public override void CancellTweensAndSequences() { SimpleTween.Cancel(gameObject, false); zoomSequence?.Break(); explodeSequence?.Break(); base.CancellTweensAndSequences(); }
internal void RefreshScoreStrip() { // refresh score text if (ScoreCount) { int newCount = BubblesPlayer.Instance.LevelScore; SimpleTween.Cancel(ScoreCount.gameObject, false); SimpleTween.Value(ScoreCount.gameObject, oldCount, newCount, 0.5f).SetOnUpdate((float val) => { oldCount = (int)val; ScoreCount.text = oldCount.ToString(); }); } //Refresh score strip if (!ScoreStrip) { return; } SimpleTween.Cancel(ScoreStrip.gameObject, false); float sizeX = ScoreStrip.GetComponent <RectTransform>().sizeDelta.x; float amount = (BubblesPlayer.Instance.AverageScore > 0) ? (float)BubblesPlayer.Instance.LevelScore / (float)(BubblesPlayer.Instance.AverageScore) : 0; SimpleTween.Value(ScoreStrip.gameObject, ScoreStrip.fillAmount, amount, 0.3f).SetOnUpdate((float val) => { ScoreStrip.fillAmount = val; if (yellowLight) { yellowLight.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(sizeX * Mathf.Min(ScoreStrip.fillAmount, 0.93f), yellowLight.anchoredPosition.y); } }).SetEase(EaseAnim.EaseOutCubic); }
public void UpdateLevelBkgMusik() { bool play = musicOn; AudioClip nClip = bkgMusic; if (nClip != aSbkg.clip) { aSbkg.Stop(); aSbkg.Play(); aSbkg.clip = nClip; } SimpleTween.Cancel(gameObject, true); if (play && aSbkg && !aSbkg.isPlaying) { aSbkg.volume = 0; aSbkg.Play(); SimpleTween.Value(gameObject, 0.0f, volume, 3.5f).SetOnUpdate((float val) => { aSbkg.volume = val; }). AddCompleteCallBack(() => { }); } else if (!play && aSbkg && aSbkg.isPlaying) { SimpleTween.Value(gameObject, volume, 0.0f, 2f).SetOnUpdate((float val) => { aSbkg.volume = val; }). AddCompleteCallBack(() => { aSbkg.Stop(); }); } }
/// <summary> /// Close panel /// </summary> /// <param name="panel"></param> public void CloseScrollPanel(bool destroy, Action completeCallBack) { RectTransform panel = GetComponent <RectTransform>(); if (!panel) { return; } SetControlActivity(false); float startX = 1; float endX = 0f; SimpleTween.Cancel(gameObject, true); SimpleTween.Value(gameObject, startX, endX, 0.2f).SetEase(EaseAnim.EaseInCubic). SetOnUpdate((float val) => { transform.localScale = new Vector3(val, 1, 1); }).AddCompleteCallBack(() => { if (destroy && this) { Destroy(gameObject); } completeCallBack?.Invoke(); }); }
private void OnDestroy() { BubblesPlayer.Instance.ChangeScoreEvent -= RefreshScoreStrip; BubblesPlayer.Instance.ChangeStarsEvent -= RefreshStars; SimpleTween.Cancel(ScoreCount.gameObject, false); SimpleTween.Cancel(ScoreStrip.gameObject, false); }
internal void RefreshScoreStrip(int score, int averageScore) { // refresh score text if (ScoreCount) { int newCount = score; SimpleTween.Cancel(ScoreCount.gameObject, false); SimpleTween.Value(ScoreCount.gameObject, oldCount, newCount, 0.5f).SetOnUpdate((float val) => { oldCount = (int)val; ScoreCount.text = (MBoard.WinContr != null && MBoard.WinContr.ScoreTarget > 0) ? oldCount.ToString() + "/" + MBoard.WinContr.ScoreTarget : oldCount.ToString(); //ScoreCount.text = oldCount.ToString(); }); if (MatchBoard.GMode == GameMode.Play) { ScoreComplete?.SetActive(MBoard.WinContr.HasScoreTarget && (score >= MBoard.WinContr.ScoreTarget)); } } float amount = (averageScore > 0) ? (float)score / (float)(averageScore) : 0; if (ScoreStrip) { SimpleTween.Value(ScoreStrip.gameObject, ScoreStrip.fillAmount, amount, 0.3f).SetOnUpdate((float val) => { ScoreStrip.fillAmount = val; }).SetEase(EaseAnim.EaseOutCubic); } }
