private void AddCommands() { _quickFindCommandItem = new QuickFindCommandItem(this); CommandItems.Add( new RoutedCommandItem(ApplicationCommands.Find) { Category = CommandCategories.Search, Text = "Quick _find", ToolTip = "Go to Quick Find box.", }, _quickFindCommandItem, new DelegateCommandItem("FindAndReplace", new DelegateCommand(ShowFindAndReplace)) { Category = CommandCategories.Search, Icon = MultiColorGlyphs.Find, InputGestures = new InputGestureCollection { new KeyGesture(Key.F, ModifierKeys.Control | ModifierKeys.Shift) }, Text = "F_ind and replace...", ToolTip = "Show the Find and Replace window.", }, new DelegateCommandItem("FindPrevious", new DelegateCommand(FindPrevious, CanFind)) { Category = CommandCategories.Search, Icon = MultiColorGlyphs.FindPrevious, InputGestures = new InputGestureCollection { new KeyGesture(Key.F3, ModifierKeys.Shift) }, Text = "Find previous", ToolTip = "Jump to previous search result." }, new DelegateCommandItem("FindNext", new DelegateCommand(FindNext, CanFind)) { Category = CommandCategories.Search, Icon = MultiColorGlyphs.FindNext, InputGestures = new InputGestureCollection { new KeyGesture(Key.F3, ModifierKeys.None) }, Text = "_Find next", ToolTip = "Jump to next search result." }, new DelegateCommandItem("Replace", new DelegateCommand(Replace, CanFind)) { Category = CommandCategories.Search, Text = "_Replace", ToolTip = "Replace current search result." }, new DelegateCommandItem("ReplaceAll", new DelegateCommand(ReplaceAll, CanFind)) { Category = CommandCategories.Search, Text = "Replace _all", ToolTip = "Replace all search results." } ); }
private void RemoveCommands() { CommandItems.Clear(); _quickFindCommandItem = null; }