async void Initialize() { // TODO: Figure out how to verify the transition from // "old table only" to "in migration" to "new table only". // (I don't think this is the biggest risk, but I'm still // interested in verifying it.) // I assume once we do that, the possibility of insertions while // we're in "old table only" will model the ability to start // from a nonempty table. configService = new InMemoryConfigurationService <MTableConfiguration>( MasterMigratingTable.INITIAL_CONFIGURATION); oldTable = new InMemoryTable(); newTable = new InMemoryTable(); referenceTable = new InMemoryTableWithHistory(); #if false // Second partition from the example in: // MTableEntity eMeta = new MTableEntity { PartitionKey = MigrationModel.SINGLE_PARTITION_KEY, RowKey = MigratingTable.ROW_KEY_PARTITION_META, partitionState = MTablePartitionState.SWITCHED, }; MTableEntity e0 = TestUtils.CreateTestMTableEntity("0", "orange"); MTableEntity e1old = TestUtils.CreateTestMTableEntity("1", "red"); MTableEntity e2new = TestUtils.CreateTestMTableEntity("2", "green"); MTableEntity e3old = TestUtils.CreateTestMTableEntity("3", "blue"); MTableEntity e3new = TestUtils.CreateTestMTableEntity("3", "azure"); MTableEntity e4old = TestUtils.CreateTestMTableEntity("4", "yellow"); MTableEntity e4new = TestUtils.CreateTestMTableEntity("4", null, true); var oldBatch = new TableBatchOperation(); oldBatch.InsertOrReplace(eMeta); oldBatch.InsertOrReplace(e0); oldBatch.InsertOrReplace(e1old); oldBatch.InsertOrReplace(e3old); oldBatch.InsertOrReplace(e4old); IList <TableResult> oldTableResult = await oldTable.ExecuteBatchAsync(oldBatch); await ExecuteExportedMirrorBatchAsync(oldBatch, oldTableResult); var newBatch = new TableBatchOperation(); newBatch.InsertOrReplace(e0); newBatch.InsertOrReplace(e2new); newBatch.InsertOrReplace(e3new); newBatch.InsertOrReplace(e4new); IList <TableResult> newTableResult = await newTable.ExecuteBatchAsync(newBatch); // Allow rows to overwrite rather than composing the virtual ETags manually. // InsertOrReplace doesn't use the ETag, so we don't care that the ETag was mutated by the original batch. await ExecuteExportedMirrorBatchAsync(newBatch, newTableResult); #endif // Start with the old table now. var batch = new TableBatchOperation(); batch.InsertOrReplace(TestUtils.CreateTestEntity("0", "orange")); batch.InsertOrReplace(TestUtils.CreateTestEntity("1", "red")); batch.InsertOrReplace(TestUtils.CreateTestEntity("3", "blue")); batch.InsertOrReplace(TestUtils.CreateTestEntity("4", "yellow")); IList <TableResult> oldTableResult = await oldTable.ExecuteBatchAsync(batch); // InsertOrReplace doesn't use the ETag, so we don't care that the ETag was mutated by the original batch. await referenceTable.ExecuteMirrorBatchAsync(batch, oldTableResult); //CreateMonitor(typeof(RunningServiceMachinesMonitor)); for (int i = 0; i < MigrationModel.NUM_SERVICE_MACHINES; i++) { InitializeAppMachine(CreateMachine(typeof(ServiceMachine))); } InitializeAppMachine(CreateMachine(typeof(MigratorMachine))); Send(Id, new TablesMachineInitializedEvent()); }
async Task <IList <TableResult> > ExecuteBatchOnNewTableAsync(MTableConfiguration config, TableBatchOperation batch, TableRequestOptions requestOptions, OperationContext operationContext) { string partitionKey = ChainTableUtils.GetBatchPartitionKey(batch); await EnsurePartitionSwitchedAsync(partitionKey, requestOptions, operationContext); if (config.state <= TableClientState.PREFER_NEW) { await EnsureAffectedRowsMigratedAsync(batch, requestOptions, operationContext); } Attempt: // Batch on new table. var query = GenerateQueryForAffectedRows(batch); IList <MTableEntity> newRows = await newTable.ExecuteQueryAtomicAsync(query, requestOptions, operationContext); Dictionary <string, MTableEntity> newDict = newRows.ToDictionary(ent => ent.RowKey); // NOTE! At this point, the read has not yet been annotated. It is annotated below. var newBatch = new TableBatchOperation(); var inputToNewTableIndexMapping = new List <int?