async Task SetBreakpoint(SessionId sessionId, DebugStore store, BreakpointRequest req, bool sendResolvedEvent, CancellationToken token) { var context = GetContext(sessionId); if (req.Locations.Any()) { Log("debug", $"locations already loaded for {req.Id}"); return; } var comparer = new SourceLocation.LocationComparer(); // if column is specified the frontend wants the exact matches // and will clear the bp if it isn't close enoug var locations = store.FindBreakpointLocations(req) .Distinct(comparer) .Where(l => l.Line == req.Line && (req.Column == 0 || l.Column == req.Column)) .OrderBy(l => l.Column) .GroupBy(l => l.Id); logger.LogDebug("BP request for '{req}' runtime ready {context.RuntimeReady}", req, GetContext(sessionId).IsRuntimeReady); var breakpoints = new List <Breakpoint>(); foreach (var sourceId in locations) { var loc = sourceId.First(); var bp = await SetMonoBreakpoint(sessionId, req.Id, loc, token); // If we didn't successfully enable the breakpoint // don't add it to the list of locations for this id if (bp.State != BreakpointState.Active) { continue; } breakpoints.Add(bp); var resolvedLocation = new { breakpointId = req.Id, location = loc.AsLocation() }; if (sendResolvedEvent) { SendEvent(sessionId, "Debugger.breakpointResolved", JObject.FromObject(resolvedLocation), token); } } req.Locations.AddRange(breakpoints); return; }
protected override async Task <bool> AcceptCommand(MessageId id, string method, JObject args, CancellationToken token) { // Inspector doesn't use the Target domain or sessions // so we try to init immediately if (hideWebDriver && id == SessionId.Null) { await DeleteWebDriver(id, token); } if (!contexts.TryGetValue(id, out var context)) { return(false); } switch (method) { case "Target.attachToTarget": { var resp = await SendCommand(id, method, args, token); await DeleteWebDriver(new SessionId(resp.Value["sessionId"]?.ToString()), token); break; } case "Debugger.enable": { var resp = await SendCommand(id, method, args, token); context.DebuggerId = resp.Value["debuggerId"]?.ToString(); if (await IsRuntimeAlreadyReadyAlready(id, token)) { await RuntimeReady(id, token); } SendResponse(id, resp, token); return(true); } case "Debugger.getScriptSource": { var script = args?["scriptId"]?.Value <string>(); return(await OnGetScriptSource(id, script, token)); } case "Runtime.compileScript": { var exp = args?["expression"]?.Value <string>(); if (exp.StartsWith("//dotnet:", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { OnCompileDotnetScript(id, token); return(true); } break; } case "Debugger.getPossibleBreakpoints": { var resp = await SendCommand(id, method, args, token); if (resp.IsOk && resp.Value["locations"].HasValues) { SendResponse(id, resp, token); return(true); } var start = SourceLocation.Parse(args?["start"] as JObject); //FIXME support variant where restrictToFunction=true and end is omitted var end = SourceLocation.Parse(args?["end"] as JObject); if (start != null && end != null && await GetPossibleBreakpoints(id, start, end, token)) { return(true); } SendResponse(id, resp, token); return(true); } case "Debugger.setBreakpoint": { break; } case "Debugger.setBreakpointByUrl": { var resp = await SendCommand(id, method, args, token); if (!resp.IsOk) { SendResponse(id, resp, token); return(true); } var bpid = resp.Value["breakpointId"]?.ToString(); var locations = resp.Value["locations"]?.Values <object>(); var request = BreakpointRequest.Parse(bpid, args); // is the store done loading? var loaded = context.Source.Task.IsCompleted; if (!loaded) { // Send and empty response immediately if not // and register the breakpoint for resolution context.BreakpointRequests[bpid] = request; SendResponse(id, resp, token); } if (await IsRuntimeAlreadyReadyAlready(id, token)) { var store = await RuntimeReady(id, token); Log("verbose", $"BP req {args}"); await SetBreakpoint(id, store, request, !loaded, token); } if (loaded) { // we were already loaded so we should send a response // with the locations included and register the request context.BreakpointRequests[bpid] = request; var result = Result.OkFromObject(request.AsSetBreakpointByUrlResponse(locations)); SendResponse(id, result, token); } return(true); } case "Debugger.removeBreakpoint": { await RemoveBreakpoint(id, args, token); break; } case "Debugger.resume": { await OnResume(id, token); break; } case "Debugger.stepInto": { return(await Step(id, StepKind.Into, token)); } case "Debugger.stepOut": { return(await Step(id, StepKind.Out, token)); } case "Debugger.stepOver": { return(await Step(id, StepKind.Over, token)); } case "Debugger.evaluateOnCallFrame": { if (!DotnetObjectId.TryParse(args?