コード例 #1
ファイル: Reader.cs プロジェクト: shobaravi/mikeshewrapper
        public Dictionary<string, IWell> WellsForNovana(bool Lithology, bool WaterLevel, bool Chemistry, bool OnlyRo)
            string[] NotExtractionPurpose = new string[] { "A", "G", "I", "J", "L", "R", "U", "M", "P"};

              string[] ExtractionUse = new string[]{"C","V","VA","VD","VH","VI","VM","VP","VV"};
              string[] NotExtractionUse = new string[] { "A", "G", "I", "J", "L", "R", "U", "M", "P"};

              Dictionary<string, IWell> Wells = new Dictionary<string, IWell>();
              //Construct the data set
              if (WaterLevel)

              if (Lithology)
              if (Chemistry)

            JXL.ReadWells(false, WaterLevel);

              JupiterWell CurrentWell;
              IIntake CurrentIntake;

              //Loop the wells
              foreach (var Boring in JXL.BOREHOLE)
            CurrentWell = new JupiterWell(Boring.BOREHOLENO);
            Wells.Add(Boring.BOREHOLENO, CurrentWell);

            if (!Boring.IsXUTMNull())
            CurrentWell.X = Boring.XUTM;
              else //If no x set x to 0!
            CurrentWell.X = 0;

              if (!Boring.IsYUTMNull())
            CurrentWell.Y = Boring.YUTM;
            CurrentWell.Y = 0;

              CurrentWell.Description = Boring.LOCATION;
              CurrentWell.Terrain = Boring.ELEVATION;

              CurrentWell.UsedForExtraction = true;

            //Hvis USE er noget andet end indvinding
              if (NotExtractionUse.Contains(Boring.USE.ToUpper()))
            CurrentWell.UsedForExtraction = false;

            //Hvis den er oprettet med et andet formål og USE ikke er sat til indvinding er det ikke en indvindingsboring
              if (NotExtractionPurpose.Contains(Boring.PURPOSE.ToUpper()) & !ExtractionUse.Contains(Boring.USE.ToUpper()))
            CurrentWell.UsedForExtraction = false;

              //Loop the lithology
              foreach (var Lith in Boring.GetLITHSAMPRows())
            Lithology L = new Lithology();
            L.Bottom = Lith.BOTTOM;
            L.Top = Lith.TOP;
            L.RockSymbol = Lith.ROCKSYMBOL;
            L.RockType = Lith.ROCKTYPE;
            L.TotalDescription = Lith.TOTALDESCR;

              //Reads in chemistry
              foreach (var Chem in Boring.GetGRWCHEMSAMPLERows())
            foreach (var analysis in Chem.GetGRWCHEMANALYSISRows())
              ChemistrySample C = new ChemistrySample();
              C.SampleDate = Chem.SAMPLEDATE;
              C.CompoundNo = analysis.COMPOUNDNO;
              C.Amount = analysis.AMOUNT;
              C.Unit = analysis.UNIT;
              C.CompoundName = JXL.COMPOUNDLIST.FindByCOMPOUNDNO(C.CompoundNo).LONG_TEXT;

            //Loop the intakes
            foreach (var Intake in Boring.GetINTAKERows())
              CurrentIntake = CurrentWell.AddNewIntake(Intake.INTAKENO);

              //Loop the screens. One intake can in special cases have multiple screens
              foreach (var ScreenData in Intake.GetSCREENRows())
            Screen CurrentScreen = new Screen(CurrentIntake);
            CurrentScreen.DepthToTop = ScreenData.TOP;
            CurrentScreen.DepthToBottom = ScreenData.BOTTOM;
            CurrentScreen.Number = ScreenData.SCREENNO;
              }//Screen loop

              //Read in the water levels
              foreach (var WatLev in Intake.GetWATLEVELRows())
            ((JupiterIntake)CurrentIntake).RefPoint = WatLev.REFPOINT;
            FillInWaterLevel(CurrentIntake, WatLev);

