コード例 #1
ファイル: UndeployHost.cs プロジェクト: venkatgude90/tye
        public static async Task UndeployAsync(OutputContext output, FileInfo path, string @namespace, bool interactive, bool whatIf, ApplicationFactoryFilter?filter = null)
            var watch = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();

            var application = await ApplicationFactory.CreateAsync(output, path, null, filter);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(@namespace))
                application.Namespace = @namespace;

            await ExecuteUndeployAsync(output, application, @namespace, interactive, whatIf);


            TimeSpan elapsedTime = watch.Elapsed;

            output.WriteAlwaysLine($"Time Elapsed: {elapsedTime.Hours:00}:{elapsedTime.Minutes:00}:{elapsedTime.Seconds:00}:{elapsedTime.Milliseconds / 10:00}");
コード例 #2
        public static async Task UndeployAsync(IConsole console, FileInfo path, Verbosity verbosity, string @namespace, bool interactive, bool whatIf)
            var watch = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();

            var output = new OutputContext(console, verbosity);

            output.WriteInfoLine("Loading Application Details...");

            // We don't need to know anything about the services, just the application name.
            var application = ConfigFactory.FromFile(path);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(@namespace))
                application.Namespace = @namespace;

            await ExecuteUndeployAsync(output, application, @namespace, interactive, whatIf);


            TimeSpan elapsedTime = watch.Elapsed;

            output.WriteAlwaysLine($"Time Elapsed: {elapsedTime.Hours:00}:{elapsedTime.Minutes:00}:{elapsedTime.Seconds:00}:{elapsedTime.Milliseconds / 10:00}");
コード例 #3
ファイル: UndeployHost.cs プロジェクト: zh6335901/tye
        public static async Task UndeployAsync(IConsole console, FileInfo path, Verbosity verbosity, string @namespace, bool interactive, bool whatIf, string[] tags)
            var watch = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();

            var output = new OutputContext(console, verbosity);

            output.WriteInfoLine("Loading Application Details...");

            var filter      = ApplicationFactoryFilter.GetApplicationFactoryFilter(tags);
            var application = await ApplicationFactory.CreateAsync(output, path, filter);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(@namespace))
                application.Namespace = @namespace;

            await ExecuteUndeployAsync(output, application, @namespace, interactive, whatIf);


            TimeSpan elapsedTime = watch.Elapsed;

            output.WriteAlwaysLine($"Time Elapsed: {elapsedTime.Hours:00}:{elapsedTime.Minutes:00}:{elapsedTime.Seconds:00}:{elapsedTime.Milliseconds / 10:00}");
コード例 #4
        public static async Task ExecuteUndeployAsync(OutputContext output, ConfigApplication application, string @namespace, bool interactive, bool whatIf)
            var config = KubernetesClientConfiguration.BuildDefaultConfig();

            var kubernetes = new Kubernetes(config);

            // If namespace is null, set it to default
            config.Namespace ??= "default";

            // Due to some limitations in the k8s SDK we currently have a hardcoded list of resource
            // types that we handle deletes for. If we start adding extensibility for the *kinds* of
            // k8s resources we create, or the ability to deploy additional files along with the
            // resources we understand then we should revisit this.
            // Basically the challenges are:
            // - kubectl api-resources --all (and similar) are implemented client-side (n+1 problem)
            // - the C# k8s SDK doesn't have an untyped api for operations on arbitrary resources, the
            //   closest thing is the custom resource APIs
            // - Legacy resources without an api group don't follow the same URL scheme as more modern
            //   ones, and thus cannot be addressed using the custom resource APIs.
            // So solving 'undeploy' generically would involve doing a bunch of work to query things
            // generically, including going outside of what's provided by the SDK.
            // - querying api-resources
            // - querying api-groups
            // - handcrafing requests to list for each resource
            // - handcrafting requests to delete each resource
            var resources = new List <Resource>();

            var applicationName = application.Name;

                output.WriteDebugLine("Querying services");
                var response = await kubernetes.ListNamespacedServiceWithHttpMessagesAsync(
                    labelSelector : $"app.kubernetes.io/part-of={applicationName}");

                foreach (var resource in response.Body.Items)
                    resource.Kind = V1Service.KubeKind;

                resources.AddRange(response.Body.Items.Select(item => new Resource(item.Kind, item.Metadata, DeleteService)));
                output.WriteDebugLine($"Found {response.Body.Items.Count} matching services");
            catch (Exception ex)
                output.WriteDebugLine("Failed to query services.");
                throw new CommandException("Unable connect to kubernetes.", ex);