/// <summary> /// Show active footer booster with another color /// </summary> /// <param name="active"></param> private void ShowActive() { if (gameObject) { SimpleTween.Cancel(gameObject, true); } if (boosterImage) { Color c = boosterImage.color; boosterImage.color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1); if (booster.IsActive) { SimpleTween.Value(gameObject, 1.0f, 0.5f, 0.5f).SetEase(EaseAnim.EaseLinear). SetOnUpdate((float val) => { if (booster.IsActive) { boosterImage.color = new Color(1, val, val, 1); } else { boosterImage.color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1); SimpleTween.Cancel(gameObject, true); } }).SetCycled(); } } }
/// <summary> /// Open panel /// </summary> /// <param name="panel"></param> public void OpenScrollPanel(Action completeCallBack) { RectTransform panel = GetComponent <RectTransform>(); transform.localScale = new Vector3(0, 1, 1); if (!panel) { return; } SetControlActivity(false); float startX = 0; float endX = 1f; SimpleTween.Cancel(gameObject, true); SimpleTween.Value(gameObject, startX, endX, 0.2f).SetEase(EaseAnim.EaseInCubic). SetOnUpdate((float val) => { transform.localScale = new Vector3(val, 1, 1); }).AddCompleteCallBack(() => { SetControlActivity(true); if (completeCallBack != null) { completeCallBack(); } }); }
/// <summary> /// Stop music audiosource /// </summary> public void StopMusic() { SimpleTween.Cancel(musicVolumeTween, true); if (musicSource && musicSource.isPlaying) { musicVolumeTween = SimpleTween.Value(gameObject, Volume * musicVolumeMult, 0.0f, 1f).SetOnUpdate((float val) => { musicSource.volume = val; }). AddCompleteCallBack(() => { musicSource.Stop(); musicSource.volume = 0; }).ID; } }
private void OnDestroy() { MPlayer.ChangeScoreEvent -= SetScore; MPlayer.ChangeStarsEvent -= SetStars; ts.Break(); SimpleTween.Cancel(gameObject, false); SimpleTween.Cancel(starRightFull.gameObject, false); SimpleTween.Cancel(starLeftFull.gameObject, false); SimpleTween.Cancel(starMiddleFull.gameObject, false); }
private void OnDestroy() { if (gameObject) { SimpleTween.Cancel(gameObject, true); } if (booster != null) { booster.ChangeCountEvent -= ChangeCountEventHandler; booster.FooterClickEvent -= FooterClickEventHandler; } }
private void SetScore(int score, int averScore) { if (ScoreCount) { int newCount = score; SimpleTween.Cancel(ScoreCount.gameObject, false); SimpleTween.Value(ScoreCount.gameObject, oldCount, newCount, 0.5f).SetOnUpdate((float val) => { oldCount = (int)val; ScoreCount.text = oldCount.ToString(); }); } }
private void OnDestroy() { MPlayer.ChangeScoreEvent -= RefreshScoreStrip; MPlayer.ChangeStarsEvent -= RefreshStars; MPlayer.ChangeStarsEvent -= GetStarsSound; if (ScoreCount) { SimpleTween.Cancel(ScoreCount.gameObject, false); } if (ScoreStrip) { SimpleTween.Cancel(ScoreStrip.gameObject, false); } }
