object.  Each
 /// element to be transformed must have the DataElement or DataArrayItem attribute
 /// associated with it.</summary>
 /// <param name="inputObject">The object with the input data.</param>
 /// <param name="outputObject">The output object to be populated with the input data.</param>
 /// <param name="filterElements">Data elements to filter out of the transformation.</param>
 public static void TransformDataFromObject(IDataObject inputObject, IDataObject outputObject, NameObjectCollection filterElements)
     TransformDataFromObject(inputObject, outputObject, filterElements, true, false);
コード例 #8
        /// <summary>This method executes a stored procedure command using a data reader
        /// (to be used for get operations.  The connection should be closed by the user.</summary>
        /// <param name="sprocName">Name of the stored procedure.</param>
        /// <param name="sprocParams">The input stored procedure parameter values.</param>
        /// <returns>A IDataReader with query results.</returns>
        public DbDataReader ExecuteReader(string sprocName, NameObjectCollection sprocParams)
            DbCommand command = null;

            return(ExecuteReader(sprocName, sprocParams, out command));
コード例 #9
 /// <summary>This constructor takes in a sortable (or enterprise) data object list of another
 /// type (as an object) and transforms it to this list.</summary>
 ///	<param name="inputListItemType">The type for the items to be found in the input list.</param>
 ///	<param name="inputEnterpriseDataObjectList">The input list (as an object) to transform to this list.</param>
 ///	<param name="filterElements">Field and property values to exclude from transform.</param>
 public SortableDataObjectList(Type inputListItemType, object inputSortableDataObjectList, NameObjectCollection filterElements)
     if (inputSortableDataObjectList != null)
         if (inputSortableDataObjectList.GetType().Name.Contains("SortableDataObjectList") == true)
             // handle sortable data object list
             Type  inputListType   = typeof(ISortableDataObjectList <>);
             Type  genericListType = inputListType.MakeGenericType(inputListItemType);
             IList items           = (IList)Activator.CreateInstance(genericListType, inputSortableDataObjectList, filterElements);
             foreach (IDataObject loopItem in items)
                 T newItem = new T();
                 newItem.TransformDataFromObject(loopItem, filterElements);
         else if (inputSortableDataObjectList.GetType().Name.Contains("EnterpriseDataObjectList") == true)
             // special handling of input enterprise data object list
             Type  inputListType   = typeof(EnterpriseDataObjectList <>);
             Type  genericListType = inputListType.MakeGenericType(inputListItemType);
             IList items           = (IList)Activator.CreateInstance(genericListType, inputSortableDataObjectList, filterElements);
             foreach (IEnterpriseDataObject loopItem in items)
                 T newItem = new T();
                 newItem.TransformDataFromObject(loopItem, filterElements);
             // unsupported input list type
             throw new ApplicationException("SortableDataObjectList constructor given input list of the wrong type: " + inputSortableDataObjectList.GetType().Name);
コード例 #10
 /// <summary>This constructor takes in a source list from which data is copied from.
 /// Output properties can be filtered out.</summary>
 /// <param name="sourceDataObjectList">The source sortable list to copy to this list.</param>
 ///	<param name="filterElements">Field and property values to exclude from transform.</param>
 public SortableDataObjectList(ISortableDataObjectList <T> sourceDataObjectList, NameObjectCollection filterElements)
     if (sourceDataObjectList != null)
         foreach (T loopItem in sourceDataObjectList)
             T newItem = new T();
             newItem.TransformDataFromObject(loopItem, filterElements);
コード例 #11
        /// <summary>This method retrieves formatted data of all serializable public
        /// property elements (non complex or array types).  Header and maximum characters
        /// per column is input.</summary>
        /// <param name="includeHeader">Specifies whether or not to include the header in
        /// the output.</param>
        /// <param name="includeData">Specifies whether or not to include the data in
        /// the output.</param>
        /// <param name="maxWidthPerColumn">The maximum number of characters per column.</param>
        /// <remarks>In this version, the output only looks good for fixed width character
        /// fonts such as courier.</remarks>
        /// <returns>Formatted data of the list, with options as specified by the user.</returns>
        public string GetFormattedData(bool includeHeader, bool includeData, int maxWidthPerColumn)
            StringBuilder        output           = new StringBuilder();
            NameObjectCollection outputCollection = new NameObjectCollection();
            NameObjectCollection maxColumnWidths  = new NameObjectCollection();

