/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ServiceToolWindow"/> class. /// </summary> public ServiceToolWindow(ToolWindowContext context) : base(null) { // This is the user control hosted by the tool window; Note that, even if this class implements IDisposable, // we are not calling Dispose on this object. This is because ToolWindowPane calls Dispose on // the object returned by the Content property. this.Content = new ServiceToolWindowControl(context); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ServiceToolWindowControl"/> class. /// </summary> public ServiceToolWindowControl(ToolWindowContext context) { this.InitializeComponent(); this.Focusable = true; this.GotFocus += TermWindowControl_GotFocus; var target = new TerminalEvent(context.Package, this.terminalView, context.SolutionUtils); this.rpc = JsonRpc.Attach(context.ServiceHubStream, target); this.package = context.Package; this.solutionUtils = context.SolutionUtils; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="TermWindowControl"/> class. /// </summary> public TermWindowControl(ToolWindowContext context) { this.InitializeComponent(); this.package = context.Package; this.Focusable = true; this.GotFocus += TermWindowControl_GotFocus; var target = new TerminalEvent(context.Package, this.terminalView, context.SolutionUtils); var rpc = JsonRpc.Attach(context.ServiceHubStream, target); context.SolutionUtils.SolutionChanged += SolutionUtils_SolutionChanged; VSColorTheme.ThemeChanged += VSColorTheme_ThemeChanged; this.terminalView.ScriptingObject = new TerminalScriptingObject(context.Package, rpc, context.SolutionUtils, null, true, null, null, null); string extensionDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location); string rootPath = Path.Combine(extensionDirectory, "WebView\\default.html").Replace("\\\\", "\\"); this.terminalView.Navigate(new Uri(rootPath)); }