コード例 #1
        public Message Execute(Message message)
            BLRegister bLRegister = new BLRegister();

            string        login, password, email;
            List <string> groups;

                login    = (string)message.data[0];
                password = (string)message.data[1];
                email    = (string)message.data[2];
                groups   = ((List <string>)message.data[3]);
            catch (Exception)
                logger.Info("Malformed mesage : " + message);
                return(new Message
                    info = "Malformed message",
                    operationStatus = false

            if (bLRegister.IsLoginUsed(login))
                logger.Info("Login already used : \"" + login + "\"");
                return(new Message
                    info = "Login already used : \"" + login + "\"",
                    operationStatus = false

            if (!bLRegister.Register(login, password, email, groups))
                logger.Error("Could not create user : \"" + login + "\"; database error ?");
                return(new Message
                    info = "Could not create user : \"" + login + "\"",
                    operationStatus = false

            BLEmail     blEmail = new BLEmail();
            MailMessage mail    = blEmail.CreateMailMessage("Welcome !", $"Thanks for creating an account {login}");

            blEmail.SendEmail(email, mail);

            logger.Info("Created user : \"" + login + "\"");
            return(new Message
                info = "Created user: \"" + login + "\"",
                operationStatus = true
コード例 #2
ファイル: WODecrypt.cs プロジェクト: COSTEMaxime/ProjetMOM_A4
        public Message Execute(Message message)
            Dictionary <string, byte[]> documents;
            string userLogin;

                userLogin = (string)message.data[0];
                documents = (Dictionary <string, byte[]>)message.data[1];
            catch (Exception)
                return(new Message
                    info = "Malformed message",
                    operationStatus = false

            bool secretFound = false;

            List <Tuple <BLDecrypt, BLJEEMessage> > decryptorsClients = new List <Tuple <BLDecrypt, BLJEEMessage> >();

            foreach (var document in documents)
                decryptorsClients.Add(new Tuple <BLDecrypt, BLJEEMessage>(
                                          new BLDecrypt(document.Key, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(document.Value)),
                                          new BLJEEMessage()

            string guuid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

            SecretFound[guuid] = new EventWaitHandle(false, EventResetMode.AutoReset);
            new Thread(() =>
                secretFound = true;

            int keyCount = BLDecrypt.MinKey;

            while (!secretFound && keyCount < BLDecrypt.MaxKey)
                string key = BLDecrypt.GetKey(keyCount);

                Parallel.ForEach(decryptorsClients, new ParallelOptions {
                    MaxDegreeOfParallelism = WODecrypt.CPuCoreCount
                }, decryptorClient =>
                    string documentDecypher = decryptorClient.Item1.DecypherDocument(key);

                    msg requestMsg = new msg()
                        appToken = "middlewareCSharp",
                        data     = new object[] { decryptorClient.Item1.DocumentName, key, guuid, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(documentDecypher) }

                    _ = decryptorClient.Item2.SendMessageAsync(requestMsg);


            while (!secretFound)
                // active wait
                // TODO: will we ever get a response ?

            // get entry that starts with guuid
            // remove event
            object[] response = horribleList[guuid];

            string documentName, keyResponse, secret;
            float  confidence;

                documentName = (string)message.data[0];
                keyResponse  = (string)message.data[1];
                secret       = (string)message.data[3];
                confidence   = (float)message.data[4];
            catch (Exception)
                return(new Message
                    info = "Malformed message",
                    operationStatus = false

            BLPDF bLPDF = new BLPDF();

            using (Stream stream = bLPDF.GeneratePDF(confidence, documentName, keyResponse, secret))
                BLEmail     bLEmail     = new BLEmail();
                MailMessage mailMessage = bLEmail.CreateMailMessage("Secret found !", "We found the secret message in your documents, please see the attached report.");
                bLEmail.AddAttachment(mailMessage, new Attachment(stream, new ContentType("application / pdf")));

                string userEmail = DAO.GetInstance().GetUserByLogin(userLogin).Email;
                if (!bLEmail.SendEmail(userEmail, mailMessage))
                    return(new Message
                        info = "Could not send an email to the following address : " + userEmail,
                        operationStatus = false

            return(new Message
                operationStatus = true,
                data = response