/// <summary> /// Play current music clip /// </summary> public void PlayCurrentMusic() { if (!musicSource || !currentMusic) { return; } SimpleTween.Cancel(musicVolumeTween, true); float volume = Volume * musicVolumeMult; if (MusicOn) { if ((currentMusic == musicSource.clip) && musicSource.isPlaying) // check volume { float vol = musicSource.volume; if (vol != volume) { musicVolumeTween = SimpleTween.Value(gameObject, vol, volume, 1f).SetOnUpdate((float val) => { musicSource.volume = val; }). AddCompleteCallBack(() => { musicSource.volume = volume; }).ID; } } if ((currentMusic != musicSource.clip) && musicSource.isPlaying) { musicSource.Stop(); musicSource.clip = currentMusic; musicSource.Play(); float vol = musicSource.volume; if (vol != volume) { musicVolumeTween = SimpleTween.Value(gameObject, vol, volume, 1f).SetOnUpdate((float val) => { musicSource.volume = val; }). AddCompleteCallBack(() => { musicSource.volume = volume; }).ID; } } if (!musicSource.isPlaying) { musicSource.clip = currentMusic; musicSource.volume = 0; musicSource.Play(); musicVolumeTween = SimpleTween.Value(gameObject, 0.0f, volume, 1f).SetOnUpdate((float val) => { musicSource.volume = val; }). AddCompleteCallBack(() => { musicSource.volume = volume; }).ID; } } else { StopMusic(); } }
void Update() { if (!canUpdate) { return; } if (pathChanged && moving) { SimpleTween.Cancel(tweenID, true); moving = false; } else if (pathChanged && !moving) { pathChanged = false; SimpleMoveAlongPath(0, EaseAnim.EaseLinear, () => { }); } }
public void MoveStep(bool up, float time, Action completeCallBack) { SimpleTween.Cancel(parent.gameObject, true, SimpleTween.CancelCondition.SetEndValue); if (((Rows[0][0].transform.position.y > yStart) && !up) || ((Rows[Rows.Count - 1][0].transform.position.y < yStart) && up)) { float step = (up) ? yStep : -yStep; Vector3 stPos = parent.position; Vector3 endPos = new Vector3(stPos.x, stPos.y + step, stPos.z); SimpleTween.Move(parent.gameObject, stPos, endPos, time).AddCompleteCallBack(() => { Debug.Log("move " + (up ? "up" : "down")); if (completeCallBack != null) { completeCallBack(); } }); } }
/// <summary> /// cancel any tween on main MainObject object /// </summary> internal void CancelTween() { // Debug.Log("Cancel tween"); if (DynamicObject) { SimpleTween.Cancel(DynamicObject, false); DynamicObject.transform.localScale =; DynamicObject.transform.position = transform.position; } if (Match) { Match.CancellTweensAndSequences(); Match.ResetTween(); } if (mObjectOld) { mObjectOld.CancellTweensAndSequences(); } }
private IEnumerator SetMapPositionToAciveButton() { yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.1f)); if (sRect) { int bCount = biomesCount; float contentSizeY = content.sizeDelta.y / (bCount) * (bCount - 1.0f); float relPos = content.InverseTransformPoint(ActiveButton.transform.position).y; // Debug.Log("contentY : " + contentSizeY + " ;relpos : " + relPos + " : " + relPos / contentSizeY); float vpos = (-contentSizeY / (bCount * 2.0f) + relPos) / contentSizeY; // SimpleTween.Cancel(gameObject, false); float start = sRect.verticalNormalizedPosition; SimpleTween.Value(gameObject, start, vpos, 0.25f).SetOnUpdate((float f) => { sRect.verticalNormalizedPosition = Mathf.Clamp01(f); }); //sRect.verticalNormalizedPosition = Mathf.Clamp01(vpos); // Debug.Log("vpos : " + Mathf.Clamp01(vpos)); } else { Debug.Log("no scrolling rect"); } }
/// <summary> /// Cancel all tweens and sequences /// </summary> public virtual void CancellTweensAndSequences() { if (collectSequence != null) collectSequence.Break(); if (hitDestroySeq != null) hitDestroySeq.Break(); SimpleTween.Cancel(gameObject, false); }
private void OnDestroy() { SimpleTween.Cancel(gameObject, false); }
protected virtual void OnDestroy() { SimpleTween.Cancel(musicVolumeTween, false); }