["callFrameId"], out var objectId)) { return(false); } switch (objectId.Scheme) { case "scope": return(await OnEvaluateOnCallFrame(id, int.Parse(objectId.Value), args?["expression"]?.Value <string>(), token)); default: return(false); } } case "Runtime.getProperties": { if (!DotnetObjectId.TryParse(args?["objectId"], out var objectId)) { break; } var result = await RuntimeGetProperties(id, objectId, args, token); SendResponse(id, result, token); return(true); } case "Runtime.releaseObject": { if (!(DotnetObjectId.TryParse(args["objectId"], out var objectId) && objectId.Scheme == "cfo_res")) { break; } await SendMonoCommand(id, MonoCommands.ReleaseObject(objectId), token); SendResponse(id, Result.OkFromObject(new { }), token); return(true); } case "Debugger.setPauseOnExceptions": { string state = args["state"].Value <string>(); await SendMonoCommand(id, MonoCommands.SetPauseOnExceptions(state), token); // Pass this on to JS too return(false); } // Protocol extensions case "DotnetDebugger.addSymbolServerUrl": { string url = args["url"]?.Value <string>(); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(url) && !urlSymbolServerList.Contains(url)) { urlSymbolServerList.Add(url); } SendResponse(id, Result.OkFromObject(new { }), token); return(true); } case "DotnetDebugger.getMethodLocation": { Console.WriteLine("set-breakpoint-by-method: " + id + " " + args); var store = await RuntimeReady(id, token); string aname = args["assemblyName"]?.Value <string>(); string typeName = args["typeName"]?.Value <string>(); string methodName = args["methodName"]?.Value <string>(); if (aname == null || typeName == null || methodName == null) { SendResponse(id, Result.Err("Invalid protocol message '" + args + "'."), token); return(true); } // GetAssemblyByName seems to work on file names var assembly = store.GetAssemblyByName(aname); if (assembly == null) { assembly = store.GetAssemblyByName(aname + ".exe"); } if (assembly == null) { assembly = store.GetAssemblyByName(aname + ".dll"); } if (assembly == null) { SendResponse(id, Result.Err("Assembly '" + aname + "' not found."), token); return(true); } var type = assembly.GetTypeByName(typeName); if (type == null) { SendResponse(id, Result.Err($"Type '{typeName}' not found."), token); return(true); } var methodInfo = type.Methods.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Name == methodName); if (methodInfo == null) { // Maybe this is an async method, in which case the debug info is attached // to the async method implementation, in class named: // `{type_name}/<method_name>::MoveNext` methodInfo = assembly.TypesByName.Values.SingleOrDefault(t => t.FullName.StartsWith($"{typeName}/<{methodName}>"))? .Methods.FirstOrDefault(mi => mi.Name == "MoveNext"); } if (methodInfo == null) { SendResponse(id, Result.Err($"Method '{typeName}:{methodName}' not found."), token); return(true); } var src_url = methodInfo.Assembly.Sources.Single(sf => sf.SourceId == methodInfo.SourceId).Url; SendResponse(id, Result.OkFromObject(new { result = new { line = methodInfo.StartLocation.Line, column = methodInfo.StartLocation.Column, url = src_url } }), token); return(true); } case "Runtime.callFunctionOn": { if (!DotnetObjectId.TryParse(args["objectId"], out var objectId)) { return(false); } if (objectId.Scheme == "scope") { SendResponse(id, Result.Exception(new ArgumentException( $"Runtime.callFunctionOn not supported with scope ({objectId}).")), token); return(true); } var res = await SendMonoCommand(id, MonoCommands.CallFunctionOn(args), token); var res_value_type = res.Value?["result"]?["value"]?.Type; if (res.IsOk && res_value_type == JTokenType.Object || res_value_type == JTokenType.Object) { res = Result.OkFromObject(new { result = res.Value["result"]["value"] }); } SendResponse(id, res, token); return(true); } } return(false); }