            if (Count > 0)
                int row = 0;
                if (includeHeader == true)
                    // add titles into collection
                    foreach (PropertyInfo loopInfo in this[0].GetType().GetProperties())
                        string title = loopInfo.Name;
                        if (title.Length > maxWidthPerColumn)
                            title = title.Substring(0, maxWidthPerColumn);
                        if (loopInfo.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(XmlElementAttribute), true).Length > 0)
                            outputCollection["title, " + loopInfo.Name] = title;
                            maxColumnWidths[loopInfo.Name] = Math.Min(title.Length, maxWidthPerColumn);
                if (includeData == true)
                    // add data into collection
                    row = 0;
                    foreach (T item in this)
                        foreach (PropertyInfo loopInfo in item.GetType().GetProperties())
                            string value = item.GetPropertyValueString(loopInfo.Name).GetString();
                            if (value.Length > maxWidthPerColumn)
                                value = value.Substring(0, maxWidthPerColumn);
                            if (loopInfo.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(XmlElementAttribute), true).Length > 0)
                                // output serializable element data into collection
                                outputCollection[row.ToString() + ", " + loopInfo.Name] = value;
                                maxColumnWidths[loopInfo.Name] = Math.Max((int)maxColumnWidths[loopInfo.Name], value.Length);
                                maxColumnWidths[loopInfo.Name] = Math.Min((int)maxColumnWidths[loopInfo.Name], maxWidthPerColumn);

                if (includeHeader == true)
                    // add padded titles to output
                    foreach (PropertyInfo loopInfo in this[0].GetType().GetProperties())
                        if (loopInfo.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(XmlElementAttribute), true).Length > 0)
                            output.Append(DataHelper.PadStringToLength(outputCollection["title, " + loopInfo.Name].ToString(), (int)maxColumnWidths[loopInfo.Name], DataHelper.IsLeftJustifiedSystemType(loopInfo.PropertyType.UnderlyingSystemType.Name)));
                            output.Append("  ");
                if (includeData == true)
                    // add padded data to output
                    row = 0;
                    foreach (T item in this)
                        foreach (PropertyInfo loopInfo in item.GetType().GetProperties())
                            if (loopInfo.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(XmlElementAttribute), true).Length > 0)
                                output.Append(DataHelper.PadStringToLength(outputCollection[row.ToString() + ", " + loopInfo.Name].ToString(), (int)maxColumnWidths[loopInfo.Name], DataHelper.IsLeftJustifiedSystemType(loopInfo.PropertyType.UnderlyingSystemType.Name)));
                                output.Append("  ");
コード例 #12
 /// <summary>This method transforms data from the input object into this instance,
 /// with the option to include collections in the transformation.</summary>
 /// <param name="inputObject">The input object to get data from.</param>
 /// <param name="filterElements">Properties and fields whose values should be omitted from the transform.</param>
 /// <param name="includeCollections">Flag indicating whether or not to include collections in the transform.</param>
 /// <param name="getNonDefaultValuesOnly">If true, only return a value if not null and not a default value.</param>
 public void TransformDataFromObject(IDataObject inputObject, NameObjectCollection filterElements, bool includeCollections, bool getNonDefaultValuesOnly)
     DataTransformHelper.TransformDataFromObject(inputObject, this, filterElements, includeCollections, getNonDefaultValuesOnly);
コード例 #13
 /// <summary>This method transforms data from the input object into this instance.</summary>
 /// <param name="inputObject">The input object to get data from.</param>
 /// <param name="filterElements">Properties and fields whose values should be omitted from the transform.</param>
 /// <param name="includeCollections">Flag indicating whether or not to include collections in the transform.</param>
 public void TransformDataFromObject(IDataObject inputObject, NameObjectCollection filterElements, bool includeCollections)
     TransformDataFromObject(inputObject, filterElements, includeCollections, false);
コード例 #14
 /// <summary>This constructor takes in an enterprise data object list of the same
 /// type and transforms it to this list.</summary>
 ///	<param name="inputEnterpriseDataObjectList">The input list to transform to this list.</param>
 ///	<param name="filterElements">Field and property values to exclude from transform.</param>
 ///	<param name="copyItems">Flag indicating whether items in the list should be copied (or retained).</param>
 public EnterpriseDataObjectList(EnterpriseDataObjectList <T> inputEnterpriseDataObjectList, NameObjectCollection filterElements, bool copyItems = true)
     if (inputEnterpriseDataObjectList != null)
         foreach (T loopItem in inputEnterpriseDataObjectList)
             if (copyItems == true)
                 T newItem = new T();
                 newItem.TransformDataFromObject(loopItem, filterElements);
コード例 #15
 /// <summary>This method checks for a sql error in the output and throws an exception
 /// if one is found.</summary>
 /// <param name="sprocParams">The output stored procedure parameter values.</param>
 public static void ThrowSqlErrorIfFound(NameObjectCollection sprocParams)
     // check for a sql error and throw an exception if one is found
     ThrowSqlErrorIfFound(sprocParams, "SqlErrorNumber", "SqlErrorMessage");
コード例 #16
        /// <summary>Transform data from the input object into the output object.  Each
        /// element to be transformed must have the DataElement or DataArrayItem attribute
        /// associated with it.</summary>
        /// <param name="inputObject">The object with the input data.</param>
        /// <param name="outputObject">The output object to be populated with the input data.</param>
        /// <param name="filterElements">Data elements to filter out of the transformation.</param>
        /// <param name="includeCollections">Flag indicating whether or not to include collections in the transform.</param>
        /// <param name="getNonDefaultValuesOnly">If true, only return a value if not null and not a default value.</param>
        public static void TransformDataFromObject(IDataObject inputObject, IDataObject outputObject, NameObjectCollection filterElements, bool includeCollections, bool getNonDefaultValuesOnly)
            GenericEntity inputEntity        = null;
            GenericEntity outputEntity       = null;
            PropertyInfo  inputPropertyInfo  = null;
            PropertyInfo  outputPropertyInfo = null;
            FieldInfo     inputFieldInfo     = null;
            FieldInfo     outputFieldInfo    = null;
            object        inputArrayValue    = null;
            object        inputValue         = null;
            Type          inputType          = null;
            string        inputTypeName      = String.Empty;
            string        outputTypeName     = String.Empty;

