コード例 #1
 private async Task LoadLayout(ProcessorModel model, WorkItemTypeModel wit, AzureDevOpsEndpoint endpoint, string processId)
     wit.Layout = (await endpoint.GetApiDefinitionAsync <WorkItemLayout>(new object[] { processId, wit.WorkItemType.ReferenceName }, queryForDetails: false));
     foreach (var page in wit.Layout.Pages)
         var pageKey = $"{wit.WorkItemType.ReferenceName}::{page.Label}";
         if (model.WorkItemPages.ContainsKey(pageKey))
             model.WorkItemPages[pageKey] = page;
             model.WorkItemPages.Add(pageKey, page);
         foreach (var section in page.Sections)
             foreach (var group in section.Groups)
                 var groupKey = $"{wit.WorkItemType.ReferenceName}::{page.Label}::{section.Id}::{group.Label}";
                 if (model.WorkItemGroups.ContainsKey(groupKey))
                     model.WorkItemGroups[groupKey] = group;
                     model.WorkItemGroups.Add(groupKey, group);
                 foreach (var control in group.Controls)
                     var controlKey = $"{wit.WorkItemType.ReferenceName}::{page.Label}::{section.Id}::{group.Label}::{control.Id}";
                     if (model.WorkItemControls.ContainsKey(controlKey))
                         model.WorkItemControls[controlKey] = control;
                         model.WorkItemControls.Add(controlKey, control);
コード例 #2
        private async Task SyncWorkItemType(WorkItemTypeModel sourceWit, string processId)
            var targetWit = TargetModel.WorkItemTypes.ContainsKey(sourceWit.WorkItemType.Id) ? TargetModel.WorkItemTypes[sourceWit.WorkItemType.Id] : new();

            targetWit.WorkItemType = await Target.SyncDefinition(sourceWit.WorkItemType, targetWit.WorkItemType, processId);

            foreach (var state in sourceWit.States.Where(x => x.CustomizationType == "custom"))
                if (state.StateCategory == "Completed")
                    Log.LogWarning("Cannot modify [Completed] category on work item state [{0}] on wit type [{1}].", state.Name, sourceWit.WorkItemType.ReferenceName);
                    await SyncDefinitionType <WorkItemState>(
                        TargetModel.WorkItemStates, state,
                        TargetModel.WorkItemStates.Values.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == state.Name),
                        processId, targetWit.WorkItemType.ReferenceName);
            foreach (var field in sourceWit.Fields)
                var existingField = TargetModel.WorkItemFields.Values.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ReferenceName == field.ReferenceName);
                //if (existingField == null || (existingField != null && field.Customization != "system")) // I don't think you can modify
                await SyncDefinitionType <WorkItemTypeField>(
                    processId, targetWit.WorkItemType.ReferenceName);

            foreach (var rule in sourceWit.Rules)
                await SyncDefinitionType <WorkItemRule>(
                    TargetModel.WorkItemRules.Values.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == rule.Name),
                    processId, targetWit.WorkItemType.ReferenceName);
            foreach (var behavior in sourceWit.Behaviors)
                await SyncDefinitionType <WorkItemTypeBehavior>(
                    targetWit.Behaviors.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == behavior.Id),
                    processId, targetWit.WorkItemType.ReferenceName);

            #region Sync Pages ...
            // Making sure the pages themselves are in sync is not too hard.. let's do them first
            foreach (var page in sourceWit.Layout.Pages)
                var targetPage = targetWit.Layout.Pages
                                 .FirstOrDefault(x => x.Label.Equals(page.Label, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));

                await SyncDefinitionType <WorkItemPage>(
                    page, targetPage,
                    processId, targetWit.WorkItemType.ReferenceName);

