コード例 #1
        public void GetBlobCopyStateTest()
            CloudBlobUtil blobUtil = new CloudBlobUtil(CommonStorageAccount);

            StorageBlob.ICloudBlob destBlob = CopyBlobAndWaitForComplete(blobUtil);

                Test.Assert(destBlob.CopyState.Status == StorageBlob.CopyStatus.Success, String.Format("The blob copy using storage client should be success, actually it's {0}", destBlob.CopyState.Status));

                PowerShellAgent agent = new PowerShellAgent();
                Test.Assert(agent.GetAzureStorageBlobCopyState(blobUtil.ContainerName, destBlob.Name, false), "Get copy state should be success");
                int expectedStateCount = 1;
                Test.Assert(agent.Output.Count == expectedStateCount, String.Format("Expected to get {0} copy state, actually it's {1}", expectedStateCount, agent.Output.Count));
                StorageBlob.CopyStatus copyStatus = (StorageBlob.CopyStatus)agent.Output[0]["Status"];
                Test.Assert(copyStatus == StorageBlob.CopyStatus.Success, String.Format("The blob copy should be success, actually it's {0}", copyStatus));
                Uri    sourceUri   = (Uri)agent.Output[0]["Source"];
                string expectedUri = CloudBlobUtil.ConvertCopySourceUri(blobUtil.Blob.Uri.ToString());
                Test.Assert(sourceUri.ToString() == expectedUri, String.Format("Expected source uri is {0}, actully it's {1}", expectedUri, sourceUri.ToString()));

                Test.Assert(!agent.GetAzureStorageBlobCopyState(blobUtil.ContainerName, blobUtil.BlobName, false), "Get copy state should be fail since the specified blob don't have any copy operation");
                Test.Assert(agent.ErrorMessages.Count > 0, "Should return error message");
                string errorMessage = "Can not find copy task on specified blob";
                Test.Assert(agent.ErrorMessages[0].StartsWith(errorMessage), String.Format("Error message should start with {0}, and actually it's {1}", errorMessage, agent.ErrorMessages[0]));
コード例 #2
        private void AssertFinishedCopyState(Uri SourceUri, int startIndex = 0)
            string expectedSourceUri = CloudBlobUtil.ConvertCopySourceUri(SourceUri.ToString());

            Test.Assert(agent.Output.Count > startIndex, String.Format("Should contain the great than {0} copy state, and actually it's {1}", startIndex, agent.Output.Count));
            string sourceUri = ((Uri)agent.Output[startIndex]["Source"]).ToString();

            Test.Assert(sourceUri.StartsWith(expectedSourceUri), String.Format("source uri should start with {0}, and actualy it's {1}", expectedSourceUri, sourceUri));
            StorageBlob.CopyStatus status = (StorageBlob.CopyStatus)agent.Output[startIndex]["Status"];
            Test.Assert(status != StorageBlob.CopyStatus.Pending, String.Format("Copy status should not be Pending, actually it's {0}", status));
            string copyId = (string)agent.Output[startIndex]["CopyId"];

            Test.Assert(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(copyId), "Copy ID should be not empty");
コード例 #3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Create a reference of Windows Azure Storage Account
            StorageCredentials  azureCloudStorageCredentials = new StorageCredentials(azureStorageAccountName, azureStorageAccountKey);
            CloudStorageAccount azureCloudStorageAccount     = new CloudStorageAccount(azureCloudStorageCredentials, true);
            // Get a reference of Blob Container where the objects will be copied
            var blobContainer = azureCloudStorageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient().GetContainerReference(azureBlobContainerName);

            // Create blob container if needed
            Console.WriteLine("Searching for the \"" + azureBlobContainerName + "\" blob container...");
            if (blobContainer.CreateIfNotExists())
                Console.WriteLine("The \"" + azureBlobContainerName + "\" blob container was not found.\nThe container has now been created.");
                Console.WriteLine("The \"" + azureBlobContainerName + "\" blob container was found.");
            // Create a reference of Amazon Client
            AmazonS3Client amazonClient = new AmazonS3Client(amazonAccessKey, amazonSecretKey, Amazon.RegionEndpoint.USEast1);

