protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA) { System.Reflection.Assembly assembly = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo fvi = System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(assembly.Location); string version = fvi.FileVersion; Rhino.RhinoApp.WriteLine("Minimal surface component, version " + version); Rhino.RhinoApp.WriteLine("GPLv3 licensed, source:"); Rhino.RhinoApp.WriteLine("Copyright Mathias Fuchs 2020 - 2021,"); // the input curve Curve tc = null; Curve tc2 = null; int vertical = 0; int around = 0; int degree = 0; double angle = 0; bool flip = false; DA.GetData(0, ref tc); DA.GetData(1, ref tc2); DA.GetData(2, ref vertical); DA.GetData(3, ref around); DA.GetData(4, ref degree); DA.GetData(5, ref angle); DA.GetData(6, ref flip); if (tc == null || !tc.IsValid || !tc.IsClosed) { this.AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning, "First input curve is either unvalid or not closed!"); return; } if (tc2 == null || !tc2.IsValid || !tc2.IsClosed) { this.AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning, "Second input curve is either unvalid or not closed!"); return; } Curve _targetCurve = tc; Curve _targetCurve2 = tc2; // number of control points, tells about the complexity of the curve int nrCont = _targetCurve.ToNurbsCurve().Points.Count; int crDeg = _targetCurve.Degree; int idealDegree = nrCont * crDeg; int _degree = Math.Min(Math.Max(10, idealDegree), 50); // number of boundary subdivisions int _n = 23 * _degree; int nrCont2 = _targetCurve2.ToNurbsCurve().Points.Count; int crDeg2 = _targetCurve2.Degree; int idealDegree2 = nrCont2 * crDeg2; int _degree2 = Math.Min(Math.Max(10, idealDegree2), 50); int _n2 = 23 * _degree2; int deg; if (degree == 0) { deg = Math.Max(_degree, _degree2); } else { deg = degree; } double[] t = _targetCurve.DivideByCount(_n, true); var _targetPoints = Enumerable.Range(0, _n).Select(i => _targetCurve.PointAt(flip ? 1 - t[i] : t[i])).ToList(); double[] t2 = _targetCurve2.DivideByCount(_n2, true); var _targetPoints2 = Enumerable.Range(0, _n2).Select(i => _targetCurve2.PointAt(t2[(i + (int)((double)_n2 * (angle / 2 * Math.PI))) % _n2])).ToList(); double R1 = 0.5; double R2 = 1.5; // now, do the actual work and compute the three complex polynomials // ok, let's get the coefficients List <double> xs1 = _targetPoints.Select(o => o.X).ToList(); // 1 ms List <double> xs2 = _targetPoints2.Select(o => o.X).ToList(); // 1 ms // LaplaceData kx = new LaplaceData(xs1, deg); <-- if it's just one curve AnnularLaplaceData akx = new AnnularLaplaceData(xs1, R1, xs2, R2, deg); List <double> ys1 = _targetPoints.Select(o => o.Y).ToList(); // 1 ms List <double> ys2 = _targetPoints2.Select(o => o.Y).ToList(); // 1 ms // LaplaceData ky = new LaplaceData(ys1, deg); AnnularLaplaceData aky = new AnnularLaplaceData(ys1, R1, ys2, R2, deg); List <double> zs1 = _targetPoints.Select(o => o.Z).ToList(); // 1 ms List <double> zs2 = _targetPoints2.Select(o => o.Z).ToList(); // 1 ms // LaplaceData kkz = new LaplaceData(zs1, deg); AnnularLaplaceData akkz = new AnnularLaplaceData(zs1, R1, zs2, R2, deg); var MM = UncappedCylinder(around, vertical); var mvl = MM.Vertices.Select(pp => { var x = pp.X; var y = pp.Y; var z = pp.Z; var f = (R1 + z * (R2 - R1)) / Math.Sqrt(x * x + y * y); var p = new Point2d(f * x, f * y); return(new Point3d(akx.eval(p), aky.eval(p), akkz.eval(p))); }); var MMM = new Mesh(); MMM.Vertices.Capacity = MM.Vertices.Count; // bottleneck ... so here, parallelization would be nice but the .AddVertices method can not deal with a parallel queryable, so it is not clear how to parallelize this. MMM.Vertices.AddVertices(mvl); // also bottleneck MMM.Faces.Capacity = MM.Faces.Count; MMM.Faces.AddFaces(MM.Faces); if (MMM.Faces.GetClashingFacePairs(1).Any()) { this.AddRuntimeMessage( GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning, "The resulting mesh has self-intersections. Modifying the rotation angle and flip switch input parameters can solve this."); } DA.SetData(0, MMM); }
protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA) {// the input curve Curve tc = null; Curve tc2 = null; int vertical = 0; int around = 0; int degree = 0; double angle = 0; bool flip = false; DA.GetData(0, ref tc); DA.GetData(1, ref tc2); DA.GetData(2, ref vertical); DA.GetData(3, ref around); DA.GetData(4, ref degree); DA.GetData(5, ref angle); DA.GetData(6, ref flip); if (tc == null || !tc.IsValid || !tc.IsClosed) { this.AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning, "First input curve is either unvalid or not closed!"); return; } if (tc2 == null || !tc2.IsValid || !tc2.IsClosed) { this.AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning, "Second input curve is either unvalid or not closed!"); return; } Curve _targetCurve = tc; Curve _targetCurve2 = tc2; // number of control points, tells about the complexity of the curve int nrCont = _targetCurve.ToNurbsCurve().Points.Count; int crDeg = _targetCurve.Degree; int idealDegree = nrCont * crDeg; int _degree = Math.Min(Math.Max(10, idealDegree), 50); // number of boundary subdivisions int _n = 23 * _degree; int nrCont2 = _targetCurve2.ToNurbsCurve().Points.Count; int crDeg2 = _targetCurve2.Degree; int idealDegree2 = nrCont2 * crDeg2; int _degree2 = Math.Min(Math.Max(10, idealDegree2), 50); int _n2 = 23 * _degree2; int deg; if (degree == 0) { deg = Math.Max(_degree, _degree2); } else { deg = degree; } double[] t = _targetCurve.DivideByCount(_n, true); var _targetPoints = Enumerable.Range(0, _n).Select(i => _targetCurve.PointAt(flip ? 1 - t[i] : t[i])).ToList(); double[] t2 = _targetCurve2.DivideByCount(_n2, true); var _targetPoints2 = Enumerable.Range(0, _n2).Select(i => _targetCurve2.PointAt(t2[(i + (int)((double)_n2 * (angle / 2 * Math.PI))) % _n2])).ToList(); double R1 = 0.5; double R2 = 1.5; // now, do the actual work and compute the three complex polynomials // ok, let's get the coefficients List <double> xs1 = _targetPoints.Select(o => o.X).ToList(); // 1 ms List <double> xs2 = _targetPoints2.Select(o => o.X).ToList(); // 1 ms // LaplaceData kx = new LaplaceData(xs1, deg); <-- if it's just one curve AnnularLaplaceData akx = new AnnularLaplaceData(xs1, R1, xs2, R2, deg); List <double> ys1 = _targetPoints.Select(o => o.Y).ToList(); // 1 ms List <double> ys2 = _targetPoints2.Select(o => o.Y).ToList(); // 1 ms // LaplaceData ky = new LaplaceData(ys1, deg); AnnularLaplaceData aky = new AnnularLaplaceData(ys1, R1, ys2, R2, deg); List <double> zs1 = _targetPoints.Select(o => o.Z).ToList(); // 1 ms List <double> zs2 = _targetPoints2.Select(o => o.Z).ToList(); // 1 ms // LaplaceData kkz = new LaplaceData(zs1, deg); AnnularLaplaceData akkz = new AnnularLaplaceData(zs1, R1, zs2, R2, deg); var MM = UncappedCylinder(around, vertical); var Cyl = MM.DuplicateMesh(); // bottleneck // can't be done with MM.Vertices.GetEnumerator() I guess for (int ii = 0; ii < MM.Vertices.Count; ii++) { var x = MM.Vertices[ii].X; var y = MM.Vertices[ii].Y; var z = MM.Vertices[ii].Z; var f = (R1 + z * (R2 - R1)) / Math.Sqrt(x * x + y * y); var p = new Point2d(f * x, f * y); MM.Vertices.SetVertex(ii, akx.eval(p), aky.eval(p), akkz.eval(p)); } DA.SetData(0, MM); DA.SetData(1, Enumerable.Range(0, Cyl.Vertices.Count).Average( ii => { var x = Cyl.Vertices[ii].X; var y = Cyl.Vertices[ii].Y; var z = Cyl.Vertices[ii].Z; var f = (R1 + z * (R2 - R1)) / Math.Sqrt(x * x + y * y); var p = new Point2d(f * x, f * y); var gg = Math.Pow( akx.drtimesdtheta(p) + aky.drtimesdtheta(p) + akkz.drtimesdtheta(p), 2); return(gg); } ) ); }