                output.WriteDebugLine("Querying deployments");
                var response = await kubernetes.ListNamespacedDeploymentWithHttpMessagesAsync(
                    labelSelector : $"app.kubernetes.io/part-of={applicationName}");

                foreach (var resource in response.Body.Items)
                    resource.Kind = V1Deployment.KubeKind;

                resources.AddRange(response.Body.Items.Select(item => new Resource(item.Kind, item.Metadata, DeleteDeployment)));
                output.WriteDebugLine($"Found {response.Body.Items.Count} matching deployments");
            catch (Exception ex)
                output.WriteDebugLine("Failed to query deployments.");
                throw new CommandException("Unable connect to kubernetes.", ex);

                output.WriteDebugLine("Querying secrets");
                var response = await kubernetes.ListNamespacedSecretWithHttpMessagesAsync(
                    labelSelector : $"app.kubernetes.io/part-of={applicationName}");

                foreach (var resource in response.Body.Items)
                    resource.Kind = V1Secret.KubeKind;

                resources.AddRange(response.Body.Items.Select(item => new Resource(item.Kind, item.Metadata, DeleteSecret)));
                output.WriteDebugLine($"Found {response.Body.Items.Count} matching secrets");
            catch (Exception ex)
                output.WriteDebugLine("Failed to query secrets.");
                throw new CommandException("Unable connect to kubernetes.", ex);

                output.WriteDebugLine("Querying ingresses");
                var response = await kubernetes.ListNamespacedIngressWithHttpMessagesAsync(
                    labelSelector : $"app.kubernetes.io/part-of={applicationName}");

                foreach (var resource in response.Body.Items)
                    resource.Kind = "Ingress";

                resources.AddRange(response.Body.Items.Select(item => new Resource(item.Kind, item.Metadata, DeleteIngress)));
                output.WriteDebugLine($"Found {response.Body.Items.Count} matching ingress");
            catch (Exception ex)
                output.WriteDebugLine("Failed to query ingress.");
                throw new CommandException("Unable connect to kubernetes.", ex);

            output.WriteInfoLine($"Found {resources.Count} resource(s).");

            var exceptions = new List <(Resource resource, HttpOperationException exception)>();

            foreach (var resource in resources)
                var operation = Operations.Delete;
                if (interactive && !output.Confirm($"Delete {resource.Kind} '{resource.Metadata.Name}'?"))
                    operation = Operations.None;

                if (whatIf && operation == Operations.Delete)
                    operation = Operations.Explain;

                if (operation == Operations.None)
                    output.WriteAlwaysLine($"Skipping '{resource.Kind}' '{resource.Metadata.Name}' ...");
                else if (operation == Operations.Explain)
                    output.WriteAlwaysLine($"whatif: Deleting '{resource.Kind}' '{resource.Metadata.Name}' ...");
                else if (operation == Operations.Delete)
                    output.WriteAlwaysLine($"Deleting '{resource.Kind}' '{resource.Metadata.Name}' ...");

                        var response = await resource.Deleter(resource.Metadata.Name);

                        output.WriteDebugLine($"Successfully deleted resource: '{resource.Kind}' '{resource.Metadata.Name}'.");
                    catch (HttpOperationException ex)
                        output.WriteDebugLine($"Failed to delete resource: '{resource.Kind}' '{resource.Metadata.Name}'.");
                        exceptions.Add((resource, ex));

            if (exceptions.Count > 0)
                throw new CommandException(
                          $"Failed to delete some resources: " + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine +
                          string.Join(Environment.NewLine, exceptions.Select(e => $"\t'{e.resource.Kind}' '{e.resource.Metadata.Name}': {e.exception.Body}.")));

            Task <Rest.HttpOperationResponse <V1Status> > DeleteService(string name)
                return(kubernetes !.DeleteNamespacedServiceWithHttpMessagesAsync(name, config !.Namespace));

            Task <Rest.HttpOperationResponse <V1Status> > DeleteDeployment(string name)
                return(kubernetes !.DeleteNamespacedDeploymentWithHttpMessagesAsync(name, config !.Namespace));

            Task <Rest.HttpOperationResponse <V1Status> > DeleteSecret(string name)
                return(kubernetes !.DeleteNamespacedSecretWithHttpMessagesAsync(name, config !.Namespace));

