public void SaveAs(object value, string sheetName, bool printHeader, IConfiguration configuration) { using (var archive = new MiniExcelZipArchive(_stream, ZipArchiveMode.Create, true, _utf8WithBom)) { if (value is IDictionary <string, object> ) { var sheetId = 0; var sheets = value as IDictionary <string, object>; var packages = DefualtOpenXml.GenerateDefaultOpenXml(archive, sheets.Keys); foreach (var sheet in sheets) { sheetId++; var sheetPath = $"xl/worksheets/sheet{sheetId}.xml"; CreateSheetXml(sheet.Value, printHeader, archive, packages, sheetPath); } GenerateContentTypesXml(archive, packages); } else { var packages = DefualtOpenXml.GenerateDefaultOpenXml(archive, new[] { sheetName }); var sheetPath = "xl/worksheets/sheet1.xml"; CreateSheetXml(value, printHeader, archive, packages, sheetPath); GenerateContentTypesXml(archive, packages); } } }
public void SaveAs(object value, string sheetName, bool printHeader, IConfiguration configuration) { OpenXmlConfiguration config = configuration as OpenXmlConfiguration ?? OpenXmlConfiguration.DefaultConfig; using (var archive = new MiniExcelZipArchive(_stream, ZipArchiveMode.Create, true, _utf8WithBom)) { if (value is IDictionary<string, object>) { var sheetId = 0; var sheets = value as IDictionary<string, object>; var packages = DefualtOpenXml.GenerateDefaultOpenXml(archive, sheets.Keys, config); foreach (var sheet in sheets) { sheetId++; var sheetPath = $"xl/worksheets/sheet{sheetId}.xml"; CreateSheetXml(sheet.Value, printHeader, archive, packages, sheetPath); } GenerateContentTypesXml(archive, packages); } else if (value is DataSet) { var sheetId = 0; var sheets = value as DataSet; var keys = new List<string>(); foreach (DataTable dt in sheets.Tables) { keys.Add(dt.TableName); } var packages = DefualtOpenXml.GenerateDefaultOpenXml(archive, keys, config); foreach (DataTable dt in sheets.Tables) { sheetId++; var sheetPath = $"xl/worksheets/sheet{sheetId}.xml"; CreateSheetXml(dt, printHeader, archive, packages, sheetPath); } GenerateContentTypesXml(archive, packages); } else { var packages = DefualtOpenXml.GenerateDefaultOpenXml(archive, new[] { sheetName }, config); var sheetPath = "xl/worksheets/sheet1.xml"; CreateSheetXml(value, printHeader, archive, packages, sheetPath); GenerateContentTypesXml(archive, packages); } } }
internal static void SaveAs(Stream stream, object value, bool printHeader) { using (var archive = new ZipArchive(stream, ZipArchiveMode.Create, true, Utf8WithBom)) { var packages = DefualtOpenXml.GenerateDefaultOpenXml(archive); var sheetPath = "xl/worksheets/sheet1.xml"; { ZipArchiveEntry entry = archive.CreateEntry(sheetPath); using (var zipStream = entry.Open()) using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(zipStream, Utf8WithBom)) { if (value == null) { WriteEmptySheet(writer); goto End; } var type = value.GetType(); //var genericType = type.GetGenericArguments()[0]; not 100% right Type genericType = null; //DapperRow if (value is IEnumerable) { var values = value as IEnumerable; var rowCount = 0; var maxColumnIndex = 0; List <object> keys = new List <object>(); PropertyInfo[] props = null; string mode = null; { foreach (var item in values) //TODO: need to optimize { rowCount = checked (rowCount + 1); if (item != null && mode == null) { if (item is IDictionary <string, object> ) { var item2 = item as IDictionary <string, object>; mode = "IDictionary<string, object>"; maxColumnIndex = item2.Keys.Count; foreach (var key in item2.Keys) { keys.Add(key); } } else if (item is IDictionary) { var item2 = item as IDictionary; mode = "IDictionary"; maxColumnIndex = item2.Keys.Count; foreach (var key in item2.Keys) { keys.Add(key); } } else { mode = "Properties"; genericType = item.GetType(); props = Helpers.GetProperties(genericType); //props = genericType.GetProperties(); if (props.Length == 0) { throw new InvalidOperationException($"Generic Type : {genericType} valid properties count is 0, if you have trouble please issue for me."); } maxColumnIndex = props.Length; } // not re-foreach key point var collection = value as ICollection; if (collection != null) { rowCount = checked ((value as ICollection).Count); break; } continue; } } } if (rowCount == 0) { WriteEmptySheet(writer); goto End; } writer.Write($@"<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-8""?><x:worksheet xmlns:x="""">"); // dimension var maxRowIndex = rowCount + (printHeader && rowCount > 0 ? 1 : 0); //TODO:it can optimize writer.Write($@"<dimension ref=""{GetDimension(maxRowIndex, maxColumnIndex)}""/><x:sheetData>"); //header var yIndex = 1; var xIndex = 1; if (printHeader) { var cellIndex = xIndex; writer.Write($"<x:row r=\"{yIndex.ToString()}\">"); if (props != null) { foreach (var p in props) { var columname = ExcelOpenXmlUtils.ConvertXyToCell(cellIndex, yIndex); writer.Write($"<x:c r=\"{columname}\" t=\"str\"><x:v>{p.Name}</x:v></x:c>"); cellIndex++; } } else { foreach (var key in keys) { var columname = ExcelOpenXmlUtils.ConvertXyToCell(cellIndex, yIndex); writer.Write($"<x:c r=\"{columname}\" t=\"str\"><x:v>{key}</x:v></x:c>"); cellIndex++; } } writer.Write($"</x:row>"); yIndex++; } if (mode == "IDictionary<string, object>") //Dapper Row { GenerateSheetByDapperRow(writer, archive, value