>(); for (int i = 0; i < batch.Count; i++) { TableOperation op = batch[i]; ITableEntity passedEntity = op.GetEntity(); MTableEntity existingEntity = newDict.GetValueOrDefault(passedEntity.RowKey); TableOperation newOp = null; HttpStatusCode?errorCode = null; TranslateOperationForNewTable( op, existingEntity, config.state <= TableClientState.USE_NEW_WITH_TOMBSTONES, ref newOp, ref errorCode); if (errorCode != null) { Debug.Assert(newOp == null); await monitor.AnnotateLastBackendCallAsync(wasLinearizationPoint : true); throw ChainTableUtils.GenerateBatchException(errorCode.Value, i); } if (newOp != null) { inputToNewTableIndexMapping.Add(newBatch.Count); newBatch.Add(newOp); } else { inputToNewTableIndexMapping.Add(null); } } await monitor.AnnotateLastBackendCallAsync(); IList <TableResult> newResults; try { newResults = await newTable.ExecuteBatchAsync(newBatch, requestOptions, operationContext); } catch (ChainTableBatchException) { // XXX: Try to distinguish expected concurrency exceptions from unexpected exceptions? await monitor.AnnotateLastBackendCallAsync(); goto Attempt; } // We made it! var results = new List <TableResult>(); for (int i = 0; i < batch.Count; i++) { ITableEntity passedEntity = batch[i].GetEntity(); int? newTableIndex = inputToNewTableIndexMapping[i]; string newETag = (IsBugEnabled(MTableOptionalBug.TombstoneOutputETag) ? newTableIndex != null : batch[i].GetOperationType() == TableOperationType.Delete) ? null : newResults[newTableIndex.Value].Etag; if (newETag != null) { passedEntity.ETag = newETag; } results.Add(new TableResult { HttpStatusCode = (int)( (batch[i].GetOperationType() == TableOperationType.Insert) ? HttpStatusCode.Created : HttpStatusCode.NoContent), Etag = newETag, Result = passedEntity, }); } await monitor.AnnotateLastBackendCallAsync(wasLinearizationPoint : true, successfulBatchResult : results); return(results); }
async Task ApplyConfigurationAsync(MTableConfiguration newConfig) { using (await LockAsyncBuggable()) { PrimaryKey continuationKey = InternalGetContinuationPrimaryKey(); // ExecuteQueryStreamedAsync validated that mtableQuery has no select or top. TableQuery <MTableEntity> newTableContinuationQuery = (continuationKey == null) ? null : new TableQuery <MTableEntity> { // As in ExecuteQueryAtomicAsync, we have to retrieve all // potential shadowing rows. // XXX: This pays even a bigger penalty for not keeping // conditions on the primary key. But if we were to simply // keep all such conditions, there's a potential to add // more and more continuation filter conditions due to // layering of IChainTable2s, which would lead to some extra // overhead and push us closer to the limit on number of // comparisons. Either try to parse for this or change // ExecuteQueryStreamedAsync to always take a continuation // primary key? FilterString = outer.IsBugEnabled(MTableOptionalBug.QueryStreamedFilterShadowing) ? ChainTableUtils.CombineFilters( ChainTableUtils.GenerateContinuationFilterCondition(continuationKey), TableOperators.And, mtableQuery.FilterString // Could be empty. ) : ChainTableUtils.GenerateContinuationFilterCondition(continuationKey), }; bool justStartedNewStream = false; // Actually, if the query started in state // USE_OLD_HIDE_METADATA, it is API-compliant to continue // returning data from the old table until the migrator starts // deleting it, at which point we switch to the new table. But // some callers may benefit from fresher data, even if it is // never guaranteed, so we go ahead and start the new stream. // XXX: Is this the right decision? if (newConfig.state > TableClientState.USE_OLD_HIDE_METADATA && currentConfig.state <= TableClientState.USE_OLD_HIDE_METADATA && newTableContinuationQuery != null) { newTableStream = await outer.newTable.ExecuteQueryStreamedAsync(newTableContinuationQuery, requestOptions, operationContext); newTableNext = await newTableStream.ReadRowAsync(); justStartedNewStream = true; } if (newConfig.state >= TableClientState.USE_NEW_HIDE_METADATA && currentConfig.state < TableClientState.USE_NEW_HIDE_METADATA) { oldTableStream.Dispose(); oldTableStream = null; oldTableNext = null; // Stop DetermineNextSide from trying to read the old stream. if (!outer.IsBugEnabled(MTableOptionalBug.QueryStreamedBackUpNewStream) && newTableContinuationQuery != null && !justStartedNewStream) { // The new stream could have gotten ahead of the old // stream if rows had not yet been migrated. This // was OK as long as we still planned to read those // rows from the old stream, but now we have to back // up the new stream to where the old stream was. newTableStream.Dispose(); newTableStream = await outer.newTable.ExecuteQueryStreamedAsync(newTableContinuationQuery, requestOptions, operationContext); newTableNext = await newTableStream.ReadRowAsync(); } } if (!outer.IsBugEnabled(MTableOptionalBug.QueryStreamedSaveNewConfig)) { currentConfig = newConfig; } } }
void TranslateOperationForNewTable( TableOperation op, MTableEntity existingEntity, bool leaveTombstones, ref TableOperation newOp, ref HttpStatusCode?errorCode) { ITableEntity passedEntity = op.GetEntity(); TableOperationType opType = op.GetOperationType(); switch (opType) { case TableOperationType.Insert: if (existingEntity == null) { newOp = TableOperation.Insert(ChainTableUtils.CopyEntity <MTableEntity>(passedEntity)); } else if (existingEntity.deleted) { newOp = TableOperation.Replace(ImportWithIfMatch(passedEntity, existingEntity.ETag)); } else { errorCode = HttpStatusCode.Conflict; } break; case TableOperationType.Replace: if ((errorCode = CheckExistingEntity(passedEntity, existingEntity)) == null) { newOp = TableOperation.Replace(ImportWithIfMatch(passedEntity, existingEntity.ETag)); } break; case TableOperationType.Merge: if ((errorCode = CheckExistingEntity(passedEntity, existingEntity)) == null) { newOp = TableOperation.Merge(ImportWithIfMatch(passedEntity, existingEntity.ETag)); } break; case TableOperationType.Delete: string buggablePartitionKey, buggableRowKey; if (IsBugEnabled(MTableOptionalBug.DeletePrimaryKey)) { buggablePartitionKey = buggableRowKey = null; } else { buggablePartitionKey = passedEntity.PartitionKey; buggableRowKey = passedEntity.RowKey; } if (leaveTombstones) { if (passedEntity.ETag == ChainTable2Constants.ETAG_DELETE_IF_EXISTS) { newOp = TableOperation.InsertOrReplace(new MTableEntity { PartitionKey = buggablePartitionKey, RowKey = buggableRowKey, deleted = true }); } else if ((errorCode = CheckExistingEntity(passedEntity, existingEntity)) == null) { newOp = TableOperation.Replace(new MTableEntity { PartitionKey = buggablePartitionKey, RowKey = buggableRowKey, deleted = true, ETag = existingEntity.ETag }); } } else { if (passedEntity.ETag == ChainTable2Constants.ETAG_DELETE_IF_EXISTS) { if (existingEntity != null) { newOp = TableOperation.Delete(new MTableEntity { PartitionKey = buggablePartitionKey, RowKey = buggableRowKey, // It's OK to delete the entity and return success whether or not // the entity is a tombstone by the time it is actually deleted. ETag = IsBugEnabled(MTableOptionalBug.DeleteNoLeaveTombstonesETag) ? null : ChainTable2Constants.ETAG_ANY }); } // Otherwise generate nothing. // FIXME: This is not linearizable! It can also generate empty batches. } else if ((errorCode = CheckExistingEntity(passedEntity, existingEntity)) == null) { // Another client in USE_NEW_WITH_TOMBSTONES could concurrently replace the // entity with a tombstone, in which case we need to return 404 to the caller, // hence this needs to be conditioned on the existing ETag. newOp = TableOperation.Delete(new MTableEntity { PartitionKey = buggablePartitionKey, RowKey = buggableRowKey, ETag = IsBugEnabled(MTableOptionalBug.DeleteNoLeaveTombstonesETag) ? null : existingEntity.ETag }); } } break; case TableOperationType.InsertOrReplace: newOp = TableOperation.InsertOrReplace(ChainTableUtils.CopyEntity <MTableEntity>(passedEntity)); break; case TableOperationType.InsertOrMerge: newOp = TableOperation.InsertOrMerge(ChainTableUtils.CopyEntity <MTableEntity>(passedEntity)); break; default: throw new NotImplementedException(); } }