            Task <Rest.HttpOperationResponse <V1Status> > DeleteIngress(string name)
                return(kubernetes !.DeleteNamespacedIngressWithHttpMessagesAsync(name, config !.Namespace));
コード例 #5
        private static async Task ExecuteDeployAsync(OutputContext output, ApplicationBuilder application, string environment, bool interactive, bool force)
            var watch = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();

            if (!await KubectlDetector.IsKubectlInstalledAsync(output))
                throw new CommandException($"Cannot apply manifests because kubectl is not installed.");

            if (!await KubectlDetector.IsKubectlConnectedToClusterAsync(output))
                throw new CommandException($"Cannot apply manifests because kubectl is not connected to a cluster.");

            await application.ProcessExtensionsAsync(options : null, output, ExtensionContext.OperationKind.Deploy);

            ApplyRegistry(output, application, interactive, requireRegistry: true);

            var executor = new ApplicationExecutor(output)
                ServiceSteps =
                    new ApplyContainerDefaultsStep(),
                    new CombineStep()
                        Environment = environment,
                    new PublishProjectStep(),
                    new BuildDockerImageStep()
                        Environment = environment,
                    new PushDockerImageStep()
                        Environment = environment,
                    new ValidateSecretStep()
                        Environment = environment,   Interactive= interactive, Force = force,
                    new GenerateServiceKubernetesManifestStep()
                        Environment = environment,

                IngressSteps =
                    new ValidateIngressStep()
                        Environment = environment, Interactive = interactive, Force = force,
                    new GenerateIngressKubernetesManifestStep(),

                ApplicationSteps =
                    new DeployApplicationKubernetesManifestStep(),

            await executor.ExecuteAsync(application);


            TimeSpan elapsedTime = watch.Elapsed;

            output.WriteAlwaysLine($"Time Elapsed: {elapsedTime.Hours:00}:{elapsedTime.Minutes:00}:{elapsedTime.Seconds:00}:{elapsedTime.Milliseconds / 10:00}");
コード例 #6
        public override async Task ExecuteAsync(OutputContext output, ApplicationBuilder application, IngressBuilder ingress)
            // This code assumes that in the future we might support other ingress types besides nginx.
            // Right now we only know some hardcoded details about ingress-nginx that we use for both
            // validation and generation of manifests.
            // For instance we don't support k8s 1.18.X IngressClass resources because that version
            // isn't broadly available yet.
            var ingressClass = "nginx";

            if (!IngressClasses.Add(ingressClass))
                output.WriteDebugLine($"Already validated ingress class '{ingressClass}'.");

            if (await KubectlDetector.GetKubernetesServerVersion(output) == null)
                throw new CommandException($"Cannot validate ingress because kubectl is not installed.");

            if (!await KubectlDetector.IsKubectlConnectedToClusterAsync(output))
                throw new CommandException($"Cannot validate ingress because kubectl is not connected to a cluster.");

            output.WriteDebugLine($"Validating ingress class '{ingressClass}'.");
            var config = KubernetesClientConfiguration.BuildDefaultConfig();

            // If namespace is null, set it to default
            config.Namespace ??= "default";

            var kubernetes = new Kubernetes(config);

            // Looking for a deployment using a standard label.
            // Note: using a deployment instead of a service - minikube doesn't create a service for the controller.

                var result = await kubernetes.ListDeploymentForAllNamespacesWithHttpMessagesAsync(
                    labelSelector : "app.kubernetes.io/name in (ingress-nginx, nginx-ingress-controller)");

                if (result.Body.Items.Count > 0)
                    foreach (var service in result.Body.Items)
                        output.WriteInfoLine($"Found existing ingress controller '{service.Metadata.Name}' in namespace '{service.Metadata.NamespaceProperty}'.");

            catch (HttpOperationException ex) when(ex.Response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.NotFound)
                // The kubernetes client uses exceptions for 404s.
            catch (Exception ex)
                output.WriteDebugLine("Failed to query secret.");
                throw new CommandException("Unable connect to kubernetes.", ex);

            if (Force)
                output.WriteDebugLine("Skipping because force was specified.");

            if (!Interactive)
                throw new CommandException(
                          $"An ingress was specified for the application, but the 'ingress-nginx' controller could not be found. " +
                          $"Rerun the command with --interactive to deploy a controller for development, or with --force to skip validation. Alternatively " +
                          $"see our documentation on ingress: https://aka.ms/tye/ingress");

                "Tye can deploy the ingress-nginx controller for you. This will be a basic deployment suitable for " +
                "experimentation and development. Your production needs, or requirements may differ depending on your Kubernetes distribution. " +
                "See: https://aka.ms/tye/ingress for documentation.");
            if (!output.Confirm($"Deploy ingress-nginx"))
                // user skipped deployment of ingress, continue with deployment.