as IEnumerable, genericType, printHeader, rowCount, keys.Cast <string>().ToList(), xIndex, yIndex); } else if (mode == "IDictionary") //IDictionary { GenerateSheetByIDictionary(writer, archive, value as IEnumerable, genericType, printHeader, rowCount, keys, xIndex, yIndex); } else if (mode == "Properties") { GenerateSheetByProperties(writer, archive, value as IEnumerable, genericType, props, printHeader, rowCount, keys, xIndex, yIndex); } else { throw new NotImplementedException($"Type {type.Name} & genericType {genericType.Name} not Implemented. please issue for me."); } writer.Write("</x:sheetData></x:worksheet>"); } else if (value is DataTable) { GenerateSheetByDataTable(writer, archive, value as DataTable, printHeader); } else { throw new NotImplementedException($"Type {type.Name} & genericType {genericType.Name} not Implemented. please issue for me."); } //TODO: } End: packages.Add(sheetPath, new ZipPackageInfo(entry, "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.worksheet+xml")); } GenerateContentTypesXml(archive, packages); } }
public void SaveAs(object value, bool printHeader, IConfiguration configuration) { using (var archive = new MiniExcelZipArchive(_stream, ZipArchiveMode.Create, true, _utf8WithBom)) { var packages = DefualtOpenXml.GenerateDefaultOpenXml(archive); var sheetPath = "xl/worksheets/sheet1.xml"; { ZipArchiveEntry entry = archive.CreateEntry(sheetPath); using (var zipStream = entry.Open()) using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(zipStream, _utf8WithBom)) { if (value == null) { WriteEmptySheet(writer); goto End; } var type = value.GetType(); Type genericType = null; //DapperRow if (value is IEnumerable) { var values = value as IEnumerable; var rowCount = 0; var maxColumnIndex = 0; List <object> keys = new List <object>(); List <ExcelCustomPropertyInfo> props = null; string mode = null; // reason : // check mode & get maxRowCount & maxColumnIndex { foreach (var item in values) //TODO: need to optimize { rowCount = checked (rowCount + 1); if (item != null && mode == null) { if (item is IDictionary <string, object> ) { var item2 = item as IDictionary <string, object>; mode = "IDictionary<string, object>"; maxColumnIndex = item2.Keys.Count; foreach (var key in item2.Keys) { keys.Add(key); } } else if (item is IDictionary) { var item2 = item as IDictionary; mode = "IDictionary"; maxColumnIndex = item2.Keys.Count; foreach (var key in item2.Keys) { keys.Add(key); } } else { mode = "Properties"; genericType = item.GetType(); if (genericType.IsValueType) { throw new NotImplementedException($"MiniExcel not support only {genericType.Name} value generic type"); } else if (genericType == typeof(string) || genericType == typeof(DateTime) || genericType == typeof(Guid)) { throw new NotImplementedException($"MiniExcel not support only {genericType.Name} generic type"); } props = Helpers.GetSaveAsProperties(genericType); maxColumnIndex = props.Count; } // not re-foreach key point var collection = value as ICollection; if (collection != null) { rowCount = checked ((value as ICollection).Count); break; } continue; } } } if (rowCount == 0) { WriteEmptySheet(writer); goto End; } writer.Write($@"<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-8""?><x:worksheet xmlns:x="""">"); // dimension var maxRowIndex = rowCount + (printHeader && rowCount > 0 ? 1 : 0); //TODO:it can optimize writer.Write($@"<x:dimension ref=""{GetDimension(maxRowIndex, maxColumnIndex)}""/><x:sheetData>"); //header var yIndex = 1; var xIndex = 1; if (printHeader) { var cellIndex = xIndex; writer.Write($"<x:row r=\"{yIndex.ToString()}\">"); if (props != null) { foreach (var p in props) { if (p == null) { cellIndex++; //reason : continue; } var columname = ExcelOpenXmlUtils.ConvertXyToCell(cellIndex, yIndex); writer.Write($"<x:c r=\"{columname}\" t=\"str\"><x:v>{p.ExcelColumnName}</x:v></x:c>"); cellIndex++; } } else { foreach (var key in keys) { var columname = ExcelOpenXmlUtils.ConvertXyToCell(cellIndex, yIndex); writer.Write($"<x:c r=\"{columname}\" t=\"str\"><x:v>{key}</x:v></x:c>"); cellIndex++; } } writer.Write($"</x:row>"); yIndex++; } if (mode == "IDictionary<string, object>") //Dapper Row { GenerateSheetByDapperRow(writer, archive, value as IEnumerable, rowCount, keys.Cast <string>().ToList(), xIndex, yIndex); } else if (mode == "IDictionary") //IDictionary { GenerateSheetByIDictionary(writer, archive, value as IEnumerable, rowCount, keys, xIndex, yIndex); } else if (mode == "Properties") { GenerateSheetByProperties(writer, archive, value as IEnumerable, props, rowCount, xIndex, yIndex); } else { throw new NotImplementedException($"Type {type.Name} & genericType {genericType.Name} not Implemented. please issue for me."); } writer.Write("</x:sheetData></x:worksheet>"); } else if (value is DataTable) { GenerateSheetByDataTable(writer, archive, value as DataTable, printHeader); } else { throw new NotImplementedException($"Type {type.Name} & genericType {genericType.Name} not Implemented. please issue for me."); } //TODO: } End: packages.Add(sheetPath, new ZipPackageInfo(entry, "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.worksheet+xml")); } GenerateContentTypesXml(archive, packages); } }