public bool HandlePacket(MinecraftClient client, MinecraftPacketStream stream) { if (stream.Length - stream.Position >= 2) { short length = stream.ReadShort(); if (stream.Length - stream.Position >= length) { client.Username = stream.ReadString(length); //response // - = no password // + = password // hash = check with if (MinecraftServer.Instance.Authentication == MinecraftAuthentication.Online) { Random random = new Random(); client.Hash = random.Next().ToString("X"); client.Send(MinecraftPacketCreator.GetHandshake(client.Hash)); } else if (MinecraftServer.Instance.Authentication == MinecraftAuthentication.Offline) { client.Send(MinecraftPacketCreator.GetHandshake("-")); } else if (MinecraftServer.Instance.Authentication == MinecraftAuthentication.Password) { client.Send(MinecraftPacketCreator.GetHandshake("+")); } return true; } } return false; }
public bool HandlePacket(MinecraftClient client, MinecraftPacketStream stream) { // NOTE: Maybe bad practice... Probably a better idea to store data after packet 100% received... // Although I don't see anything that might go wrong... Since the server and client is essentially "syncronized" if (stream.Length - stream.Position >= 8) { client.Player.Position.X = stream.ReadDouble(); if (stream.Length - stream.Position >= 8) { client.Player.Stance = stream.ReadDouble(); if (stream.Length - stream.Position >= 8) { client.Player.Position.Y = stream.ReadDouble(); if (stream.Length - stream.Position >= 8) { client.Player.Position.Z = stream.ReadDouble(); if (stream.Length - stream.Position >= 4) { client.Player.Rotation.Yaw = stream.ReadFloat(); if (stream.Length - stream.Position >= 4) { client.Player.Rotation.Pitch = stream.ReadFloat(); if (stream.Length - stream.Position >= 1) { client.Player.OnGround = stream.ReadBool(); return true; } } } } } } } return false; }
public bool HandlePacket(MinecraftClient client, MinecraftPacketStream stream) { if (stream.Length - stream.Position >= 8) { double x = stream.ReadDouble(); if (stream.Length - stream.Position >= 8) { double y = stream.ReadDouble(); if (stream.Length - stream.Position >= 8) { double stance = stream.ReadDouble(); if (stream.Length - stream.Position >= 8) { double z = stream.ReadDouble(); if (stream.Length - stream.Position >= 1) { bool onGround = stream.ReadBool(); client.Player.Position.X = x; client.Player.Position.Y = y; client.Player.Stance = stance; client.Player.Position.Z = z; client.Player.OnGround = onGround; return true; } } } } } return false; }
public void Run(MinecraftServer server, MinecraftClient client, string[] args) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.Append("Connected users: "); foreach (MinecraftClient c in server.Clients) { builder.Append(c.Username); builder.Append(", "); } builder.Remove(builder.Length - 2, 2); builder.Append("."); client.Send(MinecraftPacketCreator.GetChatMessage(builder.ToString())); }
public bool HandlePacket(MinecraftClient client, MinecraftPacketStream stream) { if (stream.Length - stream.Position >= 2) { short length = stream.ReadShort(); if (stream.Length - stream.Position >= length) { string message = stream.ReadString(length); if (message.Substring(0, 1) == "/") { string[] splitted = message.Substring(1).Split(new char[] {' '}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (MinecraftServer.Instance.CommandManager.CommandExists(splitted[0].ToLower())) { MinecraftServer.Instance.CommandManager.RunCommand(client, splitted[0].ToLower(), splitted); } else if (splitted[0].ToLower() == "help") { client.Send(MinecraftPacketCreator.GetChatMessage("Availiable commands are:")); foreach (string key in MinecraftServer.Instance.CommandManager.GetCommands()) { client.Send(MinecraftPacketCreator.GetChatMessage(key)); } } else { client.Send(MinecraftPacketCreator.GetChatMessage("Command " + splitted[0] + " does not exist.")); } } else { foreach (MinecraftClient c in MinecraftServer.Instance.Clients) { c.Send(MinecraftPacketCreator.GetChatMessage(client.Username, message)); } } return true; } } return false; }
public bool HandlePacket(MinecraftClient client, MinecraftPacketStream stream) { if (stream.Length - stream.Position >= 4) { int version = stream.ReadInt(); if (version == MinecraftServer.Instance.Version) { if (stream.Length - stream.Position >= 2) { short ulength = stream.ReadShort(); if (stream.Length - stream.Position >= ulength) { string username = stream.ReadString(ulength); if (stream.Length - stream.Position >= 2) { short plength = stream.ReadShort(); if (stream.Length - stream.Position >= plength) { string password = stream.ReadString(plength); if (stream.Length - stream.Position >= 8) { stream.ReadLong(); if (stream.Length - stream.Position >= 1) { stream.ReadByte(); if (MinecraftServer.Instance.Authentication == MinecraftAuthentication.Online) { //REFRACTOR? HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(""******"&serverId=" + client.Hash); HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse(); byte[] buffer = new byte[3]; response.GetResponseStream().Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); if (UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buffer) == "YES") { client.Send(MinecraftPacketCreator.GetLoginRequest()); client.Load(); return true; } else { client.Disconnect("Failed to verify username."); } } else if (MinecraftServer.Instance.Authentication == MinecraftAuthentication.Offline) { client.Send(MinecraftPacketCreator.GetLoginRequest()); client.Load(); return true; } else if (MinecraftServer.Instance.Authentication == MinecraftAuthentication.Password) { // Insert validation function here... // Password doesn't even work. client.Disconnect("Password authentication not implemented."); } } } } } } } } else { client.Disconnect("Invalid version."); } } return false; }
public bool HandlePacket(MinecraftClient client, MinecraftPacketStream stream) { client.ResetConnectionTimer(); return true; }
public bool RunCommand(MinecraftClient client, string name, string[] args) { try { Run(client, name, args); return true; } catch { if (Compile(name)) { try { Run(client, name, args); return true; } catch (Exception e) { Log.Error(e, "Error running script {0}.", name); return false; } } return false; } }
private void Run(MinecraftClient client, string name, string[] args) { AppDomain domain = AppDomain.CreateDomain("domain", null, Setup); try { ((ICommand)domain.CreateInstanceFromAndUnwrap(Path.Combine(CommandDirectory, name + ".dll"), "Minecraft.Commands." + Commands[name])).Run(MinecraftServer.Instance, client, args); } finally { AppDomain.Unload(domain); } }