コード例 #1
ファイル: Form1.cs プロジェクト: BGCX067/fallas1-svn-to-git
        private void Form1_Shown(object sender, EventArgs e)
            _thisForm         = this;
            debugOutput.Text += "\nLoading Rule Base: ";
            PackageBuilder builder = new PackageBuilder();
            Stream         stream  = new FileStream(@"C:\Documents and Settings\TricolorerVirtual\Escritorio\MinimalDroolsForm.rar\MinimalDroolsForm\SimpleRulesExt.drl", FileMode.Open);

            debugOutput.Text += "\nStream Set ";
            debugOutput.Text += "\nReading DRL (Please wait... this may take a few moments...) ";

            builder.AddPackageFromDrl("MinimalDroolsForm.SimpleRules.drl", stream);
            debugOutput.Text += "... Finished ";
            Package pkg = builder.GetPackage();

            debugOutput.Text += "\nPackage Added ";
            ruleBase = RuleBaseFactory.NewRuleBase();
            debugOutput.Text += "\nRule Base Set ";
            workingMemory    = ruleBase.NewWorkingMemory();
            workingObj       = new CustomerRecord();
            secondWorkingObj = null;
コード例 #2
ファイル: Form1.cs プロジェクト: BGCX067/fallas1-svn-to-git
        // workingObj is set by the button click method
        private void TestRules(RuleBase ruleBase, Form1 F1)
            F1.debugOutput.Text += "\nRule Run: ";

            if (_currentCust == null)
                _currentCust = F1.workingMemory.assertObject(workingObj);
                F1.workingMemory.modifyObject(_currentCust, workingObj);
            if (secondWorkingObj != null)
            CustomerRecord customer = (CustomerRecord)F1.workingMemory.getObject(_currentCust);

            F1.debugOutput.Text += "\nCustomer: " + customer.Id +
                                   " | Qty: " + customer.Value + " | STATUS: " + customer.Status;
            if (secondWorkingObj != null)
                F1.debugOutput.Text += "\n 2nd Customer: " + secondWorkingObj.Id +
                                       " | Qty: " + secondWorkingObj.Value + " | STATUS: " + secondWorkingObj.Status;
コード例 #3
ファイル: Form1.cs プロジェクト: BGCX067/fallas1-svn-to-git
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int formQTY;
            int formDays;

            try { formQTY = Int32.Parse(qtyTextBox.Text); }
            catch { formQTY = 0; }
            try { formDays = Int32.Parse(DaysSinceTextBox.Text); }
            catch { formDays = 0; }

            workingObj.Id                 = IDTextBox.Text;
            workingObj.Status             = StatusTextBox.Text;
            workingObj.Value              = formQTY;
            workingObj.DaysSinceLastOrder = formDays;

            if (ScenarioButton3.Checked == true)
                secondWorkingObj                    = new CustomerRecord();
                secondWorkingObj.Id                 = "111-111";
                secondWorkingObj.Status             = "NORMAL";
                secondWorkingObj.Value              = 5;
                secondWorkingObj.DaysSinceLastOrder = 95;
            TestRules(ruleBase, _thisForm);
コード例 #4
ファイル: Form1.cs プロジェクト: BGCX067/fallas1-svn-to-git
 private void ScenarioButton2_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
     qtyTextBox.Text       = "500";
     IDTextBox.Text        = "222-222";
     DaysSinceTextBox.Text = "91";
     StatusTextBox.Text    = "INACTIVE";
     if (secondWorkingObj != null)
         secondWorkingObj = null;
コード例 #5
ファイル: Form1.cs プロジェクト: BGCX067/fallas1-svn-to-git
 private void ScenarioButton1_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
     qtyTextBox.Text       = "5";
     IDTextBox.Text        = "111-111";
     DaysSinceTextBox.Text = "15";
     StatusTextBox.Text    = "NORMAL";
     if (secondWorkingObj != null)
         secondWorkingObj = null;