public static DrugType PickDrug(string catagory) { DrugType selectedDrug = new DrugType("SomethingWent WRong", -1.1, "Something went wrong"); string drug; if (catagory == "stimulants" || catagory == "stimulant" || catagory == "1") { StimulantsDB stims = new StimulantsDB(); drug = PharmView.DrugNameList(stims.DrugName); selectedDrug = stims.DrugName[Validation.ValidDrug(drug)]; PharmView.DrugInfo(selectedDrug); } else if (catagory == "steroids" || catagory == "steroid" || catagory == "2") { SteroidsDB ster = new SteroidsDB(); drug = PharmView.DrugNameList(ster.DrugName); selectedDrug = ster.DrugName[Validation.ValidDrug(drug)]; PharmView.DrugInfo(selectedDrug); } else if (catagory == "depressants" || catagory == "depressant" || catagory == "3") { DepressantDB depr = new DepressantDB(); drug = PharmView.DrugNameList(depr.DrugName); selectedDrug = depr.DrugName[Validation.ValidDrug(drug)]; PharmView.DrugInfo(selectedDrug); } return(selectedDrug); }
private static DrugType AddtoCart(DrugType selectedDrug, int bottleSize) { string input = PharmView.AddToCart(); do { if (input.ToLower() == "y") { selectedDrug.PillCount = bottleSize; Console.WriteLine("Item added to cart"); break; } else if (input.ToLower() == "n") { Console.WriteLine("Item not added to cart"); break; } else { Console.WriteLine("That is not an option."); input = PharmView.AddToCart(); } } while (true); return(selectedDrug); }
public static void DrugInfo(DrugType index) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine($"Name: {index.DrugName}"); Console.WriteLine($"Price: ${index.Price}"); Console.WriteLine($"Drug Information\n{index.DrugInfo}"); }
public static void PharmaStart() { string catagory = " "; DrugType selectedDrug; int bottleSize = 0; double grandTotal = 0; double tax = 0; double subTotal = 0; List <DrugType> Cart = new List <DrugType> { }; do { catagory = PickCatagory(); selectedDrug = PickDrug(catagory); bottleSize = PickPillCount(); DrugType temp = AddtoCart(selectedDrug, bottleSize); if (temp.PillCount != 0) { Cart.Add(temp); } } while (Validation.PurchaseMore()); subTotal = Payment.CalculateSubTotal(Cart); //added tax = Payment.CalculateSalesTaxTotal(subTotal); grandTotal = Payment.CalculateGrandTotal(subTotal, tax); if (Validation.IsCartEmpty(grandTotal)) { Console.WriteLine("Your cart is empty."); } else { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Your total is: {0}", grandTotal.ToString("C", new CultureInfo("en-US"))); paymentType = PharmView.RequestPayment(); selectedPayment = Validation.ValidPayment(paymentType); double change = Payment.MethodOfPayment(grandTotal, selectedPayment); PharmView.Receipt(Cart); PharmView.ReceiptTotal(subTotal, tax, grandTotal, change); } Console.WriteLine("Thank you good bye"); }