コード例 #1
        public override void DoWork()
            MyRBBoxElement        box    = (MyRBBoxElement)m_RBElement;
            MySphereSensorElement sphere = (MySphereSensorElement)m_SensorElement;

            Matrix  boxMatrix    = box.GetGlobalTransformation();
            Vector3 sphereCenter = sphere.GetGlobalTransformation().Translation;

            Matrix invBoxMatrix = Matrix.Invert(boxMatrix);

            Vector3 boxLocalsphereCenter = Vector3.Transform(sphereCenter, invBoxMatrix);

            bool    penetration = false;
            Vector3 normal      = new Vector3();
            Vector3 closestPos  = new Vector3();
            uint    customData  = 0;

            box.GetClosestPoint(boxLocalsphereCenter, ref closestPos, ref normal, ref penetration, ref customData);

            if (penetration)
                m_IsInside = true;

            closestPos = Vector3.Transform(closestPos, boxMatrix);

            float vLength = (sphereCenter - closestPos).LengthSquared();

            if (vLength <= sphere.Radius * sphere.Radius)
                if (vLength <= (sphere.Radius / 2f) * (sphere.Radius / 2f) || sphere.SpecialDetectingAngle == null)
                    m_IsInside = true;
                else if (sphere.SpecialDetectingAngle != null)
                    Vector3 normalizeDirectionToRBElement = Vector3.Normalize(boxMatrix.Translation - sphereCenter);
                    float   cosAngle = Vector3.Dot(normalizeDirectionToRBElement, sphere.GetGlobalTransformation().Forward);
                    m_IsInside = Math.Abs(cosAngle) >= sphere.SpecialDetectingAngle.Value;
                m_IsInside = false;
コード例 #2
        protected override bool Interact(bool staticCollision)
            if (!staticCollision && GetRigidBody1().IsStatic() && GetRigidBody2().IsStatic())

            MyRBBoxElement    box    = null;
            MyRBSphereElement sphere = null;

            if (RBElement1.GetElementType() == MyRBElementType.ET_BOX)

            box    = (MyRBBoxElement)RBElement2;
            sphere = (MyRBSphereElement)RBElement1;

            Matrix  boxMatrix    = box.GetGlobalTransformation();
            Vector3 sphereCenter = sphere.GetGlobalTransformation().Translation;

            Matrix invBoxMatrix = Matrix.Invert(boxMatrix);

            Vector3 boxLocalsphereCenter = Vector3.Transform(sphereCenter, invBoxMatrix);

            bool    penetration = false;
            Vector3 normal      = new Vector3();
            Vector3 closestPos  = new Vector3();
            uint    customData  = 0;

            box.GetClosestPoint(boxLocalsphereCenter, ref closestPos, ref normal, ref penetration, ref customData);

            closestPos = Vector3.Transform(closestPos, boxMatrix);

            normal = -Vector3.TransformNormal(normal, boxMatrix);
            normal = MyMwcUtils.Normalize(normal);

            float vLength = (sphereCenter - closestPos).Length();

            if (staticCollision)
                return(vLength > 0 && vLength < sphere.Radius);
                float eps = MyPhysics.physicsSystem.GetRigidBodyModule().CollisionEpsilon;
                float dt  = MyPhysics.physicsSystem.GetRigidBodyModule().CurrentTimeStep;

                Vector3 pointVelocity1 = new Vector3();
                Vector3 pointVelocity2 = new Vector3();

                GetRigidBody1().GetGlobalPointVelocity(ref closestPos, out pointVelocity1);
                GetRigidBody2().GetGlobalPointVelocity(ref closestPos, out pointVelocity2);

                float dynEps = 0;
                if (vLength >= eps)
                    float dot = Vector3.Dot(pointVelocity1 - pointVelocity2, normal) * dt;
                    if (dot >= 0)
                        dynEps = dot;

                float radius = sphere.Radius;

                //Second part of condition commented due to 5968: Bug B - rocket passing through prefab
                //Does not seem to have any reason to be there
                if (vLength > 0 /*&& vLength < (radius + eps + dynEps)*/)
                    float error = vLength - (radius + 0.5f * eps);
                    //error = System.Math.Min(error, eps);

                    MySmallCollPointInfo[] collInfo = MyContactInfoCache.SCPIStackAlloc();

                    collInfo[0] = new MySmallCollPointInfo(closestPos - sphereCenter, closestPos - boxMatrix.Translation, GetRigidBody1().LinearVelocity, GetRigidBody2().LinearVelocity, normal, error, closestPos);

                    MyPhysics.physicsSystem.GetContactConstraintModule().AddContactConstraint(this, collInfo, 1);