            // We want to be able to detect minikube because the process for enabling nginx-ingress is different there,
            // it's shipped as an addon.
            // see: https://github.com/telepresenceio/telepresence/blob/4364fd83d5926bef46babd704e7bd6c82a75dbd6/telepresence/startup.py#L220
            if (config.CurrentContext == "minikube")
                output.WriteDebugLine($"Running 'minikube addons enable ingress'");
                output.WriteCommandLine("minikube", "addon enable ingress");
                var capture  = output.Capture();
                var exitCode = await ProcessUtil.ExecuteAsync(
                    $"addons enable ingress",
                    stdOut : capture.StdOut,
                    stdErr : capture.StdErr);

                output.WriteDebugLine($"Done running 'minikube addons enable ingress' exit code: {exitCode}");
                if (exitCode != 0)
                    throw new CommandException("'minikube addons enable ingress' failed.");

                output.WriteInfoLine($"Deployed ingress-nginx.");
                // If we get here then we should deploy the ingress controller.

                // The first time we apply the ingress controller, the validating webhook will not have started.
                // This causes an error to be returned from the process. As this always happens, we are going to
                // not check the error returned and assume the kubectl command worked. This is double checked in
                // the future as well when we try to create the ingress resource.

                output.WriteDebugLine($"Running 'kubectl apply'");
                output.WriteCommandLine("kubectl", $"apply -f \"https://aka.ms/tye/ingress/deploy\"");
                var capture  = output.Capture();
                var exitCode = await ProcessUtil.ExecuteAsync(
                    $"apply -f \"https://aka.ms/tye/ingress/deploy\"",

                output.WriteDebugLine($"Done running 'kubectl apply' exit code: {exitCode}");

                output.WriteInfoLine($"Waiting for ingress-nginx controller to start.");

                // We need to then wait for the webhooks that are created by ingress-nginx to start. Deploying an ingress immediately
                // after creating the controller will fail if the webhook isn't ready.
                // Internal error occurred: failed calling webhook "validate.nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io":
                // Post https://ingress-nginx-controller-admission.ingress-nginx.svc:443/networking.k8s.io/v1/ingresses?timeout=30s:
                // dial tcp connect: connection refused
                // Unfortunately this is the likely case for us.

                    output.WriteDebugLine("Watching for ingress-nginx controller readiness...");
                    var response = await kubernetes.ListNamespacedPodWithHttpMessagesAsync(
                        namespaceParameter : "ingress-nginx",
                        labelSelector : "app.kubernetes.io/component=controller,app.kubernetes.io/name=ingress-nginx",
                        watch : true);

                    var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource <object?>();
                    using var watcher = response.Watch <V1Pod, V1PodList>(
                              onEvent: (@event, pod) =>
                        // Wait for the readiness-check to pass.
                        if (pod.Status.Conditions.All(c => string.Equals(c.Status, bool.TrueString, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))
                            tcs.TrySetResult(null);     // Success!
                            output.WriteDebugLine($"Pod '{pod.Metadata.Name}' is ready.");
                              onError: ex =>
                        output.WriteDebugLine("Watch operation failed.");
                              onClosed: () =>
                        // YOLO?
                        output.WriteDebugLine("Watch operation completed.");

                    await tcs.Task;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    output.WriteDebugLine("Failed to ingress-nginx pods.");
                    throw new CommandException("Failed to query ingress-nginx pods.", ex);

                output.WriteInfoLine($"Deployed ingress-nginx.");
コード例 #7
ファイル: ValidateSecretStep.cs プロジェクト: akshay123/tye
        public override async Task ExecuteAsync(OutputContext output, ApplicationBuilder application, ServiceBuilder service)
            var bindings = service.Outputs.OfType <ComputedBindings>().FirstOrDefault();

            if (bindings is null)

            foreach (var binding in bindings.Bindings)
                if (binding is SecretInputBinding secretInputBinding)
                    if (!Secrets.Add(secretInputBinding.Name))
                        output.WriteDebugLine($"Already validated secret '{secretInputBinding.Name}'.");

                    output.WriteDebugLine($"Validating secret '{secretInputBinding.Name}'.");

                    var config = KubernetesClientConfiguration.BuildDefaultConfig();

