public static STGMEDIUM GetData(Microsoft.VisualStudio.OLE.Interop.IDataObject pDataObject, ref FORMATETC fmtetc) { FORMATETC[] af = new FORMATETC[1]; af[0] = fmtetc; STGMEDIUM[] sm = new STGMEDIUM[1]; pDataObject.GetData(af, sm); fmtetc = af[0]; return(sm[0]); }
void OleInterop.IDataObject.GetData(OleInterop.FORMATETC[] pformatetcIn, OleInterop.STGMEDIUM[] pRemoteMedium) { if (null != oleData) { oleData.GetData(pformatetcIn, pRemoteMedium); return; } // Check that the arrays are not null and with only one element. if ((null == pformatetcIn) || (pformatetcIn.Length != 1) || (null == pRemoteMedium) || (pRemoteMedium.Length != 1)) { throw new ArgumentException(); } // Call the method on the BCL interface BclComTypes.FORMATETC bclFormat = StructConverter.OleFormatETC2Bcl(ref pformatetcIn[0]); BclComTypes.STGMEDIUM bclMedium; bclData.GetData(ref bclFormat, out bclMedium); pRemoteMedium[0] = StructConverter.BclSTGMEDIUM2Ole(ref bclMedium); }
public static STGMEDIUM GetData(Microsoft.VisualStudio.OLE.Interop.IDataObject dataObject, ref FORMATETC fmtetc) { if (dataObject == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("dataObject"); } FORMATETC[] af = new FORMATETC[1]; af[0] = fmtetc; STGMEDIUM[] sm = new STGMEDIUM[1]; dataObject.GetData(af, sm); fmtetc = af[0]; return(sm[0]); }