public static XDoc GetCommentXmlAsAtom(IList<CommentBE> comments, XUri feedUri, PageBE page) { string title = string.Format(DekiResources.COMMENT_FOR, page.Title.AsUserFriendlyName()); XAtomFeed feed = new XAtomFeed(title, feedUri, DateTime.UtcNow); feed.AddLink(PageBL.GetUriUi(page), XAtomBase.LinkRelation.Alternate, MimeType.XHTML, null, page.Title.AsUserFriendlyName()); feed.Id = feedUri; foreach(CommentBE c in comments) { UserBE posterUser = UserBL.GetUserById(c.PosterUserId); title = c.Title; if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(title)) { title = string.Format(DekiResources.COMMENT_BY_TO, posterUser.Name, page.Title.AsUserFriendlyName()); } XAtomEntry entry = feed.StartEntry(title, c.CreateDate, (c.LastEditDate == null || c.LastEditDate == DateTime.MinValue) ? c.CreateDate : c.LastEditDate.Value); entry.Id = CommentBL.GetUri(c); entry.AddAuthor(posterUser.Name, UserBL.GetUriUiHomePage(posterUser), posterUser.Email); MimeType commentMimetype; MimeType.TryParse(c.ContentMimeType, out commentMimetype); entry.AddContent(c.Content); XUri entryLink = PageBL.GetUriUi(page).WithFragment("comment" + c.Number); entry.AddLink(entryLink, XAtomBase.LinkRelation.Alternate, null, null, null); entry.AddLink(CommentBL.GetUri(c).At("content"), XAtomBase.LinkRelation.Enclosure, commentMimetype, c.Content.Length, "content"); feed.End(); } return feed; }
private Tuplet<MimeType, XDoc> MakeNewsFeed(IEnumerable<RecentChangeEntry> recentchanges, XUri feedUri, string feedTitle, FeedFormat format, DateTime since) { var resources = DekiContext.Current.Resources; var changes = new List<RecentChangeEntry>(); DekiContext deki = DekiContext.Current; bool diffCacheEnabled = deki.Instance.RecentChangesDiffCaching; // check if we need to merge change entries MimeType mime = MimeType.XML; if((format == FeedFormat.ATOM_DAILY) || (format == FeedFormat.RAW_DAILY)) { // combine changes that occurred on the same day Dictionary<string, DigestLookupEntry> pageLookup = new Dictionary<string, DigestLookupEntry>(); Dictionary<string, DigestLookupEntry> commentLookup = new Dictionary<string, DigestLookupEntry>(); Dictionary<string, ulong> commentDescriptToCommentLookup = new Dictionary<string, ulong>(); List<Dictionary<string, KeyValuePair<string, int>>> authors = new List<Dictionary<string, KeyValuePair<string, int>>>(); int index = 0; foreach(var change in recentchanges) { ulong pageId = change.CurId; if(pageId == 0) { // should never happen, but if it does, just ignore this entry continue; } DateTime timestamp = change.Timestamp; NS ns = change.Namespace; RC type = change.Type; string author = change.Username; string fullname = change.Fullname ?? change.Username; // check if we processing a comment or page change if(Utils.IsPageComment(type)) { ulong commentId = change.CmntId ?? 0; string comment = change.Comment; if(commentId == 0) { // NOTE (steveb): because the recentchanges table is brain dead, we sometimes cannot associate a comment change with the comment that affected it; // luckily, when that happens, there is a good chance that the description for the change is the same as an earlier one; // so all we need to do is to lookup the previous change using the current change description. if(!commentDescriptToCommentLookup.TryGetValue(comment ?? string.Empty, out commentId)) { continue; } } else if(comment != null) { commentDescriptToCommentLookup[comment] = commentId; } // remove revision number (not applicable) change.Revision = 0; // check if we need to merge this change with a previous one DigestLookupEntry entry; string key = string.Format("{0}-{1}", commentId, timestamp.DayOfYear); if(commentLookup.TryGetValue(key, out entry)) { var item = changes[entry.Index]; ++item.EditCount; // append the change comments if(item.ExtraComments == null) { item.ExtraComments = new List<Tuplet<string, string, string>>(); // first add the existing comment to the list item.ExtraComments.Add(new Tuplet<string, string, string>(item.Username, item.Fullname, item.Comment)); } item.ExtraComments.Add(new Tuplet<string, string, string>(change.Username, change.Fullname, change.Comment)); // updated edit count for author KeyValuePair<string, int> authorEdits; authors[entry.Index].TryGetValue(author, out authorEdits); authors[entry.Index][author] = new KeyValuePair<string, int>(fullname, authorEdits.Value + 1); } else { change.EditCount = 1; // NOTE (steveb): we always create the lookup to create a discontinuity with previous changes on the same page; // this causes ungroupable changes (e.g. MOVE) to split groupable changes; thus avoiding // that these groupable changes get inproperly grouped since they aren't continuous. // create a new entry, either because this page has no existing entry yet, or the change cannot be grouped with other changes commentLookup[key] = new DigestLookupEntry(timestamp, index, type); authors.Add(new Dictionary<string, KeyValuePair<string, int>>()); authors[authors.Count - 1].Add(author, new KeyValuePair<string, int>(fullname, 1)); changes.Add(change); ++index; } } else { // add a default edit count if(change.EditCount == 0) { change.EditCount = Utils.IsPageEdit(type) ? 1 : 0; } // check if we need to merge this change with a previous one DigestLookupEntry entry; string key = string.Format("{0}-{1}-{2}", ns, pageId, timestamp.DayOfYear); if(pageLookup.TryGetValue(key, out entry) && Utils.IsPageModification(type) && Utils.IsPageModification(entry.Type)) { var item = changes[entry.Index]; // update 'rc_last_oldid' to reflect the older page id of the combined records if(Utils.IsPageEdit(type)) { item.LastOldId = change.LastOldId; item.EditCount = item.EditCount + 1; if(change.Revision != 0) { item.PreviousRevision = change.Revision - 1; } } // append the change comments if(item.ExtraComments == null) { item.ExtraComments = new List<Tuplet<string, string, string>>(); // first add the existing comment to the list item.ExtraComments.Add(new Tuplet<string, string, string>(item.Username, item.Fullname, item.Comment)); } item.ExtraComments.Add(new Tuplet<string, string, string>(change.Username, change.Fullname, change.Comment)); // updated edit count for author KeyValuePair<string, int> authorEdits; authors[entry.Index].TryGetValue(author, out authorEdits); authors[entry.Index][author] = new KeyValuePair<string, int>(fullname, authorEdits.Value + 1); } else { // NOTE (steveb): we always create the lookup to create a discontinuity with previous changes on the same page; // this causes ungroupable changes (e.g. MOVE) to split groupable changes; thus avoiding // that these groupable changes get inproperly grouped since they aren't continuous. // create a new entry, either because this page has no existing entry yet, or the change cannot be grouped with other changes pageLookup[key] = new DigestLookupEntry(timestamp, index, type); authors.Add(new Dictionary<string, KeyValuePair<string, int>>()); authors[authors.Count - 1].Add(author, new KeyValuePair<string, int>(fullname, 1)); // check if page was changed if(Utils.IsPageEdit(type)) { // update previous revision number change.PreviousRevision = change.Revision - 1; } else if(Utils.IsPageModification(type)) { // set previous revision number change.PreviousRevision = change.Revision; } changes.Add(change); ++index; } } } // create list of authors as comment line for(int i = 0; i < changes.Count; ++i) { var change = changes[i]; // create