internal static void Analyze(LambdaExpression e, PathBox pb) { bool knownEntityType = CommonUtil.IsClientType(e.Body.Type); pb.PushParamExpression(e.Parameters.Last()); if (!knownEntityType) { NonEntityProjectionAnalyzer.Analyze(e.Body, pb); } else { switch (e.Body.NodeType) { case ExpressionType.MemberInit: EntityProjectionAnalyzer.Analyze((MemberInitExpression)e.Body, pb); break; case ExpressionType.New: throw new NotSupportedException(SR.ALinqCannotConstructKnownEntityTypes); case ExpressionType.Constant: throw new NotSupportedException(SR.ALinqCannotCreateConstantEntity); default: NonEntityProjectionAnalyzer.Analyze(e.Body, pb); break; } } pb.PopParamExpression(); }
private EntityProjectionAnalyzer(PathBox pb, Type type) { Debug.Assert(pb != null, "pb != null"); Debug.Assert(type != null, "type != null"); = pb; this.type = type; }
private static void AnalyzeResourceExpression(LambdaExpression lambda, ResourceExpression resource) { PathBox pb = new PathBox(); ProjectionAnalyzer.Analyze(lambda, pb); resource.Projection = new ProjectionQueryOptionExpression(lambda.Body.Type, lambda, pb.ProjectionPaths.ToList()); resource.ExpandPaths = pb.ExpandPaths.Union(resource.ExpandPaths, StringComparer.Ordinal).ToList(); }
internal static void Analyze(MemberInitExpression mie, PathBox pb) { Debug.Assert(mie != null, "mie != null"); var epa = new EntityProjectionAnalyzer(pb, mie.Type); MemberAssignmentAnalysis targetEntityPath = null; foreach (MemberBinding mb in mie.Bindings) { MemberAssignment ma = mb as MemberAssignment; epa.Visit(ma.Expression); if (ma != null) { var analysis = MemberAssignmentAnalysis.Analyze(pb.ParamExpressionInScope, ma.Expression); if (analysis.IncompatibleAssignmentsException != null) { throw analysis.IncompatibleAssignmentsException; } Type targetType = GetMemberType(ma.Member); Expression[] lastExpressions = analysis.GetExpressionsBeyondTargetEntity(); if (lastExpressions.Length == 0) { throw new NotSupportedException(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, SR.ALinqExpressionNotSupportedInProjectionToEntity, targetType, ma.Expression)); } MemberExpression lastExpression = lastExpressions[lastExpressions.Length - 1] as MemberExpression; Debug.Assert( !analysis.MultiplePathsFound, "!analysis.MultiplePathsFound -- the initilizer has been visited, and cannot be empty, and expressions that can combine paths should have thrown exception during initializer analysis"); Debug.Assert( lastExpression != null, "lastExpression != null -- the initilizer has been visited, and cannot be empty, and the only expressions that are allowed can be formed off the parameter, so this is always correlatd"); if (lastExpression != null && (lastExpression.Member.Name != ma.Member.Name)) { throw new NotSupportedException(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, SR.ALinqPropertyNamesMustMatchInProjections, lastExpression.Member.Name, ma.Member.Name)); } analysis.CheckCompatibleAssignments(mie.Type, ref targetEntityPath); bool targetIsEntity = CommonUtil.IsClientType(targetType); bool sourceIsEntity = CommonUtil.IsClientType(lastExpression.Type); if (sourceIsEntity && !targetIsEntity) { throw new NotSupportedException(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, SR.ALinqExpressionNotSupportedInProjection, targetType, ma.Expression)); } } } }
private static void Analyze(MemberInitExpression mie, PathBox pb) { Debug.Assert(mie != null, "mie != null"); Debug.Assert(pb != null, "pb != null"); bool knownEntityType = CommonUtil.IsClientType(mie.Type); if (knownEntityType) { EntityProjectionAnalyzer.Analyze(mie, pb); } else { NonEntityProjectionAnalyzer.Analyze(mie, pb); } }
internal static void Analyze(Expression e, PathBox pb) { var nepa = new NonEntityProjectionAnalyzer(pb, e.Type); MemberInitExpression mie = e as MemberInitExpression; if (mie != null) { foreach (MemberBinding mb in mie.Bindings) { MemberAssignment ma = mb as MemberAssignment; if (ma != null) { nepa.Visit(ma.Expression); } } } else { nepa.Visit(e); } }
private NonEntityProjectionAnalyzer(PathBox pb, Type type) { = pb; this.type = type; }