            }//Intake loop

              }//Bore loop
              return Wells;
コード例 #2
ファイル: Reader.cs プロジェクト: shobaravi/mikeshewrapper
        public IEnumerable<JupiterIntake> AddDataForNovanaExtraction(IEnumerable<Plant> Plants, DateTime StartDate, DateTime EndDate)
            NovanaTables.IntakeCommonDataTable DT2 = new NovanaTables.IntakeCommonDataTable();
              NovanaTables.IndvindingerDataTable DT1 = new NovanaTables.IndvindingerDataTable();
              NovanaTables.IndvindingerRow CurrentRow;

              List<JupiterIntake> _intakes = new List<JupiterIntake>();

              //Make sure all the necessary data have been read.
              if (JXL.ReducedRead)
            JXL.ReadWells(false, false);

              //Loop the plants
              foreach (Plant P in Plants)
            var anlaeg = JXL.DRWPLANT.FindByPLANTID(P.IDNumber);

            //Loop the wells
            foreach (IWell IW in P.PumpingWells)
              var wellData=JXL.BOREHOLE.FindByBOREHOLENO(IW.ID);
              //Construct a JupiterWell
              JupiterWell Jw = new JupiterWell(IW);
              //Loop the intakes
              foreach (IIntake I in Jw.Intakes)
            //If the plant does not use all intakes in a well we should not print it
            if (null!=P.PumpingIntakes.FirstOrDefault(var=> var.Intake.IDNumber.Equals(I.IDNumber) & var.Intake.well.ID.Equals(Jw.ID)))
              var intakedata = wellData.GetINTAKERows().FirstOrDefault(var => var.INTAKENO == I.IDNumber);
              JupiterIntake CurrentIntake = I as JupiterIntake;
              CurrentIntake.Data = DT2.NewIntakeCommonRow();
              //Read generic data
              CurrentRow = DT1.NewIndvindingerRow();

              //Construct novana id
              string NovanaID = P.IDNumber + "_" + CurrentIntake.well.ID.Replace(" ", "") + "_" + CurrentIntake.IDNumber;

              CurrentRow.NOVANAID = NovanaID;
              CurrentIntake.Data["NOVANAID"] = NovanaID;
              CurrentRow.JUPDTMK = -999;

              FillPlantDataIntoDataRow(CurrentRow, anlaeg, P, StartDate, EndDate);

              //Aktiv periode
              var plantintake = anlaeg.GetDRWPLANTINTAKERows().FirstOrDefault(var => var.BOREHOLENO == Jw.ID & var.INTAKENO == I.IDNumber);
              NovanaTables.IntakeCommonRow TIC = CurrentIntake.Data as NovanaTables.IntakeCommonRow;

              CurrentRow.FRAAAR = 1000;
              int nextyear;
              if (!plantintake.IsSTARTDATENull())
                CurrentRow.INTSTDATE = plantintake.STARTDATE;
                CurrentRow.FRAAAR = Math.Max(CurrentRow.FRAAAR, GetFraAar(plantintake.STARTDATE));
              if (!wellData.IsDRILENDATENull())
                CurrentRow.FRAAAR = Math.Max(CurrentRow.FRAAAR, GetFraAar(wellData.DRILENDATE));

              if (!TIC.IsINTSTDATE2Null())
                CurrentRow.FRAAAR = Math.Max(CurrentRow.FRAAAR, GetFraAar(TIC.INTSTDATE2));

              CurrentRow.TILAAR = 9999;
              if (!plantintake.IsENDDATENull())
                CurrentRow.INTENDDATE = plantintake.ENDDATE;
                CurrentRow.TILAAR = Math.Min(CurrentRow.TILAAR, GetTilAar(plantintake.ENDDATE));
              if (!wellData.IsABANDONDATNull())
                CurrentRow.TILAAR = Math.Min(CurrentRow.TILAAR, GetTilAar(wellData.ABANDONDAT));
              if (!TIC.IsINTENDATE2Null())
                CurrentRow.TILAAR = Math.Min(CurrentRow.TILAAR, GetTilAar(TIC.INTENDATE2));

              //Do not include the intake if it is not active within the given period.
              if (CurrentRow.FRAAAR > EndDate.Year || CurrentRow.TILAAR < StartDate.Year)

              //Add a blank string to ensure length of column
              DT2.Rows[0]["Comment"] = "                                                   ";
              DT2.Rows[0]["OK_KOMMENT"] = "                                                   ";

              return _intakes;