            #region Sync Sections and Groups ...
            // Now that we know all the target pages are present we can iterate over what resides on pages..
            // A page's constituent parts is a little more difficult because you need to support an existing
            // group or control that has moved pages, sections or groups

            foreach (var sourcePage in sourceWit.Layout.Pages)
                var targetPage = targetWit.Layout.Pages
                                 .FirstOrDefault(x => x.Label.Equals(sourcePage.Label, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));

                foreach (var sourceSection in sourcePage.Sections)
                    foreach (var sourceGroup in sourceSection.Groups)
                        var sourceGroupKey = $"{sourceWit.WorkItemType.ReferenceName}::{sourcePage.Label}::{sourceSection.Id}::{sourceGroup.Label}";
                        // first let's see if the target has any inherited group for this source group ..
                        // It will have a group.inherits != null/"" if it is inherited.. you can edit "system" groups
                        if (!sourceGroup.Inherited) // It's a custom group
                            // look for the group on the flattened set of groups.. remember flat groups are keyed on $"{wit.ReferenceName}::{page.Label}::{section.Id}::{group.Label}"
                            var existingGroup = TargetModel.WorkItemGroups.Select(x => new { x.Key, x.Value })
                                                .FirstOrDefault(x =>
                                                                x.Key.StartsWith($"{targetWit.WorkItemType.ReferenceName}::") &&
                                                                x.Value.Label.Equals(sourceGroup.Label, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));

                            if (existingGroup != null)
                                WorkItemGroup finalTargetGroup = null;
                                WorkItemPage  finalTargetPage  = null;
                                // here we know the group exists.. we need to check if its on the same page
                                if (sourceGroupKey.Equals(existingGroup.Key, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                                    // It's on the same page/section.. no need to move
                                    Log.LogInformation("Target group [{0}:{1}] located on same page/section. Skipping group location sync..", targetPage.Label, existingGroup.Value.Label);
                                    finalTargetPage  = targetPage;
                                    finalTargetGroup = existingGroup.Value;
                                    // It's on a different page or section.. we need to move it .. but how can we tell
                                    // if it moved to a different page or just a different section? We split and compare
                                    var sourceSplit   = sourceGroupKey.Split("::".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                                    var existingSplit = existingGroup.Key.Split("::".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                                    var existingPage  = targetWit.Layout.Pages.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Label.Equals(existingSplit[1]));

                                    if (sourceSplit[1].Equals(existingSplit[1], StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                                        // Its on the same page.. it must be section change.. lets move it to the new section
                                        var tempTargetGroup = existingGroup.Value.CloneAsNew();
                                        tempTargetGroup.Id = existingGroup.Value.Id;
                                        if (await Target.MoveWorkItemGroupWithinPage(
                                                tempTargetGroup, processId, sourceWit.WorkItemType.ReferenceName,
                                                targetPage.Id, sourceSplit[2], existingSplit[2]))
                                            Log.LogInformation("Target group [{0}] located on same page but different section. Moved from [{1}] to [{2}] ..", sourceGroup.Label, sourceSplit[2], existingSplit[2]);
                                            Log.LogError("Target group [{0}] located on same page but different section. Unable to move from [{1}] to [{2}] ..", sourceGroup.Label, sourceSplit[2], existingSplit[2]);
                                        finalTargetPage  = existingPage;
                                        finalTargetGroup = tempTargetGroup;
                                        // Its on a different page .. lets move pages
                                        var tempTargetGroup = existingGroup.Value.CloneAsNew();
                                        tempTargetGroup.Id = existingGroup.Value.Id;
                                        if (await Target.MoveWorkItemGroupToNewPage(
                                                tempTargetGroup, processId, targetWit.WorkItemType.ReferenceName,
                                                targetPage.Id, sourceSplit[2], existingPage.Id, existingSplit[2]))
                                            Log.LogInformation("Target group located on different page. Moved from [{0}:{1}] to [{2}:{3}] ..", sourceSplit[1], sourceSplit[2], existingSplit[1], existingSplit[2]);
                                            Log.LogError("Target group located on different page. Unable to move from [{0}:{1}] to [{2}:{3}]!", existingSplit[1], existingSplit[2], targetPage.Label, sourceSplit[2]);
                                        finalTargetPage  = existingPage;
                                        finalTargetGroup = tempTargetGroup;

