private void btnSaveChanges(object sender, EventArgs e) { context.SaveChanges(); }
private void btnPost_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string date = this.dtmShiftStart.Text.ToString(); //string starttime = this.mtxtStartTime.Text.ToString(); //string stoptime = this.mtxtStopTime.Text.ToString(); string starttime = dtStart.Value.ToString(); string stoptime = dtStop.Value.ToString(); DateTime dts = DateTime.Parse(starttime); DateTime dtss = DateTime.Parse(stoptime); DateTime dtvstart = Convert.ToDateTime(date + " " + dts.TimeOfDay); DateTime dtvstop = Convert.ToDateTime(date + " " + dtss.TimeOfDay); TimeSpan hrbooked = dtss - dts; //DateTime dtStartTimeValue = dtStart.Text; var just_date = dtvstart.Date; //DateTime dt1start = DateTime.ParseExact(date + " " + starttime, "M/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); var timecheck = from mu in context.mill_Mills_Utilization where cmbMill.Text == mu.Mill_ID && dtStart.Value <mu.Shift_Stop_Time && dtStop.Value> mu.Shift_Start_Time select new { mu.Mills_Utilization_ID, mu.Mill_ID, mu.Shift_Start_Time, mu.Shift_Stop_Time }; if (timecheck.Count() == 0) { if (dtStart.Value <= dtStop.Value) { if (hrbooked.TotalHours <= 24) { if (cmbCategory.SelectedItem != null) { using (Model1 record = new Model1()) { mill_Mills_Utilization rec = new mill_Mills_Utilization(); { rec.Mill_ID = cmbMill.Text; rec.gl_cmp_key = cmbCompany.Text; rec.sf_plant_key = cmbPlant.Text; rec.Start_Time = dts; rec.Stop_Time = dtss; rec.Memo = rtxtMemo.Text; rec.System = cmbSystem.Text; rec.Shift = cmbShift.Text; rec.Shift_Category = cmbCategory.Text; rec.Run_Code = cmbRunCode.Text; rec.Shift_Start_Date = dtStart.Value; rec.Shift_Start_Time = dtvstart; rec.Shift_Stop_Time = dtvstop; rec.Mill_temp = Decimal.Parse(mtxtTemp.Text); rec.D10 = Decimal.Parse(mtxtD10.Text); rec.D50 = Decimal.Parse(mtxtD50.Text); rec.D90 = Decimal.Parse(mtxtD90.Text); rec.D98 = Decimal.Parse(mtxtD98.Text); rec.Item_Number = txtItemNo.Text; rec.Mill_Hours_Booked = hrbooked; rec.SO_Number = Int32.Parse(txtSONumber.Text); rec.sa_user_key = Program.GetUser(); rec.Created_by = Program.GetUser(); rec.Created_date = DateTime.Now; record.mill_Mills_Utilization.Add(rec); record.SaveChanges(); context.mill_Mills_Utilization.ToList(); string company = cmbCompany.Text; string plant = cmbPlant.Text; var query = from mu in context.mill_Mills_Utilization orderby mu.Mills_Utilization_ID descending where mu.gl_cmp_key == company && mu.sf_plant_key == plant select mu; bs.DataSource = query.ToList(); dgvMillUtil.DataSource = bs; } } } else { ttCategory.Show("Category cannot be blank. Please Pick a Category", cmbCategory, 0, 25); } } else { tt24.Show("Time Span cannot be greater then 24 hours. Please check start and top time", dtStop, 0, 25); } } else { ttTime.Show("Start time cannot be greater then Stop Time", dtStart, 0, 25); } } else { ttDuplicateMillShift.Show("Shift for this Mill already exisits, please change time or mill", btnPost, 0, 25); } }