            // Initialize dictionary
            CopyBlobProgress = new Dictionary <string, CopyBlobProgress>();

            string[] months      = { "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" };
            DateTime today       = DateTime.Now;
            string   todayString = today.ToString("d");

            string[] dateParsed = todayString.Split('/');
            int      day        = Int32.Parse(dateParsed[1]);
            int      month;

            if (Int32.Parse(dateParsed[0]) >= 2)
                month = Int32.Parse(dateParsed[0]) - 2;
                month = Int32.Parse(dateParsed[0]) + 10;
            int year;

            if (day == 1 && Int32.Parse(dateParsed[0]) == 1)
                year = Int32.Parse(dateParsed[2]) - 1;
                year = Int32.Parse(dateParsed[2]);

            string continuationToken   = null;
            bool   continueListObjects = true;

            // Since ListObjects returns a maximum of 1000 objects in a single call,
            // the function will have to be called repeatedly until all objects are returned.
            while (continueListObjects)
                ListObjectsRequest requestToListObjects = new ListObjectsRequest()
                    BucketName = amazonBucketName,
                    Marker     = continuationToken,
                    MaxKeys    = 100,
                Console.WriteLine("Attempting to list objects from the \"" + amazonBucketName + "\" S3 AWS bucket...");
                // List objects from Amazon S3
                var listObjectsResponse = amazonClient.ListObjects(requestToListObjects);
                // Get the list of objects
                var objectsFetchedSoFar = listObjectsResponse.S3Objects;
                Console.WriteLine("Object listing complete. Now beginning the copy process...");
                // See if more objects are available. We'll first process the objects fetched
                // and continue the loop to get next set of objects.
                continuationToken = listObjectsResponse.NextMarker;
                foreach (var s3Object in objectsFetchedSoFar)
                    string objectKey = s3Object.Key;
                    //if (day == 6 && objectKey.Contains("AWS-") && objectKey.Contains(months[month]) && objectKey.Contains(dateParsed[2])) { }
                    //else if (objectKey.Contains("AWS-") && objectKey.Length == 35) continue;
                    if (day == 1 && !objectKey.Contains("CloudTrail-" + months[month] + "-" + dateParsed[2]))
                    else if (day != 1)
                        if (!objectKey.Contains("CloudTrail-" + months[month + 1] + "-" + dateParsed[2]))
                    // Since ListObjects returns both files and folders, for now we'll skip folders
                    // The way we'll check this is by checking the value of S3 Object Key. If it
                    // end with "/" we'll assume it's a folder.
                    if (objectKey.Contains("CloudTrail-Logs-Final"))
                        // Construct the URL to copy
                        string urlToCopy = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, objectUrlFormat, amazonBucketName, objectKey);
                        // Create an instance of CloudBlockBlob
                        string         azureObjectKey = objectKey.Replace("CloudTrail-Logs-Final/", "");
                        CloudBlockBlob blockBlob      = blobContainer.GetBlockBlobReference(azureObjectKey);
                        var            blockBlobUrl   = blockBlob.Uri.AbsoluteUri;
                        if (!CopyBlobProgress.ContainsKey(blockBlobUrl))
                            CopyBlobProgress.Add(blockBlobUrl, new CopyBlobProgress()
                                Status = CopyStatus.NotStarted,
                            // Start the copy process. We would need to put it in try/catch block
                            // as the copy from Amazon S3 will only work with publicly accessible objects.
                            try {
                                Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Attempting to copy from \"{0}\" to \"{1}\"...", urlToCopy, blockBlobUrl));
                                GetPreSignedUrlRequest request1 = new GetPreSignedUrlRequest()
                                    BucketName = amazonBucketName,
                                    Key        = objectKey,
                                    Expires    = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(1)
                                urlToCopy = amazonClient.GetPreSignedURL(request1);
                                blockBlob.StartCopy(new Uri(urlToCopy));
                                CopyBlobProgress[blockBlobUrl].Status = CopyStatus.Started;
                            } catch (Exception exception) {
                                CopyBlobProgress[blockBlobUrl].Status = CopyStatus.Failed;
                                CopyBlobProgress[blockBlobUrl].Error  = exception;
                Console.WriteLine("Checking the status of copy processes...");

                Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.Blob.CopyStatus[] tracker = new Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.Blob.CopyStatus[1000];
                // Now track the progress
                bool checkForBlobCopyStatus = true;
                while (checkForBlobCopyStatus)
                    // List blobs in the blob container
                    var  blobsList = blobContainer.ListBlobs("", true, BlobListingDetails.Copy);
                    int  x         = 0;
                    bool written   = false;
                    foreach (var blob in blobsList)
                        var tempBlockBlob = blob as CloudBlob;
                        var copyStatus    = tempBlockBlob.CopyState;
                        if (CopyBlobProgress.ContainsKey(tempBlockBlob.Uri.AbsoluteUri))
                            var copyBlobProgress = CopyBlobProgress[tempBlockBlob.Uri.AbsoluteUri];
                            if (copyStatus != null && !copyStatus.Status.Equals(tracker[x]))
                                tracker[x] = copyStatus.Status;
                                Console.Write(string.Format("Status of \"{0}\" blob copy: ", tempBlockBlob.Uri.AbsoluteUri, copyStatus.Status));
                                switch (copyStatus.Status)
                                case Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.Blob.CopyStatus.Aborted:
                                    if (copyBlobProgress != null)
                                        copyBlobProgress.Status = CopyStatus.Aborted;

                                case Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.Blob.CopyStatus.Failed:
                                    if (copyBlobProgress != null)
                                        copyBlobProgress.Status = CopyStatus.Failed;

                                case Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.Blob.CopyStatus.Invalid:
                                    if (copyBlobProgress != null)
                                        copyBlobProgress.Status = CopyStatus.Invalid;

                                case Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.Blob.CopyStatus.Pending:
                                    if (copyBlobProgress != null)
                                        copyBlobProgress.Status = CopyStatus.Pending;

                                case Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.Blob.CopyStatus.Success:
                                    if (copyBlobProgress != null)
                                        copyBlobProgress.Status = CopyStatus.Success;
                                written = true;
                    if (written)
                        written = false;
                    var pendingBlob = CopyBlobProgress.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Value.Status == CopyStatus.Pending);
                    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pendingBlob.Key))
                        checkForBlobCopyStatus = false;
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(continuationToken))
                    continueListObjects = false;
            Console.WriteLine("Process completed!");
            Console.Write("Press any key to terminate the program...");
コード例 #4
        public void GetCopyStateWhenCopyingTest()
            StorageBlob.CloudBlobContainer Container = blobUtil.CreateContainer();
            string ContainerName = Container.Name;
            string BlobName      = Utility.GenNameString("blockblob");

            StorageBlob.CloudBlockBlob Blob = (StorageBlob.CloudBlockBlob)blobUtil.CreateBlockBlob(Container, BlobName);

            string uri = Test.Data.Get("BigFileUri");

            Test.Assert(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(uri), string.Format("Big file uri should be not empty, actually it's {0}", uri));

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(uri))

            Blob.StartCopy(new Uri(uri));

            int maxMonitorTime = 30;   //seconds
            int checkCount     = 0;
            int sleepInterval  = 1000; //ms

            StorageBlob.CopyStatus status = StorageBlob.CopyStatus.Pending;

                int expectedCopyStateCount = 1;

                    Test.Info(String.Format("{0}th check current copy state", checkCount));
                    Test.Assert(agent.GetAzureStorageBlobCopyState(ContainerName, BlobName, false), "Get copy state in dest container should be successed.");

                    Test.Assert(agent.Output.Count == expectedCopyStateCount, String.Format("Should contain {0} copy state, and actually it's {1}", expectedCopyStateCount, agent.Output.Count));
                    status = (StorageBlob.CopyStatus)agent.Output[0]["Status"];
                    Test.Assert(status == StorageBlob.CopyStatus.Pending, String.Format("Copy status should be Pending, actually it's {0}", status));
                }while (status == StorageBlob.CopyStatus.Pending && checkCount < maxMonitorTime);

                Test.Info("Finish the monitor loop and try to abort copy");

                catch (StorageException e)
                    //TODO use extension method
                    if (e.RequestInformation != null && e.RequestInformation.HttpStatusCode == 409)
                        Test.Info("Skip 409 abort conflict exception. Error:{0}", e.Message);
                        Test.Info("Detail Error Message: {0}", e.RequestInformation.HttpStatusMessage);
                        Test.AssertFail(String.Format("Can't abort copy. Error: {0}", e.Message));

                Test.Assert(agent.GetAzureStorageBlobCopyState(ContainerName, BlobName, false), "Get copy state in dest container should be successed.");
                Test.Assert(agent.Output.Count == expectedCopyStateCount, String.Format("Should contain {0} copy state, and actually it's {1}", expectedCopyStateCount, agent.Output.Count));
                status = (StorageBlob.CopyStatus)agent.Output[0]["Status"];
                Test.Assert(status == StorageBlob.CopyStatus.Aborted, String.Format("Copy status should be Aborted, actually it's {0}", status));