                if (inputObject != null && outputObject != null)
                    // get input and output entities that contain property and field info information
                    // add new input and output objects encountered to the entity property/field info cache
                    inputTypeName = inputObject.GetType().FullName;
                    if (EntityPropertyFieldInfoCache.GenericEntityCache[inputTypeName] is GenericEntity)
                        inputEntity = EntityPropertyFieldInfoCache.GenericEntityCache[inputTypeName] as GenericEntity;
                        inputEntity = EntityPropertyFieldInfoCache.AddNewEntityWithPropertyFieldInfo(inputObject);
                    outputTypeName = outputObject.GetType().FullName;
                    if (EntityPropertyFieldInfoCache.GenericEntityCache[outputTypeName] is GenericEntity)
                        outputEntity = EntityPropertyFieldInfoCache.GenericEntityCache[outputTypeName] as GenericEntity;
                        outputEntity = EntityPropertyFieldInfoCache.AddNewEntityWithPropertyFieldInfo(outputObject);

                    // go through transform elements and perform transform where applicable/allowed
                    foreach (GenericProperty loopOutputProperty in outputEntity.PropertyList)
                        if (filterElements == null || filterElements[loopOutputProperty.PropertyName].GetString() == String.Empty)
                            bool transformPerformed = false;
                            foreach (GenericProperty loopInputProperty in inputEntity.PropertyList)
                                if (loopOutputProperty.PropertyName == loopInputProperty.PropertyName)
                                    switch (loopInputProperty.PropertyTypeCode)
                                    case (int)DataTransformPropertyType.ElementProperty:
                                        switch (loopOutputProperty.PropertyTypeCode)
                                        case (int)DataTransformPropertyType.ElementProperty:
                                            // transform property to property
                                            inputPropertyInfo  = loopInputProperty.GenericValue as PropertyInfo;
                                            outputPropertyInfo = loopOutputProperty.GenericValue as PropertyInfo;
                                            inputValue         = DataHelper.GetValueFromSystemType(inputObject.GetPropertyValueString(inputPropertyInfo.Name), outputPropertyInfo.PropertyType.UnderlyingSystemType.FullName, getNonDefaultValuesOnly);
                                            if (inputValue != null || getNonDefaultValuesOnly == false)
                                                outputPropertyInfo.SetValue(outputObject, inputValue, null);
                                            transformPerformed = true;

                                        case (int)DataTransformPropertyType.ElementField:
                                            // transform property to field
                                            inputPropertyInfo = loopInputProperty.GenericValue as PropertyInfo;
                                            outputFieldInfo   = loopOutputProperty.GenericValue as FieldInfo;
                                            inputValue        = DataHelper.GetValueFromSystemType(inputObject.GetPropertyValueString(inputPropertyInfo.Name), outputFieldInfo.FieldType.UnderlyingSystemType.FullName, getNonDefaultValuesOnly);
                                            if (inputValue != null || getNonDefaultValuesOnly == false)
                                                outputFieldInfo.SetValue(outputObject, inputValue);
                                            transformPerformed = true;