an array of (fullname, username) author names var sortedAuthors = (from author in authors[i] select new KeyValuePair<string, string>(author.Key, author.Value.Key)).ToList(); sortedAuthors.Sort((x, y) => StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase.Compare(x.Value, y.Value)); string authorList = Utils.LinguisticJoin(from author in sortedAuthors select (string.IsNullOrEmpty(author.Value) ? author.Key : author.Value), resources.Localize(DekiResources.AND())); // add-up all edit operations int editTotal = 0; foreach(KeyValuePair<string, int> edits in authors[i].Values) { editTotal += edits.Value; } // reset comment for standard edits RC type = change.Type; if(Utils.IsPageModification(type) || Utils.IsPageComment(type)) { string summary = null; switch(editTotal) { case 2: summary = resources.Localize(DekiResources.EDIT_SUMMARY_TWO(authorList, editTotal)); break; case 1: summary = resources.Localize(DekiResources.EDIT_SUMMARY_ONE(authorList, editTotal)); break; case 0: break; default: summary = resources.Localize(DekiResources.EDIT_SUMMARY_MANY(authorList, editTotal)); break; } change.Summary = summary; } // reflect that multiple authors edited article, if appropriate change.SortedAuthors = sortedAuthors; } // check if only the digest format was requested if(format == FeedFormat.RAW_DAILY) { XDoc digest = new XDoc("digest"); foreach(var change in changes) { change.AppendXml(digest); } return new Tuplet<MimeType, XDoc>(mime, digest); } } else if(format == FeedFormat.ATOM_ALL) { // keep all changes foreach(var change in recentchanges) { if(Utils.IsPageEdit(change.Type)) { change.PreviousRevision = change.Revision - 1; } else { change.Revision = 0; } changes.Add(change); } } else if(format == FeedFormat.DAILY_ACTIVITY) { // need to establish how many pages and users exist in total var pagesTotal = (int)DbUtils.CurrentSession.Pages_GetCount(); var usersTotal = (int)DbUtils.CurrentSession.Users_GetCount(); // daily activity format XDoc table = new XDoc("activity").Attr("type", "daily"); DateTime missing = DateTime.UtcNow.Date; foreach(var change in from recentchange in recentchanges where (recentchange.Namespace == NS.MAIN) || (recentchange.Namespace == NS.USER) group recentchange by recentchange.Timestamp.Date into recentchangesByDate select new { Date = recentchangesByDate.Key, // count as edited pages, pages that were not created or deleted the same day PagesEdited = recentchangesByDate.Where(rc => (rc.Type == RC.EDIT) && !recentchangesByDate.Any(rc2 => (rc.CurId == rc2.CurId) && ((rc2.Type == RC.NEW) || (rc2.Type == RC.PAGERESTORED) || (rc.Type == RC.PAGEDELETED)))).Distinct(rc => rc.CurId).Count(), // count as created pages, pages that were not deleted later the same day PagesCreated = recentchangesByDate.Count(rc => ((rc.Type == RC.NEW) || (rc.Type == RC.PAGERESTORED)) && !recentchangesByDate.Any(rc2 => (rc2.CurId == rc.CurId) && (rc2.Id < rc.Id) && (rc.Type == RC.PAGEDELETED))), // count as deleted pages, pages that were not created or restored earlier the same day PagesDeleted = recentchangesByDate.Count(rc => (rc.Type == RC.PAGEDELETED) && !recentchangesByDate.Any(rc2 => (rc.CurId == rc2.CurId) && (rc2.Id > rc.Id) && ((rc2.Type == RC.NEW) || (rc2.Type == RC.PAGERESTORED)))), // simple counting of created users UsersCreated = recentchangesByDate.Count(rc => rc.Type == RC.USER_CREATED) } ) { // check if we need to add empty entries for missing days for(; missing > change.Date; missing = missing.AddDays(-1)) { table.Start("entry").Attr("date", missing) .Elem("", pagesTotal) .Elem("pages.created", 0) .Elem("pages.edited", 0) .Elem("pages.deleted", 0) .Elem("", usersTotal) .Elem("users.created", 0) .End(); } // add