                                // TODO Finish this!
                                // Iterate through the source controls and make sure the target has all the controls from source
                                foreach (var sourceControl in sourceGroup.Controls)
                                    if (sourceControl.ControlType == "HtmlFieldControl")
                                        Log.LogWarning("Skipped HTML control sync [{0}] as it should have already been migrated as part of the group sync.", sourceControl.Label);
                                        // Let's see if we can't find the control already present in the "final target"
                                        var targetControl = finalTargetGroup.Controls.FirstOrDefault(ctl => ctl.Id.Equals(sourceControl.Id, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));

                                        if (targetControl == null)
                                            // Let's see if its in another group perhaps.. if so we might want to move it.. that would imply that the group it was in is no longer
                                            WorkItemGroup oldGroup = null;
                                            foreach (var tempSection in finalTargetPage.Sections)
                                                oldGroup = tempSection.Groups.FirstOrDefault(g => g.Controls.Any(c => c.Id.Equals(sourceControl.Id, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)));
                                                if (oldGroup != null)

                                            if (oldGroup == null) // It must be a new control
                                                if (await Target.AddWorkItemControlToGroup(sourceControl.CloneAsNew(), processId, sourceWit.WorkItemType.ReferenceName, finalTargetGroup.Id, sourceControl.Id))
                                                    Log.LogInformation("Attached control [{0}] to group [{1}].", sourceControl.Label, finalTargetGroup.Label);
                                                    Log.LogError("Failed to attach control [{0}] to new group [{1}]!", sourceControl.Label, finalTargetGroup.Label);
                                                // It must be control movement between groups
                                                if (await Target.MoveWorkItemControlToOtherGroup(sourceControl.CloneAsNew(), processId, sourceWit.WorkItemType.ReferenceName, finalTargetGroup.Id, sourceControl.Id, oldGroup.Id))
                                                    Log.LogInformation("Moved control [{0}] from [{1}] to existing group [{2}].", sourceControl.Id, oldGroup.Label, finalTargetGroup.Label);
                                                    Log.LogError("Failed to move control [{0}] from [{1}] to existing group [{2}].", sourceControl.Id, oldGroup.Label, finalTargetGroup.Label);
                                                Log.LogInformation("Target already contains control [{0}] in proper group [{1}].", sourceControl.Label, finalTargetGroup.Label);
                                // Target doesn't have the group at all
                                WorkItemGroup newGroup = await SyncDefinitionType <WorkItemGroup>(TargetModel.WorkItemGroups, sourceGroup,
                                                                                                  null, processId, sourceWit.WorkItemType.ReferenceName, targetPage.Id, sourceSection.Id);

                                // Add all the controls
                                foreach (var sourceControl in sourceGroup.Controls.Where(c => !c.ControlType.Equals("HtmlFieldControl", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))
                                    if (await Target.AddWorkItemControlToGroup(sourceControl.CloneAsNew(), processId, sourceWit.WorkItemType.ReferenceName, newGroup.Id, sourceControl.Id))
                                        Log.LogInformation("Attached control [{0}] to new group [{1}].", sourceControl.Label, newGroup.Label);
                                        Log.LogError("Failed to attach control [{0}] to new group [{1}]!", sourceControl.Label, newGroup.Label);


            #region Sync Controls ...
            // Let's get a fresh layout from the target, now that we know pages and groups are aligned.
            await LoadLayout(TargetModel, targetWit, Target, processId);

            // At this point all Pages, Sections and Groups should be aligned.. lets sync the controls
            foreach (var sourcePage in sourceWit.Layout.Pages)
                foreach (var sourceSection in sourcePage.Sections)
                    foreach (var sourceGroup in sourceSection.Groups)
                        foreach (var sourceControl in sourceGroup.Controls)
            Log.LogInformation($"Completed sync of work item type [{Source.Options.Name}::{sourceWit.WorkItemType.Name}] in [{Target.Options.Name}::{targetWit.WorkItemType.Name}].");