                                    case (int)DataTransformPropertyType.ElementField:
                                        switch (loopOutputProperty.PropertyTypeCode)
                                        case (int)DataTransformPropertyType.ElementProperty:
                                            // transform field to property
                                            inputFieldInfo     = loopInputProperty.GenericValue as FieldInfo;
                                            outputPropertyInfo = loopOutputProperty.GenericValue as PropertyInfo;
                                            inputValue         = DataHelper.GetValueFromSystemType(inputObject.GetFieldValueString(inputFieldInfo.Name), outputPropertyInfo.PropertyType.UnderlyingSystemType.FullName, getNonDefaultValuesOnly);
                                            if (inputValue != null || getNonDefaultValuesOnly == false)
                                                outputPropertyInfo.SetValue(outputObject, inputValue, null);
                                            transformPerformed = true;

                                        case (int)DataTransformPropertyType.ElementField:
                                            // transform field to field
                                            inputFieldInfo  = loopInputProperty.GenericValue as FieldInfo;
                                            outputFieldInfo = loopOutputProperty.GenericValue as FieldInfo;
                                            inputValue      = DataHelper.GetValueFromSystemType(inputObject.GetFieldValueString(inputFieldInfo.Name), outputFieldInfo.FieldType.UnderlyingSystemType.FullName, getNonDefaultValuesOnly);
                                            if (inputValue != null || getNonDefaultValuesOnly == false)
                                                outputFieldInfo.SetValue(outputObject, inputValue);
                                            transformPerformed = true;


                                    case (int)DataTransformPropertyType.ArrayItemProperty:
                                        if (includeCollections == true)
                                            inputType         = null;
                                            inputPropertyInfo = loopInputProperty.GenericValue as PropertyInfo;
                                            inputArrayValue   = inputPropertyInfo.GetValue(inputObject, null);
                                            if (inputArrayValue != null)
                                                if (inputPropertyInfo.PropertyType.IsGenericType && inputPropertyInfo.PropertyType.GetProperty("Item") != null)
                                                    inputType = inputPropertyInfo.PropertyType.GetProperty("Item").PropertyType;
                                                if (inputType != null)
                                                    switch (loopOutputProperty.PropertyTypeCode)
                                                    case (int)DataTransformPropertyType.ArrayItemProperty:
                                                        // create array item and transfer property to property
                                                        outputPropertyInfo = loopOutputProperty.GenericValue as PropertyInfo;
                                                        outputPropertyInfo.SetValue(outputObject, Activator.CreateInstance(outputPropertyInfo.PropertyType, inputType, inputArrayValue, filterElements), null);
                                                        transformPerformed = true;

                                                    case (int)DataTransformPropertyType.ArrayItemField:
                                                        // create array item and transfer property to field
                                                        outputFieldInfo = loopOutputProperty.GenericValue as FieldInfo;
                                                        outputFieldInfo.SetValue(outputObject, Activator.CreateInstance(outputFieldInfo.FieldType, inputType, inputArrayValue, filterElements));
                                                        transformPerformed = true;

                                            transformPerformed = true;

                                    case (int)DataTransformPropertyType.ArrayItemField:
                                        if (includeCollections == true)
                                            inputType       = null;
                                            inputFieldInfo  = loopInputProperty.GenericValue as FieldInfo;
                                            inputArrayValue = inputFieldInfo.GetValue(inputObject);
                                            if (inputArrayValue != null)
                                                if (inputFieldInfo.FieldType.IsGenericType && inputFieldInfo.FieldType.GetProperty("Item") != null)
                                                    inputType = inputFieldInfo.FieldType.GetProperty("Item").PropertyType;
                                                if (inputType != null)
                                                    switch (loopOutputProperty.PropertyTypeCode)
                                                    case (int)DataTransformPropertyType.ArrayItemProperty:
                                                        // create array item and transfer field to property
                                                        outputPropertyInfo = loopOutputProperty.GenericValue as PropertyInfo;
                                                        outputPropertyInfo.SetValue(outputObject, Activator.CreateInstance(outputPropertyInfo.PropertyType, inputType, inputArrayValue, filterElements), null);
                                                        transformPerformed = true;