this day's entry table.Start("entry").Attr("date", change.Date) .Elem("", pagesTotal) .Elem("pages.created", change.PagesCreated) .Elem("pages.edited", change.PagesEdited) .Elem("pages.deleted", change.PagesDeleted) .Elem("", usersTotal) .Elem("users.created", change.UsersCreated) .End(); // NOTE (steveb): pages total might become negative if user created didn't actually create a user page pagesTotal -= change.PagesCreated - change.PagesDeleted + change.UsersCreated; usersTotal -= change.UsersCreated; // indicate that current is *not* missing missing = change.Date.AddDays(-1); } // pad with missing records for(; missing >= since; missing = missing.AddDays(-1)) { table.Start("entry").Attr("date", missing) .Elem("", pagesTotal) .Elem("pages.created", 0) .Elem("pages.edited", 0) .Elem("pages.deleted", 0) .Elem("", usersTotal) .Elem("users.created", 0) .End(); } return new Tuplet<MimeType, XDoc>(mime, table); } else { // unknown or RAW format XDoc table = new XDoc("table"); foreach(var change in recentchanges) { change.AppendXml(table); } return new Tuplet<MimeType, XDoc>(mime, table); } // compose feed document mime = MimeType.ATOM; XAtomFeed feed = new XAtomFeed(feedTitle, feedUri, DateTime.UtcNow) { Language = deki.Instance.SiteLanguage, Id = feedUri }; Dictionary<string, XDoc> cache = new Dictionary<string, XDoc>(); foreach(var change in changes) { RC type = change.Type; if(Utils.IsPageHiddenOperation(type)) { // no real content to produce; let's skip it continue; } // build feed content Title title = Title.FromDbPath(change.Namespace, change.Title, null); XDoc description = new XDoc("div"); AppendDiff(diffCacheEnabled, description, change, type, title, cache); // add item to feed try { DateTime timestamp = change.Timestamp; XAtomEntry entry = feed.StartEntry(title.AsPrefixedUserFriendlyPath(), timestamp, timestamp); XUri id = XUri.TryParse(Utils.AsPublicUiUri(title)); if(id != null) { if(id.Segments.Length == 0) { id = id.WithTrailingSlash(); } entry.Id = id.WithFragment(DbUtils.ToString(change.Timestamp)); } entry.AddAuthor(((change.SortedAuthors == null) || (change.SortedAuthors.Count == 1)) ? (string.IsNullOrEmpty(change.Fullname) ? change.Username : change.Fullname) : resources.Localize(DekiResources.EDIT_MULTIPLE()), null, null); entry.AddLink(new XUri(Utils.AsPublicUiUri(title)), XAtomBase.LinkRelation.Alternate, null, null, null); entry.AddSummary(MimeType.XHTML, description); feed.End(); } catch(Exception e) { _log.ErrorExceptionMethodCall(e, "MakeNewsFeed", title.AsPrefixedDbPath()); } } // insert <ins> styles foreach(XDoc ins in feed[".//ins"]) { ins.Attr("style", "color: #009900;background-color: #ccffcc;text-decoration: none;"); } // insert <del> styles foreach(XDoc del in feed[".//del"]) { del.Attr("style", "color: #990000;background-color: #ffcccc;text-decoration: none;"); } return new Tuplet<MimeType, XDoc>(mime, feed); }
private XAtomFeed ConvertSearchResultsToOpenSearchAtom(XDoc luceneResults, string query, uint limit, uint offset, string format) { string luceneNamespace = "dekilucene"; int totalResults = 100000; bool firstPage = offset < limit; bool lastPage = luceneResults["document"].ToList().Count == 0 ? true : false; XUri searchUri = DekiContext.Current.ApiUri.At("site", "opensearch").With("q", query).With("format", format); XUri self = searchUri.With("offset", Convert.ToString(offset)).With("limit", Convert.ToString(limit)); XAtomFeed feed = new XAtomFeed("MindTouch Search", self, DateTime.Now); feed.UsePrefix("opensearch", ""); feed.UsePrefix(luceneNamespace, ""); feed.UsePrefix("relevance", ""); feed.AddAuthor("MindTouch Core", null, string.Empty); feed.Id = self; feed.Elem("dekilucene:parsedQuery", luceneResults["parsedQuery"].AsText); // HACKHACKHACK show a fake <totalResults> until we run out if(!lastPage) { feed.Elem("opensearch:totalResults", totalResults); } if(offset >= limit) feed.Elem("opensearch:startIndex", offset); feed.Elem("opensearch:itemsPerPage", limit); feed.Start("opensearch:Query") .Attr("role", "request") .Attr("searchTerms", XUri.Encode(query)) .Attr("startPage", "1") .End(); feed.Start("link") .Attr("rel", "alternate") .Attr("type", MimeType.HTML.ToString()) .Attr("href", DekiContext.Current.UiUri.At("Special:Search").With("search", query).With("search", query).With("format", "html").With("limit", limit).With("offset", offset)) .End(); feed.Start("link") .Attr("rel", "search") .Attr("type", "application/opensearchdescription+xml") .Attr("href", DekiContext.Current.ApiUri.At("site", "opensearch", "description")) .End(); feed.Start("link") .Attr("rel", "first") .Attr("href", searchUri.With("offset", Convert.ToString(0)).With("limit", Convert.ToString(limit))) .Attr("type", MimeType.ATOM.ToString()) .End(); if(!firstPage) { feed.Start("link") .Attr("rel", "previous") .Attr("href", searchUri.With("offset", Convert.ToString(offset - limit)).With("limit", Convert.ToString(limit))) .Attr("type", MimeType.ATOM.ToString()) .End(); } if(!lastPage) { feed.Start("link") .Attr("rel", "next") .Attr("href", searchUri.With("offset", Convert.ToString(offset + limit)).With("limit", Convert.ToString(limit))) .Attr("type", MimeType.ATOM.ToString()) .End(); } if(!lastPage) { feed.Start("link") .Attr("rel", "last") .Attr("href", searchUri.With("offset", Convert.ToString(totalResults - limit)).With("limit", Convert.ToString(limit))) .Attr("type", MimeType.ATOM.ToString()) .End(); } var homepageId = DekiContext.Current.Instance.HomePageId; foreach(XDoc document in luceneResults["document"]) { var currentNode = feed.AsXmlNode; try { bool isPageChild = false; DateTime edited = DbUtils.ToDateTime(document["date.edited"].AsText); XAtomEntry entry = feed.StartEntry(document["title"].AsText, edited, edited); entry.Start("link") .Attr("href", document["uri"].AsUri) .End(); entry.Id = document["uri"].AsUri; entry.AddContent(StringUtil.EncodeHtmlEntities(document["preview"].AsText, Encoding.ASCII, false)); entry.Elem("relevance:score", document["score"].AsText); entry.Elem("dekilucene:size", document["size"].AsText); entry.Elem("dekilucene:wordcount", document["wordcount"].AsText); entry.Elem("dekilucene:path", document["path"].AsText); if(!document["id.file"].IsEmpty) { entry.Elem("dekilucene:id.file", document["id.file"].AsText); isPageChild = true; } else if(!document["id.comment"].IsEmpty) { entry.Elem("dekilucene:id.comment", document["id.comment"].AsText); isPageChild = true; } var pageId = document[""].AsUInt ?? 0; if(!isPageChild) { entry.Elem("", pageId); } if(pageId != homepageId) { uint parentPageId; string parentPath; string parentTitle; if(isPageChild) { parentPageId = pageId; parentPath = document["path"].AsText; parentTitle = document[""].AsText; } else { parentPageId = document["id.parent"].AsUInt ?? 0; parentPath = document["path.parent"].AsText; parentTitle = document["title.parent"].AsText; } if(parentPath != null && parentTitle != null) { var title = Title.FromPrefixedDbPath(parentPath, parentTitle); entry.Start("dekilucene:page.parent") .Attr("id", parentPageId) .Attr("path", title.AsPrefixedDbPath()) .Attr("title", title.AsUserFriendlyName()) .Attr("href", DekiContext.Current.ApiUri.At("pages", parentPageId.ToString())) .End(); } } } catch(Exception e) { _log.Warn("found invalid data in search result. Likely a sign of a corrupted index. Skipping record", e); } finally { feed.End(currentNode); } } return feed; }