private void OnDisable() { SimpleTween.Cancel(gameObject, false); }
public WinController(MissionConstruct mc, GameBoard gB, BubblesShooter bubblesShooter, Action LevelWin, Action LevelLoose, Action CheckTargetResult, TextMesh outTimerText, TextMesh outMovesText) { bGrid = gB.grid; anchor = gB.anchor; LevelWinEvent += LevelWin; LevelLooseEvent += LevelLoose; CheckTargetResultEvent += CheckTargetResult; timeCostrain = mc.TimeConstrain; movesCostrain = mc.MovesConstrain; movesRest = movesCostrain; loopTopRow = mc.LoopTopRow; TopRowBubblesCountToCollect = Mathf.Min(mc.BubblesCount, bGrid.TopObjectRow.GetNotEmptyCells().Count); // default 6 bubbles in mission construct // Debug.Log( "loop: " + mc.BubblesCount + " : " + bGrid.TopObjectRow.GetNotEmptyCells().Count); raiseAnchor = mc.RaiseAnchor; targets = mc.Targets; GameLevelType = mc.GetLevelType(); topRowBubblesCountAtStart = bGrid.TopObjectRow.GetNotEmptyCells().Count; targetsToCollect = new Dictionary <int, int>(); onBoardTargetsAtStart = new Dictionary <int, int>(); onBoardTargetsAtCheckTime = onBoardTargetsAtStart; useObjecTargets = (targets != null && targets.Count > 0); if (useObjecTargets) { foreach (var item in targets.ObjectsList) // use only first target { targetID = item.ID; int id = item.ID; int count = item.Count; int bCount = bGrid.GetObjectsCountByID(id); Debug.Log("target: " + id + " : " + Mathf.Min(count, bCount)); if (!targetsToCollect.ContainsKey(id) && Mathf.Min(count, bCount) > 0) { targetsToCollect.Add(id, Mathf.Min(count, bCount)); onBoardTargetsAtStart.Add(id, Mathf.Min(count, bCount)); Debug.Log(" add target: " + id + " : " + Mathf.Min(count, bCount)); } break; // use only first target } } GameResult = GameResult.None; if (timeCostrain > 0) { Timer = new SessionTimer(timeCostrain); //Timer.Start(); UseTimer = true; Timer.OnTickRestSeconds = (sec) => { timeRest = (int)sec; if (timeRest <= 30 && !timeLeftShowed) { timeLeftShowed = true; GuiController.Instance.ShowMessageTimeLeft("Warning!", "30 seconds left", 1); } }; Timer.OnTimePassed = () => { if (GameResult == GameResult.None) { CheckResult(false, false); } }; if (outMovesText) { outMovesText.gameObject.SetActive(false); } if (outTimerText) { if (outTimerText) { outTimerText.gameObject.SetActive(true); } Timer.OnTickRestSeconds += (sec) => { outTimerText.text = sec.ToString(); }; } } else { if (outTimerText) { if (outTimerText) { outTimerText.gameObject.SetActive(false); } } if (outMovesText) { outMovesText.gameObject.SetActive(true); outMovesText.text = movesRest.ToString(); } bubblesShooter.ShootEvent += () => { if (!UseTimer) { movesRest--; if (outMovesText) { outMovesText.text = movesRest.ToString(); if (movesRest == 5) { counterTweenID = SimpleTween.Value(outMovesText.gameObject, 1.0f, 0.5f, 0.5f).SetEase(EaseAnim.EaseLinear). SetOnUpdate((float val) => { if (this != null && outMovesText) { outMovesText.color = new Color(1, val, val, 1); } else { SimpleTween.Cancel(counterTweenID, false); } }).SetCycled().ID; } if (movesRest == 0) { SimpleTween.Cancel(outMovesText.gameObject, false); } } } }; } Debug.Log("GameLevelType : " + GameLevelType); CheckTopRow(); CheckTargetsOnBoard(); }
/// <summary> /// Cancel all tweens and sequences /// </summary> public virtual void CancellTweensAndSequences() { collectSequence?.Break(); hitDestroySeq?.Break(); SimpleTween.Cancel(gameObject, false); }