                                                    case (int)DataTransformPropertyType.ArrayItemField:
                                                        // create array item and transfer field to field
                                                        outputFieldInfo = loopOutputProperty.GenericValue as FieldInfo;
                                                        outputFieldInfo.SetValue(outputObject, Activator.CreateInstance(outputFieldInfo.FieldType, inputType, inputArrayValue, filterElements));
                                                        transformPerformed = true;

                                            transformPerformed = true;

                                if (transformPerformed == true)
            catch (Exception ex)
                bool reThrow = ExceptionHandler.HandleException(ex);
                if (reThrow)
                inputEntity        = null;
                outputEntity       = null;
                inputPropertyInfo  = null;
                outputPropertyInfo = null;
                inputFieldInfo     = null;
                outputFieldInfo    = null;
コード例 #17
        /// <summary>Transform data from the input data reader into the output object.  Each
        /// element to be transformed must have the DataElement attribute associated with
        /// it.</summary>
        /// <param name="inputReader">The database reader with the input data.</param>
        /// <param name="outputObject">The output object to be populated with the input data.</param>
        /// <param name="filterElements">Data elements to filter out of the transformation.</param>
        public static void TransformDataFromDbReader(DbDataReader inputReader, IDataObject outputObject, NameObjectCollection filterElements)
                // add all public properties with the DataElement attribute to the output object
                foreach (PropertyInfo loopInfo in outputObject.GetType().GetProperties())
                    foreach (object loopAttribute in loopInfo.GetCustomAttributes(true))
                        if (loopAttribute is DataElementAttribute)
                            // get name of property to transform
                            string transformName = (loopAttribute as DataElementAttribute).ElementName.GetString().Trim().ToLower();
                            if (transformName == String.Empty)
                                transformName = loopInfo.Name.Trim().ToLower();

                            // do transform if not in filter field list
                            if (filterElements == null || filterElements[transformName].GetString() == String.Empty)
                                for (int i = 0; i < inputReader.FieldCount; i++)
                                    if (inputReader.GetName(i).Trim().ToLower() == transformName)
                                        // set value, based on system type
                                        loopInfo.SetValue(outputObject, DataHelper.GetValueFromSystemType(inputReader[i], loopInfo.PropertyType.UnderlyingSystemType.FullName, false), null);

                // add all fields with the DataElement attribute to the output object
                foreach (FieldInfo loopInfo in outputObject.GetType().GetFields(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.GetField | BindingFlags.Instance))
                    foreach (object loopAttribute in loopInfo.GetCustomAttributes(true))
                        if (loopAttribute is DataElementAttribute)
                            // get name of field to transform
                            string transformName = (loopAttribute as DataElementAttribute).ElementName.GetString().Trim().ToLower();
                            if (transformName == String.Empty)
                                transformName = loopInfo.Name.Trim().ToLower();

                            // do transform if not in filter field list
                            if (filterElements == null || filterElements[transformName].GetString() == String.Empty)
                                for (int i = 0; i < inputReader.FieldCount; i++)
                                    if (inputReader.GetName(i).Trim().ToLower() == transformName)
                                        // set value, based on system type
                                        loopInfo.SetValue(outputObject, DataHelper.GetValueFromSystemType(inputReader[i], loopInfo.FieldType.UnderlyingSystemType.FullName, false));
            catch (Exception ex)
                bool reThrow = ExceptionHandler.HandleException(ex);
                if (reThrow)
コード例 #18
 /// <summary>This method takes in an enterprise data object list of an input type
 /// and transforms it to a list of the output type.</summary>
 ///	<param name="inputEnterpriseDataObjectList">The input list to transform to this list.</param>
 ///	<param name="filterElements">Field and property values to exclude from transform.</param>
 /// <returns>An enterprise data object list of type TOutput.</returns>
 public static EnterpriseDataObjectList <TOutput> CreateList <TInput, TOutput>(EnterpriseDataObjectList <TInput> inputEnterpriseDataObjectList, NameObjectCollection filterElements)
     where TInput : IEnterpriseDataObject, new()
     where TOutput : IEnterpriseDataObject, new()
     if (inputEnterpriseDataObjectList != null)
         EnterpriseDataObjectList <TOutput> outputEnterpriseDataObjectList = new EnterpriseDataObjectList <TOutput>();
         foreach (TInput loopItem in inputEnterpriseDataObjectList)
             TOutput newItem = new TOutput();
             newItem.TransformDataFromObject(loopItem, filterElements);