                    // Workaround for https://github.com/kubernetes-client/csharp/issues/372
                    var store = await KubernetesClientConfiguration.LoadKubeConfigAsync();

                    var context = store.Contexts.Where(c => c.Name == config.CurrentContext).FirstOrDefault();

                    // Use namespace of application, or current context, or 'default'
                    config.Namespace = application.Namespace;
                    config.Namespace ??= context?.ContextDetails?.Namespace ?? "default";

                    var kubernetes = new Kubernetes(config);

                        var result = await kubernetes.ReadNamespacedSecretWithHttpMessagesAsync(secretInputBinding.Name, config.Namespace);

                        output.WriteInfoLine($"Found existing secret '{secretInputBinding.Name}'.");
                    catch (HttpOperationException ex) when(ex.Response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.NotFound)
                        // The kubernetes client uses exceptions for 404s.
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        output.WriteDebugLine("Failed to query secret.");
                        throw new CommandException("Unable connect to kubernetes.", ex);

                    if (Force)
                        output.WriteDebugLine("Skipping because force was specified.");

                    if (!Interactive && secretInputBinding is SecretConnectionStringInputBinding)
                        throw new CommandException(
                                  $"The secret '{secretInputBinding.Name}' used for service '{secretInputBinding.Service.Name}' is missing from the deployment environment. " +
                                  $"Rerun the command with --interactive to specify the value interactively, or with --force to skip validation. Alternatively " +
                                  $"use the following command to manually create the secret." + System.Environment.NewLine +
                                  $"kubectl create secret generic {secretInputBinding.Name} --namespace {config.Namespace} --from-literal=connectionstring=<value>");

                    if (!Interactive && secretInputBinding is SecretUrlInputBinding)
                        throw new CommandException(
                                  $"The secret '{secretInputBinding.Name}' used for service '{secretInputBinding.Service.Name}' is missing from the deployment environment. " +
                                  $"Rerun the command with --interactive to specify the value interactively, or with --force to skip validation. Alternatively " +
                                  $"use the following command to manually create the secret." + System.Environment.NewLine +
                                  $"kubectl create secret generic {secretInputBinding.Name} --namespace {config.Namespace} --from-literal=protocol=<value> --from-literal=host=<value> --from-literal=port=<value>");

                    V1Secret secret;
                    if (secretInputBinding is SecretConnectionStringInputBinding)
                        // If we get here then we should create the secret.
                        var text = output.Prompt($"Enter the connection string to use for service '{secretInputBinding.Service.Name}'", allowEmpty: true);
                        if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(text))
                            output.WriteAlwaysLine($"Skipping creation of secret for '{secretInputBinding.Service.Name}'. This may prevent creation of pods until secrets are created.");
                            output.WriteAlwaysLine($"Manually create a secret with:");
                            output.WriteAlwaysLine($"kubectl create secret generic {secretInputBinding.Name} --namespace {config.Namespace} --from-literal=connectionstring=<value>");

                        secret = new V1Secret(type: "Opaque", stringData: new Dictionary <string, string>()
                            { "connectionstring", text },
                    else if (secretInputBinding is SecretUrlInputBinding)
                        // If we get here then we should create the secret.
                        string text;
                        Uri?   uri = null;
                        while (true)
                            text = output.Prompt($"Enter the URI to use for service '{secretInputBinding.Service.Name}'", allowEmpty: true);
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
                                break; // skip
                            else if (Uri.TryCreate(text, UriKind.Absolute, out uri))
                                break; // success

                            output.WriteAlwaysLine($"Invalid URI: '{text}'");

                        if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(text))
                            output.WriteAlwaysLine($"Skipping creation of secret for '{secretInputBinding.Service.Name}'. This may prevent creation of pods until secrets are created.");
                            output.WriteAlwaysLine($"Manually create a secret with:");
                            output.WriteAlwaysLine($"kubectl create secret generic {secretInputBinding.Name} --namespace {config.Namespace} --from-literal=protocol=<value> --from-literal=host=<value> --from-literal=port=<value>");

                        secret = new V1Secret(type: "Opaque", stringData: new Dictionary <string, string>()
                            { "protocol", uri !.Scheme },